Doctor of Design
Proposal with Revisions (Submitted May 12, 2020) ................................................... 2
Appendix A (Tables 1-4) ............................................................................................ 35
Appendix B (Signature Page) .................................................................................... 42
Appendix C (Faculty CV) ........................................................................................... 45
Appendix D (External Consultant’s Report) ............................................................. 300
Appendix E (Letters of Support) .............................................................................. 304
Initial Approval Notification Memo (Dated February 25, 2020) ................................ 317
Response to Board Staff Questions ......................................................................... 318
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I. Program Description and Relationship to System-Level Goals
A. Briefly describe within a few paragraphs the degree program under consideration,
including (a) level; (b) emphases, including majors, concentrations, tracks, or
specializations; (c) total number of credit hours; and (d) overall purpose, including
examples of employment or education opportunities that may be available to program
The FIU Department of Architecture, in the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts, proposes
a 60-credit post-masters applied architectural research and professional practice Doctor of Design (DDes)
degree (Federally recognized STEM CIP 4.0902 in Architecture and Building Technology). The purpose of
the STEM-focused doctoral program is to train candidates for key leadership positions in design
investigation and in the growing related technology fields. The interdisciplinary course of study, which
includes up to 75% online learning, prepares graduates for national and international careers in the
design professions, industry, applied research, teaching, as well as leadership positions in public agencies
and municipalities. The program educates graduates to navigate disciplinary and professional
boundaries with knowledge and skills applicable both at the local and global scales. Expanding on
advances in emerging technologies, the DDes program supports research in Architecture, a STEM field.
In his support letter for the program, Anthony J. Abbate, AIA Professor and Director, School of
Architecture, and Associate Provost for the Broward Campuses at Florida Atlantic Universit states: The
proposed degree is designed to serve a growing market demand for post-professional specialized
credentials and is supported by the technological assets currently housed at FIU. While research-based
PhD degree programs prepare graduates for academic teaching and research, a DDes prepares graduates
for specialized positions in areas of advanced applied research promoting improvement in the built
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts (2018-2028) a 8% growth in demand for architects. On net,
there will be a projected need for approximately 25,000 new architecture positions over the coming
decade5,000 due to industry growth and 20,000 due to retirements and other losses to the architecture
labor force (
our-economy-need_o) Large architectural firms and public agencies will require more research-trained
architects as technological advancements in visualization and fabrication are rapidly transforming the
Architecture profession. Among these technologies are automated building design with advanced
software, visualization technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality, mass customization of
building components with robotics, and large-scale 3D printing of building elements all of which are
growing at an exponential rate. (2017 report by the McKinsey Global Institute)
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics also projects a 4.3% growth in demand for Postsecondary Architecture
Teachers from 2018 to 2028. engineering/architects.htm
Given that the Master of Architecture degree is required for admission, that professional degree plus the
proposed research degree meets credentialing requirements for teaching in architecture programs.
The program, unique in the State of Florida, builds upon the strength of the existing accredited programs
and talented faculty at the School of Architecture, and a strong international partnership with the
University of Genoa (UNIGE). The FIU School of Architecture, founded in 1980, is composed of three
closely aligned departments: Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Landscape Architecture +
Environmental and Urban Design.
In addition, the program is supported by a growing roster of state-of-the-art technology-focused facilities
in the college, including a Robotics and Digital Fabrication Laboratory (RDF Lab), an Integrated
Computer-Assisted Virtual Environment (I-CAVE), a Structural + Environmental Technologies Lab (SET
Lab), and an Innovation Lab at the Miami Beach Urban Studios. Students enrolled in the DDes program
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gain valuable skills through specialized practicum experiences. They become eligible for research
assistantships and may accrue teaching credentials as studio instructors.
The program is designed around hybrid courses that include short residency (two weeks per year) of
intensive study within an online course. The residency periods will include lectures and workshops with
distinguished experts, seminar discussions, and studio-style critiques. The online portion will include
virtual classes with interactive discussion and individual student projects guided by faculty.
The hybrid curriculum is designed to be accessible to working professionals in Florida and the US and to
faculty in college/university departments of Architecture in Florida, as well as inside and outside the US.
The proposed program is also well positioned to serve traditionally underrepresented groups by
educating and graduating minority architects. The feeder graduate program, the Master of Architecture
(MArch) program, successfully attracts underrepresented students to FIU. Of the 540 students enrolled in
the MArch program in 2019, 53% are women, 67% Latino, and 7% African American. These numbers
exceed national averages: 40% women, 20% Latino, and 5% African American.
For all degree candidates, the DDes program requires a doctoral project based on the students original
research or creative activity.
B. Please provide the date when the pre-proposal was presented to CAVP (Council of
Academic Vice Presidents) Academic Program Coordination review group. Identify any
concerns that the CAVP review group raised with the pre-proposed program and provide
a brief narrative explaining how each of these concerns has been or is being addressed.
The pre-proposal was presented to CAVP (Council of Academic Vice Presidents) Academic Program
Coordination review group September 28, 2018. No concerns were voiced during this review.
C. If hi i a dca ee ga eae icde he eea ca e a he
end of the proposal as Appendix D. Please provide a few highlights from the report and
describe ways in which the report affected the approval process at the university.
Dr. William Braham, Professor of Architecture and Director of the Master of Environmental Building
Design and of the Center for Environmental Building + Design program at the Department of
Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, served as the external consultant for this program
proposal. On April 9, 2019, he visited FIU and met with the Architecture faculty and chair, the dean and
college administrators, the Associate Vice President of Academic Planning and Accountability, and the
Associate Dean of the Graduate School.
Professor Braham authored a supportive letter dated April 10, 2019 (See Appendix D). Dr. Braham
begins his letter b writing: Among the primary values of advanced research degrees are to attract,
support, and develop faculty, who can in turn attract, support, and develop students capable of pursuing
independent research. I believe that this degree will serve both purposes directly, and advance the
capabilities and reputation of the Department and College. He continues by stating that the need for this
degree supports professional research: In response to the demands of new technologies, new
environmental challenges, and new regulatory mandates, the professional practice of architecture has
developed teams and specialized consultants pursuing research or analysis and academic positions:
There are limited positions in PhD programs at US Universities, so this is can be a substantial pool of
potential students. He notes that the sie of the epected student cohort and PhD Facult was sensible
and that other faculty could supervise DDes students and that It would seem sensible to develop a
mechanism for bringing them into the program, which would add to the appeal of the program and its
ability to adapt and grow.
He concludes his letter by supporting the hybrid curricular format with short residenc periods: The
idea of bringing high-level speakers to give lectures or workshops at regular intervals through the
residential period seems an excellent way to build the community and cross-fertilize the research
initiatives, allowing the cohorts to come together regularly during the period. Using the Miami Beach
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Urban Studios also adds an etra attraction to these periods and to the program.
Dr. Brahams insight and perceptive review underscored the value and need for this program and the
attractiveness of our unique facilit, the Miami Beach Urban Studios. In addition, based on Dr. Brahams
recommendation, we have added graduate faculty without PhDs to Appendix C because in his own
words there are also a number of other facult in the Department without PhDs who conduct advanced
level research and could supervise DDes students and benefit from working with them. The department
concurs, and believes these faculty will provide positive student support to Doctoral Project committees.
D. Describe how the proposed program is consistent with the current State University
System (SUS) Strategic Planning Goals. Identify which specific goals the program will
directly support and which goals the program will indirectly support (see link to the SUS
Strategic Plan on the resource page for new program proposal).
The goals of the DDes program are consistent with the State University System (SUS) strategic planning
goals. The SUS strategic planning goals include the following: (1) strengthen the quality and reputation of
academic programs (teaching & learning excellence goal), (2) increase degree productivity and program
efficiency (teaching & learning productivity goal), (3) increase the number of degrees awarded in STEM
and other areas of strategic emphasis (teaching & learning strategic priorities for a knowledge economy
goal), (4) strengthen the quality and reputation of scholarship, research, and innovation (scholarship,
research, and innovation excellence goal), (5) increase research and commercialization activity
(scholarship, research, and innovation productivity goal), (6) increase collaboration and external support
for research activity (scholarship, research, and innovation strategic priorities for a knowledge economy
goal), (7) strengthen the quality and recognition of commitment to community and business engagement
(community & business engagement excellence goal), (8) increase levels of community and business
engagement (community & business engagement productivity goal), and (9) meeting community and
business workforce needs (community & business engagement strategic priorities for a knowledge
(1) strengthen the quality and reputation of academic programs (teaching & learning excellence goal)
The establishment of this new degree will directly support this goal by creating one of only five post-
professional DDes programs nationwide and the only DDes program in the state of Florida. This is a
timely proposal given that the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) Executive Committee for
Education recentl determined that professional education should be at the masters degree level and that
post-professional education should be at the doctorate degree level. The current FIU Master of
Architecture (MArch) program, which is accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board
(NAAB), is the path to professional education while the proposed DDes will be the path to post-
professional education, signifying advanced design practice as well as applied research and scholarship
in architecture. The MArch program has established a strong reputation as evidenced by our students
obtaining high-profile jobs and internships, American Institute of Architecture awards consistently won
by our students, and a number 2 national ranking for best Masters program in Architecture by FIU can leverage this reputation to recruit high quality faculty
and students for the DDes program. Additionally, the current MArch program could serve as a feeder for
the post-professional DDes program. The proposed DDes program will improve the quality and
relevance of post-professional education afforded to architects, thereby, directly supporting the SUS goal
of strengthening the quality and reputation of academic programs.
(2) increase degree productivity and program efficiency (teaching & learning productivity goal)
The post-professional DDes will directly support this goal by increasing doctoral degrees awarded by
FIU by five per year after Year 2 of implementation. Because the proposed DDes program will include a
75% online option, it will expand accessibility for adult learners who are already employed in the
profession and in universities both in the US and other countries. Lectures offered during the doctoral
students short residency periods also will be open to advanced fifth-year students in the School of
Architecture, enhancing their learning as well.
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(3) increase the number of degrees awarded in STEM and other areas of strategic emphasis (teaching &
learning strategic priorities for a knowledge economy goal)
This new program will directly support this goal by increasing the number of FIU STEM degrees at the
doctoral level. Architecture is a STEM discipline recognized by NSF and other funding agencies, therefore
the DDes program directly increases degrees awarded in Federal STEM categories by five per year. This
CIP code is slated to be added to the BOG revised Programs of Strategic Emphasis list. It increases
student access and success at the highest levels of STEM fields that respond to existing, evolving, and
emerging critical needs and opportunities.
(4) strengthen the quality and reputation of scholarship, research, and innovation (scholarship,
research, and innovation excellence goal)
The proposed DDes program will directly support this goal by advancing students readiness to perform
at the highest levels of the professional field, enhancing the quality of their scholarship, research, and
innovation. The DDes students will complete an applied research project that will culminate in the
submission of abstract proposals and manuscripts to professional conferences and peer-reviewed
journals, respectively. New venues for publication of research in Architecture have recently opened to
support increased research activity internationally. As students and graduates of FIU, their stature in the
field will enhance the reputation of the University. The program includes short but intensive residencies
when distinguished lecturers will be invited to enhance on-campus coursework. These lectures and
workshops at the Miami Beach Urban Studios will encourage collaborative research at the highest levels
of the field, which students will continue to pursue remotely. Bringing together expertise will enhance
scholarship, research, and innovation for all participants and will build FIUs reputation.
(5) increase research and commercialization activity (scholarship, research, and innovation
productivity goal) and (6) increase collaboration and external support for research activity
(scholarship, research, and innovation strategic priorities for a knowledge economy goal)
The proposed DDes program focuses on research and professional expertise. Many of the doctoral
projects will engage areas of faculty research that currently have external support or will be developed to
apply for external support. This will directly support an increase in scholarship and research
productivity. Collaborations with faculty members will be encouraged as will collaborations outside FIU.
Because the program requires only short residency periods many students will develop collaborative
teams in their home companies and institutions, which can open new associations and opportunities for
FIU. Student projects, including those that focus on professional expertise, may lead to
commercialization opportunities or business start-ups. Currently master-level students have participated
in funded faculty research and have developed start-up businesses based on their degree projects.
(7) strengthen the quality and recognition of commitment to community and business engagement
(community & business engagement excellence goal), (8) increase levels of community and business
engagement (community & business engagement productivity goal), and (9) meeting community and
business workforce needs (community & business engagement strategic priorities for a knowledge
DDes graduates will directly support these goals by increasing FIUs connections to Miamis professional
architectural community and the field at large. Their success will enhance FIUs alread ecellent
reputation and will open new opportunities for engagement and innovation. FIU Department of
Architecture already enjoys a reputation for producing excellent masters-level graduates who are
employed as professionals in the field and often become influential leaders in the community and abroad.
Increasingly, the global market for architectural design requires innovative research to develop new
techniques of design, fabrication, and construction in a highly competitive field. Miami has become a
center for Architecture with many firms working globally at the highest levels of the field. They also are
pursuing research within their firms to support innovations at the cutting edge of the field. The proposed
DDes program will educate students who are already professionals to meet this increasing and
specialized need. Graduates of the DDes program will be valuable assets to the top firms and are
positioned to contribute to the advancement of the field both locally and internationally.
E. If the program is to be included in a category within the Programs of Strategic Emphasis
as described in the SUS Strategic Plan, please indicate the category and the justification
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for inclusion.
The Programs of Strategic Emphasis Categories:
1. Critical Workforce:
 Health
 Gap Analysis
2. Economic Development:
Global Competitiveness
3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Please see the Programs of Strategic Emphasis (PSE) methodology for additional explanations
on program inclusion criteria at the resource page for new program proposal.
The Category for this program, effective 2020-21, is: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
The Doctor of Design is designated as CIP 4.0902, Architectural and Building Sciences/Technology. This
Federal and State STEM designation reflects the programs focus on STEM-related subjects such as:
technologies of computer tools and applications, visualization, fabrication, building science,
sustainability, and building performance. In the first semester of this program, two of the three required
courses are STEM related. The first course, Theories of the Digital, provides students with a theoretical
framework by which to understand and appraise the impact of the digital not only on architectural
design and fabrication, but also on urban life in general. The second course, Advanced Studies in
Technology focuses on emerging technologies including robotics, digital fabrication, sensing, and
advanced visualization tools (virtual and augmented reality). This course will examine the fundamental
applications driving these technologies and their utility in architectural design. The course will be
composed of two parts: part one will focus on innovative ways of integrating these technologies into
architectural production, and part two will focus on their impact on architectural design methodologies
and research. The face-to-face residencies will afford more examples of these emerging technologies to be
examined and applied to design production. Each students doctoral project research will apply these
principles to an identified problem.
F. Identify any established or planned educational sites at which the program is expected to
be offered and indicate whether it will be offered only at sites other than the main campus.
The program will be offered at the Modesto A. Maidique Campus. Research facilities include the FIU
Miami Beach Urban Studios (MBUS), which will also be used for a few selected face-to-face experiences
in the program.
II. Need and Demand
A. Need: Describe national, state, and/or local data that support the need for more people to
be prepared in this program at this level. Reference national, state, and/or local plans or
reports that support the need for this program and requests for the proposed program
which have emanated from a perceived need by agencies or industries in your service area.
Cite any specific need for research and service that the program would fulfill.
Economic and Professional Need and Demand
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 8% growth in architecture jobs over the next decade (2018-
2028) with the addition of 11,200 new jobs nationwide.
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On net, there will be a projected need for approximately 25,000 new architecture positions over the
coming decade5,000 due to industry growth and 20,000 due to retirements and other losses to the
architecture labor force.
- From: How may architects does our economy need? By AIA chief economist Kermit Baker, Hon. AIA, is a senior
research fellow at Harvard University and project director of its Remodeling Futures Program, January 5, 2018
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Florida ranks 5
in the country with the highest
employment of architects with an annual mean wage of $77,550.
The Bureau is also projecting a 4.3% growth in demand for Postsecondary Architecture Teachers from
2018 to 2028. ( Employment opportunities for
postsecondary architecture teachers will increase and will become more competitive. The Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architectures website posts national and international openings. Increasingl, the
jobs posted on this site require or prefer doctoral level education. See: https://www.acsa-
The proposed doctoral program specifically responds to the increasing demand for architects specializing
in research and teaching. This need is particularly important for Florida, as it is the 5
highest state for
architectural employment. Along with its projected growth, the profession will remain competitive and
the Doctor of Design will provide job seekers with an important expertise. Letters of support from local
architectural firms (Appendix E) indicate support for the professional doctorate as providing knowledge
and skills beneficial for advanced practice.
In his support letter for the program, Anthony J. Abbate, AIA Professor and Director, School of
Architecture, and Associate Provost for the Broward Campuses at Florida Atlantic University states: The
proposed degree is designed to serve a growing market demand for post-professional specialized
credentials and is supported by the technological assets currently housed at FIU. While research-based
PhD degree programs prepare graduates for academic teaching and research, a DDes prepares graduates
for specialized positions in areas of advanced applied research promoting improvement in the built
environment. He continues his support b stating, The DDes would be the first in the State Universit
System of Florida and would fill a gap in the portfolio of degree offerings available in our state as
demand for professional leadership and epertise in the field has grown significantl over the ears.
(Appendix E)
We expect this program to be competitive for its uniqueness. It will be the only DDes program in the
State of Florida. This doctorate degree brings together technological capability, problem solving skills,
and professional practice-based opportunities for research and specialization. It is:
Designed to comply with requirements for Federal STEM CIP 4.0902
o Advances SUS areas of Strategic Emphasis
Focused on areas of critical need for the design environment
o Building + Technology + Urbanism
Multi-disciplinary, project-based, and focused on data and technology-driven research
An opportunity for FIU students in the design fields to develop research credentials and for
design faculty to advance research at a high level
An expansion of CARTA|SoA capacity at the doctoral level and to encourage funded research
An enhancement of FIU Preeminent Programs
o FIU Institute of Environment
o STEM Transformation Institute
An opportunity for international collaboration through existing partnerships and through the EU
Horizon 2020 Program
Built on the strategic FIU-CARTA investment in technology and instrumentation
Earning Potential of Doctoral Degrees
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Letters of support from local architectural firms (Appendix E) indicate that our graduates earning
potential would improve with a professional doctorate.
Furthermore, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019:
Unemployment rate and earnings by educational attainment, 2019
Doctoral degrees have higher median usual weekly earnings $1,883 versus Masters $1,497 and
Professional Degrees $1,861
Doctoral degrees have lower unemployment rate 1.1% versus Masters 2% and Professional Degrees
Research Needs: Visualization, Advanced Fabrication Technologies, and Urbanism
The 2017 report by the McKinsey Global Institute estimates that b 2030, 75 million to 375 million
workers (three to 14 percent of the global workforce) will need to switch occupational categories due to
While this statistic warns us of significant shifts in the workforce, it also presents an opportunity for
creating new talents, jobs, industries, and ways of production. The core challenge, however, is to adjust
our educational system to equip students for the critical thinking and skills required to face the future.
Technological advancements in visualization and fabrication are rapidly transforming the Architecture
profession. Among these technologies are automated building design with advanced software,
visualization technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality, mass customization of building
components with robotics, and large-scale 3D printing of building elements all of which are growing at
an exponential rate.
According to the World Economic Forum,
2016/employment-trends/ resource-efficient sustainable production and robotics are all seen as strong
drivers of employment growth in the Architecture and Engineering job family, in light of a continued and
fast-growing need for specialists to create and manage advanced and automated production systems.
The need for architects with advanced technological capability will become a critical aspect of
professional, research, and educational leadership. Like all other sectors of the economy, the demand for
architects will move from the people who could perform routine jobs to either highly skilled workers or
thought leaders.
In his support letter for the program, world-renowned architect Patrik Schumacher, Principal of Zaha
Hadid Architects, states that he was himself a recipient of a doctorate from a program similar to that
which is proposed and notes that new professionals and educators reason for taking a doctoral
programme is to advance their careers and give them qualifications that are likely to increase the
potential of gaining research funding. (Appendix E)
Over the past three years, in collaboration with the School of Computer Science, CARTA has made an
investment of $1.4 M to create the technological infrastructure and resources to support education,
research, and innovation in this area. These resources include FIUs Integrated Computer-Assisted
Virtual Environment (I-CAVE), a high-end visualization instrument, and the Robotics and Digital
Manufacturing Lab (RDF), which is equipped with large-scale robotic arms and state-of-the-art digital
fabrication tools. These facilities not only offer leading edge technologies for invention and
entrepreneurship, but also are becoming the necessary resources to conduct advanced research. These
resources have created a competitive advantage for FIU Architecture. These investments have important
community engagement applications, for example, the Visualizing Hurricane Katrina project used
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research data sets to create a scaled and interactive stereographic 3D model of Hurricane
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Katrina by parsing approximately 2GB of satellite and radar data.
In summary, the proposed program is designed to educate students to meet the future research needs in
these areas by training them through computational technologies, advanced research, and urbanism, so
that they may become innovators for the design and building industries and/or educational leaders in
this area.
B. Demand: Describe data that support the assumption that students will enroll in the
proposed program. Include descriptions of surveys or other communications with
prospective students.
FIU School of Architecture Alumni Survey of Interest in Possible DDes Program
The original student demand data to determine alumni interest was gathered as part of the feasibility
study in May June 2018 (112 Responses).
What is your current status?
Ninety percent are working professionals and 10% are graduate students.
What is the level of interest in the described doctoral degree?
Seventy-eight percent surveyed indicated an interest in the program.
Which of the following best describes your motivation to enroll in the program?
Twenty-seven percent surveyed showed interest to increase their potential to teach and conduct research
at university level, 25% expressed interest to conduct research as part of their professional practice, and
10% indicated an interest to increase their earning potential and enhance their resume.
When would you likely enroll?
Twenty-nine percent expressed they would enroll within two years, and 45% indicated within three to
five years.
Which of the following might be the most pressing obstacle to enrolling in the proposed degree?
Forty-eight percent surveyed expressed they would have difficulty with the cost of tuition, cost of living,
and not enough time, while 25% indicated that the cost of tuition was the principal obstacle. (Note:
Budget calls for five assistantships.)
I would consider enrolling in the program if:
Sixty-five percent would enroll in the program if they received a full assistantship to complete the degree,
and 13% would consider it with a partial scholarship.
I would consider the program if:
Twenty-seven percent would consider the program if it was partially online, 44% would consider if it had
a study abroad or an internship component, and 14% would consider it if it had no residency requirement
(entirely online). (Editors note: Although no internship or stud abroad is required in the proposed
degree, faculty research and that which is developed by the doctoral student may include practical
experience either locally or internationally.)
FIU Architecture Student Survey of Interest in Possible DDes Program - 180 survey responses as of
In a survey conducted for the feasibility study, among 150 FIU Master of Architecture students, 58% of
the students showed the highest level of interest in the program with only 12% stating no interest.
What is status?
Seventy-one of the students surveyed are graduate students, 42 are undergraduate sophomores, and 14
are juniors.
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What is the level of interest in the described Doctoral Degree?
The student survey showed a very positive interest level of 87.3%, and only a small percentage (12%)
showed no interest in the program.
Which of the following best describes your motivation to enroll in the program?
The highest motivation to enroll in the program would be to increase earning potential, with conducting
research as part of ones professional practice next in line of interest.
When would you likely enroll?
Students indicated they would be enrolling in the program within the next two (47%) to three (33%)
Which of the following might be the most pressing obstacle to enrolling in proposed degree?
The most pressing factors the students surveyed had with enrolling in the program was the cost of tuition
and cost of living followed by not having enough time. (All three answers were the highest choice.)
I would consider enrolling in the program if:
Ninety percent of students surveyed would consider enrolling in the program if they received a full
assistantship to complete the degree.
I would consider the program if:
Sixty-six percent of the students would consider the program if it had a study abroad or an internship or
practicum component. (Editors note: Although no internship or stud abroad is required in the
proposed degree, faculty research and that which is developed by the doctoral student may include
practical experience either locally or internationally.)
There was a high interest as well if the program were partially online (35%).
FIU asserts that the two surveys provided documentation of substantial interest in the program, which
was used to progress into the program proposal and consultant phase. Since the time of the surveys,
student and alumni interest have been maintained through personal communications and updates.
C. If substantially similar programs (generally at the four-digit CIP Code or 60 percent similar
in core courses), either private or public exist in the state, identify the institution(s) and
geographic location(s). Summarize the outcome(s) of communication with such programs
with regard to the potential impact on their enrollment and opportunities for possible
collaboration (instruction and research). In Appendix C, provide data that support the need
for an additional program.
In the State of Florida, there are no other DDes programs (professional doctorate) in any institution of
higher education, public, or private. Additionally, there is no program in the SUS with CIP code 4.0902,
graduate or undergraduate (the University of Miami received this CIP designation for its undergraduate
and masters architecture programs in 2018). The University of Florida College of Design, Construction
and Planning has a PhD program, CIP 4.0201, based in Gainesville. The Florida State University
Department of Urban and Regional Planning has a PhD program, CIP 4.0301, based in Tallahassee.
During a CAVP Academic Program Coordination review group call reviewing the DDes pre-proposal,
Florida A&M University (FAMU) expressed positive comments in support and suggested that FAMU
could partner with the program to provide some of its graduates with post-professional degree
opportunities. Subsequently a letter of support was received. (Appendix E).
Professional (non-PhD) doctorates in architecture and related fields outside the State of Florida and in the
United States are the following:
North Carolina State University College of Design
Doctor of Design (DDes)|54 credits (up to three years, online possible)
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Louisiana State University College of Art and Design
Doctor of Design in Cultural Preservation (DDes)|60 credits (6 semesters)
Harvard University, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Doctor of Design (DDes)|92 credits (three years)
Washington University in St. Louis
Doctor of Sustainable Urbanism (DrSU)|72 credits (three-to-five years)
Internationally, there are several new Doctor of Design programs:
The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Doctor of Design, three years, full-time
University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Doctor of Design, three years, full-time (fully online with (5) one-week residency events
University of Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Doctor of Design, three years, full-time
D. Use Table 1 in Appendix A (1-A for undergraduate and 1-B for graduate) to categorize
projected student headcount (HC) and Full Time Equivalents (FTE) according to primary
sources. Generally undergraduate FTE will be calculated as 30 credit hours per year and
graduate FTE will be calculated as 24 credit hours per year. Describe the rationale
underlying enrollment projections. If students within the institution are expected to
change majors to enroll in the proposed program at its inception, describe the shifts from
disciplines that will likely occur.
Projected headcount is to admit five students/year (spring term) with a total of all cohorts of 16 in Year 5.
(See Table 1-B Grad Enrollment, Appendix A along with a Headcount + Cal tab to better eplain the
determinations for Table 1-B) This number reflects a student/faculty ratio of 2:1 (three current faculty are
eligible to teach in the program with one search in process, for a total of four). By Year 2, each faculty will
advise two students, one in the first year and one in the second year of the program. These numbers are
comparable to those of the professional doctoral programs offered by NC State, LSU, and Washington
Note that the program start date for each cohort is spring term. Program completion (two years to
complete) will occur in the fall. Thus, by Year 3, the headcount includes three cohorts, with enrollment of
the first cohort graduating in fall and the third cohort starting that same year in spring. FTE calculations
reflect this programmatic feature and are diagramed in the Headcount + Cal tab in Appendix A.
E. Indicate what steps will be taken to achieve a diverse student body in this program. If the
proposed program substantially duplicates a program at FAMU or FIU, provide, (in
consultation with the affected university), an analysis of how the program might have an
iac  ha iei abii  aac de f ace diffee f ha hich
is predominant on their campus in the subject program. The iei Ea
Opportunity Officer shall review this section of the proposal and then sign and date
Appendix B to indicate that the analysis required by this subsection has been completed.
Page 12 of 320
The proposed program is also well positioned to serve traditionally underrepresented groups by
educating and graduating minority architects. The feeder graduate program, the MArch program,
successfully attracts underrepresented students to FIU. Of the 479 students enrolled in the MArch
program in 2017, 53% are women, 66% Latino, 12.5%, and 7% African American. These numbers
compare favorably with national averages: 40% women, 20% Latino, and 5% African American. On
August 17, 2018, the department faculty met to adopt a diversity and inclusion plan. The plan states: The
FIU Department of Architecture is committed to seek and maintain a faculty that is diverse in its
individual composition, topics of study, approaches to scholarship, and pedagogy. The Department of
Architectures concept of diversit encompasses acceptance and respecting that each individual is unique
in order to create a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. The Department of Architecture defines
diversity along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age,
physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. We aspire to reflect the diversity
of our student bod. The plan then outlines measures to attain a diverse student and faculty body.
III. Budget
A. Use Table 2 in Appendix A to display projected costs and associated funding sources for
Year 1 and Year 5 of program operation. Use Table 3 in Appendix A to show how existing
Education & General funds will be shifted to support the new program in Year 1. In
narrative form, summarize the contents of both tables, identifying the source of both
current and new resources to be devoted to the proposed program. (Data for Year 1 and
Year 5 reflect snapshots in time rather than cumulative costs.)
Table 2.
The current Master of Architecture (MArch) program has over 450 majors, and this new program
represents a negligible increase in students. No additional expenses other than faculty time and
assistantships will be attributed to its budget cost. Year 1: Existing Education & General funds will be
shifted to support the new program in Year 1 by an adjustment of the annual assignments of four PhD
faculty to teach and advise the cohorts of five doctoral students. These new assignments will be part of
teaching and service. Additionally, a small amount of existing staff time will be allocated to support this
Assistantships will be funded in Year 1 by the College of Communication, Architecture + the Arts
Foundation sources.
Year 5: E&G funds for faculty effort will be supported by contracts, grants, and philanthropy for
assistantships. The approval of the degree program will afford fund raising opportunities to solicit
specific partnerships with industry to support assistantships, as well as grant solicitations in support of
faculty research with graduate assistantship opportunities.
Dean Brian Schriner confirmed the allocation of CARTA foundation funds for this programs
For contract and grant funding, see below section III.E. regarding current NSF awards, which are
expected going forward to include doctoral assistantships. Given the departments grant awards, it is
projected that the presence of a professional doctorate will enhance future grant applications.
Table 3.
Existing Education & General funds will be shifted to support the new program in Year 1.
B. Please explain whether the university intends to operate the program through continuing
education, seek approval for market tuition rate, or establish a differentiated graduate-
level tuition. Provide a rationale for doing so and a timeline for seeking Board of
Ge aa, if aiae. Please include the expected rate of tuition that the
university plans to charge for this program and use this amount when calculating cost
Page 13 of 320
entries in Table 2.
This program will not be operated through continuing education FIUs current graduate tuition is
$379.95 per credit for residents and $900 for non-residents. FIUs current graduate tuition and fees are
$455.64 per credit for residents and $1,001.69 for non-residents (Per credit fees for in-state include $75.69
plus per semester fees of $10 for intercollegiate athletics, $93.69 for student health services, and $95.13 for
transportation access out-of-state students pay per credit fees of $101.69 plus semester fees noted above.
Source, FIU 2020-2021 Graduate Catalog). The program is 60 credits. As designed, recent MArch degree
students may apply 15 identified credit hours from the 174-credit masters degree to the DDes (see
Section VIII. C). However, the total cost of tuition plus per credit fees for a self-paying in-state student,
without the benefit of transferring 15 recent MArch credits, is approximately $455.64 X 60 = $27,338 plus
semester fees for each semester enrolled.
C. If other programs will be impacted by a reallocation of resources for the proposed program,
identify the impacted programs and provide a justification for reallocating resources.
Specifically address the potential negative impacts that implementation of the proposed
program will have on related undergraduate programs (i.e., shift in faculty effort,
reallocation of instructional resources, reduced enrollment rates, greater use of adjunct
faculty and teaching assistants). Explain what steps will be taken to mitigate any such
impacts. Also, discuss the potential positive impacts that the proposed program might
have on related undergraduate programs (i.e., increased undergraduate research
opportunities, improved quality of instruction associated with cutting-edge research,
improved labs and library resources).
The current budget for the department is more than $2.3M. It is proposed that only a minimal amount of
financial resources would be reallocated for this program ($28,610 in Year 1). This reallocation is justified
by the enhanced benefits outlined in Section I. The department only issues graduate degrees (Master of
Arts in Architecture and Master of Architecture) and this new degree will, therefore, have no negative
impact on undergraduate programs. The faculty that are assigned to work on this program currently are
supporting our Master of Arts in Architecture (a post-professional research degree). The Master of Arts in
Architecture program will be discontinued once this doctorate is in place, resulting in minimal
adjustments in existing faculty workloads. The advanced electives offered by this program enhance the
learning experience for fifth-year Master of Architecture students.
D. Describe other potential impacts on related programs or departments (e.g., increased need
for general education or common prerequisite courses, or increased need for required or
elective courses outside of the proposed major).
No other departments or programs are impacted by this program.
E. Describe what steps have been taken to obtain information regarding resources (financial
and in-kind) available outside the institution (businesses, industrial organizations,
governmental entities, etc.). Describe the external resources that appear to be available to
support the proposed program.
The proposed program will expand access to external funding and, thus, to research and instructional
opportunities for students and faculty. It will open doors for students interested in post-professional
academic and applied research. At FIU, the proposed program will ultimately expand program
competitiveness and serve to attract, retain, and graduate the very best students. It will also support the
recruitment of excellent research faculty. This STEM doctorate allies funding agencies that give
preferences to STEM research at the highest academic levels. Being a Federally recognized STEM
discipline by funding agencies will allow architecture faculty to pursue these funding programs, as well
as increase their chances of success in obtaining funding in general. It will also further strengthen the
potential of developing interdisciplinary collaborations in which architecture faculty play a leading role.
According to the 2018, ACSA White Paper on Architectural Education Research and STEM, 4.3 Funding
Page 14 of 320
Sources for STEM Projects: With regard to funding sources, the surve showed that STEM-related
architectural research projects receive funding from a wide range of funding sources including federal
agencies, foundations, associations, industr, and well as state and local sources. Thirty projects (33%)
received funding from federal agencies, including 25 from federal agencies in North America. Funding
from federal agencies in North America totaled approximately $10,000,000. Out of those, 13 projects were
funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with a total funding of $4,300,000. Other Federal
sources included NIH, NPS, the US Dept. of the Navy, US DOE, US DOT, and The Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada. Foundations such as the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the
Auerbach Theater Architecture Fund, Graham Foundation, and others were listed as the second most
common source of funding with 19% (17) of the projects no ng these. Industry grants from Autodesk and
Ford Motor Company and grants from Associations such as the AIA were other notable contributors for
research funds.
The department has a proven record of achieving federal funding for research.
National Science Foundation (NSF) Funding
Title: Preparing the Future Workforce of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction for Automation
and Robotic Processes (C-Accel)
Date: 2019-2020
Phase 1: $947,000
This project aims to develop and deliver the Robotics Academy, a cloud-based of AI-powered robotics
and automation training and set of resources for the building industry workers, businesses,
entrepreneurs, professionals and policy makers. Using advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud
computing, Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR),
the Robotics Academy creates a personalized curriculum and experience for automation training and
Phase 2 competition proposal due May 13, 2020-
Funding request: $5,000,000
Date: 2020-2022
NSF: CREST Interdisciplinary
Title: Center for Aquatic Chemistry and Environment
Date: 2019-2020
Current: $5,000,000 (Architecture funds four research assistants from this grant involving multiple FIU
Description: CREST includes pioneering research and developing cutting-edge technologies that address
the complex issues of environmental contamination and pollution. The Center identifies and detects
pollutants as they change and travel throughout South Florida, as well as develops tools to analyze and
communicate data that will inform decision makers. This process is divided into four Research Focus
Areas: Detection and Identification; Fate and Transport; Impacts and Visualization; and Education
The pre proposal for the second round of funding from 2021-2026 submitted.
Title: RAPID: A Platform for Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Healthcare System
Date: June 1, 2020-2021
Award: $159,300
A multidisciplinary team from CARTA and CEC just received a new NSF award, RAPID: A Platform for
Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 on the Healthcare System, set to begin June 1st via an award of
$159,300. The PI of this award is Prof. Shahin Vassigh of the Department of Architecture; the Co-PIs are
Profs. Miguel Alonso, Jr. (School of Computing and Information Sciences - SCIS), Biayna Bogosian
(Architecture), and Shu-Ching Chen (SCIS); and Hadi Alhaffar (Architecture) is a Senior Investigator.
Page 15 of 320
This award is the result of ongoing collaboration by faculty and staff who are affiliated with both FIU's
RDF lab and the Innovation for Sustainable Built Environments research group housed within FIU's
Institute of Environment. It leverages FIU's C-Accel Phase I award, which is creating the Robotics
Academy ( by extending the Academy's work to enable the team to
address the shortage of essential medical supplies, Personal Protective Equipment, and crucial medical
technologies during the current COVID-19 Global Pandemic. The team will work closely with healthcare
experts and providers to provide training support, problem-solving resources, and professional
networking for idea exchanges for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and technologists that are on the
frontlines in the fight against COVID-19.
Additional information about this award is available at
IV. Projected Benefit of the Program to the University, Local Community, and State
Ue ifai f Tabe 1 ad 2 i Aedi A, ad he ig aaie f Need
ad Dead  eae a ccie aee ha decibe he jeced beefit to the
university, local community, and the state if the program is implemented. The projected
benefits can be both quantitative and qualitative in nature, but there needs to be a clear
distinction made between the two in the narrative.
The proposed DDes program benefits the University by contributing to research at the highest levels of a
STEM field, an area of strategic emphasis. Quantitatively, the DDes will increase degree productivity and
program efficiency by increasing doctoral degrees awarded by FIU by five per year after Year 2 of
implementation. The DDes will be one of only five post-professional DDes programs nationwide and the
only DDes program in the state of Florida. DDes students will work with faculty on research projects that
increasingly will be funded externally, thus enhancing the reputation of the School of Architecture and
the value of all architecture degrees. Some DDes students will teach directly in the existing Master of
Architecture program, and all will give presentations of their work to all other architecture students.
Qualitatively, the DDes will benefit the local community by educating local students to compete at the
highest levels of the architecture profession with this advanced STEM degree. Many program graduates
will choose to work locally in architecture firms that increasingly practice at a global scale. Their work
will contribute to research in the field and enhance the professional economy of Miami and the State of
Florida. Other graduates may teach in universities locally that offer architecture degrees: Miami Dade
College, Florida Atlantic University, and FIU, or secondary schools that offer courses in architecture.
Program graduates are also qualified to teach in other parts of the state, other states, and internationally.
V. Access and Articulation Bache Degee O
A. If the total number of credit hours to earn a degree exceeds 120, provide a justification for
an exception to the policy of a 120 maximum and submit a separate request to the Board of
Ge f a ecei ag ih ificai f he ga aa. (See cieia
in Board of Governors Regulation 6C-8.014)
Not applicable.
B. List program prerequisites and provide assurance that they are the same as the approved
common prerequisites for other such degree programs within the SUS (see link to the
Common Prerequisite Manual on the resource page for new program proposal). The
courses in the Common Prerequisite Counseling Manual are intended to be those that are
required of both native and transfer students prior to entrance to the major program, not
simply lower-level courses that are required prior to graduation. The common
prerequisites and substitute courses are mandatory for all institution programs listed, and
must be approved by the Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC). This requirement
icde he ga deigaed a iied acce.
Page 16 of 320
If the proposed prerequisites are not listed in the Manual, provide a rationale for a request
for exception to the policy of common prerequisites. NOTE: Typically, all lower-division
courses required for admission into the major will be considered prerequisites. The
curriculum can require lower-division courses that are not prerequisites for admission into
the major, as long as those courses are built into the curriculum for the upper-level 60 credit
hours. If there are already common prerequisites for other degree programs with the same
proposed CIP, every effort must be made to utilize the previously approved prerequisites
iead f ecedig a addiia ack f eeiie f haCIP. Addiia
tracks may not be approved by the ACC, thereby holding up the full approval of the degree
program. Programs will not be entered into the State University System Inventory until any
exceptions to the approved common prerequisites are approved by the ACC.
Not applicable.
C. If the university intends to seek formal Limited Access status for the proposed program,
provide a rationale that includes an analysis of diversity issues with respect to such a
designation. Explain how the university will ensure that Florida College System transfer
students are not disadvantaged by the Limited Access status. NOTE: The policy and
criteria for Limited Access are identified in Board of Governors Regulation 6C-8.013.
Submit the Limited Access Program Request form along with this document.
Not applicable.
D. If the proposed program is an AS-to-BS capstone, ensure that it adheres to the guidelines
approved by the Articulation Coordinating Committee for such programs, as set forth in
Rule 6A-10.024 (see link to the Statewide Articulation Manual on the resource page for new
program proposal). List the prerequisites, if any, including the specific AS degrees which
may transfer into the program.
Not applicable.
VI. Related Institutional Mission and Strength
A. Describe how the goals of the proposed program relate to the institutional mission
statement as contained in the SUS Strategic Plan and the University Strategic Plan (see link
to the SUS Strategic Plan on the resource page for new program proposal).
FIU Mission Statement
Florida International University is an urban, multi-campus, public research university serving its
students and the diverse population of South Florida. We are committed to high-quality teaching, state-
of-the-art research and creative activity, and collaborative engagement with our local and global
Program Alignment ih FIU Mission
The DDes is closely aligned with the three ke components of FIUs mission: high-quality teaching,
research, and collaborative engagement.
High-Quality Teaching
The Department of Architecture, through its DDes, will continue to serve a diverse student body with a
variety of academic backgrounds, experiences, and interests by creating an open atmosphere of inquiry
and exchange that engages the varied cultural and academic experiences of faculty and students.
Page 17 of 320
Presenting architecture as a reflective and conceptually based discipline, the faculty will encourage DDes
students to form thoughtful and imaginative solutions to the challenges confronting urban society here
and abroad and to cultivate intellectual curiosity and life-long learning. The students will be taught the
disciplinary norms of knowledge and the skills necessary to take leadership roles in a changing
The DDes will support faculty research by giving students opportunities to work on faculty projects.
Each student will also pursue an independent doctoral project. Faculty and student research will
enhance the research environment at FIU and facilitate engagement across disciplines, including STEM
and the humanities fields. The research will enhance innovation and collaboration in creating solutions
for our community and beyond.
Architecture faculty have on-going research that include active Federal grants (NSF: IUSE, NSF: CREST),
particularly in visualization and sustainability. The doctoral program will increase opportunities for
faculty to expand research programs and to develop sponsored research. Doctoral students may work
with faculty on research proposals and on funded research projects, either as part of their own doctoral
projects or as graduate assistants. Their skills and year-to-year duration in the program will enhance
sponsored research in visualization and sustainability.
Collaborative Engagement
The Department of Architecture will continue to foster sensitivity and appreciation for the constructed
and natural environments of South Florida and engaging our communities challenges. The department
values the unique opportunities and challenges for creative exploration and problem-solving afforded by
South Floridas rich sub-tropical ecologies, urban contexts, as well as multicultural and multilingual
The Architecture facult participates in FIUs collaborative engagement centers and institutes, including
the Institute of Environment and the Extreme Events Institute. The proposed doctoral program will
expand this participation. For example, through the Extreme Events Institute, Architecture faculty and
doctoral students may pursue opportunities to collaborate on initiatives including Visualization of
Hazards and Disaster Risk and Resilience in the Americas programs. Architecture faculty members are
currently collaborating with other faculty across the University in several Institute of Environment
initiatives and funded grant projects, including the Southeast Environmental Research Center, the Florida
Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research Program, the Sea Level Solutions Center, and the
research unit of the Sustainable Built Environment and Informatics. Faculty research and doctoral
student projects could further contribute to these initiatives through interdisciplinary collaboration
designed to solve critical problems in our region.
B. Describe how the proposed program specifically relates to existing institutional strengths,
such as programs of emphasis, other academic programs, and/or institutes and centers.
The DDES supports the efforts of FIUs existing Institute of Environment in a significant way. This
institute involves 60 countries, $40,000,000 in research funding and has produced 1,200 peer reviewed
publications. In collaboration with local and international partners, the Institute of Environment works to
increase community resilience across the globe; and to develop adaptive management of terrestrial,
freshwater, coastal, and marine resources. Over the past three years, the Department of Architecture has
had faculty including Professor Shahin Vassigh and Assistant Professor Biayna Bogosian and five
graduate students (each supported by $21,000 of graduate assistantships) conduct research at the
Institutes Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) which is an NSF supported
Center. This engagement has brought a new perspective to the centers research by integrating the
challenges of the sustainability of built environment with the natural environment. The DDes students
can expand this research and strengthen the interdisciplinary research at the Institute.
Page 18 of 320
C. Provide a narrative of the planning process leading up to submission of this proposal.
Include a chronology in table format of the activities, listing both university personnel
directly involved and external individuals who participated in planning. Provide a
timetable of events necessary for the implementation of the proposed program.
Doctorate Degree Committee
Jason Chandler, Associate Professor, Department Chair
Marilys Nepomechie, Professor, Associate Dean
Shahin Vassigh, Professor, Associate Dean
Gray Read, PhD, Associate Professor
Alfredo Andia, PhD, Associate Professor
Neil Leach, PhD, Assistant Professor
David Rifkind, PhD, Associate Professor
Thomas Spiegelhalter, Associate Professor
Eric Peterson, Senior Instructor
Planning Process
Planning Activity
Provost Furton, Dean Schriner, Jason
Chandler, and Marilys Nepomechie
Accreditation Team room walk through
with Provost Furton, Dean Schriner,
Jason Chandler and Marilys
Nepomechie. Provost supported the idea
of a professional doctorate.
Jason Chandler, Marilys Nepomechie,
Neil Leach, Shahin Vassigh, Gray
Read, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Eric
Peterson, David Rifkind, Hwang Yi,
Alfredo Andia
Chandler briefly presented the state of
the Doctor of Architecture and that we
need to begin developing it as soon as
possible. The following committee was
formed: Jason Chandler, Marilys
Nepomechie, Neil Leach, Shahin
Vassigh, Gray Read, Thomas
Spiegelhalter, Eric Peterson, David
Rifkind, Hwang Yi, and Alfredo Andia.
Jason Chandler, Marilys Nepomechie,
Neil Leach, Shahin Vassigh, Gray
Read, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Eric
Peterson, David Rifkind, Hwang Yi,
Alfredo Andia
Doctor of Architecture Committee
meeting committee agreed to pursue a
non-NAAB degree and to review new
models for the doctorate including short
residencies and star readers.
Jason Chandler, Marilys Nepomechie,
Neil Leach, Shahin Vassigh, Gray
Read, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Eric
Peterson, David Rifkind, Hwang Yi,
Alfredo Andia
Read/Nepomechie updated faculty on
conversation to pursue a non-NAAB
degree and to review new models for the
doctorate including short residencies and
star readers.
Jason Chandler, Marilys Nepomechie,
Neil Leach, Shahin Vassigh, Gray
Read, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Eric
Peterson, David Rifkind, Hwang Yi,
Alfredo Andia
Chandler summarized the work of the
committee to date: Nepomechie and
Vassigh developed a white paper for the
doctorate; the faculty supported a non-
NAAB accredited doctorate program,
valued short residency and online
options. Cost was a critical part of this
discussion with the European School and
the new Shanghai program as free
Page 19 of 320
models and the current funding of the
MAA program.
Jason Chandler, Marilys Nepomechie,
Neil Leach, Shahin Vassigh, Gray
Read, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Eric
Peterson, David Rifkind, Hwang Yi,
Alfredo Andia
The faculty discussed the need to create
a survey to run market viability of the
doctorate. The survey should go to our
students and to SIGGRAPH (Andia to
email). The survey should include
number of credits, cost, time of
Summer 2018
Jason Chandler, Gray Read, Susan
Himburg, Dean Schriner, Lilia
Chandler and Read worked with Susan
Himburg, Associate Vice President of
Academic Planning and Accountability,
to develop the New Academic Degree
Program Authorization Pre-Proposal
Form. Chandler worked with Susan
Himburg, Dean Schriner, and Assistant
Dean Lilia Silverio-Minaya to develop
the New Degree Proposal Worksheet.
Jason Chandler, Susan Himburg
New Academic Degree Program
Authorization Pre-Proposal Form and
New Degree Proposal Worksheet was
submitted to Susan Himburg for review
and approval by Senior VP for Academic
and Student Affairs Elizabeth Bejar and
the Provost.
Dr. William Braham, external
Dr. Braham visited FIU, and he met with
Architecture faculty and chair, the Dean
and his administrators, the Associate
Vice President of Academic Planning
and Accountability, and the Associate
Dean of the Graduate School.
Dr. William Braham, external
External consultant letter submitted.
Events Leading to Implementation
Implementation Activity
CAVP meeting no concerns about the proposal
FIU Faculty Senate Approves Proposal
Executive Summary Drafted
External Consultant visits FIU
New Program Proposal approved by BOT
Spring 2020
Florida Board of Governors staff reviews proposal and determines readiness for
June 2020 BOG meeting
June 2020
Board of Governors considers proposal for approval and upon approval adds
degree to the Academic Program Inventory
Spring 2021
Once approved by BOG, First Cohort of Students accepted
VII. Program Quality Indicators - Reviews and Accreditation
Identify program reviews, accreditation visits, or internal reviews for any university degree
Page 20 of 320
programs related to the proposed program, especially any within the same academic unit. List
all recommendations and summarize the institution's progress in implementing the
The Master of Architecture program has been accredited by The National Architectural Accrediting
Board (NAAB) since January 1999. The program was re-accredited in 2002, 2009, 2011, and in 2017 for an
8-year accreditation term. Each re-accreditation required a NAAB team site visit and resulting Visiting
Team report. The program also submits annual Statistical Reports.
In the NAAB February 22, 2017, Visiting Team Report, the team stated that the program met all the 26
Student Performance Criteria (provided below) of the 2014 Conditions for Accreditation except two (B1 &
D1). The program addressed these deficiencies as follows:
To address the Not Met for B1: The department instituted a required programming exercise in
the Sustainable Design Studio with Professor Reads supervision.
To address the Not Met for D1: Professor Chandler, a licensed Florida architect, assumed the
responsibility of teaching the professional office practice class and reworked the course material
addressing stakeholders.
Student Performance Criteria
A.1 Professional Communication Skills: Ability to write and speak effectively and use representational
media appropriate for both within the profession and with the general public.
A.2 Design Thinking Skills: Ability to raise clear and precise questions, use abstract ideas to interpret
information, consider diverse points of view, reach well-reasoned conclusions, and test alternative
outcomes against relevant criteria and standards.
A.3 Investigative Skills: Ability to gather, assess, record, and comparatively evaluate relevant information
and performance in order to support conclusions related to a specific project or assignment.
A.4 Architectural Design Skills: Ability to effectively use basic formal, organizational, and environmental
principles and the capacity of each to inform two- and three-dimensional design.
A.5 Ordering Systems: Ability to apply the fundamentals of both natural and formal ordering systems
and the capacity of each to inform two- and three- dimensional design.
A.6 Use of Precedents: Ability to examine and comprehend the fundamental principles present in relevant
precedents and to make informed choices about the incorporation of such principles into architecture and
urban design projects.
A.7 History and Global Culture: Understanding of the parallel and divergent histories of architecture and
the cultural norms of a variety of indigenous, vernacular, local, and regional settings in terms of their
political, economic, social, ecological, and technological factors.
A.8 Cultural Diversity and Social Equity: Understanding of the diverse needs, values, behavioral norms,
physical abilities, and social and spatial patterns that characterize different cultures and individuals and
the responsibility of the architect to ensure equity of access to sites, buildings, and structures.
B.1 Pre-Design: Ability to prepare a comprehensive program for an architectural project that includes an
assessment of client and user needs; an inventory of spaces and their requirements; an analysis of site
conditions (including existing buildings); a review of the relevant building codes and standards,
including relevant sustainability requirements, and an assessment of their implications for the project;
and a definition of site selection and design assessment criteria.
B.2 Site Design: Ability to respond to site characteristics, including urban context and developmental
patterning, historical fabric, soil, topography, ecology, climate, and building orientation, in the
development of a project design.
B.3. Codes and Regulations: Ability to design sites, facilities, and systems that are responsive to relevant
codes and regulations and include the principles of life-safety and accessibility standards.
B.4 Technical Documentation: Ability to make technically clear drawings, prepare outline specifications,
and construct models illustrating and identifying the assembly of materials, systems, and components
appropriate for a building design.
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B.5 Structural Systems: Ability to demonstrate the basic principles of structural systems and their ability
to withstand gravitational, seismic, and lateral forces, as well as the selection and application of the
appropriate structural system.
B.6 Environmental Systems: Ability to demonstrate the principles of environmental sstems design, how
design criteria can vary by geographic region, and the tools used for performance assessment. This
demonstration must include active and passive heating and cooling, solar geometry, daylighting, natural
ventilation, indoor air quality, solar systems, lighting systems, and acoustics.
B.7 Building Envelope Systems and Assemblies: Understanding of the basic principles involved in the
appropriate selection and application of building envelope systems relative to fundamental performance,
aesthetics, moisture transfer, durability, and energy and material resources.
B.8 Building Materials and Assemblies: Understanding of the basic principles used in the appropriate
selection of interior and exterior construction materials, finishes, products, components, and assemblies
based on their inherent performance, including environmental impact and reuse.
B.9 Building Service Systems: Understanding of the basic principles and appropriate application and
performance of building service systems, including lighting, mechanical, plumbing, electrical,
communication, vertical transportation, security, and fire protection systems.
B.10 Financial Considerations: Understanding of the fundamentals of building costs, which must include
project financing methods and feasibility, construction cost estimating, construction scheduling,
operational costs, and life-cycle costs.
C.1 Research: Understanding of the theoretical and applied research methodologies and practices used
during the design process.
C.2 Integrated Evaluations and Decision-Making Design Process: Ability to demonstrate the skills
associated with making integrated decisions across multiple systems and variables in the completion of a
design project. This demonstration includes problem identification, setting evaluative criteria, analyzing
solutions, and predicting the effectiveness of implementation.
C.3 Integrative Design: Ability to make design decisions within a complex architectural project while
demonstrating broad integration and consideration of environmental stewardship, technical
documentation, accessibility, site conditions, life safety, environmental systems, structural systems, and
building envelope systems and assemblies.
D.1 Stakeholder Roles in Architecture: Understanding of the relationships among key stakeholders in the
design processclient, contractor, architect, user groups, local communityand the architects role to
reconcile stakeholder needs.
D.2 Project Management: Understanding of the methods for selecting consultants and assembling teams;
identifying work plans, project schedules, and time requirements; and recommending project delivery
D.3 Business Practices: Understanding of the basic principles of a firms business practices, including
financial management and business planning, marketing, organization, and entrepreneurship.
D.4 Legal Responsibilities: Understanding of the architects responsibilit to the public and the client as
determined by regulations and legal considerations involving the practice of architecture and
professional service contracts.
D.5 Professional Conduct: Understanding of the ethical issues involved in the exercise of professional
judgment in architectural design and practice and understanding the role of the NCARB Rules of
Conduct and the AIA Code of Ethics in defining professional conduct.
The program is accredited through 2025.
Program Review 2017-18
The Department program review focused on the Master of Architecture (MArch) degree. Given the
proximity to the specialized accreditation visit, that outside review process was incorporated into the
program review. In addition, the Department included in its Improvement Action Plan the establishment
of the Doctor of Design degree for the unit to achieve its long-range research, ranking, and branding
VIII. Curriculum
A. Describe the specific expected student learning outcomes associated with the proposed
Page 22 of 320
program. If a bachelor degee ga, icde a eb ik  he Acadeic Leaig
Compact or include the document itself as an appendix.
The mission of the Doctor of Design is to advance architectural research and expand professional
practice. The purpose of this STEM-focused doctoral program is to train candidates for key leadership
positions in architectural design and the growing related technology fields. It prepares candidates for
national and international careers in the design professions, industry, applied research, teaching, as well
as leadership positions in public agencies and municipalities. The program educates graduates to
navigate disciplinary and professional boundaries with knowledge and skills applicable both at the local
and global scales. The student learning outcomes that follow are aligned with these goals. Doctor of
Design graduates will demonstrate:
1. The ability to contribute to architectural design knowledge through the completion of the doctoral
project that leads to submission for presentation at a professional meeting and/or publication in a peer-
reviewed journal.
To meet this SLO, DDes students would demonstrate knowledge of emerging Architectural technologies
that incorporates robotics processes for design and construction, advanced digital fabrication, sensor
integration with building components, and data visualization technologies in building design and
2. Effective communication skills to develop a project, organize it around a central theme, and
demonstrate a command of representational conventions and documentation.
To meet this SLO, DDes students would demonstrate a high level of communication skills that are
informed by advanced knowledge of digital design and visualization tools (virtual and augmented
reality) of applicable to architectural building design technological.
3. Ability to investigate and evaluate available evidence, analyze and synthesize ideas and research
findings, and create new knowledge for their doctoral project.
In order to establish timely research, the DDes student would need to demonstrate specialized industry
knowledge of building industry and architectural technologies. This includes the ability to apply
advanced technologies to building design and construction, for delivering efficient design, construction,
and operation of buildings, solar design, building conservation, and climate-conscious design.
B. Describe the admission standards and graduation requirements for the program.
The admission standards for applicants to the Doctor of Design Program are:
1) Hold a Master of Architecture degree from accredited program, or equivalent professional
architectural degree, or other advanced degrees subject to program approval.
2) Have a GPA of 3.25 in their masters degree program.
3) Submit three letters of recommendation to the Architecture Program Chair from faculty members
or supervisors qualified to evaluate the applicants potential for doctoral work.
4) Submit a brief letter of interest in the program and future career goals.
5) Submit a portfolio and preliminary statement of research interest.
6) Receive recommendation for admission from the Departmental Doctoral Education Committee.
7) International graduate student applicants whose native language is not English are required to
submit a score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or for the International
English Language Testing System (IELTS). A total score of 80 on the iBT TOEFL (equivalent to
550 on the TOEFL) is required.
The graduation requirements for the Doctor of Design Program are completion of the 60-credit hour post-
masters curriculum with a 3.0 or higher GPA, with each course having a grade of B- or higher.
Additionally, a student must be in compliance with the FIU Graduate School graduation requirements to
be eligible for graduation.
Page 23 of 320
C. Describe the curricular framework for the proposed program, including number of credit
hours and composition of required core courses, restricted electives, unrestricted electives,
thesis requirements, and dissertation requirements. Identify the total numbers of semester
credit hours for the degree.
The Doctor of Design Program is a 60-credit, four-semester program.
Fifteen credits are taken as part of the FIU 174-credit Master of Architecture degree. The course
descriptions are included in Section E below for MArch courses to be considered for application to the
DDes. Students applying with Master of Architecture degrees from other universities will have 15 credits
evaluated for recency/applicability as transferable and applied to the DDes or will be required to enroll
in 15 credits at FIU based on the MArch courses identified in Section E.
There are five DDes core courses which establish the pedagogical context for study (15 credits):
ARC 6229 Theories of the Digital 3
ARC 6761 Miami Urban Studies 3
ARC 6184 Advanced Studies in Technology 3
ARC 7981 Advanced Research Methods 3
ARC 6204 Architecture Philosophy 3
Research Requirements (30 credits)
ARC 6906 Independent Study 6
ARC 7980 Doctoral Project 21
ARC 7XXX Doctoral Defense 3
There are short annual residency periods, which will be held at our Miami Beach Urban Studios (MBUS)
that will support all classes.
D. Provide a sequenced course of study for all majors, concentrations, or areas of emphasis
within the proposed program.
Master of Architecture, required degree
Taken as part of the FIU MArch Degree (or equivalent transfer for
students completing Masters of Architecture elsewhere)
Semester I-Spring (12)
ARC 6229 Theories of the Digital
ARC 6761 Miami Urban Studies
ARC 6184 Advanced Studies in Technology
ARC 6906 Independent Study
Semester II-Fall (12)
ARC 7980 Doctoral Project
ARC 7981 Advanced Research Methods
ARC 6204 Architecture Philosophy
ARC 6906 Independent Study
Semester III-Spring (9)
ARC 7980 Doctoral Project
Semester IV-Fall (12)
ARC 7980 Doctoral Project
ARC 7XXX Doctoral Defense
Total Credit Hours
Page 24 of 320
E. Provide a one- or two-sentence description of each required or elective course.
Courses taken as part of a Master of Architecture: 15 credits
ARC 6356, 6 credits, Architectural Design 10
Architectural project emphasizing design development, preparation of details, and design documents for
buildings of intermediate complexity.
ARC 6970, 6 credits, Masters Project
Coursework under the direction of faculty for the completion of project by candidate for the degree of
Master of Architecture.
ARC 6280, 3 credits, Professional Office Practice
Study of the ethical, legal, financial, and managerial aspects of professional practice in architecture.
ARC 6906, 3 credits, Independent Study
Coursework on a particular aspect of architecture under the direction of faculty in an individual study
Coursework taken once admitted to DDes: 45 credits
ARC 6906, 3 credits, Independent Study
Coursework on a particular aspect of architecture under the direction of faculty in an individual study
ARC 6204, 3 credits, Architecture Philosophy
This course explores how ideas from contemporary continental philosophy and other related fields such
as psychoanalysis, neuroscience, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, and gender studies might inform a
discourse about architecture and urbanism.
ARC 6229, 3 credits, Theories of the Digital
This course explores theories of the digital. The aim is to develop a theoretical framework by which to
understand and appraise the impact of the digital not only on architectural design and fabrication, but
also on urban life in general.
ARC 6184, 3 credits, Advanced Studies in Technology
Emerging technologies including robotics, digital fabrication, sensing, and advanced visualization tools
(virtual and augmented reality) are changing the landscape of research, innovation, design, and
production. This course will examine the fundamental applications driving these technologies and their
utility in architectural design. The course will be composed of two parts: part one will focus on
innovative ways of integrating these technologies into architectural production, and part two will focus
on their impact on architectural design methodologies and research.
ARC 6761, 3 credits, Miami Urban Studies
This course of lectures, seminars, and other activities offers a spectrum of topics designed to appeal to a
range of different interests and to introduce students to a new set of ideas and concepts. All sessions
relate to the general theme of urban studies and have a particular relevance to the social, political,
economic, and environmental concerns of South Florida, in general, and Miami, in particular.
ARC 7981, 3 credits, Advanced Research Methods
Advanced methods of data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation used in architectural research.
ARC 7980, variable credits, 3-9, Doctoral Project
Coursework under the direction of faculty for the completion of the Doctoral Project by a candidate for
Page 25 of 320
the degree of Doctor of Design. Repeatable.
ARC 7XXX, 3 credits, Doctoral Defense
The formal presentation of the Doctoral Project. The Doctoral Project defense announcement is an
invitation to members of the University community to observe and participate in the defense. All the
committee members must be in attendance.
F. For degree programs in the science and technology disciplines, discuss how industry-
driven competencies were identified and incorporated into the curriculum and indicate
whether any industry advisory council exists to provide input for curriculum development
and student assessment.
This research-focused degree does not emphasize industry-driven competencies. This question is more
related to other degree programs, such as the professional Master of Architecture (MArch), and thus is
not directly applicable to the DDes.
G. For all programs, list the specialized accreditation agencies and learned societies that
would be concerned with the proposed program. Will the university seek accreditation
for the program if it is available? If not, why? Provide a brief timeline for seeking
accreditation, if appropriate.
The Doctor of Design is a post-professional program and will not seek specialized accreditation. Since
the focus of specialized accreditation is on professional competency attainment, these criteria are not
appropriately applied to this research-focused degree.
H. For doctoral programs, list the accreditation agencies and learned societies that would be
concerned with cedig bache  ae ga aciaed ih he
proposed program. Are the programs accredited? If not, why?
The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) accredits the Departments professional Master of
Architecture degree. Currently, this program is accredited through 2025.
I. Briefly describe the anticipated delivery system for the proposed program (e.g., traditional
delivery on main campus; traditional delivery at branch campuses or centers; or
nontraditional delivery such as distance or distributed learning, self-paced instruction, or
external degree programs). If the proposed delivery system will require specialized
services or greater than normal financial support, include projected costs in Table 2 in
Appendix A. Provide a narrative describing the feasibility of delivering the proposed
program through collaboration with other universities, both public and private. Cite
specific queries made of other institutions with respect to shared courses,
distance/distributed learning technologies, and joint-use facilities for research or
The program is designed around the delivery of hybrid courses that include short residency (one or two
weeks per semester) of intensive study within an online course. The residency periods will include
lectures and workshops with distinguished experts, seminar discussions, and studio-style critiques. The
online portion will include virtual classes with interactive discussion and individual student projects
guided by faculty. The hybrid curriculum is designed to be accessible to working professionals and to
faculty in departments of Architecture. Each year, short residency periods will be held at MBUS. During
that period in residence, students will also meet with their doctoral project advisor.
IX. Faculty Participation
A. Use Table 4 in Appendix A to identify existing and anticipated full-time (not visiting or
adjunct) faculty who will participate in the proposed program through Year 5. Include (a)
faculty code associated with the source of funding for the position; (b) name; (c) highest
Page 26 of 320
degree held; (d) academic discipline or specialization; (e) contract status (tenure, tenure-
earning, or multi-year annual [MYA]); (f) contract length in months; and (g) percent of
annual effort that will be directed toward the proposed program (instruction, advising,
supervising internships and practica, and supervising thesis or dissertation hours).
See Table 4 in Appendix A for the four faculty members, including one new hires participation in the
doctorate program.
B. Use Table 2 in Appendix A to display the costs and associated funding resources for
existing and anticipated full-time faculty (as identified in Table 4 in Appendix A). Costs
for visiting and adjunct faculty should be included in the category of Other Personnel
Services (OPS). Provide a narrative summarizing projected costs and funding sources.
The budget reflects the defined portion of the salary of the four faculty who will be teaching in the
doctorate program. These positions are currently E&G lines and their workloads will be adjusted to allow
for teaching and research supervision in the new program. No adjuncts or visiting faculty will teach in
the doctoral program.
The new content courses developed for this program will also service advanced Master of Architecture
students, thus only 50% of each course is attributed to the cost of this new degree. During the last year of
the MArch degree, students complete their Masters Project, thus are focused on research. High-
performing MArch students will be allowed to enroll in one elective course taken with DDes students.
The total enrollment of DDes and MArch students will be approximately 10-12. Funds to support the
faculty reassignment to these new courses will come from the planned phase out of the Master of Arts in
Architecture degree in the Architecture CIP, which currently serves as a post-professional research
degree program.
C. Provide in the appendices the abbreviated curriculum vitae (CV) for each existing faculty
member (do not include information for visiting or adjunct faculty).
See Appendix C for faculty vitae for those listed in Table 4. In addition, based on Dr. Brahams
recommendation (External Reviewer, Section I.C.), we have added graduate faculty without PhDs to
Appendix C because in his own words there are also a number of other facult in the Department
without PhDs who conduct advanced level research and could supervise DDes students and benefit from
working with them. The department concurs, and believes these faculty will provide positive student
support to Doctoral Project committees. These are all full-time faculty in the School of Architecture and
will not be teaching in the proposed program.
D. Provide evidence that the academic unit(s) associated with this new degree have been
productive in teaching, research, and service. Such evidence may include trends over time
for average course load, FTE productivity, student HC in major or service courses, degrees
granted, external funding attracted, as well as qualitative indicators of excellence.
National Rankings:
The Department of Architecture has received a series of national rankings.
In 2019, DesignIntelligence ranked our Master of Architecture program the 19
Most Hired School (20
2018) See: ranked our Master of Architecture program #1 among Latin American Top 100
Producers of Minority Graduate Degrees, 2018
Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine ranked our Master of Architecture program #2 for Architecture
Degrees in 2017.
Page 27 of 320
According to, in 2016 FIU has ranked #2 among six architecture programs that
qualified as the best in the nation.
In 2016, DesignIntelligence conducted a student survey. FIUs Department of Architecture students
reported that 87% believe that they are well prepared for their profession upon graduation and that the
quality of the program is above average to excellent.
The Department of Architecture has enjoyed positive growth in its applicant pool of the last four years:
Freshmen applicants: 280 in 2018, 280 in 2017, 256 in 2016, and 245 in 2015
Transfers applicants: 135 in 2018, 130 in 2017, 132 in 2016, and 120 in 2015
Number of Master of Architecture Graduates:
2018-2019 Master of Architecture degrees: 91
2017-2018 Master of Architecture degrees: 87
2016-2017 Master of Architecture degrees: 95
2015-2016 Master of Architecture degrees: 103
2014-2015 Master of Architecture degrees: 92
Faculty External Funding:
Preparing the Future Workforce of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) for Automation
and Robotic Processes, The National Science Foundations (NSF) Convergence Accelerator program,
$1,000,000, Shahin Vassigh, PI, 2019
Wells Fargo Clean Technology and Innovation Grant for FIU Founders Park, PI Nick Gelpi, $75,000 2013-
CRUNCH  Climate Resilient Urban Neus Choices: Operationaliing the Food-Water-Energy Nexus,
Funded by European Union, Horizon 2020, Belmont Forum Collaborative Research (April 1, 2018 - May 1,
2020), awarded January 25, 2018, Funded - In Progress, Spring 2018, PI Thomas Spiegelhalter (60%)
Department of State ECPA energy reduction grant, Chile, Brazil, and Trinidad & Tobago. Professors
Rosales and Spiegelhalter, $791,531.16, Completed 2016
National Research Group Coastal SEES RCN | Predictive Modeling Network for Sustainable Human-
Building Ecosystems [SHBE] awarded fall 2013-2016, $652,846, Thomas Spiegelhalter, Co-PI
NSF Grant, Urban Water Innovation Network: Transitioning Toward Sustainable Urban Water Systems.
FIU Co-PI, with Michael Sukop, Southeast Environmental Research Center. Including funding for
Graduate Research Assistant, Awarded Spring 2015, Nepomechie, Co-PI. $903,077
FIU by Design Auxiliary funding projects:
Little Havana Elderly Housing Sponsored Studio $60,000; Two Architecture studios lead by Rosales,
Salazar with one landscape studio lead by Rovira
Miami Children Museum, Charrette for exhibition design $15,000, Phase 1, Exhibition construction,
$55,000 phase 2, Eric Peterson
Sweetwater Urban Analysis Sponsored Studio, $20,000, led by Chandler and Ottchen
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Liberty City Community Meeting $15,000, led by Mark Marine and Marilys Nepomechie
Little Havana Community Meeting $50,000, Mark Marine
Mayors Institute on City Design Symposium, $50,000, Mark Marine and Marilys Nepomechie
Mana Wynwood Sponsored Studio, $15,000, Andia and Busch
Sports City Sponsored Studio, $15,000, Spiegelhalter
Beth Israel Design Charette, $7,000, led by Nepomechie & Goldemberg
Miami Beach Flyover Design Charette, $7,000, led by Chandler, Rovira, Kolasinski
Palletcraft, Whole Foods, $5,000 led by Peterson
X. Non-Faculty Resources
A. Describe library resources currently available to implement and/or sustain the proposed
program through Year 5. Provide the total number of volumes and serials available in this
diciie ad eaed fied. Li aj ja ha ae aaiabe  he iei
students. Include a signed statement from the Library Director that this subsection and
subsection B have been reviewed and approved.
Institutional Context and Administrative Structure:
The FIU University Libraries system includes four individual libraries and several service centers. The
Green Library at the Modesto A. Maidique Campus houses the majority of the research and archival
collections, including the Sound & Image Department, Special Collections & Archives, and the Digital
Collections Center. The Hubert Library at the Biscayne Bay Campus primarily consists of
undergraduate-level materials, with focused research collections for degree programs hosted at BBC.
The College of Law Library and Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Library are located on the
Modesto A. Maidique Campus; although their primary clientele are the students in the professional
programs, these libraries support the entire FIU community. Additionally, the students and faculty in
The Engineering Center (one mile from the Modesto A. Maidique Campus) are served by the
Engineering Library Services unit, and coursework taken at FIU @ I-75 are supported by two distance
learning service librarians who work primarily from the Green Library.
The major components of the Architecture Collection are housed on the 5th floor of the Green Library at
the Modesto A. Maidique Campus. The Art & Architecture print materials, both books and journals,
classified within the Library of Congress subject heading N, are conveniently located immediately
adjacent to the Sound & Image Department that houses the visual components. Interdisciplinary
materials, including Landscape Architecture Materials in the SB classification, are located on the 3rd, 6th,
and 7th floors. Visual collections in this area include an Art & Architecture slide collection with slide
views, projectors, and light tables. A Reading Room, dedicated to the needs of the Architecture students,
is available for check-out at the Sound & Image Desk. The 5th floor area also includes desktop
computers, individual study carrels, open study tables, and group study rooms.
The School of Architecture needs are further supported by the Map & Imagery User Services/Geographic
Information Systems Center (MIUS-GIS), located on the 2nd floor of the Green Library, and the
Wolfsonian-FIU Museum, located in Miami Beach.
The Dean of Libraries oversees the main campus libraries and coordinates efforts with the independently
administered libraries (Law, Medicine, and Wolfsonian). The Dean of Libraries reports to the Provost
and Executive Vice President and is a member of the Council of Deans. Reporting to the Dean of
Libraries are two Associate Deans, the Associate Director for Human Resources & Budgeting, and the
Department Heads of each functional department of the FIU Libraries (10 units).
Page 29 of 320
Collection management for the University Libraries is coordinated by the Head of Collection
Management & Resource Access in consultation with the library liaisons and other library units.
Reference, research, and instructional assistance are provided by library liaisons and coordinated
through the Information & Research Services Department. The majority of library liaisons, including the
liaisons to the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts, report to the Department Head for
Information & Research Services. The Sound & Image Department provides specialized services for
audio-visual materials.
Architecture Serials
The University Libraries have access to articles from 97,459 online journals through various vendors,
including multi-journal packages from Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, JSTOR, Oxford
University Press, Cambridge University Press, Project Muse, ASCE, and ASME. Online journal content
can be accessed from the library catalog or through the E-journal Portal, which utilizes the
SerialsSolutions platform. Although many of the online journals are available cover-to-cover, some titles
may only have selective content available through aggregator databases. In terms of journals most likely
to be relevant to this programs offerings, the E-Journal Portal reports the following subject areas and
journal counts: Architecture (244), Fine Arts - General (148), Gardens, Landscape Architecture & Parks
(48), Visual Arts - General (454), Materials Science (328), Civil Engineering (499), Environmental
Engineering (286), Engineering - General (370)
Over the past 12 years the University Libraries have been steadily converting journal subscriptions from
print to online to ensure broader access to research needs. Nevertheless, for the Arts & Architecture, a
large number of print subscriptions have been maintained due to the potential loss of image quality in an
online environment. The Libraries acquisition sstem shows 47 current print subscriptions designated
specifically for the Architecture program.
The external standard for serial holdings is the Association of Architecture School Librarians Core List
( ). Of the total 54 titles in the latest edition,
compiled in 2009, the librars collection is sufficient with full tet, either in print or online, to 49 titles
B. Describe additional library resources that are needed to implement and/or sustain the
program through Year 5. Include projected costs of additional library resources in Table 2
in Appendix A. Please include the signature of the Library Director in Appendix B.
The FIU libraries have adequate library resources and access to digital journals to support the proposed
new doctoral program.
C. Describe classroom, teaching laboratory, research laboratory, office, and other types of
space that are necessary and currently available to implement the proposed program
through Year 5.
Library of Congress Class
E Resources
(Books & Journals)
Page 30 of 320
Paul L. Cejas School of Architecture Building
The Paul L. Cejas School of Architecture Building is a state-of-the-art facility designed specifically to
meet the needs of the proposed program. It houses professional studios, more than 14 critique rooms, a
200-seat lecture hall, lecture and seminar classrooms, a reading room, a wood, plastics and metal shop,
an interior design resource room, a computer laboratory, a dedicated gallery, and faculty and staff
offices. These facilities are distributed throughout five structures separated by courtyards and public
Miami Beach Urban Studios (MBUS)
Located in the iconic Art Deco 420 Lincoln Road building, the 16,000 square foot Miami Beach Urban
Studios give students and facult access to Miami Beachs burgeoning arts and design culture. The Urban
Studios provide expansive space for design and fine arts students, practice and performance spaces for
music and theater students, as well expansive gallery/exhibition spaces and classroom space for use by
the entire College. The location is an ideal base for the study in arts, design, and performance, for
museum and gallery visits, and for exposure to the wealth of arts organizations located in Miami Beach.
The Miami Beach Urban Studios are equipped with wireless internet access, scanners, plotters, and laser
and large-format 2D and 3D printers all available to students in residence. The Urban Studios are also
managed by a full-time staff and by full-time faculty who are prominent leaders in their disciplines.
Additionally, the Urban Studios rely on a large group of guest faculty and professionals who contribute
their expertise to the student experience. MBUS is also the home of important collections of books and
catalogues, including those donated by Terry Riley, Nicholas Patricios, and Ambassador Paul
Cejas. MBUS is home to the new CARTA Innovation Lab, which opened fall 2015 and houses 64
makerbots (one per every two studio desks).
D. Describe additional classroom, teaching laboratory, research laboratory, office, and other
space needed to implement and/or maintain the proposed program through Year 5.
Include any projected Instruction and Research (I&R) costs of additional space in Table 2
in Appendix A. Do not include costs for new construction because that information should
be provided in response to X (E) below.
The university and college have been building and expanding instructional space and research venues to
support this technologically focused new doctoral degree. There are sufficient physical resources at this
time to launch the program.
E. If a new capital expenditure for instructional or research space is required, indicate where
this item appears on the university's fixed capital outlay priority list. Table 2 in Appendix
A includes only Instruction and Research (I&R) costs. If non-I&R costs, such as indirect
costs affecting libraries and student services, are expected to increase as a result of the
program, describe and estimate those expenses in narrative form below. It is expected that
high enrollment programs in particular would necessitate increased costs in non-I&R
No new capital expenditures are required for this degree.
F. Describe specialized equipment that is currently available to implement the proposed
program through Year 5. Focus primarily on instructional and research requirements.
Robotics and Digital Fabrication Laboratory
The Robotics and Digital Fabrication (RDF) Laboratory is a state-of-the-art facility with robotic arms, 3D
scanners, laser cutters, programmable objects, and 3D printers. The lab offers unique technology
solutions for testing, prototyping, manufacturing and fabrication. RDF is a catalyst to invigorate research,
development, and entrepreneurship by bridging the gap between the virtual and physical world. The
RDF Lab is a collaboration between the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts and the
College of Engineering and Computing. The lab equipment includes:
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Kuka KR 30: A medium-sized advanced robotic arm with 6 axes. This is a High Accuracy robot that can
excel in digital fabrication and experimentation.
ThKuka KR 10 R1100 Sixx: The AGILUS is a compact six-axes robot that is designed for particularly high
working speeds and precision.
End Effectors for Robotic Arms: Automatic Tool Changer Spindle End Effectors, which are tools that
allow the machine to change bits automatically, Vacuum Gripper, Clay Extruder, 5500 ml extruder with
3.75 diameter pol-carbonate Reinforced tube, Nozzle Diameter: 5mm, 6.4mm, 8.3mm
Small Robotics: Arduino, Raspberry Pi boards, assorted sensors and actuators for
experimentation. Autonomous cars kits based on both Arduino and Raspberry Pi help teach the
fundamentals of microcontrollers and microcomputers.
Form Labs 2: High quality resin printer with high precision. Capable of using engineered resins to print
flex materials, high temperature resistant materials, and high strength materials.
Bio Bot Printer: 3D printer that builds 3D living tissues out of human cells.
Replicator Z18 Maker Bots: Highly accurate 3D printer with large build volume.
Integrated Computer Augmented Virtual Environment
I-CAVE is a visualization facility composed of five large, high-resolution screens arranged in a hexagonal
pattern and a surround sound system that create an immersive virtual reality experience. Hardware and
software tracking capabilities track movement and coordinate with displayed images for the immersion
of users in the simulated environment. This facility provides new opportunities for research, creative
projects, and data visualization. The I-CAVE has been established as a collaborative effort between the
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts and the College of Engineering and Computing.
Structural and Environmental Technologies Lab (SET Lab)
SET Lab is an interdisciplinary facility dedicated to teaching and research in building science and
technology with a focus on ecology and the importance of climate responsive and energy-conscious
design and construction. The lab serves the curricular needs of CARTAs programs b providing a
dedicated space and equipment for learning through research, testing, and investigation of materials and
systems for resource efficient built environments. The lab is located on the ground floor of the Paul L.
Cejas Architecture Building and consists of 1,300 square feet of classroom and demonstration space. The
lab equipment includes:
Pasco Truss Set: This Structures System set includes everything needed to quickly build and evaluate a
variety of trusses. A variety of I-beams give the flexibility to design and create many different structures.
All Structures Systems sets, Load Cell can be placed anywhere in the structure, allowing you to measure
tension and compression.
Static System: A Magnetic Work board and Components designed to teach the fundamentals of statics.
The Statics System is composed of the Statics Board, Spares Package, Components Package and Mass and
Hanger Set. Most of the components of the Statics System attach magnetically to the board and have
rubber rings on their base to protect the board. The PASCO Statics System is designed to help you
investigate the nature of forces for the special case in which there is no acceleration. In other words, the
vector sum of all the forces acting on the body is zero.
TecQuipments Beam: The high-qualit equipment consists of a simpl supported beam cut b a pivot
to create various Bending Moments in a Beam experiment. Students apply loads along the beam and read
the forces created using a Digital Force Display.
Virtual Bending: Virtual Experiments Software enables computer simulation of experiments working
with or without the hardware. It allows students to visualize, tabulate, and graph data. The software
displays a bending moment diagrams during experiments.
Hydraulic Press: A 50-Ton Capacity hydraulic shop press used to apply stress to structural members.
Used for testing.
Fabrication Lab
The department maintains a wood, plastic, and metal shop located within proximity of the studios.
Containing industrial grade wood working, plastics, and metal working equipment, this shop is designed
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to give students hands-on experience in large-scale model building, CNC milling and furniture building.
The shop is staffed by a model shop manager and by work-study assistants who support student
training, general project assistance, and shop equipment maintenance. The shop is approximately 2,000
square-feet and is open daily, Monday-Friday. The following is the fabrication lab equipment:
Cabinet Shop: The foundation of our Lab is a full cabinet shop featuring a 10 Sawstop table saw, a Delta
10 table saw and router table, a Jet 20 band saw with 12 throat, two 14 band saws, a Delta 14 radial
arm saw, a 12 and an 8 compound miter saw, a Delta 8 joiner, 14 planer, 24 Jet drum sander, 36
edge sander, spindle sander, a Powermatic mortising machine, a Delta 36 wood lathe, and numerous
hand and power tools.
CNC Mill: The Techno LC-Series 4896 is the digital workhorse in the Fabrication Lab. It allows a work
area of 48 with an 11 throat and spindle speeds up to 18,000 rpm. Typical materials range from wood,
MDF, and plywood to foam, plastics, and aluminum. The 2-1/2 axis Techno LC-series allows positive
curvature three-dimensional surface milling as well as two-dimensional profile cutting, drilling, and
pocketing. All our Lab Technicians are advanced Rhino and Maya modelers who are fully trained in the
use of MasterCAM and RhinoCAM to offer a variety of tool path solutions.
Vacuum Former: Our newest Lab addition is a 4848 Belovac C-class Vacuum Forming machine with a
42 effective work area and 22 depth of draw. For use with plastics up to 1/4, the Belovac allows us to
take three-dimensional male or female molds made using the CNC mill or manual processes and use
them to make thin compound curved and folded surfaces.
Metal Shop: Our metal shop features a range of sheet metal tools including a 36 guillotine sheer,
throatless sheer, 42 bo and pan break, rotar punch and die, 30 roll former, wheel crimp, and a 10
throat spot welder. We also have a 24 thread cutting lathe, a reciprocating mill, a 280-amp Miller stick
SMAW process welder, and a Lincoln wire feed welder for gasless FCAW process welding. Numerous
hand and power tools supplement this well-equipped shop.
Concrete Lab: Our concrete lab is used for advanced material research in concrete and cementitious
products. It includes numerous hand and power tools as well as a vertical shaft mixer and precision
calibrated measuring devices for highly accurate mixture ratios used in concrete strength testing.
Through a partnership with the College of Engineering and Computing, our advanced students and
research assistants have access to precision tools for strength testing concrete and other cementitious
Digital Lab
Although we require students to have their own laptop computers by the time they matriculate to the
second year, the school also supports a digital print lab that provides students with access to various
forms of digital output including black and white and color printing and plotting, as well as laser-cutting
and three-dimensional printing. The lab is managed by the digital technology lab manager assisted by
three-to-five work-study students. Students printing and output costs are covered by technology course
fees. Students have unlimited access to printing and are not charged per square foot or per page. The lab
is equipped with:
Printers: The Print Lab features 13 Hewlett Packard Printers and two scanners: One 36 HP color InkJet
plotter, five 36 HP color InkJet plotters, two 24 HP color InkJet plotters, two CP6015xh printers that
print both 11×17 and 8.5×11, one 42 Scanplus LF742 Color Scanner, and one Ricoh mp-2000 BW copier.
Laser Cutters: The Print Lab features two Universal Laser Systems laser cutters: Model VLS 6.60 60-watt
with 3218 cutting bed and Model ULS 6.60 120-watt with 3218 cutting bed.
3D Printers: The Print Lab features four 3D printers: Two MakerBot Replicator 2, one MakerBot
Replicator 2X (2 heads), one MakerBot Replicator Z18, and one Cubex Duo, Coil binding machine for
8.5x11 and 11x17 paper.
Miami Beach Urban Studios (MBUS)
Scanners, plotters, and laser and large-format 2D and 3D printers.
MBUS is home to the new CARTA Innovation Lab that houses 64 makerbots (3D printers) (one per every
two studio desks).
Page 33 of 320
G. Describe additional specialized equipment that will be needed to implement and/or
sustain the proposed program through Year 5. Include projected costs of additional
equipment in Table 2 in Appendix A.
The university and college have been building and expanding the specialized equipment needed to
support this technologically focused new doctoral degree. There is sufficient specialized equipment and
resources at this time to launch the program.
H. Describe any additional special categories of resources needed to implement the program
through Year 5 (access to proprietary research facilities, specialized services, extended
travel, etc.). Include projected costs of special resources in Table 2 in Appendix A.
There are no additional special categories of resources needed to implement this degree.
I. Describe fellowships, scholarships, and graduate assistantships to be allocated to the
proposed program through Year 5. Include the projected costs in Table 2 in Appendix A.
By Year 5, it is anticipated that The Doctor of Design will have assistantships supported by grants and
contracts of $102,400 and $38,400 of Philanthropy Endowments. This is reflected in Table 2 of Appendix
A. The department has a proven track record of securing grant monies to support both teaching and
research assistantships through traditional grants and funded by FIU by Design projects.
J. Describe currently available sites for internship and practicum experiences, if appropriate
to the program. Describe plans to seek additional sites in Years 1 through 5.
The doctoral program does not plan for doctoral student internships.
Page 34 of 320
Individuals drawn from agencies/industries in
your service area (e.g., older returning students)
000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Students who transfer from other graduate
programs within the university**
000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Individuals who have recently graduated from
preceding degree programs at this university
3 1.50 6 4.13 9 5.63 8 5.13 7 4.25
Individuals who graduated from preceding
degree programs at other Florida public
1 0.5 2 1.38 3 1.88 3 1.88 4 2.38
Individuals who graduated from preceding
degree programs at non-public Florida
1 0.5 2 1.38 3 1.88 4 2.38 5 3.25
Additional in-state residents*** 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional out-of-state residents*** 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Additional foreign residents*** 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other (Explain)*** 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 5 2.50 10 6.89 15 9.39 15 9.39 16 9.88
* List projected annual headcount of students enrolled in the degree program. List projected yearly cumulative ENROLLMENTS instead of admissions.
** If numbers appear in this category, they should go DOWN in later years.
*** Do not include individuals counted in any PRIOR category in a given COLUMN.
FTEs in the first year of each cohort = Spring semester with 12 credits
FTEs in the second year of each cohort = Fall & Spring semester with 21 credits
FTEs in the third year of each cohort = Fall semester with 12 credits
See next tab "Headcount + FTE cal" for breakdown of full student headcount and FTE calc per cohort.
(Graduate Degree Program)
Year 5Year 4Year 3Year 2Year 1
Source of Students
(Non-duplicated headcount in any given
Page 35 of 320
Individuals who have recently graduated from
preceding degree programs at this university
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Cohort 1 3 3 3
Cohort 2 3 3 3
Cohort 3 33 3
Cohort 4 22
Cohort 5 2
Individuals who graduated from preceding
degree programs at other Florida public
universities Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Cohort 1 1 1 1
Cohort 2 1 1 1
Cohort 3 11 1
Cohort 4 11
Cohort 5 2
Individuals who graduated from preceding
degree programs at non-public Florida
institutions Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Cohort 1 1 1 1
Cohort 2 1 1 1
Cohort 3 11 1
Cohort 4 22
Cohort 5 2
Total HeadCount 5 10 15 15 16
Individuals who have recently graduated from
preceding degree programs at this university
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Cohort 1 1.5 2.63 1.5
Cohort 2 1.5 2.63 1.5
Cohort 3 1.5 2.63 1.5
Cohort 4 1 1.75
Page 36 of 320
Cohort 5 1
Individuals who graduated from preceding
degree programs at other Florida public
universities Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Cohort 1 0.5 0.88 0.5
Cohort 2 0.5 0.88 0.5
Cohort 3 0.5 0.88 0.5
Cohort 4 0.5 0.88
Cohort 5 1
Individuals who graduated from preceding
degree programs at non-public Florida
institutions Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Cohort 1 0.5 0.88 0.5
Cohort 2 0.5 0.88 0.5
Cohort 3 0.5 0.88 0.5
Cohort 4 1 1.75
Cohort 5 1
Total FTE 2.5 6.89 9.39 9.39 9.88
Page 37 of 320
Base* (E&G)
Growth (E&G)
New Non-
& Grants
Base** (E&G)
Contracts &
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Faculty Salaries and
17,867 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,867 112,855 0 0 0 0
A & P Salaries and
7,791 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,791 7,791 0 0 0 0 0
USPS Salaries and
2,952 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,952 2,952 0 0 0 0 0
Other Personal
000000 0 0 0000 0 0
Assistantships &
0000030,000 0 30,000 0 0 0 102,400 38,400 0
000000 0 0 0000 0 0
000000 0 0 0000 0 0
Operating Capital
000000 0 0 0000 0 0
Special Categories
000000 0 0 0000 0 0
Total Costs $28,610 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $58,610 $123,598 $0 $0 $102,400 $38,400 $0 $264,398
*Identify reallocation sources in Table 3.
**Includes recurring E&G funded costs ("reallocated base," "enrollment growth," and "new recurring") from Years 1-4 that continue into Year 5.
***Identify if non-recurring.
Faculty and Staff Summary
Calculated Cost per Student FTE
Year 1 Year 5
0.12 0.78
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
Table 2 Column Explanations
Reallocated Base*
Growth (E&G)
New Recurring
New Non-
Recurring (E&G)
Total Positions Year 1
E&G Cost per FTE
9+…+ 14
Funding Source Funding Source
Year 5
Faculty (person-years) $28,610Total E&G Funding
Instruction &
Research Costs
Year 1 Year 5
E&G funds that are already available in the university's budget and will be reallocated to support the new program. Please include these funds in the
Table 3 – Anticipated reallocation of E&G funds and indicate their source.
Additional E&G funds allocated from the tuition and fees trust fund contingent on enrollment increases.
Recurring funds appropriated by the Legislature to support implementation of the program.
Non-recurring funds appropriated by the Legislature to support implementation of the program. Please provide an explanation of the source of these
funds in the budget section (section III. A.) of the proposal. These funds can include initial investments, such as infrastructure.
A & P (FTE)
Annual Student FTE
Page 38 of 320
Contracts &
Grants (C&G)
Auxiliary Funds
coulumns 1+…+7
Base** (E&G)
New Enrollment
Growth (E&G)
Other*** (E&G) 11
Contracts &
Grants (C&G)
Auxiliary Funds
coulumns 9+…+
Subtotal of values included in columns 1 through 7.
Includes the sum of columns 1, 2, and 3 over time.
See explanation provided for column 2.
Contracts and grants funding available for the program.
Funds provided through the foundation or other Direct Support Organizations (DSO) to support of the program.
Use this column for continuing education or market rate programs and provide a rationale in section III.B. in support of the selected tuition model.
See explanation provided for column 6.
Use this column for continuing education or market rate programs and provide a rationale in section III.B. in support of the selected tuition model.
Subtotal of values included in columns 9 through 14.
These are specific funds provided by the Legislature to support implementation of the program.
See explanation provided for column 5.
Page 39 of 320
Program and/or E&G account from which current funds
will be reallocated during Year 1
Base before reallocation Amount to be reallocated Base after reallocation
Department of Architecture
2,328,860 28,610
$2,328,860 $28,610
* If not reallocating funds, please submit a zeroed Table 3
Page 40 of 320
Faculty Name or "New Hire"
Highest Degree Held
Academic Discipline or Speciality Rank
Initial Date for
Participation in
Year 1
Year 1
% Effort
for Prg.
Year 1
Year 1
Year 5
Year 5
% Effort
for Prg.
Year 5
Year 5
A Gra
Read Asso. Prof. Tenure Sprin
2021 9 0.75 0.055 0.04 9 0.75 0.348 0.26
PhD Architecture
A Neil Leach Asst. Prof TT Sprin
2021 9 0.75 0.055 0.04 9 0.75 0.347 0.26
PhD Architecture
A Alfredo Andia Asso. Prof. Tenure Sprin
2021 9 0.75 0.055 0.04 9 0.75 0.257 0.19
PhD Architecture
B New Hire Asst. Prof TT Sprin
2022 9 0.75 0.000 0.00 9 0.75 0.09 0.07
PhD Architecture
Total Person-Years (PY) 0.12
Code Source of Funding Year 1 Year 5
A Existing faculty on a regular line Current Education & General Revenue 0.12 0.71
New faculty to be hired on a vacant line Current Education & General Revenue 0.00 0.07
New faculty to be hired on a new line New Education & General Revenue 0.00 0.00
Existing faculty hired on contracts/grants Contracts/Grants 0.00 0.00
New faculty to be hired on contracts/grants Contracts/Grants 0.00 0.00
Overall Totals for Year 1 0.12 Year 5 0.78
PY Workload by Budget Classsification
Page 41 of 320
Page 42 of 320
Please include the signature of the Equal Opportunity Officer.
This appendix was created to facilitate the collection of signatures in support of the proposal.
Signatures in this section illustrate that the Equal Opportunity Officer has reviewed section ILE
of the proposal for the Doctor of Design program at Florida International University.
August 1, 2019
Page 43 of 320
Please include the signature of the Library Director.
, 20
Signature of Library Director Date
This appendix was created to facilitate the collection of signatures in support of the proposal.
Signatures in this section illustrate that the Library Director has reviewed sections X.A and X.B.
Page 44 of 320
Appendix C – Faculty
Faculty Identified with Teaching Responsibilities ................................................................................... 2
Dr. Alfredo Andia, PhD ............................................................................................................................ 3
Dr. Desmond Neil Leach, PhD ............................................................................................................... 11
Dr. Alice Gray Read, PhD ...................................................................................................................... 38
Dr. David Rifkind, PhD .......................................................................................................................... 44
Supporting Faculty ................................................................................................................................... 57
Mr. Jason R. Chandler, AIA .................................................................................................................. 58
Mr. Nicholas Gelpi, AIA ......................................................................................................................... 75
Ms. Marilys R. Nepomechie, FAIA ...................................................................................................... 105
Mr. Camilo Rosales, AIA ..................................................................................................................... 117
Mr. Thomas Spiegelhalter ..................................................................................................................... 143
Mr. John A. Stuart, AIA ........................................................................................................................ 221
Ms. Shahin Vassigh ............................................................................................................................... 242
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C - 2
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Alfredo Andía, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
PCA 374B, School of Architecture
Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA
W 305 348 6703H 305 878 0942
Education University of California at Berkeley, Ph.D. Architecture 1998
Harvard University, Master of Design Studies (Digital Architecture & Theory) 1989
Universidad Católica, Valparaiso, Chile, Architect 1984
Academic Experience Co-Director, Master of Arts in Architecture Program 2015-2017
Florida International University, Miami, Associate Professor 2005-present
Florida International University, Miami, Assistant Professor 1999-2005
University of Cincinnati, Ohio, Assistant Professor 1996-1998
University of California at Berkeley, California, Instructor & Researcher 1990-1995
Lectures & Presentations More than 70 invitations as visiting professor, lecturer, and program evaluator, 1994-present
Selected list: PAMM Museum (2020), HKS Greenweek (2019), AOA, Chile (2016), U. del Sinu,
Colombia (2010), U. Bio Bio, Chile (2009), Universidad Austral de Chile (2010-2007), Univ. de
Merida, Venezuela (2008), U. Guayaquil, Ecuador (2007); U. del Zulia, Venezuela (2007), U.T.F.S.M.,
Chile (2004, 2001), Reseller Polytechnic Institute, NY (2003), Ball State University (2003), U. Pretoria,
South Africa (2003), U. California at Berkeley, CA (2002); U. Uniacc, Chile (2003, 2002, 2001, 1999,
1998); U. Catolica de Quito (2002), U. Buenos Aires, Argentina (2000, 2001), U. Central de
Venezuela (1999), Instituto Superior de Artes, Havana, Cuba (1998), U. of Detroit at Mercy, Detroit,
MI, (1996), Kansas State University (1996), U. of Cincinnati, OH (1996), Cornell U., NY (1995),
Politecnico di Milano, Italy (1994).
Professional Experience Alfredo Andía Design Studio 1996-present
Taisei Corporation, Japan 1992-1994
Anshen & Allen, California 1991-1992
Stone, Marraccini and Patterson, California 1991-1991
Anderson, de Bartolo & Pan, California 1989-1990
Kotas Architect, CA 1988-1988
Architekturburo Barnath, Austria 1987-1987
Private Practice, Chile, Argentina 1984-1986
Honors Selected list of awards and honors:
CARTA College, FIU, Service Award 2019
ACSA Service Award 2016
3rd Prize, Miami Landmark International Competition, Dawntown, Miami 2013
Winner, The ACSA “Archive 100Prize: Second Responder Competition 2011
Florida International University Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching 2005
Invited Architect, Housing Proposal, La Reserva, Santiago de Chile 2005-2006
Honorable Mention, Parachute Pavilion, Coney Island, VanAlen Institute, N.Y. 2005
Architecture for Social Justice Award 2003
Finalist, September 11
Memorial, City of Huntington, Long Island, New York 2003
Gold Medal, Collaborator, General Category, Bienal Miami + Beach 2003
Semi-Finalist, Far Eastern International Digital Design Award, Taiwan 2002
Prize, Torre Bicentenario, Tallest tower in Latin America, Santiago de Chile 2002
Prize, German Embassy, Santiago de Chile 2000
Honorable Mention, Piazza Isolo, Verona, Italy 1997
Publications More than 60 publications, selected list:
Book: “2016 ACSA International Conference Project Proceedings 2018
Cross Americas Probing Disglobal Networks.” Washington, DC: ACSA Press, 2018
Alfredo Andia, Umberto Bonomo, Macarena Cortes, Dana Cupkova,
Vera Parlac, co-editors. ACSA Design Project Proceedings,
Santiago de Chile, June 29 to July 2, 2016
(61 pages).
Book:2016 ACSA International Conference Paper Proceedings 2016
Cross Americas Probing Disglobal Networks.” Washington, DC: ACSA Press, 2016
Alfredo Andia, Umberto Bonomo, Macarena Cortes, Dana Cupkova,
Vera Parlac, co-editors. ACSA International Paper Conference Proceedings,
Santiago de Chile, June 29 to July 2, 2016
(362 pages).
C - 3
Page 47 of 320
Book: "Post-Parametric Automation of Design and Construction" 2014
Alfredo Andia and Thomas Spiegelhalter, Artech House Publishers, UK
(250 pages).
SynBioBeta Conference, San Francisco 2019
Bio-Imaginations for Biscayne Bay
Health Estate Journal (HEJ) 2019
Offsite Construction: Automation reducing costs and enhancing quality
Anuario Asociación Argentina de Arquitectura E Ingeniería Hospitalaria, AADAIH’18 2019
Construccion Offsite: Automatizando la Construccion Hospitalaria
Anuario AARQHOS 2018, Chile 2018
Automatizando la Industria de la Construcción: la Emergente Construcción Offsite
Anuario Asociación Argentina de Arquitectura E Ingeniería Hospitalaria, AADAIH 2016
BIM6D: BIM para Gerenciamiento de Hospitales
Proceedings of the 2015 AIA/ACSA Intersections Between the Academy and 2015
Practice Conference. AIA convention, 2015, Atlanta, GA
Thomas Spiegelhalter and Alfredo Andia. “Automating Green Practice:
Design Optimization, Manufacturing and Life-Cycle Sustainability.”
Proceedings of BIM LATAM. Santiago, Chile 2014
Alfredo Andia and Fernando Palma. "Diez Años de BIM en Chile.”
SIGRADI Congress, Valparaiso, Chile 2013
Alfredo Andia. "Automated Architecture: Why CAD, Parametrics,
And Fabrication Are Really Old News."
Proceedings of ACSA Annual 101st Conference, San Francisco 2013
Alfredo Andia. “Automate Architecture"
Magazine on Urbanism, MONU #18, Netherlands, April 2013
Alfredo Andia. "Crowdedness in Innovative Communities"
Proceedings of ACSA Annual 100th Conference, Boston, 2012
Alfredo Andia. "Topological Future: Generative Bim."
Proceedings of ACSA International Conference, Barcelona 2012
Alfredo Andia and Thomas Spiegelhalter, “Topological and Parametric
Temperatures in Architectural Academia"
Proceedings of ACSA International Conference, Barcelona 2012
Alfredo Andia and Branko Kolarevic, “Cultural Cognition And Smart
Space Design Culture"
Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Vol. 8, No 1, Brasil 2008
Alfredo Andía. Towards Algorithmic BIM Networks
Revista de Arquitectura de la Universidad Austral de Chile (AUS), No.3 2008
Alfredo Andia “La Urbanización En Procesos De Transición Acelerada”
Magazine on Urbanism (MONU), No. 7, Netherlands, October. 2007
Alfredo Andia. “Branding the Generic City”
Book Section: in Bienal Miami + Beach, ed. Jaime Canaves, Quito: Trama, 2007
Alfredo Andia. “Possible Futures competitions I, II, & III,”
Multi-Housing News 2006
Alfredo Andia, Ph.D., “Tech Report, Forecast 2007
In book: Puente Urbano Santander Santiago, G. Martinez ed. 2005
Book Section: Alfredo Andía.Puente Urbano
TodoObras, Chile, Año 3, No. 19, p 16, March 2004 2004
Alfredo Andía. “Futuros Posibles de la Bienal Miami + Beach 2004”
Proceedings of the 92nd ACSA Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: ACSA 2005
Andía, Besancon, & Tempkin. “Crossing Digital Tools+Analog Methods”
Ambientes, Año 7, No. 37, Santiago de Chile, p. 34 2004
Alfredo Andía, Cristian Gomez. “Hacia una Arquitectura Digital
ARCH’IT, Italy, February, 2004. Alfredo Andía. “The Power of the Unbuilt” 2004
Book: “Architecture & Connectivity,” Santiago, Chile: Editorial U. Uniacc 2003.
Alfredo Andía, Ph.D., editor
CA, Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile, No. 111, June - August 2003, pp. 74 - 76 2003
A. Andía, J.Fontana, C. Gomez. “Computación en Arquitectura
Competitions, Fall, pp. 2-5. Alfredo Andía. “The Tallest Tower in Latin America” 2003
TodoObras, No. 14, Sep., p.7. A. Andía. “Autogestión Arquitectónica-Urbana 2003
Proceedings of the VII SIGradi Congreso, Rosario, Argentina, pp. 140 144 2003
A. Andía, E. Cadalso y A. Haiek, “Materiales extremos”
In book: Defining Digital Architecture. Berlin: Birkhauser, pp. 32 33 2002
Book Section: Alfredo Andía, “Defining Digital Architecture”
SIGGRAPH, Conference Abstracts and Applications. New York : ACM, 2002, p. 301 2002
Alfredo Andía. “Architectural Studios Online: The Internet Studio Network
Archingeo Magazine, Italy, Anno II, March, pp. 82 87 2002
Alfredo Andía. “Teaching Architectural Studios Online
Web Journal: Minha Cidade, Vitruvius, Brasil, August 2002 2002
Alfredo Andía. “Marco Zero de Nova York”
Proceedings of the 90th ACSA Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: ACSA 2002
Alfredo Andía. “Paradigm Shifts in Architectural Design Computation”
The Journal of Architecture Education, MIT Press. Vol. 56, Issue 2, Nov., pp. 7 13 2002
C - 4
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Alfredo Andía. “Reconstructing the Impacts of Computers on
Practice and Education”
LEONARDO, MIT Press. Vol. 35, No. 3, 2002, pp. 297 302 2002
Alfredo Andía. “Internet Studios: Teaching Architectural Design Online”
CONCEPT, Korea, No. 35, Feb. 2002, pp. 18 45 2002
Alfredo Andía. “e-competition Possible Futures”
Proceedings of the 90th ACSA Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: ACSA 2002
Alfredo Andía. “Teaching Architectural Studios Online
Proceedings of the 7th International VSMM Conference. IEEE CS Press 2001
Alfredo Andía. “Internet Studios: Design Studios Online”
Proceedings of the 7th International VSMM Conference. IEEE CS Press 2001
Alfredo Andía. “Integrating Digital Design and Architecture
During The Past Three Decades
Proceedings of the 2da Conferencia COVEACA. Maracaibo, , pp. 111 115 2001
Alfredo Andía. “Talleres por Internet: Evaluación de la
Experiencia Colaborativa”
Portafolio, Venezuela, Year 2, Vol. 1, No. 3, January - June 2001, pp. 42a 50a. 2001
A. Andía. “La Nueva Condición Ciber-Real del Diseño Arquitectónico
SIGGRAPH Proceedings, Los Angeles, CA: ACM, pp. 9 12 2001
Alfredo Andía. “Internet Studios: Teaching Architectural Design Online”
Proceedings of the 5th International SIGraDi Conference. Concepcion, Chile 2001
A. Andía and J. Fontana. “Elementos dentro de una arquitectura
del Ciberespacio.”
Proceedings of the 5th International SIGraDi Conference. Concepcion, Chile 2001
Andía, Enos, Fontana & Ostornol. “Educacion Digital en Arquitectura”
Poster Proceedings of the 5th SIGraDi Conference. Concepcion, Chile 2001
Andía, Castillo, and Molina. “De la escala digital a la arquitectonica.”
Proceedings of the 5th International SIGraDi Conference. Concepcion, Chile 2001
Andía. “Talleres por Internet: Evaluacion de la experiencia colaborativa”
Proceedings of the 89th ACSA Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: ACSA 2001
Alfredo Andía. “Emerging Design Cultures in the Cyber-Real Age”
Proceedings of the ACSA International Meeting. Washington, DC: ACSA 2001
Alfredo Andía. “Planned housing vs. Traditional self-help housing”
Proceedings of the ACSA International Meeting. Washington, DC: ACSA 2001
Alfredo Andía. “Beyond the Blob: the impacts of ‘cyber-real
living in architectural production
Conferencia de Aplicación de Computadoras en Arquitectura. Caracas : UCV 1999
Alfredo Andía. “Hacia una Arquitecture Ciber-Real.”
Proceedings of the 2nd International SIGradi Conference 1998
Alfredo Andía. “Arquitectura en la Era Digital.”
Proceedings of the 2nd International SIGradi Conference, November 1998
Alfredo Andía. “Los Impactos de la Tecnologia Digital en la Practica
de la Arquitectura”
Proceedings of the 1998 ACSA International Conference. ACSA Press 1998
A. Andía. “Strategies for Integrating Computers in Architectural Practice
Proceedings of the 1998 ACSA International Conference. ACSA Press 1998
Alfredo Andía. “Computers and Architecture in the Digital Era
Ph. D. Dissertation, U.C. Berkeley. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Press, No. 9901976 1997
A. Andía. “Managing Technological Change in Architectural Practice
Spazio e Societa, Italy, January 1996, pp. 68 81 1996
A. Andía. “The Salitreras: The Nitrate Company-Towns”
Design Management Journal, Fall 1995, pp. 34 - 39 1995
A. Andía. “Managing Information Technology in Architectural Design.
Proceeding, SIGGRAPH '94, Orlando. ACM Siggraph Proceedings 1994
A. Andía. “Computer Graphics for Architecture & Design Presentations
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Networked Reality, Tokyo, Japan 1994
Andía, Addison, Bender & Izato. Networked Realities in the AEC Industry
Proceedings of the 82nd ACSA Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: ACSA Press 1994
Andía. “The Impacts of Information Technology in Architectural Practice
Proceedings of the 15th International IMCL Conference. Carmell: IMCL 1994
Alfredo Andía. “Organizational, Leadership and Process Models
in Self-Help Housing.
Proceedings of the IASTE Conference. Berkeley : IASTE 1992
Housing, Squatter Communities, and Tradition. Vol. 51, Berkeley: IASTE
Andía & Escalona. “Planned Development and Tradition in
Self-Help Housing
Exhibitions Group Exhibit: Projectual Strategies, Design Gallery MBUS, Miami Beach 2019
Poster Exhibit: SynBioBeta Conference, San Francisco 2019
50+ Japanese Houses, MBUS, and PCA Building 2019
Mario Toral Foundation: Competition Mario Toral Museum (Group exhibit) 2014
Faculty Exhibit: Group Exhibit, MBUS, FIU 2013
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Parque Cultural Valparaíso, Chile: Sombra de los nombres 2012
The Storefront for Art and Architecture: "Strategies for Public Occupation," NYC 2011
Ministry of Public Works, Chile: Regional Theater of La Serena 2011
Documenta 12, Kassel: Architecture Magazines as Media of Aesthetic Education 2007
Possible Futures I, II, & III. Universidad de Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela 2007
Possible Futures I, II, & III. Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador 2007
SIGradi Conference, Santiago, Chile: Possible Futures 2 & 3, Bienal Miami + Beach 2006
SIGradi Conference, Santiago, Chile: Espacios Digitales 2 2006
FIU, BEA Gallery, Miami: Possible Futures 2 & 3, Bienal Miami + Beach 2006
Art Basel, Miami + Beach, Group exhibit 2005
Van Alen Institute, NY, Finalists Parachute Pavillion Competition, Coney Island 2005
Bienal Miami + Beach, Miami: Posible Futures 2005
Trabajos de Arquitectura, U. Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile 2004
Finalists: 911 Memorial Competition, Huntington, Long Island, New York 2003
Faculty Exhibit, FIU, Miami Florida 2004
Art in General Gallery, New York: Reconfiguring Space 2003
AIA Miami, Coral Gables: Group Exhibit 2003
John F. Kennedy University, Buenos Aires, Argentina: The Hand and the Mouse 2003
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile: Mundo de Papel 2003
Paisajes Arquitectónicos Sintéticos, Plaza Ines de Suarez, Santiago, Chile 2003
FIU, BEA Gallery, Miami: Possible Futures, Bienal Miami + Beach 2003, 2003
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile: 50 años UCV 2002
Municipality of Santiago de Chile: Finalists Torre Bicentenario Competition 2002
XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Santiago, Chile: Finalists Torre Bicentenario Competition 2002
XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Santiago, Chile: Arquitectos Chilenos en el Extranjero 2002
XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Santiago, Chile: Espacios Digitales 2002
Veronafiere International Exhibition, Verona, Italy: Finalists Piazza Isolo Competition 1997
Palazzo Giusti del Giardino, Verona, Italy: Finalists Piazza Isolo Competition 1997
Taisei Corporation, Japan: Kyushu Electric Company Headquarters 1992
Caesar Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada: Finalists Alias Design Power Competition 1991
Lecture + Presentations More than 70 international presentations, including:
Panelist: Bekanse Panel Discussion, PAMM Musuem, Jan. 21 2020
Lecture: Sea-Level-Rise Confrence, AIA Japan/Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan 2019
Lecture: GreenWeek, HKS, Miami 2019
Panelist: Disruption in Architecture, FIU. October 5 2015
Lecture: BIM LATAM, Santiago de Chile 2014
Lecture: Sigradi Congress, Valparaiso, Chile 2013
Lecture, Department of Architecture FIU Lecture Series: "Automate Architecture" 2013
Lecture, ACSA, Annual 101th Conference, San Francisco: "Automate Architecture" 2013
Lecture, ACSA, Annual 100th Conference, Boston: "Topological Future" 2012
Lecture, U. P. Valdivia, Chile: Architectural Installations 2011
Lecture: Networked BIM, Universidad del Sinu, Monteria, Colombia 2010
Lecture, FIU: "Looking South,Emerging Architectures from Latin America" 2008
Lecture, Fudesev, U. de Los Andres, Merida, Venezuela 2008
Lecture, U. de Guayaquil, Ecuador 2007
Lecture, U. del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela 2007
Presentation, Possible Futures, SiGradi Congress, Santiago, Chile 2006
Lecture Series: Escuela de Arquitectura, U. T. F. Santa María, Valparaíso 2004
Lecturer: “Arquitectura, Futuros Posibles”
Studio Critic: “Upper Division”
Co-Moderator, ACSA Annual Meeting: Crossing Digital Tools + Analog Methods 2004
Panelist, ACADIA Annual Conference: Digital Future 2004
Panelist, ACADIA Annual Conference: Digital Discourse Panel 2003
Panelist, ACADIA Annual Conference: Org Summit: Crossroad Panel 2003
Studio critic via videoconference and Internet 2003
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy. N.Y. and Universidad Uniacc
Studio critic via videoconference and Internet 2003
Ball State University, Internet Studio, January-April
School of Architecture, Universidad Uniacc, Santiago de Chile 2003
Lecture: “Architecture and Connectivity”
Architecture Department, U.C. Berkeley, California 2002
Lecture: “Current Research and Design Work
Universidad Catolica de Quito, Ecuador 2002
Lecture: “Espacios Digitales
XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Quito, Ecuador 2002
Lectura, Closing Speaker: “Espacios Digitales
Panel Discussion, XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Chile: Hans Moor Architect 2002
Panel Discussion, XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Chile: AleppoZone 2002
Panelist, XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Chile: Globalización vs. Modernidad 2002
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Panelist U. Uniacc & U. Pretoria: Architecture & Low Income Housing 2002
Panelist, ACSA Annual Meeting: Online Teaching: Threat or Opportunity? 2002
SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference, San Antonio: Architectural Studios Online 2002
The Southern Conference of NCARB, Ft. Lauderdale
Lecture, Leadership: “Internet Studio at FIU
ACSA Annual Meeting, New Orleans: 2002
Paradigm Shifts in Architectural Design Computation
Teaching Architectural Studios Online
SIGradi Congress, Concepción, Chile: 2001
Talleres por Internet
Elementos dentro de una arquitectura del Ciberespacio
Virtual Systems and Multimedia Conference, Berkeley, California 2001
Integrating Digital Design and Architecture during the Past 3 Decades
Internet Studios: Design Studios Online
SIGGRAPH Conference, Los Angeles: 2001
Internet Studios: Teaching Architectural Design Online in the
United States and Latin America
ACSA International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey: 2001
Planned housing vs. Traditional self-help housing
Beyond the Blob: the impacts of ‘cyber-real’ living
ACSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore: 2001
Emerging Design Cultures in the Cyber-Real Age
Invited Panelist to UBA-FIU agreement 2001
Part of the official Florida delegation of Gov. Jeb Bush to Argentina
Panelist, ACSA Annual Meeting: "Electronic Media and Virtual Education" 2000
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela 1999
Lecturer: “Clase Magistral: Hacia una Arquitectura Ciber-Real
Final Studio Critic: Design 7 and Undergraduate Thesis
ACSA International Meeting, Rio de Janeiro: 1998
Strategies for Integrating Computers in Architectural Practice
Computers and Architecture in the Digital Era
Encounter of the Chilean Schools of Architectures (ACHEA), Osorno, Chile 1998
Lecturer and Panel Presenter
Instituto Superior de Artes, and Design Critic at Cujae, Havana, Cuba 1998
Lecturer: “Seminario de Grafica Digital
Studio Critic
University of Detroit at Mercy 1996
Lecturer: “Current Design and Research Work
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 1996
Lecturer: “Current Design and Research Work
University of Cincinnati, Ohio 1996
Lecturer: “Current Design and Research Work
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 1995
Lecturer: “Current Design and Research Work
Danmark Tekniske, Graduate Program, U., Denmark, Copenhagen 1995
Lecturer: "Computers in Design
Politecnico de Milan, Milan, Italy 1994
Final Review Juror: "Disegno e Rilievo,” Professor Alessandro Polistina
SIGGRAPH Conference, Orlando: Computer Graphics for Architecture & Design 1994
IMCL Conference, San Francisco: 1994
Organizational, Leadership and Process Models in Self-Help Housing
International Workshop on Networked Reality, Tokyo, Japan: 1994
Networked Realities in the AEC Industry
ACSA Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada: 1994
The Impacts of Information Technology in Architectural Practice
University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
Lecturer: "Computing in Design Practice" and Studio Jury: "Music Hall. 1994
IASTE Conference, Paris, France: 1992
Planned Development and Tradition in Self-Help Housing in Chile
Taisei Corporation, Tokyo 1992
Research Presentation: “The New Processes of Digital Architecture”
Service Selected list of national and international service:
Paper Reviewer: International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) 2019
Co-chair, Assoc. of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference 2016
Scientific Committee, Urbano Journal, Chile 2017-present
Co-Director and Founder of the Japan-Architecture Study Abroad program 2013-present
Paper Reviewer, International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) 2017
Co-Chair, ACSA International Conference, Santiago de Chile 2016
Final Juror: Design Projects Section., ACSA International Conference 2016
Community Engagement: Studio sponsored by Mana Wynwood FL 2015
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Co-Chair, Master of Arts in Architecture, MAA, Dept. of Architecture, FIU 2015-2017
SIGRADI 2013 Conference: International Evaluation Committee 2015
Paper Reviewer: ACSA Annual Conference 2014
SIGRADI 2013 Conference: International Evaluation Committee 2013
ACSA 2014 Annual Conference, Miami, Florida: Paper Reviewer 2013
Pro-bono Advisor, Office of the Plan of Reconstruction of Coastal Border, Chile 2010-2011
Digital Heritage: Third International Euro-Med Conference, Scientific Committee 2010
Virtual Systems and Multimedia Congress, Program Committee (VSMM) 2010
ACADIA 2009 Annual Conference: Paper Reviewer 2009
SIGRADI 2009 Conference: International Evaluation Committee 2009
ACADIA: Alternate Steering Committee Member (elected) 2007-2009
ACADIA Competition Committee 2007-2008
Revista Portofolio, Maracaibo, Venezuela: Editorial Board 2003-2012
Virtual System and Multimedia Conference, VSMM: Program Review Committee 2008
ACSA Annual Conference, Houston, Texas: Paper Reviewer 2008
ACADIA: Steering Committee Member (elected) 2005-2007
SIGRADI Conference: International Evaluation Committee, 11th Annual Congress 2007
ACADIA Competition Committee, Member 2007
ACADIA 2007 Annual Conference: Paper Reviewer 2007
FIU Faculty Senate: Steering Committee and Senate Member 2005-2007
Open House International Journal: Reviewer 2006
International Society on Virtual Systems & MultiMedia: Program Committee 2001-2008
Far Eastern International Digital Design Award (FEIDAD), Taipei, Taiwan: Juror 2001-2008
Bienal Miami + Beach, Possible Futures Competition I, II, & III: Jury Chair 2001-2005
Florida International University, Faculty Senate: Steering Committee Member 2005-2007
Florida International University, School of Architecture: Head of Faculty Assembly 2005-
Portafolio Peer Review Journal, Venezuela: International Advisory Board 2000-2006
ACADIA/AIA Annual Conference, Work in Progress Competition, Juror 2004
Sociedad IberoAmericana de Grafica Digital (SIGRADI): Scientific Committee 1998-2006
ACSA: Member of the Virtual Education/Distance Learning Task Force (appointed) 2001-2003
UNESCO, World Heritage Center Congress: Program Committee Member 2002
ACADIA, DDE International Competition, Pomona, CA: Juror 2002
XIII Bienal de Arquitectura de Quito, Ecuador: Juror 2002
XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Santiago de Chile: Juror 2002
ACSA Annual Meeting: Peer Reviewer 2002
ACSA International Meeting: Peer Reviewer 2002
ACADIA First International Design Competition: Organizing Committee Member 1998
ACADIA Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio: Site Coordinator 1997
Cities, Design and the Internet Summer Workshops, Italy: Co-organizer 1995-1996
Publication by others Archdaily, Huffintonpost, Bustler, Gizmag, Designmagazin, Arch2o, 2013
professionarchitetto, Biscayne Times,, wettbewerbe-aktuell
Mauricio Gonzalez and Alfredo Andia. 3rd Place in the
Landmark Tower International Competition
Colegio de Arquitectos de Venezuela: “MIA.MI | MAYA.MI” 2011
Futures + Design Webzine: Architectural Installations 2011
EL Meridiano Newspaper, Maracaibo, Colombia: Interview 2010
In Book: Parachute Pavilion Competition, Princeton Architectural Press 2007
Domus Journal, Guayaquil, Ecuador: Interview by Pedro Polit, Director 2007
Radio LUZ, Maracaibo, Venezuela: 15 minutes interview 2007
PrensaLuz, Maracaibo: "Conferencia sobre futuros posibles en arquitectura 2007
In Book: Torre del Bicentenario.Municipalidad de Santiago de Chile, pp. 46-47 2004
In Book: Developing Digital Architecture. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhauser, p. 96 2004
In Book: XIII Bienal de Arquitectura 2002: “Arquitectos Chilenos en el Extranjero” 2002
Santiago de Chile: Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile, pp. 180-181
In Book: Palinsesti di Pietra. Verona: USA Books, p. 32 “Piazza Isolo, Mention 1997
L’ ARCA, Italy, No. 213, March. pp. 32-43. “Possible Futures” 2006
ARCHITEKT, Czech Republic, March 2006, pp. 30-41.“Possible Futures” 2006
L’ ARCA, Italy, No. 191, April. pp. 32-39. “Possible Futures, Bienal Miami + Beach” 2004
Ambientes, Chile, Year 7, No. 37, Feb. 2004, pp. 36-37. “Cinta Habitable” 2004
El Mercurio, Chile, January 17, 2004. “Juego de Niños…” 2004
Dialogues, Taiwan, April 2003, pp. 76 -77. “Torre Bicentenario” 2003
Dialogues, Taiwan, April 2003, pp. 66 - 69. “Interview to Dr. Alfredo Andía” 2003
TodoObras, Chile, April 2003, pp. 76 -77. “Un Paisaje Sintético e Interactivo” 2003
Ambientes, Chile, Year 6, No. 33, May-June 2003, p. 44. Book Review 2003
United Press, Sep. 6, 2002. Interview distributed worldwide via UP Wire 2002
Interview for several articles that were part of a special report on Sep. 11
Associated Press, July 16, 2002. Interview distributed worldwide via AP Wire 2002
Interview: “Reactions mixed to WTC site proposals”
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Diario El Clarín, Argentina, Aug. 5, 2002. “Urbanismo Virtual: Como llenar el vacío” 2002
Government Video Magazine, November 2001, pp. 65-70. K. Garcia. 2001
Discovery Channel. Special piece on the Internet Studio work 2001
4.15 min. piece aired on the Vida@Línea program on October, 2001
BBC World Service. “Go Digital” radio program. 2001
4 min. piece on the Internet Studio initiative, Week of Sep. 17, 2001
BBC Mundo. “Arquitectura en red para A. Latina” 2001
4 min. piece on the Internet Studio initiative, Week of Aug. 29, 2001
Diario La Hora, Chile, Oct. 16, 2001. “Estudiantes se comunican virtualmente” 2001
Diario El Clarin, Argentina, August 6, 2001. “La Entrega en Internet.” 2001
NHK TV, Japan, November 1999. TV program, Special on Virtual Education. 1999
Dayton Daily News, Ohio, Mar. 26, 1998. “Fair Spurs Awareness of Reviving.” 1998
Dayton Daily News, Ohio, Dec. 11, 1997. “Models Depict Future City.” 1997
El Mercurio, Chile, Sep. 4, 1997. "New links create a new Hypercity," 1997
Citations by others Selected list of peer citations in the past 8 years:
Book: "Spatial Design Education," Ashgate Publishing 2015
Salama, Ashraf M.
Online Journal of Art and Design Vol. 3, I. 2 2015
Yavuz, A. R. A. T., and Havva ALKAN BALA. "The Relation between
Visual Presentation and Architectural Design Products."
Doctoral Thesis: University of Wellington 2015
Globa, A.. "Supporting the use of algorithmic design in architecture: An
empirical study of reuse of design knowledge."
IJDR Journal, Vol. 5, I. 01. Iyendo, Timothy, and Halil Zafer Alibaba. 2014
“Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology versus student’s learning in
Architectural Design Pedagogy.”
Doctoral Dissertation, U. Texas 2014
Dodd, S. T.. “Televising architecture: media, public engagement, and
design in America.Diss. 2014
Design Studies Vol. 34, I. 3 2013
Oh, Yeonjoo, et al. "A theoretical framework of design critiquing in
architecture studios."
Proceedings of the 17th International CAADRIA 2012
Globa, A. and Michael D. "Digital to physical: Comparative evaluation
of three main CNC fabrication technologies adopted for physical
modeling in architecture"
International Journal of Architectural Computing, Vol. 10, Number 4 2012
Globa, A., Michael D., and S. Twose. "Digital to physical: Comparative
evaluation of three main CNC fabrication technologies adopted for
physical modeling in architecture"
Book: Performalism: Form and Performance in Digital Architecture” Routledge : NY 2012
Yasha J. Grobman. "The various dimensions of the concept of
performance in Architecture"
PhD Thesis, University of Glamorgan 2012
Al-Ali, Amal. “Framework for the implementation of an enhanced virtual
design studio in the architecture education curriculum of the United Arab
Emirates: the virtual creative and collaborative studio.”
Cadernos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Brasil 2012
GLBB Menezes (2012). “Breve histórico de implantação da plataforma BIM.”
Design Studies, Vol.34, Issue 3 2012
Oh, Yeonjoo, et al. "A theoretical framework of design critiquing in
architecture studios."
Diss. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2012
Cardoso Llach, Daniel. "Builders of the vision: technology and the
imagination of design"
Instructional Technology, 71 2012
Al-Nuaimi, Saad Fawzi, and Elsayed Abd-elMawla Aboukhatwa.
"Faculty-Staff Attitudes towards using Blended Learning in Architectural
Design Courses in Bahrain"
JRK 2.4 2011
Chaerani, Ratu Yulya. "Pengaruh City Branding Terhadap City
Image (Studi Pencitraan Kota Solo:‘The Spirit of Java’)"
PARC Journal, Vol. 2, Num. 7, Brasil, October 2011
Grobman,Yasha J. “New Directions in Agent-Based Generative
Architectural Design
Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. ed./Walid Tizani. Nottingham U. Press 2010
Thuesen, N.; Kirkegaard, P.; Jensen, R. "Evaluation of BIM and Ecotect
for Conceptual Architectural Design Analysis"
ATN Assessment Conference, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia 2009
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Page 53 of 320
B. de la Harpe, T. Mason, I. Wong, F. Harrisson, D. Sprynskyj, C. Douglas.
“Integrating digital technologies into student assessment and feedback:
how easy is it?”
Educational Technology & Society, 12 (3) 2009
Wang, T. "The Transformational Promise of Information and Communications
Technologies (ICTs) for the Professional Education of Architects"
ICIMEE, International Conference on Information Management and Engineering 2009
Wang, T. "Rethinking Teaching: How ICTs Can Positively Impact Education in
Virtual Futures for Design, Construction and Procurement 2009
Kocaturk, Tuba. "Digital affordances: emerging knowledge and
cognition in design"
Education Technology and Computer, ICETC'09. International Conference, IEEE 2009
Wang, Tsungjuang. "The Transformative Promise of ICTs for the Education
of Architects in Taiwan."
FORUM Ejournal 8, Newcastle University, June 2008
Reham Abdellatif. “Distance Learning in SecondLife: A Virtual Crit”
The Built & Human Environment Review, Vol 1 2008
H. Salman, R. Laing, A. Conniff. “The Changing Role of CAAD in the
Architectural Design Studio”
Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, University of Bath, UK, May 2008
Aoife McGee, “Digital Design, Its place in Architecture"
BOOK: Design Studio Pedagogy: Horizons for the Future, ARTI-ARCH 2007
Rabee Reffat, "The Realm of IT in Architectural Education:
A Partnership Approach"
The Built & Human Environment Review, Volume 1 2008
Salman H., Laing R., and Conniff A. "The changing Role of CAAD
in the Architectural Design Studio"
METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture 2007
Ela Cil and Oya Pakdil. "Design Instructor's Perspective on the
Role of Computers in Architectural Education: A Case Study"
CAP-Lima: Colegio de Arquitectos del Peru-Lima, Lima, May/June 2007
Pablo Herrera. “Diseño y Fabricación Digital en Arquitectura.
¿Donde Estamos y Hacia Adonde Vamos?”
Proceedings of the Designtrain Congress, Amsterdam: Designtrain, The Netherlands 2007
Hilal Halicioglu. "Integrating Computer Technology into Architectural
Education: Reflections on Quality of Design Education"
Proceedings of the AARCHES, Nigeria 2007
I.C. Ifeanacho. “The Challenges Of Internet Studios In
Architectural Education In Nigeria
International Journal of Education and Development (IJEDICT), Vol. 3, I. 1 2007
Rabee Reffat. "Revitalizing architectural design studio teaching using ICT:
Reflections on practical implementations"
Architectural Design Education, 2nd Conference on Planning & Development 2007
Rabee M. Reffat. "Planning For Effective Utilization of Information
The 2nd annual research conference of the Chais, Israel, 2007
Ayelet Karmon, Eyal Nir. "Propagating Digital Thinking in Design Studio"
Communication, D.O.S. - Designers on Spot, Center for interactive living studies 2008
Marcelo Tramontano and Marlon Rúbio Longo. "O processo
colaborativo e os Virtual Design Studios"
Master Thesis in Civil Construction, U. Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2007
Armando Luís Yoshio Ito. "Gestão Da Informação No Processo De Projeto
De Arquitetura: Estudo De Caso"
Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures 48.4 2007
Borgart, Andrew, and Tuba Kocaturk. "Free form design as the
Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 3.2 2007
Kocaturk, Tuba. "An investigation of the emerging knowledge in
digital design from a multidisciplinary perspective."
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Page 54 of 320
Desmond Neil Leach
PhD, University of Nottingham, 2000
Diploma of Architecture, University of Cambridge, 1983
BA (commuted to MA), University of Cambridge, 1980 (1984)
FIU, Assistant Professor, Architecture, 2016 -
FIU, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2015 - 2016
Harvard University, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2014 - 2015
University of Southern California, Adjunct Professor, Architecture, 20112014
University of Southern California, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2009 2011
University of Brighton, UK, Professor (Full), Architecture, 2007 - 2009
Anhalt University, Germany, DAAD Professor, Architecture, 2003 - 2007
University of Bath, UK, Professor (Full), Architecture, 2000 - 2003
University of Nottingham, UK, Reader (Associate Professor), Architecture, 1998 - 2000
University of Nottingham, UK, Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Architecture, 1991 - 1998
University of Cambridge, UK, Researcher, Architecture, 1984 - 1987
Tongji University, China, Gao Feng Professor, Architecture, 2015 -
EGS Switzerland, Professor, Digital Design, 2014 -
NASA, Innovative Advanced Concepts Phase 2 Fellow, Space Exploration, 2012-2013
NASA, Innovative Advanced Concepts Phase 1 Fellow, Space Exploration, 2011-2012
Novi Sad University, Serbia, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2009 - 2012
IaaC, Spain, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2007 -
UIC, Spain, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2007 -
London Consortium, UK, PhD Supervisor, General Studies, 2007 - 2012
SCI-Arc, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2006 - 2008
Cornell University, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2005
Royal Danish School of Fine Arts, Denmark, Velux Professor, Architecture, 2005
Architectural Association, London, Course Master, Architecture, 2000 - 2003
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Page 55 of 320
Curtin University, Australia, Research Fellow, Architecture, 2000
Columbia University, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 1999
Furness Associates, Architect, Architecture, 1989-1991
Cambridge Design, Architect, Architecture, 1987-1989
FIU, Assistant Professor , Architecture, 2016 -
FIU, Visiting Professor, Architecture, 2015 - 2016
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Page 56 of 320
(All books are peer reviewed unless noted otherwise)
Neil Leach, Behnaz Farahi (eds.), ‘3D Printed Body Architecture’, AD, Profile 250, Nov/Dec 2017, ISBN 978-1-119-
Yuan Feng, Achim Menges, Neil Leach (eds.), Digital Fabrication, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2017, ISBN 978-7-5608-
Neil Leach, Yuan Feng (eds.), Computational Design, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2017, ISBN 978-7-5608-7333-6
Neil Leach, Roland Snooks (eds.), Swarm Intelligence: Architectures of Multi-Agent Systems, Shanghai: Tongji UP,
2017, ISBN 978-7-5608-6780-9
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), Digital Factory: Advanced Computational Research, Beijing: CABP, 2015, ISBN 978-
Philip Yuan, Achim Menges, Neil Leach (eds.), Robotic Futures, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2015, ISBN 978-7-5608-5845-
Neil Leach (ed.), ‘Space Architecture: The New Frontier for Design Research, AD, Profile No 232, Nov/Dec 2014,
ISBN 978-1118-663301
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), Design Intelligence: Advanced Computational Research, Beijing, China Architecture
and Building Press, 2013, ISBN 978-7-112-15842-3
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (eds.), Digital Workshop in China, Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2013, ISBN 978-7-
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (eds.), Fabricating the Future, Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-7-5608-
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (eds.), Scripting the Future, Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-7-5608-
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.) Machinic Processes: Architects, Beijing, China Architecture and Building Press, 2010,
ISBN 978-7-112-12622-4
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.) Machinic Processes: Students, Beijing, China Architecture and Building Press, 2010,
ISBN 978-7-112-12518-0
Neil Leach (ed.), Digital Cities, AD, Profile No 200, Vol. 79, No 4 July/August 2009, ISBN 978-0470773000
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), (Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for Architecture - Architects, Beijing,
China Architecture and Building Press, 2008, ISBN 978-7-112-10395-9
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), (Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for Architecture - Students, Beijing,
China Architecture and Building Press, 2008, ISBN 978-7-112-10396-6
Neil Leach, Camouflage, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2006, ISBN 0-262-62200-9
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a. Neil Leach, Camuflag, trans. Dana Vais, Bucharest: Paideia, 2009, ISBN 973-9368-53-0 (Romanian translation)
b. Neil Leach, Camouflage (Chinese translation in preparation)
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies: Architects, Beijing: China Architecture and
Planning Press, 2006, ISBN 7-112-08529-2
Neil Leach and Xu Weiguo (eds.), Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies: Students, Beijing: China Architecture
and Planning Press, 2006, ISBN 7-112-085268
a. Neil Leach and Xu Weiguo (eds.), ET ET, Korean Translation, Seoul: Archiworld, 2007, ISBN 89-5770-166-4
Neil Leach, Forget Heidegger, Bucharest: Paideia, 2006, ISBN 973-596-302-7
Neil Leach, David Turnbull, Chris Williams (eds.), Digital Tectonics, London: Wiley, 2004, ISBN 0470857293
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), Fast Forward >>, Hot Spots, Brain Cells, Hong Kong: Map Office, 2004, ISBN 962-
Neil Leach, China, Hong Kong: Map Books, 2004, ISBN 962-86040-9-0
Neil Leach (ed.), Designing for a Digital World, London: Wiley, 2002, ISBN-10:0470844191; ISBN -13: 978-
Neil Leach (ed.), The Hieroglyphics of Space: Reading and Experiencing the Modern Metropolis, London: Routledge,
2002, ISBN 0-415-19892-5
Neil Leach, Oliver Froome-Lewis, Katja Hock, Nicola Worton, Mars Pants: Covert Histories, Temporal Distortions,
Animated Lives, London: Architecture Foundation, 2000, ISBN 0-95190667-3-9
Neil Leach, The Anaesthetics of Architecture, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1999, ISBN 0-262-62126-6
a. Neil Leach, Anestetica, Bucharest: Paideia, 1999, 112pp, ISBN 973-9368-53-0 (Romanian translation)
b. Neil Leach, La An-estética de la Arquitectura, Barcelona: G Gili, 2001, ISBN 84-252-1820-9 (Spanish translation)
c. Neil Leach, The Anaesthetics of Architecture, Taipei: Garden City, 2005, 986-7705-70-X (Chinese translation)
d. Neil Leach, A Anestética da Arquitectura, Lisbon: Antigona, 2005, ISBN 972-608-180-7 (Portuguese translation)
e. Neil Leach, The Anaesthetics of Architecture, (Korean translation in preparation)
Neil Leach (ed.), Architecture and Revolution: Contemporary Perspectives on Central and Eastern Europe, London:
Routledge, 1999, ISBN 0-415-13915-5
Neil Leach, Millennium Culture, London: Ellipsis, 1999, ISBN 1-899858-93-8
Neil Leach (ed.), Rethinking Architecture: A Reader in Cultural Theory, London: Routledge, 1997, 409pp., ISBN 0-
(a) Neil Leach (ed.), Rethinking Architecture, Macedonian translation, Skopje, 2012
(b) Neil Leach (ed.), Rethinking Architecture, Chinese translation (in preparation)
Leon Battista Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach and Robert Tavernor (trans.),
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1988, ISBN 0-262-01099-2
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(a) Leon Battista Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books, Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach and Robert Tavernor
(trans.), Chinese translation, Beijing, CABP, 2016, ISBN 978-7-112-16535-3
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Neil Leach, ‘Can a Building Be an Apparatus?’, Spool: Cyber-Physical Architecture, guest editors, Sang
Lee, Henriette Bier, Vol. 6, No 1, 2019, pp. 5-16. ISBN 978-94-6366-200-0
Neil Leach, ‘The Informational City’, in Next Generation Building, Issue 2, TU Delft, 2015
Neil Leach, ‘Parametrics Explained’, in Next Generation Building, Issue 1, TU Delft, 2014
Neil Leach, Behrokh Khoshnevis, Anders Carlson, Madhu Thangavelu, ‘Robotic Construction by Contour Crafting:
The Case of Lunar Construction’, International Journal of Architectural Computing, Issue on Architectural Robotics,
Neil Leach, Pertenecer, Cairon, 12, Revista de estudios de danza: Cuerpo y Arquitectura, 2009, pp. 299-313
Neil Leach, ‘Mimesis’ in ATR, Special Issue on Walter Benjamin, vol. 10, no. 1, 2005, pp. 12-36
Neil Leach, ‘9/11’, Diacritics, Volume 33, Nos. 3-4, Fall-Winter 2003
Neil Leach, ‘Belonging’, London: Postcolonial City, AA Files, 49, 2003, pp. 76-82
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Tectonics’, Archis, November, 2002, pp. 46-58
Neil Leach, ‘Belonging: Towards a Theory of Identification with Place’, Prospecta, 33, 2002, pp. 126-133
Neil Leach, ‘The Aesthetic Cocoon’, OASE, 54, Winter 2001, pp. 104-121
Neil Leach, ‘Vitruvius Crucifixus: Architecture, Mimesis and the Death Instinct’, AA Files, 38, July 1999
Neil Leach, ‘Virilio and Architecture’, Theory, Culture and Society, Paul Virilio, 1999
Neil Leach, ‘The Dark Side of the Domus’, Journal of Architecture, Vol. 3, Spring 1998, pp. 1-12
Neil Leach, ‘The Seduction of Theory: From Las Vegas to London’, Environments by Design, Winter 1997/8, vol. 2:1,
pp. 87-98
Neil Leach, ‘Erasing the Traces’, Journal of Renaissance and Modern Studies, vol. 40, 1998, pp. 70-82
Neil Leach, Ceara lui Icar: arhitectura si problema genului’, Sfera Politicii: Revista luara de Stiinte Politice Editate de
Fundatia ‘Societatea Civila’, special issue 42, ‘Utopie, Urbanism, Politica’, 1996, pp. 2-6
Neil Leach, ‘New York, the Enchanted Forest,’ OverHere: a European Journal of American Culture, vol. 17, No. 1,
Spring 1996
Neil Leach, ‘The Wax of Icarus: Architecture and the Question of Gender’, Journal of Renaissance and Modern
Studies, Special Issue on Gender and Space, vol. 39, 1996, pp. 106-118
Neil Leach, 'Sleepwalking into Oblivion' , A+T, December 2019
Neil Leach, ‘Design in the Age of Artificial Intelligence,’ Landscape Architecture Frontiers (trans. Tina Tian), Vol. 6,
Issue 2, April 2018, pp. 9-19
Neil Leach, ‘The Informational City’ (in Chinese), Time + Architecture, 2018.
Neil Leach, ‘Drift or Shift’ (interview with Ciro Najle), Plot, 037, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2017, pp. 168-175
Neil Leach, ‘Deleuze and the Diagram: A Curious Moment in Architectural Theory’, A+T, Issue 51, Fall 2016, pp. 22-
Neil Leach, ‘From Strong Discussions to Deleuzian Dissolution’, A+T, Issue 45, Spring 2015
Neil Leach, ‘Machinic Processes’, Urbanism and Architecture, Harbin, China, September 2012, No. 96, pp. 33-39
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Behrokh Khoshnevis, Anders Carlson, Neil Leach, Madhu Thangavelu, ‘Robotic Construction on the Moon: The
Potential of Contour Crafting, Urbanism and Architecture, Harbin, China, September 2012, No. 96, pp. 40-48
Neil Leach in ‘Roundtable Discussion’, Urbanism and Architecture, Harbin, China, September 2012, No. 96, pp. 6-32
Neil Leach, ‘Computational Urbanism’ in Domus China, November 2011
Neil Leach, ‘Pertenencia’, trans. Fernando Quesada, Cercle Review (online journal),1, 2010,
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Urbanism’ World Architecture, 230, July 2009, pp. 20-22
Neil Leach, ‘Immaterial Processes’, Architectural Journal, 1, 2009, pp. 69-70
Neil Leach, ‘New Materialism’, Urban Flux, 1, 2009, pp. 26-29
Neil Leach, ‘New`Materialism’, IDEA NEWS, Spring 2009, pp. 12-13
Neil Leach, interview with Roland Wahlroos-Ritter, IDEA NEWS, Spring 2009, pp. 14-15
Neil Leach, ‘Od anestetizacije arhitekture do fasizma’, TVRDA, Zagreb, 1-2, 2008, pp. 377-382
Neil Leach, ‘Kamuflaza kao oblik pripadanja’, TVRDA, Zagreb, 1-2, 2008, pp.383-390
Neil Leach, ‘Tamna strana Domusa’, TVRDA, Zagreb, 1-2, 2008, pp. 391-401
Neil Leach, ‘Digitalna Morfogeneza, Oris, 51, 2008, pp. 96-107
Neil Leach, Carmella Jacoby Volk, ‘Conversation with Neil Leach’, Block, 05, Winter 2008, pp. 98-105
Neil Leach, Pripadnost u Arhitekturi’ (trans. Tonci Valentic), Euroopski Glasnik, 12/12, Zagreb, 2007, pp 581-595
Neil Leach, Teorija Kamufliranja’, interview by Srecko Horvat, Zarez: Journal for Cultural and Social Questions,
Zagreb, Croatia, number 235-236, 7 Oct 2008
Neil Leach, ‘Arhitektura modne piste’, Art Dossier, 13/4, Zagreb, 2008, pp. 110 119
Neil Leach, ‘Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies’, Monument, 77, Feb-March 2007, p. 104
Neil Leach, ‘Digital Morphogenesis’, Archithese, 4. 2006, pp. 44-49
Neil Leach, ‘9/11’, Stadt Bauwelt, 24/06, 23 June 2006, pp. 42-59
Neil Leach in conversation with Sergei Sitar (in Russian), Project International, 9, 2006, pp. 123 - 132
Neil Leach, ‘Mimesis’ (in Italian and English), Lotus International, 126, 2006, pp. 4-17
Neil Leach, ‘A Theory of Camouflage’ in ptah, 2005:2, pp. 3-7
Neil Leach, ‘Tony Blair’s Camouflage London’ (in German), Stadt Bauwelt, 24 June, 2005, pp. 12-17
Neil Leach, ‘Hong Kong Drag Space’ (in Romanian), Arhitext, 146, April 2005, pp. 32-35
Neil Leach, ‘London Mimetica/Camouflage London’ (in Italian and English), Domus, January 2005, pp. 90-95
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Tectonics’ (in Chinese), DA, 2004
Neil Leach, C<AMO>UFLAGE (in Spanish) in Revista de La Facultad 47 al Fondo, 12, pp. 38-41, 2005
Neil Leach, ‘Beijing Architecture Biennial 2004’ in Time Out Beijing, Sept 2004, pp. 33-36
Neil Leach, ‘Drag Space’, Static, Issue 04, 2003
Neil Leach, ‘Global Trajectories e-Dialogue’ in 306090, 4, March 2003
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Tectonics’ Octogon, (in Romanian), November 2002
Neil Leach, ‘Der ästhetische Kokon’, Hintergrund, 14, 2002
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Neil Leach, ‘Digital Realities’, Art and Culture, 1, 2002, pp. 30-39
Neil Leach, ‘Forget Heidegger’, Scroope, 12, 2000, pp. 50-59
Neil Leach, ‘Eastern Block’, article, Building Design, 13 October 1995
Neil Leach, ‘Deconstructia Deconstruita II’, Arhitext-Design, Romania, May, 1995
Neil Leach, ‘Deconstructia Deconstruita I’, Arhitext-Design, Romania, April, 1995
Neil Leach, ‘Portrait of the Artist as an Architect’, review, Building Design, 10 March 1995
Neil Leach, ‘The Critical Debate Continues’, article, Building Design, 27 January 1995
Neil Leach, ‘Representing the Spirit of the Renaissance’, Building Design, 21 Oct. 1994
Neil Leach, ‘Architecture, Freedom and Speech’, Berlin: City of Competitions, March 1994
Neil Leach, ‘The Practice of Theory’, article, Building Design, 29 January 1993
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Neil Leach, ‘Do Robots Dream of Digital Sheep?’ in Kory Bieg, Danelle Briscoe, Clay
Odom (eds.), ACADIA 2019: Ubiquity and Autonomy, Proceedings of the 39
Annual Conference of the
Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, 2019, pp.
Neil Leach, ‘We Have Never Been Digital’ in Phillip Anzalone, Marcella del Signore, Andrew Wit (eds.), ACADIA
2018: Recalibration: On Imprecision and Infidelity, Proceedings of the 38
Annual Conference of the Association for
Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico, 2018
Neil Leach, ‘Zoom Space: The Limits of Representation’ in Skylar Tibbits (ed.), ACADIA 2017: Disciplines and
Disruptions, Proceedings of the 37
Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in
Architecture, MIT, 2017
Neil Leach, ‘Digital Tool Thinking: Object Oriented Ontology versus New Materialism’, in Kathy Velikov, Sean
Ahlquist, Matias del Campo, Geoffrey Thün (eds.), ACADIA 2016: Posthuman Frontiers: Data, Designers and
Cognitive Machines, Proceedings of the 36
Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in
Architecture, ISBN 978-0-692-77095-2, 2016, pp. 344-351
Neil Leach, ‘Emergent Interactivities: From the Primitive Hut to the Cerebral Hut’, in David Gerber, Alvin Huang, Jose
Sanchez (eds.), ACADIA 2014: Design Agency, Proceedings of the 34
Annual Conference of the Association for
Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Toronto: Riverside Architectural Press, 2014, pp. 145-152
Neil Leach, ‘Temporal Agency: An Introduction’, in David Gerber, Alvin Huang, Jose Sanchez (eds.), ACADIA 2014:
Design Agency, Proceedings of the 34
Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in
Architecture, Toronto: Riverside Architectural Press, 2014, pp. 387-388
Neil Leach, ‘Desiring Machines’, Meaning, Matter, Making, DesForm 2012, Wellington, NZ, Proceedings, 18-20 April
2012, pp. 212-228
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Urbanism’, Architecture: Education, Practice and Research, BUET, Bangladesh, Proceedings, 2-
4 February 2012, pp. 42-56
Neil Leach, ‘Erasing the Traces: The ‘Denazificiation’ of Post-Apartheid South Africa’, in ‘A Sense of Space’, SAVAL
Conference Papers, Univ. of Witswatersrand, South Africa, 1998,pp. 258-264
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(All books are peer reviewed unless noted otherwise)
Neil Leach, “The Second Copernican Revolution,” in Jeffrey S Nesbit and Guy Trangos (eds.), New
Geographies 11: Extraterrestrial, Cambridge, MA and Barcelona: Harvard Graduate School of Design
and Actar Publishers, 2019.
Neil Leach, ‘There Is No Such Thing as a Digital Building: A Critique of the Discrete,’ in Gilles Retsin (ed.), Discrete:
Reappraising the Digital in Architecture, AD, Profile 258, 2019, pp. 136-141. ISSN 0003-8504
Neil Leach, ‘Adaptation’ in Arie Graafland, Dulmini Perera (eds), Architecture and the Machinic: Experimental
Encounters of Man with Architecture, Computation and Robotics, Dessau: DIA Architecture School, 2018, ISBN 978-
3-96057-042-4, pp. 44-57
Neil Leach, ‘Di(oram)a: Recollections of A British Professor in Dessau’ in Beeke Bartelt (ed.), Retrospective: 18
Years DIA, Dessau: DIA Architecture School, 2018, ISBN 978-3-96057-044-8, pp. 84-87 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Matter Matters: A Philosophical Preface’ in Skylar Tibbits (ed.), Active Matter, Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 2017, ISBN 978-0-262-03680-1, pp. 18-24.
Neil Leach, ‘Curating the Digital: An Interview with MOMA’s Paola Antonelli’, in Neil Leach, Behnaz Farahi (eds.), ‘3D
Printed Body Architecture’, AD, Profile 250, Nov/Dec 2017, pp. 26-33
Neil Leach, ‘Size Matters: Why Body Architecture is the Future of 3D Printing‘, in Neil Leach, Behnaz Farahi (eds.),
‘3D Printed Body Architecture’, AD, Profile 250, Nov/Dec 2017, pp. 76-83
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction: What is 3D Printed Body Architecture?’ in Neil Leach, Behnaz Farahi (eds.), ‘3D Printed
Body Architecture’, AD, Profile 250, Nov/Dec 2017, pp. 6-15
Neil Leach, Behnaz Farahi, ‘3D Printed Body Architecture’ in Yuan Feng, Achim Menges, Neil Leach (eds.), Digital
Fabrication, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2017, ISBN 978-7-5608-7334-3, pp. 296-301
Neil Leach, 3D Printing in Space, Yuan Feng, Achim Menges, Neil Leach (eds.), Digital Fabrication, Shanghai: Tongji
UP, 2017, ISBN 978-7-5608-7334-3, pp. 143-152
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction’ in Yuan Feng, Achim Menges, Neil Leach (eds.), Digital Fabrication, Shanghai: Tongji UP,
2017, ISBN 978-7-5608-7334-3, pp.10-27
Neil Leach, ‘Informational Cities’ in Neil Leach, Yuan Feng (eds.), Computational Design, Shanghai: Tongji UP,
2017, ISBN 978-7-5608-7333-6, pp. 102-113
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Urbanism’ in Neil Leach, Yuan Feng (eds.), Computational Design, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2017,
ISBN 978-7-5608-7333-6, pp. 57-68
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction’ in Neil Leach, Yuan Feng (eds.), Computational Design, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2017, ISBN
978-7-5608-7333-6, pp. 8-25
Neil Leach Roland Snooks, ‘Introduction’ in Leach, Snooks (eds.), Swarm Intelligence: Architectures of Multi-Agent
Systems, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2017, ISBN 978-7-5608
Neil Leach ‘Swarm Urbanism’ in Leach, Snooks (eds.), Swarm Intelligence: Architectures of Multi-Agent Systems,
Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2017, ISBN 978-7-5608
Neil Leach ‘Rhizomatic Urbanism’ in Leach, Snooks (eds.), Swarm Intelligence: Architectures of Multi-Agent
Systems, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2017, ISBN 978-7-5608
Neil Leach, ‘The Culture of the Copy’ in Wendy Fok, Antoine Picon (eds.), Digital Property, AD, Sept/Oct 2016, Vol
86, Issue 5, ISBN 9781118954980, pp. 126-133
Neil Leach, ‘Airport Cities’ in Federica Marchetti (ed.), Taylor-Made Airport: Aeroporto Internazionale di Napoli,
Naples: Gnossis, 2016, ISBN 978-7-5608-7334-3, pp. 20-23 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Design and New Materialism’ in Elizabeth Grierson, Harriet Edquist, Helene Frichot (eds.), De-Signing
Design: Cartographies of Theory and Practice, New York: Lexington Books, 2016, ISBN 978-1-4985-1035-6, pp.
Neil Leach, ‘There’s No Such Thing as Political Architecture; There’s No Such Thing as Digital Architecture’ in
Matthew Poole, Manuel Svartzberg (eds.), The Politics of Parametricism: Digital Technologies in Architecture,
London: Bloomsbury, 2015
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Neil Leach, ‘The (A)Credit(ation) Card’, in Peggy Deamer (ed.), The Architect as Worker: Immaterial Labor, the
Creative Class, and the Politics of Design, London: Bloomsbury, 2015
Neil Leach, ‘(In)Formational Cities’ in Tom Verebes (ed.), ‘Mass Customised Cities’, AD, Wiley, Nov/Dec. 2015
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction’ in Leach, Philip Yuan, Achim Menges (eds.), Robotic Futures, Shanghai: Tongji UP, 2015
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction’ in Neil Leach (ed.), ‘Space Architecture: The New Frontier for Design Research, AD, Profile
No 232, Nov/Dec 2014, pp. 8-14
Neil Leach, ‘Buzz Aldrin: Mission to Mars’ in Neil Leach (ed.), ‘Space Architecture: The New Frontier for Design
Research, AD, Profile No 232, Nov/Dec 2014, pp. 40-45
Neil Leach, ‘Terrestrial Space Architecture’ in Neil Leach (ed.), ‘Space Architecture: The New Frontier for Design
Research, AD, Profile No 232, Nov/Dec 2014, pp. 54-63
Neil Leach, ‘Projecting into Space: International Student Projects’ in Neil Leach (ed.), ‘Space Architecture: The New
Frontier for Design Research, AD, Profile No 232, Nov/Dec 2014, pp. 96-107
Neil Leach, ‘3D Printing in Space’ in Neil Leach (ed.), ‘Space Architecture: The New Frontier for Design Research,
AD, Profile No 232, Nov/Dec 2014, pp. 108-114
Neil Leach, ‘Terrestrial Feedback: Reflections on the Space Industry’ in Neil Leach (ed.), ‘Space Architecture: The
New Frontier for Design Research, AD, Profile No 232, Nov/Dec 2014, pp. 122-127
Neil Leach, ‘There is No Such Thing as Digital Design’, in David Gerber, Mariana Ibanez (eds.), Paradigms in
Computing: Making, Machines, and Models for Design Agency in Architecture, Los Angeles: eVolo Press, 2014, pp.
Neil Leach, ‘Adaptation’, in Simone Ferracina, Rachel Armstrong (eds.), Unconventional Computing, Toronto:
Riverside Architectural Press, 2013
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo, ‘Dialogue’ in Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), Design Intelligence: Advanced Computational
Research, Beijing, China Architecture and Building Press, 2013
Neil Leach, ‘Shopping Around’ in Leach, Yuan (eds.), Digital Workshop in China, Shanghai: Tongji University Press,
Neil Leach, ‘Parametrics Explained’, in Leach, Yuan (eds.), Scripting the Future, Shanghai: Tongji University Press,
Neil Leach, ‘Computational Urbanism’, in Leach, Yuan (eds.), Scripting the Future, Shanghai: Tongji University
Press, 2012
Neil Leach, Behrokh Khoshnevis, ‘Contour Crafting: A Revolution in Concrete Construction’ in Leach, Yuan (eds.),
Fabricating the Future, Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2012
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo, ‘Preface’ in Leach, Weiguo (eds.), Machinic Processes, Vol. 1: Architects, Beijing, China
Architecture and Building Press, 2010, ISBN 978-7-112-12622-4
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo, ‘Preface’ in Leach, Weiguo (eds.), Machinic Processes, Vol. 2: Students, Beijing, China
Architecture and Building Press, 2010, ISBN 978-7-112-12518-0
Neil Leach, ‘Machinic Processes’ in Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.) Machinic Processes, Vol. 2: Students, Beijing, China
Architecture and Building Press, 2010, ISBN 978-7-112-12518-0, pp. 8-13
Neil Leach, ‘Parametrics Explained’ in Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.) Machinic Processes, Vol. 1: Architects, Beijing,
China Architecture and Building Press, 2010, ISBN 978-7-112-12622-4, pp. 8-15
Neil Leach, ‘Interview’, in Marija Mao Veleska, Slobodan Velevski (eds.), Conversations, Skopje: USCMFA, 2011,
pp. 168-191 (NPR)
Neil Leach, Behrokh Khoshnevis, ‘Contour Crafting: A Revolution in Concrete Construction’ in Ulrich Knaack, Marcel
Bilow, Holger Strauss (eds.), Rapids: Layered Fabrication Technologies for Facades and Building Construction,
Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2010
Neil Leach, Behrokh Khoshnevis, ‘Contour Crafting: Una Revolucion en la Construccion con Homigon’ in Alberto
Estevez (ed.), Arquitecturas Geneticas III: Nuevas Tecnicas Biologicas y Digitales, Barcelona, 2010
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Neil Leach, ‘Introduction’ in Neil Leach (ed.), Digital Cities, London: Wiley, 2009, ISBN 978-0470773000, pp. 6-13
Neil Leach, ‘Chlorofilia, the Los Angeles Jungle’ (featuring Hernan Diaz Alonso) in Neil Leach (ed.), Digital Cities,
London: Wiley, 2009, ISBN 978-0470773000, pp. 34-39
Neil Leach, ‘The Limits of Urban Simulation’ (interview with Manuel DeLanda) in Neil Leach (ed.), Digital Cities,
London: Wiley, 2009, ISBN 978-0470773000, pp. 50-55
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Urbanism’, in Neil Leach (ed.), Digital Cities, London: Wiley, 2009, ISBN 978-0470773000, pp.
Neil Leach, ‘Digital Towers’ in Neil Leach (ed.), Digital Cities, London: Wiley, 2009, ISBN 978-0470773000, pp. 68-
Neil Leach, ‘Hyperhabitat: Reprogramming the World’ in Neil Leach (ed.), Digital Cities, London: Wiley, 2009, ISBN
978-0470773000, pp. 86-89
Neil Leach, interview with Homa Fajardi in Fajardi Architects, Sense Formations, Barcelona: Actar, 2009, pp. 87-99
Neil Leach, ‘Digital Morphogenesis’ in Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi (ed.), ‘Theoretical Meltdown’, AD, Vol. 79, no. 1,
Jan/Feb 2009
Neil Leach, ‘Preface’ in Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), (Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for
Architecture - Architects, Beijing, China Architecture and Building Press, 2008, pp. 4-5
Neil Leach, ‘Immaterial Processes’ in Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), (Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques
for Architecture - Architects, Beijing, China Architecture and Building Press, 2008, pp. 6-13
Neil Leach, ‘Preface’ in Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), (Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for
Architecture - Students, Beijing, China Architecture and Building Press, 2008, pp. 4-5
Neil Leach, ‘New Materialism’ in Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), (Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for
Architecture - Students, Beijing, China Architecture and Building Press, 2008, pp. 6-15
Neil Leach et al., ‘Interjections 1’ in Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler (eds.), Digital Materiality in Architecture,
Baden: Lars Mueller Publishers, 2008, pp. 32-33
Neil Leach, ‘Play Stations’ in Friedrich von Borries, Steffen Walz, Matthias Bottger (eds.), Space, Time, Play:
Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: The Next Level, Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhauser, 2007, pp. 328-331
Neil Leach, ‘Esquecamos Heidegger’ in Rui Braz Afonso, Goncalo Furtado (eds.), Arquitectura Maquina e Corpo,
Porto: FAUP, 2006, pp. 65-82
Neil Leach, ‘The Legacy of Derrida’ in Sten Gromark and Fredrik Nilsson (eds.), Uiforskande Arkitektur: Situationer I
Nutida Arkitektur, Norhaven: Axl Books, 2006
Neil Leach, ‘Preface’ in Neil Leach and Xu Weiguo (eds.), Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies: Students
Work, Beijing: China Architecture and Planning Press, 2006, pp. 4-5
Neil Leach, ‘Digital Laboratories’ in Neil Leach and Xu Weiguo (eds.), Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies:
Students Work, Beijing: China Architecture and Planning Press, 2006, pp. 6-11
Neil Leach, ‘Preface’ in Neil Leach and Xu Weiguo (eds.), Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies: Architects
Work, Beijing: China Architecture and Planning Press, 2006, pp. 4-5
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Intelligence’ in Neil Leach and Xu Weiguo (eds.), Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies:
Architects Work, Beijing: China Architecture and Planning Press, 2006, pp. 6-11
Neil Leach, ‘Notas hacia una Definicion de Teoria’ in Goncalo Furtado, Detras del Lapis o la Construccion del
Proyecto Critico, Bogota: FAD, 2006, pp. 4-5
Neil Leach, ‘9/11’, in Mark Crinson (ed.), Urban Memory: History and Amnesia in the Modern City, London:
Routledge, 2005, pp. 169-191
Neil Leach, ‘Escapist’, in Joan Ockman and Salomon Frausto (eds.), Architectourism: Authentic, Escapist, Exotic,
Spectacular, Munich, Berlin, London, New York: Prestel, 2005, pp. 116-117
Neil Leach, ‘Less Aesthetics, More Ethics’ in Nicholas Ray (ed.), Architecture and its Ethical Dilemnas, Abingdon:
Routledge, 2005, pp. 135-142
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Neil Leach, ‘Virtual Dreamworlds’ in Christine Calderon, Omar Calderon, Peter Dorsey (eds.), Beyond Form, New
York: Lusitania, 2005, pp. 130-141
Neil Leach, ‘Drag Space’ in Laura Ruggeri (ed.), HKLab2, Hong Kong: Map Office, 2005, pp. 172-183
Neil Leach (in discussion with Mark Goulthorpe, Farshid Moussavi, Alejandro Zaeara-Polo and Servo), ‘Space
Condition Part 3’, in Roger Riewe (ed.), Space Condition, Vienna and New York, Springer, 2005, pp. 133-158
Neil Leach, ‘EcstasyElie Haddad (ed.), Contemporary Discourses in Architecture, Beirut: American UP, 2004, pp.
Neil Leach, ‘The Aesthetic Cocoon’ in One in a Million: Economies of the Self in Everyday Urban Life, New York:
Austrian Cultural Institute, 2004, pp. 33-44
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction’ in Leach and Xu Weiguo (eds.), Fast Forward>>, Hong Kong: Map Books, 2004, pp. 6-7 ()
Neil Leach, Caution: Instructions Before Use’, in Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), Fast Forward>>, HK: Map Books, 2004,
pp. 8-15
Neil Leach, ‘Diesel Culture’ in Espectaculares: Recent Works from GB, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporaneo,
Mexico, 2004
Neil Leach, ‘Orchid Architectures’ in SITAC, Arte Ciudad, Mexico: SITAC, 2004, pp. 284-291
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction; in Leach, Turnbull, Williams (eds.), Digital Tectonics, London: Wiley, 2004, pp. 4-12
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Tectonics’ in Leach, Turnbull, Williams (eds.), Digital Tectonics, London: Wiley, 2004, pp. 70-77
Neil Leach, ‘C<AMO>UFLAGE’, in Veronique Patteeuw (ed.), What is OMA? Considering Rem Koolhaas and the
Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam: NAI, 2003, pp 89-100
a. French translation published, 2004
b. Japanese translation published, 2005
Neil Leach et al., ‘A Discussion’ in Regina Sonnabend (ed.), Serve City: Interactive Urbanism, Berlin: Jovis, 2003, pp.
Neil Leach, ‘Forget Heidegger’ in Augustin Ioan (ed.), Lost in Space, Bucharest: New Europe College, 2003, pp. 122-
Neil Leach, ‘Swarm Tectonics’ in Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher (eds.), Latent Utopias, Vienna: Springer, 2002,
Neil Leach, ‘Urban Camouflage’ in Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, UN Studio Fold, Rotterdam: NAI, 2002, pp 58-
Neil Leach, ‘The Aesthetic Cocoon’ in Kester Rattenbury (ed.), This is Not Architecture, London: Routledge, 2002
Neil Leach, Vitruvius Crucifixus: Architecture, Mimesis and the Death Instinct,’ in Robert Tavernor and George
Dodds (eds.), Body and Building, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002, pp. 210-225
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction” in Designing for a Digital World, London: Wiley, 2002, pp 6-14
Neil Leach, ‘Forget Heidegger’ in Designing for a Digital World, London: Wiley, 2002, pp. 21-30
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction’ in Neil Leach (ed.) The Hieroglyphics of Space, London: Routledge, 2002, pp. 1-11
Neil Leach, ‘Erasing the Traces: The “Denazification” of Post-Revolutionary Berlin and Bucharest’ in Neil Leach (ed.)
The Hieroglyphics of Space, London: Routledge, 2002, pp. 80-91
Neil Leach, ‘Erasing the Traces: The “Denazification” of Post-Apartheid Johannesburg and Pretoria in The
Hieroglyphics of Space, London: Routledge, 2002, pp. 92-100
Neil Leach, ‘Towards a Theory of Identification’ in Jean Hillier (ed.), Habitus: A Sense of Place, London: Batsford,
Neil Leach, ‘Through the Looking Glassin Katherina Bosse, Surface Tension, Ulm: Kruse Publications, 2001, pp.
88-99 (
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Neil Leach, ‘The Dark Side of the Domus’ in Andrew Ballantyne (ed.), What is Architecture?, London: Routledge,
Neil Leach, ‘No Logo Logo’ in Kate Fowle and Deborah Smith (eds.), Shelf Life, London: Gasworks, 2001, pp. 42-45
Neil Leach, ‘Walter Benjamin, Mimesis and the Dreamworld of Photography, in Iain Borden and Jane Rendell (eds.),
Intersections, London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 27-38
Neil Leach, ‘The Aesthetic Cocoon’ in Neil Leach, Oliver Froome-Lewis, Katja Hock, Nicola Worton, Mars Pants,
London: The Architecture Foundation, 2000
Neil Leach, ‘Walter Benjamin, Mimesis and the Dreamworld of Photography’, in Michael Mack (ed.), Reconstructing
Space: Architecture in Recent German Photography, London: AA Publications, 1999, pp. 12-17
Neil Leach, ‘Introduction’, in Neil Leach (ed.), Architecture and Revolution, London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 1-10
Neil Leach, ‘The Dark Side of the Domus: the Redomestication of Central and Eastern Europe’, in Neil Leach (ed.),
Architecture and Revolution, London: Routledge, 1999, pp. 150-162
Neil Leach, Architecture or Revolution?’, in Leach (ed.), Architecture and Revolution, London: Routledge, 1999,
Neil Leach, ‘Berlin (1961-1989): The Walled-up Bride’, in Leach (ed.), Architecture and Revolution, London:
Routledge, 1999, pp. 209-218
Neil Leach, ‘Ecstasy’, in Charles Jencks (ed.), Ecstatic Architecture, London: Academy Editions, 1999, pp. 66-77
Neil Leach, ‘Virilio and Architecture’, in John Armitage and Mike Featherstone (eds.), Paul Virilio, London: Sage,
Neil Leach, Architectural Models’, in Desiring Practices, Katrina Ruedi, Sarah Wigglesworth and Duncan
McCorquodale, (eds.), London: Black Dog Publishing, 1996
Neil Leach, ‘Architecture or Revolution?’, in Beyond the Revolution, Maggie Toy (ed.), London: Academy Editions,
Neil Leach, ‘Ex Ponto. . . In Pontum: Learning from the East’, in Standards and Diversity in Architectural Education, E
Scoffham and D Smigelschi (eds.), Bucharest, Romania: UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education (CEPES),
Neil Leach, ‘Fractures and Breaks’, in Educating Architects, Martin Pearce, Maggie Toy (eds.), London: Academy,
Neil Leach, ‘San Lorenzo Old Sacristy’, dictionary entry, International Dictionary of Architects and Architecture,
Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1993, pp. 560-563
Neil Leach, ‘San Lorenzo New Sacristy’, dictionary entry, International Dictionary of Architects and Architecture,
Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1993, pp. 563-564
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Neil Leach, ‘The Limits of Poetics’ in Building Research and Information, 2005, pp. 1-4
Neil Leach, ‘Fredric Jameson’, book review in Harvard Design Journal, 2001 (NPR)
Neil Leach, K Michael Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968, review, Journal of Architectural Education
Neil Leach, ‘Gender’s New Agenda’, review, Building Design, 2 July 1999 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Disputing Ethical Enigmas’, review, Building Design, 30 May 1997 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Superstar of Hyperreality’, review, Building Design, 23 May 1997 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Tales of the Metropolis’, review, Building Design, 25 October 1996 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Suddenly Last Summer’, review, Building Design, 6 September 1996 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Destined for Cult Status’, review, Building Design, 17 May 1996 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Derrida definitely maybe’, review, Building Design, 15 March 1996 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Romania with a View’, review, Architects Journal, 17 August 1995 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘End of Year Shows’, review, Building Design, 14 July 1995 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Portrait of the Artist as an Architect’, review, Building Design, 10 March 1995 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Logical Progression’, review, Building Design, 11 November 1994 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Capitalist Cringing at Cold War ‘Victory’’, review, Building Design, 4 November 1994 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Representing the Spirit of the Renaissance’, review, Building Design, 21 Oct. 1994 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Amateur Obsession’, review, Building Design, 9 September 1994 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Rethinking the Modern Movement’, review, Building Design, 8 July 1994 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Challenge to Architectural Conventions’, review, Building Design, March 1994 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Eliminating the Errors’, review, Building Design, 18 June 1993 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Man of Substance’, review, Building Design, 19 June 1992 (NPR)
Neil Leach, ‘Sunderland Winners’, review, Building Design, 29 March 1992 (NPR)
Co-editor (with Mark Millington) of a special issue on ‘Reading the City’ for the Journal of Renaissance and Modern
Studies, 1996
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‘Do Robots Dream of Digital Sheep?’, Careers Fair, FIU, 6 February 2019
‘The Future of Architecture’, The Future of Architecture and Building, Mumbai, India, 1-2 December 2018
‘Size Matters’, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, July 2017
‘Deleuze and the Diagram: A Curious Moment in Architectural Theory’, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, July 2016
‘City Futures’, DADA Annual Conference, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 5 July 2015
‘Digital Tectonics’, Annual Conference for Professors Teaching Digital Design, Wuhan China, 30 June 2015
‘Adaptation’, CAAD Futures, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 3 July 2013
‘Desiring Machines’, Meaning, Matter, Making, DesForm 2012, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New
Zealand, 18-20 April 2012
‘Swarm Intelligence’, Architecture: Education, Practice and Research, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2-4 February 2012
‘Machinic Processes’, DigitalFUTURES, Tongji University, Shanghai, June 2011
‘Swarm Urbanism’, Design Education as Research Lab, Dessau Institute of Architecture, Dessau, Germany, 7-8 July
‘The Architect as Fascist: The Curious Case of Marco Casagrande, Architect and Mercenary’, Occupations,
University of Brighton, July 1-4, 2009
‘New Materialism’, International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Melbourne, Australia, July 5 2008
‘Now I am Yours’, Zagreb Festival of Subversive Cinema, Zagreb, May 2008
‘Digital Morphogenesis’, Symposium for Emergent Architecture, Barcelona April 2008
‘Camouflage’, ADSL, Antwerp, Belgium, March 7 2008
‘Belonging’, Mobility of the Line, Brighton, January 2008
‘The Problem of Beauty’, Parametric Approaches to Architecture, Royal Danish School of Fine Art, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 23 November 2007
‘Digital Morphogenesis’, ENHSA/EAAE Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-5
May 2007
‘Morphogenesis’, Conscient Probings, Seoul, Korea, 28 November 2006
‘Camouflage’, Topophilia/Topophobia, Beijing 1-3 June 2005
‘Take Away Identities’, Take Away Cultures, Barcelona, 2 December 2004
‘Ecstasy’, New Agendas in Architecture, Beirut, Lebanon, May 2004
‘The People’s House and New Romanian Identity’, Bucharest, Romania, November 2003
‘Orchid Architectures’, University of Oporto, April 2003
‘The Aesthetic Cocoon’, University of Berkeley, 14 February 2003
‘Urban Camouflage’, SITAC, Mexico City, 25 January, 2003
‘Belonging’, [Un]bounding Tradition, IASTE, Hong Kong, December 2002
‘Urban Attractors’, The Future of the City, Osaka, Japan, March 2002
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‘Urban Camouflage’, Urban Flashes, Taipei, Taiwan, January 2002
‘The Aesthetic Cocoon’ in The Storm of Silence, Architecture Centre, Vienna, November 2001
‘Designing for a Digital World’, European Association for Architectural Education, Hania, Greece, 1-4 September
‘Ecstasy’, Metropolis, Barcelona, Spain, June 2001
‘Capsule City’, The Generic City and the Old Metropolis, University of Leuven, Belgium, 4-5 February 2000
‘Millennium Culture’, Annual Conference, Society for Architectural Historians in Australia and New Zealand,
Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, 28 September - 1 October 1999
‘Millennium Anxieties’, Architecture and Education, University of Cali, Colombia, South America, 9-10 September
Neil Leach, ‘Do Robots Dream of Digital Sheep?’ 39
Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided
Design in Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, 2019
Neil Leach, ‘We Have Never Been Digital’, 38
Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in
Architecture, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico, 2018
Neil Leach, ‘Zoom Space: The Limits of Representation’, 37
Annual Conference of the Association for Computer
Aided Design in Architecture, MIT, 2017
Neil Leach, ‘Digital Tool Thinking: Object Oriented Ontology versus New Materialism’, 36
Annual Conference of the
Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 2016
Neil Leach, ‘Emergent Interactivities: From the Primitive Hut to the Cerebral Hut’, 34
Annual Conference of the
Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, 2014
Neil Leach, ‘Temporal Agency: An Introduction’, i 34
Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided
Design in Architecture, Toronto: Riverside Architectural Press, 2014
Neil Leach, ‘Home(ostasis)’, Technarte, Bilbao May 2016
Neil Leach, Behrokh Khoshnevis, Madhu Thangavelu, Anders Carlson, “Co-Robot Strategy for Lunar Settlement
Infrastructure Development”, AIAA Space 2012 Conference and Exhibition, AIAA, Pasadena, CA, 2012
Neil Leach, Behrokh Khoshnevis, Madhu Thangavelu, Anders Carlson, “Contour Crafting Simulation Plan for Lunar
Settlement Infrastructure Build-Up”, NIAC Spring Symposium, Pasadena, CA, 27-29 March 2012
‘Digital Morphogenesis’, Digital Design in Landscape Architecture, Bernburg, Germany, 31 May 2007 (NPR)
‘Belonging’, Zi-Zi Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel, April 2007 (NPR)
‘Digital Morphogenesis’, Bauhaus XXI, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4-8 December 2006
‘Drag Space’, Theory and Trash, UdK Berlin, Germany, November 16 2006
‘Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies’, Press Event, Tsinghua University, Beijing, June 15, 2006 (NPR)
‘Digital Cities’, Conference on Urbanism, Changsha, China, 12 November 2005
Roundtable Discussion, Neuland, Bauhaus Foundation, Dessau, Germany, May 2005 (NPR)
‘China’, SCHOSA Conference, Ion Mincu, Bucharest, April 2005
‘New Romanian Identity’, Collage Europe, NAi, Rotterdam, 11 November 2004
‘Digital Tectonics’, TU Chur, Switzerland, 5 November 2004
‘Ecstatic Architecture’, A4 Forum, Beijing 22 September 2004
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‘Swarm Tectonics’, Urban Frenzy, A8 Peak Forum, Beijing 20-21 September 2004
‘Camouflage’, Bauhaus-Baustadt, Bauhaus University, Weimar, June 2004
‘Aesthetic Cocoon’, Serve-City, Bauhaus, Dessau, July 2003
Roundtable Discussion, Space Condition, Graz, Austria, October 2002 (NPR)
‘9/11’, Urban Memory, University of Manchester, October 2002
‘9/11’, Public Monuments and Private Mourning, UWE, Bristol, March 2002
Roundtable Discussion, Digital Tectonics, Bath, March 2002 (NPR)
‘Remembering the Wall’, Germany and its Past, Architectural Association, London, February 2001
‘Mimesis: Towards a Theory of Identification’, Housing the Unconscious, AA, London, 2000
‘Diana and the Millennium Dome’, Architecture and Sacrifice, University of Bath, 8 May 1999
‘Erasing the Traces: The ‘Denazification of Post-Apartheid South Africa’, SAVAL, University of Witswatersrand,
South Africa, 5 June 1998
‘Ecstatic Spaces’, Space in Film and Literature, University of Cork, Ireland, 24 April 1998
‘Architecture, Mimesis, Adorno’, The Legacy of the Frankfurt School, University of Salford, Manchester, 29 March
‘Erasing the Traces: The ‘Denazification’ of Eastern Europe’, Conference of Architectural History, De Montfort
University, Leicester, 21 June 1997
‘Kitsch, Nationalism and Identity’, Aspects of Kitsch in Periods of Transition, New Europe College, Bucharest,
Romania, 22-25 March 1997
‘Imperfect Buildings’, Design History Conference, Middlesex University, December, 1996
Vitruvius Crucifixus’, Symposium in Honour of Joseph Rykwert, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 29-
30 March 1996
‘Architectural Models, or ‘Tan Hawaiian with Tanya’, Desiring Practices, conference, London, 20 October 1995
Ex Ponto . . In Pontum (Learning from the East)’, Standards and Diversity in Architectural Education, conference,
‘Ion Mincu’ School of Architecture, Bucharest, Romania, 3-4 July 1995
‘Architecture and Violence: The Dark Side of the Domus’, Beyond the Wall: Architecture, Ideology and Culture in
Central and Eastern Europe, conference, Bucharest, Romania, 1-2 July, 1995
‘Hyperreal Space’, Space Now Symposium, School of Architecture, University of Bath, 6 May 1995
Sum Pius Aeneas: Pius II, Pienza and the Myth of Troy’, Troy in the Middle Ages, Nightingale Hall, University of
Nottingham, June 1994
‘Architecture, Freedom and Speech’, Berlin: City of Competitions, Royal Academy of Arts, London, March 1994
‘Fractures and Breaks’, Conference on Architectural Education, University of Portsmouth, February 1994
‘Pius II, Pienza and the 13th Book of the Aeneid’, 3rd Annual International Neo-Latin Conference, Clare College,
University of Cambridge, September 1993
‘Architecture and Difference’, Delich Symposium on Critical Theory, University of Nottingham, July 1993
‘The Problem of Architectural History’, History in Schools of Architecture, University of Nottingham, May 1993
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Neil Leach, Oliver Froome-Lewis, Katja Hock, Nicola Worton, Mars Pants: Covert Histories, Temporal Distortions,
Animated Lives, London, The Architecture Foundation, October 2000 January 2001. This was an exhibition of
photography, writing and design
Behrokh Khoshnevis, Neil Leach, Madhu Thangavelu, Anders Carlson, ‘Contour Crafting Simulation Plan for Lunar
Settlement Infrastructure Build-Up’, supported by NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Fellowship, 2013
‘Minimal Relaxation’, installation (with Alvin Huang, Philip Yuan and Wendy Fok), Museum of Contemporary Art,
People’s Park, Shanghai, China, 3 August 20 September
‘Swarm Tectonics’, installation (with Kristina Shea and Spela Videcnik), Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam, June
20-29 2002
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Neil Leach, Behnaz Farahi, Philip Yuan (eds.), Interactive Futures, Shanghai: Tongji UP (under contract)
Neil Leach, The AI Design Revolution: Architecture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, London: Bloomsbury
Publishing (under contract)
Neil Leach, The Death of the Architect: Architecture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, London: Bloomsbury
Publishing (under contract)
Neil Leach, The Politics of Space, London: Routledge (under contract)
Neil Leach (ed.), Rethinking Architecture, (2
edition), London: Routledge (under contract)
Neil Leach, Matias del Campo (eds.), “Machine Hallucinations: Architecture and AI,” Architectural Design (under
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FIU CARTA Interdisciplinary Seed Grant: $5000 for ‘Scripting Coral Growth’, 2017, Neil Leach (PI Architecture)
with Hwang Yi (Architecture), Anthony Bellantuono (Biological Sciences), Colin Foord (Coral Morphologic) and Albert
Elias (Architecture)
NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Phase 2 Award: $500,000 for “ISRU-Based Robotic Construction
Technologies for Lunar and Martian Infrastructure”, 2012 (co-recipient with Behrokh Khoshnevis (PI), Madhu
Thangavelu, Anders Carlson)
NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Phase 1 Award: $100,000 for “Contour Crafting Simulation Plan for Lunar
Settlement Infrastructure Build-Up”, 2011 (co-recipient with Behrokh Khoshnevis (PI), Madhu Thangavelu, Anders
James H Zumberge Foundation Research and Innovation Fund: $10,000 for ‘Design Intelligence’, 2010 (co-recipient
with Anne Balsamo, University of Southern California)
RIBA Future Studies, RIBA, London: £10,000 for organization of conference and book, Digital Tectonics, University
of Bath, March 2002 (co-recipient with Prof David Turnbull and Chris Williams)
RIBA Future Studies, RIBA, London: £43,000 for organization of conference and book, E-Futures: Designing for a
Digital World, Royal Institute of British Architects, London, 11 June 2001 (principal organizer)
Graham Foundation, Chicago, USA: $3000 for illustrations to Neil Leach, Camouflage, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2006 (sole recipient)
Soros Foundation for a Free Society, $5000 for the conference and book, ‘Beyond The Wall’, Bucharest, Romania,
1995 (co-recipient with Ms Mariana Celac, Union of Romanian Architects)
British Council, £750 for the conference and book, ‘Beyond The Wall’, Bucharest, Romania, 1995 (co-recipient with
Ms Mariana Celac, Union of Romanian Architects)
3D Systems, $6000, for costs of 3D printing, Digital Futures, Shanghai, 2017
3D Systems, $4000, for costs of 3D printing, Digital Futures, Shanghai, 2016
AECOM, $5000 for the ‘XXL: Super Tall Buildings’ AAC Conference, CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, 16 June
Haworth, $5000 for the ‘XXL: Super Tall Buildings’ AAC Conference, CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, 16 June
Gensler, $5000 for the XXL: Super Tall Buildings’ AAC Conference, CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, 16 June
RTKL, $5000 for the ‘XXL: Super Tall Buildings’ AAC Conference, CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, 16 June 2012
Lippo Group, $5000 for the ‘XXL: Super Tall Buildings’ AAC Conference, CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, 16
June 2012
Eddie Wang, $1000 for the ‘XXL: Super Tall Buildings’ AAC Conference, CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, 16
June 2012
Hewlett Packard, $5000 for ‘DigitalFUTURE’ Exhibition, CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, 2011 (co-recipient with
Philip Yuan)
Vizio, $3000 for ‘DigitalFUTURE’ Exhibition, CAUP, Tongji University, Shanghai, 2011 (co-recipient with Philip Yuan)
Urban Environment Design: $5000 for ‘Machinic Processes’ Conference, 16 October 2010, Beijing, China (co-
recipient with Prof Xu Weiguo, Tsinghua University)
Guangzhou Kanxun Trading Company: $10,000 for ‘Machinic Processes’ Exhibition, 15 October 2010, 798 Space,
798, Beijing, China (co-recipient with Prof Xu Weiguo, Tsinghua University)
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L G Hausys: $5,000 for Machinic Processes’ Exhibition, 15 October 2010, 798 Space, 798, Beijing, China (co-
recipient with Prof Xu Weiguo, Tsinghua University)
Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturer’s Company: $15,000 for ‘Machinic Processes’ Exhibition, 15 October 2010, 798
Space, 798, Beijing, China (co-recipient with Prof Xu Weiguo, Tsinghua University)
National Science Foundation of China: $20,000 for ‘(Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for Architecture’
exhibition, Architecture Biennial Beijing, 2008 (co-recipient with Prof Xu Weiguo, Tsinghua University)
Autodesk, China: $5,000 for ‘(Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for Architecture’ conference,
Architecture Biennial Beijing, 2008 (co-recipient with Prof Xu Weiguo, Tsinghua University)
Archi-100 Publishing House, Beijing: $50,000 for ‘Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies exhibition and
conference, Architecture Biennial Beijing, 2006 (co-recipient with Prof Xu Weiguo, Tsinghua University)
Beijing Guanghuaxuan Real Estate Development Company: $100,000 for A2 Exhibition of Avant-Garde Architecture,
Architecture Biennial Beijing, 2004 (co-recipient with Prof Xu Weiguo, Tsinghua University)
Arup Foundation, London: £1,000 for organization of conference, Digital Tectonics, University of Bath, March 2002
(co-recipient with Prof David Turnbull and Chris Williams)
Happold Trust, Bath: £3,000 for organization of conference, Digital Tectonics, University of Bath, March 2002 (co-
recipient with Prof David Turnbull and Chris Williams)
Rodeca Systems, Euro 10,000 for installation, Akademie van Baukunst, Amsterdam, June 2002 (principal organizer)
NEC Group, $5000 for the conference, ‘Beyond The Wall’, Bucharest, Romania, 1995 (co-recipient with Ms Mariana
Celac, Union of Romanian Architects)
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Elected as an academician by the Academy of Europe, Europe’s most prestigious scholarly academy that includes
over 50 Nobel Prize Laureates, 2015
NASA, Innovative Advanced Concepts Phase 2 Fellowship, 2012-2013
NASA, Innovative Advanced Concepts Phase 1 Fellowship, 2011-2012
Awarded DAAD Professorship, Anhalt University, Dessau, Germany, 2003-2007
Awarded VELUX Professorship, Royal Danish School of Fine Art, 2004
European Association for Architectural Education [EAAE], first prize for the article, ‘The Door: Towards an
Architecture of Interdisciplinarity’, 1997
Director, American Academy in China [AAC], 2011-2014
Member, Royal Institute of British Architects ‘Building Futures’ Think Tank, 2000-2004.
Member, Peer Review College, Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK, 2007-2010
Referee, Arts and Humanities Research Board, UK 2004-2006; 2008
Referee, NESTA, Global Innovation Foundation, UK, 2007
Referee, Architectural Research Quarterly, 2002, 2018
Member, editorial board of the Journal of Renaissance and Modern Studies, 1996-2000
Registered Architect, Architects Registration Board, UK; registration number 055898B, 1989
UIA Student Design Competition, Tianjin, China 2018
DADA Student Design Competition, Beijing, China 2013
Architecture Biennial Beijing, Student Design Competition 2004
Chi Chi Earthquake Memorial Design Competition, Taiwan 2004
International Student Competition, A2 Pavilion, Architecture Biennial Beijing 2004
European Association for Architectural Education Prize 2002
Royal Institute of British Architects Dissertation Medal 1997-2001
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Jazz Urbanism: AI workshop (with Claudiu Barsan-Pipu ), Tongji University, Shanghai, June-July 2019
Cellphone City (with Professor Lu Xinghua, Yan Chao), Tongji University, Shanghai, June-July 2018
Body Architecture: 3D Printed Wearables (with Behnaz Farahi), Tongji University, Shanghai, June-July 2017
Body Architecture: 3D Printed Wearables (with Behnaz Farahi), Tongji University, Shanghai, June-July 2016
Theory Workshop, BioDigital Masters Program, UIC, 2015
Theory Workshop, BioDigital Masters Program, UIC, 2014
Computational Design Workshop, NUST, Pakistan, 2013
Theory Workshop, BioDigital Masters Program, UIC, 2013
AAC Shanghai Computation and Fabrication Workshops, 2011-2014
Computation Workshop, Cluj, Romania, 2010
Computation Workshop, Lodz, Poland, 2007
Project leader for ‘Architect Parachutists’ one week urban design workshop, Vinitsa, Ukraine, organized by Center for
Contemporary Architecture, Moscow, 2007
Design Workshop, Ion Mincu, Bucharest, Romania, 2006, 2007
Architectural Association, May 1998
University of Hong Kong, Nov 1998
University of Bath, Nov 1998
Technical University, Istanbul, May 1999
Glasgow School of Art, Feb 2002
London Consortium, June 2004
Newcastle University, Dec 2006
T U Delft, May 2011
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(b) Exhibition Curatorship
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘Architectural Intelligence’, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji University, Shanghai,
China, July 2019
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘Cyborg Futures’, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji University, Shanghai, China,
July 2018
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘Materialization v Visualization’, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji University,
Shanghai, China, July 2017
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘Diagrammatic Thinking’, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji University, Shanghai,
China, July 2016
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘DigitalFUTURES 2016, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji University, Shanghai,
China, July 2016
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (curators), ‘Digital Factory: Advanced Computational Research’, CAUP, Tongji, July 2015.
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘DigitalFUTURES 2015, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji, July 2015
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘DigitalFUTURES 2014, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji, July 2014
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (curators), ‘Design Intelligence: Advanced Computational Research’, 798, Beijing, 28
September 2013
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘DigitalFUTURES 2013, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji, July 2013
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘Interactive SHANGHAI’, CAUP Exhibition Space, Shanghai, 9 August 2013
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘DigitalFUTURES 2012, CAUP Exhibition Space, Tongji, July 2012
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (curators), ‘DigitalFUTURES’, CAUP Exhibition Space, Shanghai, 2011
Neil Leach, Roland Snooks (curators), ‘Swarm Intelligence: Architectures of Multi-Agent Systems’, HKU Exhibition
Space, Shanghai, 2010
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (curators), ‘Machinic Processes’, 798 Space, Beijing, Architecture Biennial Beijing 2010
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (curators), ‘(Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for Architecture’, 798 Space,
Architecture Biennial Beijing 2008
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (curators), ‘Emerging Talents, Emerging Technologies’, Architecture Biennial Beijing 2006
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (curators), Fast Forward>>, A2 Exhibition of Avant-Garde architecture at the Architecture
Biennial Beijing 2004
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Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (curators), ‘Under Construction’, Exhibition of Architecture Beijing Biennial 2004, Shchusev
Architectural Museum, Moscow, Russia, August-September 2004
(a) Conference Organization
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘Architectural Intelligence’, CAUP, Tongji, 7-8 July 2019
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘Cyborg Futures, CAUP, Tongji, 8 July 2018
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘Visualization v Materialization’, CAUP, Tongji, 2 July 2017
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘Diagrammatic Thinking’, CAUP, Tongji, 2 July 2016
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (organizers), ‘Digital Factory: Advanced Computational Research’, CAUP, Tongji, 5 July 2015
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘DigitalFUTURES 2015, CAUP, Tongji, 4 July 2015
Neil Leach, Regina Bittner, Alfred Jacoby (organizers), Walter Gropius and the Legacy of the Bauhaus’, Bauhaus,
Dessau, 8 March 2015
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘DigitalFUTURES 2014, CAUP, Tongji, 3 July 2014
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘Interactive SHANGHAI’, Shanghai, 9 August 2013
Neil Leach (organizer), ‘3-D Printing in Concrete: Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Applications’, Dessau, 22 June 2013
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘XXL Super Tall Buildings’, Tongji University, Shanghai, 16 June 2012
Neil Leach, Philip Yuan (organizers), ‘DigitalFUTURES’, Shanghai, 24 June 2011
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (organizers), ‘Machinic Processes’, Beijing, 16 Oct 2010
Neil Leach, Roland Snooks (organizers), ‘Swarm Intelligence: Architectures of Multi-Agent Systems’, Austrian
Pavilion, EXPO, Shanghai, July 2010
Neil Leach, Roland Ritter (organizers), ‘Intensive Fields’, USC, 12 Dec 2009
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (eds.), ‘(Im)material Processes: New Digital Techniques for Architecture’, Beijing, October
Neil Leach, Alfred Jacoby (organizers), ‘Digital Cities’, Dessau, Germany, 9 June 2007.
Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (organizers), ‘Emerging Talent’, Design Forum, Beijing Architecture Biennial, 26-27
September 2006.
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Neil Leach, Xu Weiguo (organizers), ‘Urban Frenzy’, A8 Peak Forum, Beijing Architecture Biennial, 21-22 September
Neil Leach, David Turnbull, Chris Williams (organizers), ‘Digital Tectonics’, University of Bath, March 2002.
Neil Leach (organizer), ‘E-Futures: Designing for a Digital World’, Royal Institute of British Architects, London, 11
June 2001
Neil Leach, Mark Cousins (organizers), ‘Housing the Unconscious’, Conference on Architecture and Psychoanalysis,
Architectural Association, May 2000
Neil Leach, Mariana Celac (organizers), ‘Beyond the Wall: Architecture, Ideology and Culture in Central and Eastern
Europe’, international conference, Bucharest, Romania, 1-3 July 1995
(b) Conference Chair
Neil Leach, ‘Changing Identities in China’, Roundtable Discussion involving Patrik Schumacher, Philip Yuan, Matias
Del Campo, Sandra Manninger, and Behnaz Farahi in ‘Identities for a Changing World’, Palazzo Widmann, Venice
Biennale, Italy, 25 May 2018
Neil Leach, ‘Generative Robotics’ in ACADIA 2016: Posthuman Frontiers: Data, Designers and Cognitive Machines,
Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA,
October 2016
Neil Leach, ‘Technarte 2016’, Los Angeles, November 2016
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Associate Professor, Department of Architecture
College of Architecture + the Arts
Florida International University, Miami FL 33199
305 348 2672 w 305 205 4814 c 305 348 2650 fax
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Architecture, 1998
M. ARCH, University of Pennsylvania, Architecture, 1980
Architect, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, RA-010517
Climate: History and Future by Powers of 10 (completed manuscript) 2019. Website:
Modern Architecture in Theater: The Experiments of Art et Action, Palgrave Press, Pivot
Series, 2014
The Miniature and the Gigantic in Philadelphia Architecture: Essays on Designing the City to
Human Scale, Edwin Mellen Press, 2007.
Edited Books
With Marcia Feuerstein, Architecture as a Performing Art, Ashgate Press, April 2013
Chapters in Books
“Vernacular design in hot and humid cities of the Southeastern US” in Habitat: Vernacular
Architecture for a Changing Planet, Sandra Piesik ed. (Thames & Hudson), 2016.
“Paideia, Theater of Discussion” in Marcia Feuerstein and Gray Read eds., Architecture as a
Performing Art, Ashgate Press, April 2013.
“Public Space as Theatre in Multiple Miamis” in Miami Modern Metropolis: Mid-Century
Architecture and Urbanism, Allan Shulman ed. (Bass Museum of Art, 2009), pp.60-81.
Four Case Studies in the same volume: Miami Modern Metropolis: Mid-Century Architecture
and Urbanism, Allan Shulman ed. Bass Museum of Art, 2009.
“The Bacardí Building: Rum, Revolution and the Crafting of Identity” pp.178-183
“The Center in the Middle of Nowhere: Miami Dade Junior College South Campus”
“Schools and Classrooms: Open and Closed” pp.256-261
“Spiritual Landscapes: Progressive Churches and Synagogues” pp.268-275
“Aragon’s Armoire” in Thomas Mical ed. Architecture and Surrealism London: Routledge
Press, 2004 pp. 31-40.
Articles in Professional Journals
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“Theatre of Public Space: Architectural Experimentation in the Théâtre de l’espace, Paris,
1937” Journal of Architectural Education 58 No. 4, (May, 2005), pp. 53-62
“The Bacardí Building in Miami: Rum and Revolution” AULA 3 (2002), pp. 28-35
“Time and Materials: Eileen Gray and the Craft of Lacquer” Journal of Potential Architecture
(2001) online journal:
“Le Corbusier's 'Ubu' sculpture: remaking an image” Word & Image 14 No.3 (July-Sept.
1998) pp. 215-226
“Monticello's Dumbwaiters” Journal of Architectural Education 48 No. 3 (Feb. 1995) pp.
“Making a house a home in a Philadelphia neighborhood” Perspectives in Vernacular
Architecture II, ed. Camille Wells. Columbia: Univ. of Missouri Press, (1986) pp.192-9
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Memory Mapping, Storytelling, and Climate JusticeProceedings of the 97
ACSA Annual
Conference, forthcoming, March 2020
Spatial Theatre for Architects DRAMATIC ARCHITECTURES. Theatre and Performing
Arts in Motion, Proceedings, forthcoming, April, 2020.
The Eye of the Bricoleur”, The Ethical Imperative: Proceedings of the 95th ACSA Annual
Conference, March 2018
"L'Appel des banlieues: Miami, entre mobilité et multiculturalisme" Lieux Communs, Les
cahiers du LAUA, L'Altérité entre condition urbaine et condition du monde (LAUL, 2009)
“Two Tales of Infrastructure and Architecture in Philadelphia” Fresh Air: Proceedings of the
95th ACSA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, 2007 pp.252-256
“Architecture and Drama: The Theatre of Public Space” Proceedings of the Livable Cities
Conference, Portland, Oregon, 2007 pp. 106-110
“Encounters in Public Space: Miami in the 1950s” Proceedings of the ACSA International
Conference, Mexico City, 2005 pp.394-399
“Eileen Gray and the Slow Craft of Lacquer” Proceedings of the ACSA International
Conference, Helsinki, 2003, pp.
“The Bacardí Building in Miami” Architecture, Culture, and the Challenge of Globalization:
Proceedings of the ACSA International Conference, Havana, 2002, pp. 67-71
“Measures and Wishes” Proceedings of the 87th ACSA Annual Meeting (1999) pp. 23-25.
“Fictional Images of Real Places in Philadelphia Novels and Films” Constructing Identity:
Proceedings of the 86th ACSA Annual Meeting (1998) pp. 598-601.
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“OuLiPo, architecture and the practice of creative constraint” Proceedings of the 86th ACSA
Annual Meeting (1998) pp. 190-194
“Le Corbusier’s “Ubu” sculpture: monster or god” Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of
the ACSA, (1993) pp. 144-149
Book Reviews
Review of: Marco Frascari, 11 Exercises in Architectural Drawing: Slow food for the
Imagination, In Journal of Architectural Education 67 No. 2 (October, 2013), pp. 317-9
“Winning the Peace: Esther Charlesworth, Architects Without Frontiers: War, Reconstruction
and Design ResponsibilityJournal of Architectural Education 61 No. 3, (February,
2008), pp.62-63
Review of: McLeod, Mary ed. Charlotte Perriand: An Art of Living and Perriand, Charlotte,
Charlotte Perriand: A Life of Creation. In Journal of Architectural Education 58 No. 4,
(May, 2005), pp.66-68
Style and Substance” Jackson, Neil “California Modern: The Architecture of Craig Ellwood”
and Alofsin, Anthony, “The Struggle for Modernism” Society of Architectural
Historians Journal 64:1 pp. 116-118
“The Buried Past” Society of Architectural Historians Journal 54 No.1 (1995) pp.85-86
“Vernacular and high style exchanges” Vernacular Architecture Newsletter 61 (1994) pp. 12-
Public Lectures
“Second Landscape: Proposal for the roofs of Miami” Fall Semester Symposium, Oct 9, 2014
"Natural and Industrial History of Edinburgh" and "Dark and light in the contemporary
architecture of Oslo" Lectures on board Oceana cruise June 12 & 20, 2011.
"L'Appel des banlieues: Miami, mobilité et multiculturalisme" Là où le mondes se touche,
École regionale des beaux arts de Nantes, 5 March 2009
“Museum Architecture + The Social Life of Cities: Herzog & de Meuron’s MAM in Context”
Miami Art Museum, Closing lecture for exhibition of “Herzog & de Meuron, Miami Art
Museum,” 6 April 2008
Invited Lectures at Universities
“Buildings as Actors: Performing in a City near you” Marywood University, Scranton, PA
April 15, 2015
"Architecture as a Performing Art" University of Pennsylvania PhD Program Lecture Series,
11 November 2012
“Theatre of Public Space” FIU School of Architecture Evening Lecture Series, 8 Sept. 2005
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“Eileen Gray and the Slow Art of Design” Women’s History Month Celebration of Women in
Technology, Miami Dade College, March, 2005
“Architecture, Improvisation and Public Space” Washington-Alexandria Architecture
Consortium, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, March, 2004
“Theater and the Architecture of the City Street, Paris 1920s” University of California,
Berkeley, February, 2003
“Architectural Experience in Theatrical Space: Art et Action” Wolfsonian Research Fellows
Presentation, April, 2002
“The Journey of Monticello’s Dumbwaiters: Above and Below the Beltcourse”
University of Texas at Austin, September, 1995
Paper Session Chair
"Architecture and Performance" Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Montreal,
“Theatre and the City Street” Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting, Providence,
April 2004
“Building Rural Economies” Vernacular Architecture Forum, Annual Meeting, Harrisburg,
May 2004
“Public Places and Private Rooms” Vernacular Architecture Forum, Annual Meeting, Saint
Pierre and Miquelon, France, June 2003
Selection of Conference Presentations
Spatial Theatre for Architects Dramatic Architectures, Theatre and Performing Arts in
Motion, Arqdram Conference, Porto, Portugal, April, 2020
“Memory Mapping, Storytelling, and Climate Justice” Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture, National Conference, March 2020
“The Eye of the Bricoleur” Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, National
Conference. March 2018
“Morris Lapidus and the Age of the Showgirl” Southeastern Society of Architectural
Historians Annual Conference, October 2015
“Stories in Section” video presented at Confabulations: Storytelling in Architecture, Frascari
Symposium, Washington Alexandria Architecture Consortium, 2014
“Two Tales of Infrastructure and Architecture in Philadelphia” ACSA Annual Conference,
Philadelphia, March, 2007
“Architecture and Drama: The Theatre of Public Space” Livable Cities Conference, Portland,
Oregon, June, 2007
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“Protest and Performance in Public Space: Miami, Florida in the 1950s” Vernacular
Architecture Forum Annual Conference, NYC, June 2006
“The Theatre of the Book, Space for Display and Commentary” paper given the Wolfsonian
Museum Workshop, “Agendas of Design in the Modern World” Dec. 2005
“Encounters in Public Space: Miami in the 1950s” ACSA International Conference, Mexico
City, June, 2005
“Radio Theatre: Worth Watching?” Conference on Synaesthesia, Penn State University,
October 2003
“Eileen Gray and the Slow Craft of Lacquer” ACSA International Conference, Helsinki, 2003
“The Bacardí Building: Crafting an Identity” ACSA International Conference, Havana, 2002
“Time and Materials: Eileen Gray, Lacquer and Architecture” Alchemy and Architecture
Conference, Washington/Alexandria Architecture Consortium, 2001
"Two Acts of History in Philadelphia" SAH Annual Conference, Miami, June, 2000
"The Fall of the House of Usher: A Parable of the Post-Colonial Landscape" ACSA Regional
Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1999
"OuLiPo, Architecture and the Practice of Creative Constraint" Imagining a Common Ground
for Theory and Practice, Ph.D. Student Conference, University of Pennsylvania, 1997
“Fictional Images of Philadelphia” Vernacular Architecture Forum Annual Conference, 1997
“City Scale, City Dimensions” Critical Urbanism, ACSA Northeast Regional Conference,
“Form and Meaning in Le Corbusier's 'Ubu' Sculpture” SAH Annual Meeting, 1988
“House Renovation in a Philadelphia Neighborhood” Vernacular Architecture Forum Annual
Conference, 1984
Panel Discussions
Panel Discussion preceding performance of Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew” with
Prof. Phillip Church, FIU, Prof. Marilyn Skow, FIU and Dr. Laurie Ossmon, Vizcaya, at
Vizcaya Village Garage, Aug. 2005
“Climate: History and Future by Powers of 10”, Projections, Faculty Exhibition, Miami Beach
Urban Studios, FIU, November 2019.
Modern Beauty: The Aesthetics of Perceptual Simultaneity, Frost Museum of Art, January –
April 2014. Teaching exhibition of materials from the Wolfsonian/FIU Museum funded
by grant from Mellen Foundation.
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Re:(Collect) Art Center/South Florida, November, 1999 (I was one of four artists). I exhibited
three art books: “Book Building” (collection of Lou Ann Colodny), “Book of Keels
(Private Collection) and “Horizon” (Collection of Richard and Ruth Shack)
Interiors and Exteriors Art Center/ South Florida, October, 1999. (Curator and Exhibitor)
“Reflection Box” 924 Gallery, Art Center/ South Florida, December, 1998
“Book of Keels,ARCHItextTURE, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Summer, 1997
“Sketches” exhibited as part of a symposium in honor of Joseph Rykwert, Body and Building,
University of Pennsylvania, March, 1996. These drawings also appeared in Dodds,
George ed. Body and Building, MIT Press, 2004
“Skewed Window” Sculpture built for an outdoor show, Spirit of Place, Huntington, Vermont,
July, 1995. This piece was then moved to Sculpturefest, Woodstock, Vermont, August
and September 1995. It was again exhibited at Art OMI, Outdoor Sculpture Show, Omi,
NY May through August 1996 and included in their publication
CARTA Faculty Development Grant, with Daniel Blaeuer, 2016
Cejas Award, Department of Architecture, 2013
FIU Faculty Senate Excellence in Teaching Award, 2007
Cejas Award, Department of Architecture, 2006
Provost’s Office and FIU Foundation Summer Research Minigrant, Summer, 2002
Wolfsonian Museum Research Fellowship, Summer, 2001
Honorable Mention, Women in Military Service Competition, 1988, Bemiss & Read,
West Bank Bikeway development award, 1994 Powelton Village Community Association
Offices held in Professional Organizations
Publications Committee, ACSA, 2016
Board Member, Vernacular Architecture Forum 2004-6
Membership in Professional Organizations
Society of Architectural Historians
Vernacular Architecture Forum
Public Service
Organizer, South Miami Community Conversations on Climate Change and Sea Level Rise,
Chair, South Miami Green Task Force, 2008 - 2012
The Green Task Force has developed a Green Plan for South Miami, established a
workshop series on sustainable planning and started a farmers market.
Powelton Village Community Association – West Philadelphia 1994
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6387 SW 69 Street, South Miami, FL 33143 USA
david.rifkin[email protected]u
Columbia University
Doctor of Philosophy
Dissertation: «Quadrante» and the Politicization of Architectural Discourse in Fascist
Italy (Professor Mary McLeod, advisor)
Master of Philosophy, 2001
1997 McGill University
Master of Architecture (History and Theory).
Thesis: The All-but Architecture of Richard Serra (Professor Alberto Pérez-Gómez,
1992 Boston Architectural Center
Bachelor of Architecture
2007-present Florida International University
Interim Chair, Landscape Architecture + Environmental and Urban Design (May 2017
December 2019)
As Interim Chair, I was responsible for strategic planning and program development,
professional accreditation, budgeting, and leading the department’s faculty and staff.
I developed the department’s study abroad programs, expanded experiential learning
opportunities, and inaugurated partnerships with local governmental agencies and
non-profit organizations. Curricular initiatives included creating a 4+2 program and
beginning to develop an MLA program in Bangalore, India. As Interim Chair I
increased enrollment 33% in one year through expanded recruitment, achieved
100% retention of first-year students, and improved post-graduation employment
rates. I was responsible for hiring six adjunct instructors, successfully arranged to
promote two adjuncts to full-time instructors, and successfully lobbied the Dean’s
office to convert an Instructor position to a tenure-track Assistant Professor.
Associate Dean of Students (August 2015 May 2017)
As Associate Dean I was responsible for measuring and improving student success
in line with the university’s performance funding metrics. Responsible for recruitment,
retention, graduation, employment and other aspects of students’ academic and
professional success.
Associate Professor (promoted from Assistant Professor in 2013)
Tenured appointment teaching architectural history, theory and design in the College
of Communication, Architecture + the Arts. Courses developed and taught include
the undergraduate lectures History of Design from Antiquity to the Enlightenment and
History of Design in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, the Pedagogy and
Historiography graduate seminars, and undergraduate & graduate seminars,
including Metropolitan Africa and Modern Architecture: Projects and Polemics.
Organized the 2008 and 2009 Paul L. Cejas Eminent Scholar Seminar courses with
Bernard Tschumi and Jeffrey Kipnis, respectively. Co-taught Studies in Visual and
Material Culture with Dennis Doordan, 2010. Co-developed and co-taught the Paris-
Milan travel studio in 2014 and 2015. Taught fourth semester design studio in 2013
and 2014. Developed and led the summer introduction to architecture program for
high school students in 2013 and 2014. Developed online version of history survey
course. Awarded tenure in June 2013.
2015 Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City
Visiting Instructor: A Global History of Contemporary Architecture
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History seminar on global architecture for graduate students in architecture.
University of Virginia
Lecturer in Architectural History
Two-year appointment in the department of architectural history. Courses included
the undergraduate lectures A Survey of Modern Architecture (fall 2005 and fall 2006)
and Architecture: Renaissance to Modern (spring 2006 and spring 2007), and the
graduate seminars Architecture and Design in Modern Italy (fall 2005), The Cultural
Production of Architecture (spring 2006) and Architecture and Landscape Treatises in
the Age of Enlightenment (spring 2007). I supervised two MA theses and served on
the committees of six other architecture MA theses, two PhD dissertations, and one
art history MA thesis.
2005 Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum
Instructor: Designing Modern Italy
History seminar on 20
-century Italian design (with special emphasis on furniture and
industrial design) for graduate design history students.
2002-2005 Parsons School of Design
Instructor: Theory of Architectural Form (three semesters)
Introductory theory seminar for graduate architecture students.
Instructor: The Cultural Production of Architecture (one semester)
Advanced history and theory seminar for graduate architecture students.
Columbia University
Teaching Fellow: Art Humanities Masterpieces of Western Art (five semesters)
Undergraduate core curriculum class introducing students to the critical study of art.
Instructor: Modern Architecture in Italy (two semesters, with Lucy Maulsby)
Graduate seminar on Italian architecture and culture from 1902-1943.
Assistant Studio Instructor: Yehuda Safran studio (one semester)
Studio design critic for 3rd-year graduate students.
Preceptor: Architectural History I & II (six semesters), American Architecture (two
Taught sections and graded student papers in Columbia's history sequence for
graduate students.
New York Institute of Technology
Professor: Survey II Architectural History, 1400-2000
Undergraduate survey of western architectural history from the Renaissance through
the present.
1999, 2000 Barnard College
Instructor: The City Takes Shape: Modern Architecture and New York
Taught high-school students in Barnard’s summer Pre-College Program on reading
New York, and other world cities, as a palimpsest of texts in which cultural histories
are written as architecture.
Boston Architectural Center
Instructor: Aspects of the Contemporary City (one semester, with Santiago Perez)
Design studio for 3rd-, 4th- & 5th-year undergraduate students.
Teaching Assistant: Thesis Seminar (three semesters)
Reviewed and critiqued students' thesis proposals, counseled students individually
and helped modify the thesis program to better support independent research.
Critic: Thesis
Invited critic for six thesis students over two years.
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Florida International University, University of Miami, University of Florida,
Southern Polytechnic, University of Virginia, Columbia University, Pratt
Institute, University of Michigan, Carelton University, City University of New
York, New York Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University
Invited guest critic for graduate and undergraduate architectural design studios.
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2012 The Battle for Modernism: Quadrante and the Politicization of Architectural
Discourse in Fascist Italy
Centro Internazionale di Architettura di Andrea Palladio and Marsilio Editori, 2012.
Manuscript was awarded the 2011 Premio James Ackerman by the CISA Palladio.
2014 A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture, 1960-2010
Co-edited an anthology of writings on contemporary architecture with Elie Haddad
(Lebanese American University), Ashgate, 2014. Second printing 2016. Chinese
translation planned October 2017.
in progress Modern Ethiopia: Architecture, Urbanism and the Building of a Nation
Monographic text on the role of the built environment in the construction of Ethiopian
identity, beginning with the reign of Menelik II and the founding of Addis Ababa.
Research funded by Graham Foundation (see below) and supported by a sabbatical
leave in 2014-15.
2019 Technical Diplomacy: Ethio-Swedish Institute of Building Technology
chapter in Radical Pedagogies, Beatriz Colomina and Ignacio Galan, eds.,
Sternberg, 2019.
A Careful Misreading of Precedent: Politics and Transparency in the work of
Lina Bo Bardi
chapter in Terms of Appropriation: Essays on Architectural Influence, Amanda
Lawrence and Ana Miljacki, eds., Routledge, 2018.
The Radical Politics of Marble in Fascist Italy
chapter in Radical Marble, Nick Napoli and Bill Tronzo, eds. Routledge, 2018.
Enrico Prampolini, Architect
chapter in Enrico Prampolini. Futurism, Stage Design and the Polish Avant-Garde
Theatre, Przemek Strozek, ed. Muzeum Sztuki Lodz, 2017.
Colonial Cities at the Crossroads: Italy and Ethiopia
chapter in Urban Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: colonial and postcolonial planning cultures,
Carlos Nunes Silva, ed., Routledge, 2015.
Reviewing Modernism through the Lens of Sustainability
chapter in Lessons from Modernism: Environmental Design Strategies in
Architecture, 1925-1970, Kevin Bone, Steven Hillyer, and Sunnie Joh, eds. Monacelli,
CIAM, Corporative Urbanism and Italy
chapter in The Rationalist Reader: Architecture and Rationalism in Western Europe
1920-1940 / 1960-1990, Andrew Peckham and Torsten Schmiedeknecht, eds.,
Routledge, 2013. excerpted from “‘Everything in the state, nothing against the state,
nothing outside the state’: Corporativist Urbanism and Rationalist Architecture in
Fascist Italy” (see below)
"Urbanistica corporativa": Ernesto Nathan Rogers, BBPR and Quadrante
chapter in Ernesto Nathan Rogers 1909-1969, Chiara Baglione, ed., Franco Angeli,
2014 Building Modern Africa
Journal of Architectural Education, v.68:2 (fall 2014). Co-edited theme issue of the
JAE with Itohan Osayimwese, Brown University.
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Consuming Empire: Colonial Agriculture under Italian Fascism
Dumbarton Oaks Papers, v.66 (2014), 81-94.
2012 Piani regolatori in Etiopia
Bollettino della Società di studi fiorentini, n.20-21: «Firenze, Primitivismo e Italianità. I
Problemi dello “Stile Nazionale” tra Italia e Oltremare (1861-1961)» (May 2012).
2012 ‘Everything in the state, nothing against the state, nothing outside the state’:
Corporativist Urbanism and Rationalist Architecture in Fascist Italy
Planning Perspectives, v.27 n.1 (January 2012), 51-80.
2011 Misprision of Precedent: Design as Creative Misreading
Journal of Architectural Education, v.64 n.2 (March 2011), 66-75.
2011-2012 Journal of Architectural Education, Best Scholarship of Design Article
2011 Gondar. Architecture and Urbanism for Italy’s Fascist Empire
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (December 2011), 492-511.
2012 Society of Architectural Historians Founders’ Award for best article by an
emerging scholar in the previous two years.
2008 Asmara
Pin-up n.5 (Winter 2008/09), 3-6.
2007 Architecture and Revolution on the Street of Empire
Scapes n.6 (Fall 2007), 26-40.
2006 Furnishing the Fascist Interior: Giuseppe Terragni, Mario Radice and the Casa del
arq – architectural research quarterly v.10, n.2 (June 2006), 157-170.
1996 Dialectical Furniture for Highway Interchanges
Catalogue of the History and Theory Graduate Studio v.5 (1996), unpaginated.
2016 review of Jon Sojkowski, African Vernacular Architecture Data Base
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, v.75 n.3 (September 2016), 385-
2016 review of Sean Anderson, Modern Architecture and Its Representation in
Colonial Eritrea
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, v.75 n.2 (June 2016), 225-226.
2013 review of Jonathan Alfred Noble, African Identity in Post-Apartheid Public
Architecture: White Skin, Black Masks, and Rebecca Ginsburg, At Home with
Apartheid: The Hidden Landscapes of Domestic Service in Johannesburg
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, v.72 n.3 (September 2013), 412-
review of Diane Ghirardo, Italy: Modern Architectures in History
Journal of Architectural Education, v.67 n.2 (September 2013), 308-309.
2011 review of Speed Limits (exhibition)
Design Issues, v.27 n.3 (Summer 2011), 98-102.
2009 review of Mark Gillem, America Town
JAE, v.63 n.1 (August 2009), 150-151.
2009 review of Interama: Miami and the Pan-American Dream
Cite, n.78 (spring 2009), 36-37.
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2009 review of Mia Fuller, Moderns Abroad: Architecture, Cities, and Italian
The Journal of Modern History (March 2010), v.82, n.1, 216-218. [solicited by the
2017 What is the Worth of Water?
Architect (October 2017), v.106, n.10, 92.
Architectural Ramblings
Bi-monthly column in Miami Beach Community Newspaper, dealing with sites and
buildings in Miami Beach.
2013 University of Miami
Clog, theme issue on Miami, 2014.
2017-18 Pioneering Women in American Architecture
Wrote entry on Florida architect Isabel Roberts for this online encyclopedia of significant
women architects in the United States.
2016-18 SAH Archipedia
Co-wrote entries for 100 significant sites in Florida with John Stuart for the online encyclopedia
of American architecture and cultural heritage sites, Archipedia. The project was funded by the
Mellon Foundation.
Frank Lloyd Wright (
Wrote descriptions of ten Frank Lloyd Wright buildings for a PBS-developed web site,
which ran parallel to the November broadcast of Ken Burns and Lynn Novick's
1998 The Grid in the American Landscape
Researched and wrote two chapters on the development of the American landscape
for a book by Professor Hamid Shirvani of Queens College.
2020 Ernesto Nathan Rogers e il circolo Quadrante
Invited lecture, “Composizione architettonico” symposium. IUAV, Venice.
Architecture, Urbanism, and the False Promise of Liberal Reform Under Haile
Selassie I
Invited lecture, Global Perspectives on Fascism and Anti-Fascism” symposium.
Colgate University, Hamilton, NY.
Necessary Urbanisms
Invited lecture, Climate Change, Art, and Architecture” roundtable. Institute of
Contemporary Art, Miami.
Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, and Social Transformation
Invited lecture, MAIYA Prodigy Workshop. National Institute of Advanced Studies,
Miami Beach and Global Art Deco
Invited lecture, “Miami Beach and Tel Aviv” roundtable. Jewish Museum-FIU, Miami
Architecture, Urbanism, and the False Promise of Liberal Reform Under Haile
Selassie I
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Invited lecture, Nationalism, Aesthetics, and Emergency Powers” symposium.
Columbia University, New York.
Invited lecture. Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden.
Contemporary Architecture in Ethiopia and Eritrea
Invited lecture. Miami Design Preservation League, Miami Beach.
A Careful Misreading of Precedent: Politics and Transparency in the work of
Lina Bo Bardi
Invited lecture, Architecture Museum, Munich, Germany.
2014 The Battle for Modernism
Invited lecture, Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland.
Ethiopia and Italy: Colonial Cities at the Crossroads
Invited lecture, Gdaska Galeria Miejska, Gdansk, Poland.
Weighing Evidence: Observation, Analysis and Interpretation as Criticism and
Invited lecture, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Sweden.
The Elusive Utopias of Italian Urban Planning in Ethiopia
conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies,
Colonial Cities at the Crossroads
Colonial and Postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
2013 Pietro Maria Bardi, Quadrante, and the Architecture of Fascist Italy
Invited lecture, The Italians in the Centers of South-American Modernism conference,
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2013 Less Rupture than Amplification: Ethiopian Cities and Italian Colonialism
Invited lecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
2013 The Endurance of the Archaic in Contemporary Architecture
The 8th Savannah Symposium, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA.
2012 The Battle for Modernism
Invited lecture, Università degli Studi, Milan, Italy.
2012 Principles of Italian Colonial Architecture
Invited lecture, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy.
2012 The Battle for Modernism
Invited lecture, Accademia di San Luca, Rome, Italy.
2012 International Modernism in a Decolonized World
East-West Symposium, University of Miami.
2012 Consuming Empire
Invited lecture, Food and the City Conference, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC.
2012 Address to First Year Architecture Students
Invited lecture, Department of Architecture, University of Gondar, Ethiopia.
2012 Interrupted Cities: Reconstruction and Invention in Urban Strategies
Invited roundtable participant at University of Miami School of Architecture. Other
speakers were Stanislaus von Moos (Yale University), Luca Ortelli (EPFL Lausanne)
and Roberto Behar (University of Miami).
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Urgency, Uncertainty, Purpose and Paradox
Keynote speaker in the What Would You Say? annual lecture, organized by the FIU
Student Programming Council and selected through university-wide voting.
2011 On Teaching African Architecture
Invited lecture, African Perspectives Conference, Casablanca, Morocco.
2011 Principles of Italian Colonial Architecture
Invited lecture, University of Bologna, Cesena.
2011 Misprision of Precedent: Design as Creative Misreading
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting. Montreal.
2009 Urbanistica corporative: Ernesto Nathan Rogers, BBPR and Quadrante
“Esperienza dell’ArchitetturaErnesto Nathan Rogers,” Politecnico di Milanoand
Casabella magazine, Milan, Italy.
2009 Prefabricating Empire: Industrialized Architecture in Italian-occupied Ethiopia
Invited lecture, Northeastern University School of Architecture, Boston.
2008 The Very Model of a Modern Imperial Capital: Gondar
Invited lecture, “From Africa to the Balkans: New Perspectives in Italian Fascist
History and Material Culture,” Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America,
Columbia University, New York.
2008 The Very Model of a Modern Imperial Capital: Gondar
EAUH Conference, Lyon, France.
2008, 2010, 2012 Principles of Italian Colonial Urbanism and Architecture
Invited lecture, University of Florida School of Architecture and African Studies
2008 The Very Model of a Modern Imperial Capital: Gondar
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture National Meeting. Houston.
2008 Economical, Sustainable, Portable, Imperial: Prefabricated Building in Italian-
occupied Ethiopia, 1936-1941
Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH.
2007 Modernity and Continuity in Ethiopian Architecture and Urbanism: the Case of
African Architecture Today Conference, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
2006 De Firmitatis: the Importance of Impermanence
Faculty Research Symposium IV, University of Virginia School of Architecture.
2004 Furnishing the Fascist Interior: Giuseppe Terragni, Mario Radice and the Casa
del Fascio
Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting. Providence, RI.
2002 Architecture, Art of the State: P. M. Bardi and the Political Discourse of Italian
Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting. Richmond, VA.
2001 1933: One or Several Rationalisms
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Meeting. Istanbul,
2000 Hors de la cuisine: Avant-gardes and Kitchen Design, 1926-1929.
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Barnard Feminist Art and Art History Conference. New York.
1998, 1999 Herbert Bayer and the Dilemma of Architectural Historiography
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
1999 International Meeting. Rome, Italy. 1999 National Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.
1998 Southeast Regional Meeting. University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
1998 Mnemosene and Her Daughters: On Analogy and Autobiography, Memory and
Imagination in Le Corbusier’s Poème de l'angle droit
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture West Central Regional Meeting. St.
2019 The Historiography of the Present Condition
Co-organized with Dean Elie Haddad, Lebanese American University. SAH 72ndAnnual
International Conference, Providence, RI
2014 htc.Workshop 6
The sixth workshop featured a keynote lecture by Eric Mumford (Washington
University in St, Louis), presentations by Helen Gyger (Pratt Institute), Kathryn
O’Rourke (Trinity University), Luis Castañeda (Syracuse University) and Patricio del
Real (Museum of Modern Art), and was moderated by W. Elysse Newman (Florida
International University).
2011 htc.Workshop 5
The fifth workshop featured a keynote lecture by Ola Uduku (Edinburgh College of
Art), presentations by Mabel Wilson and Peter Tolkin (Columbia University), Vandana
Baweja (University of Florida), Robert Gonzalez (Florida International University),
Prita Meier (Wayne State University) and Robert Cowherd (Wentworth Institute), and
was moderated by Vladimir Kulic (Florida Atlantic University).
2010 htc.Workshop 4
The fourth workshop featured a keynote lecture by Ken Oshima (University of
Washington), presentations by Kai Gutschow (Carnegie Mellon University), June
Komisar (Ryerson University) and Kimberly Zarecor (Iowa State University), and was
moderated by Flaminia Gennari (Vizcaya Museum).
2009 Transnational Exchange in African Architectures and Urbanisms
Organized and moderated a session on architecture and urbanism in Africa at the
Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians. Speakers were Adekunbi
Oni (CUNY), Joseph Heathcott (The New School), Luce Beeckmans (Groningen
University) and Aziza Chaouni (University of Toronto).
htc.Workshop 3
The third workshop featured a keynote lecture by Peter Lang (Texas A & M
University), presentations by Talinn Grigor (Brandeis University), Frances Hsu
(Georgia Tech) and Ernestina Osorio (UCLA), and was moderated by Jean-François
Lejeune (University of Miami).
2009 htc.Workshop 2
The second workshop featured a keynote lecture by Fasil Giorghis (Addis Ababa
University), presentations by Colette Apelian (Berkeley City College), Vladimir Kulic
(Florida Atlantic University) and Itohan Osayimwese (University of Washington), and
was moderated by Marianne Lamonaca (The Wolfsonian-FIU).
2008 htc.Workshop 1
Initiated and organized an ongoing series of symposia at FIU in which emerging
scholars discuss current research with peers and senior scholars. These grant-
funded events focus on scholarship of modern architecture and design in Latin
America, Africa and Asia. The first workshop featured presentations by Esra Akcan
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(University of Illinois at Chicago), Adnan Morshed (Catholic University) and Sarah
Teasley (Northwestern University), and was moderated by Katherine Wheeler
(University of Miami).
2007 Polis and Politics: Italian Urbanism Under Fascism
Co-organized a conference on interwar Italian urbanism with Lucy Maulsby
(Northeastern University) and Andrew Manson (Columbia University), co-hosted by
Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation,
Department of Art History, and Italian Academy.
2007 Architecture’s Ephemeral Practices
Co-organized a session on architecture and temporality with Ioanna
Theocharoupoulou (Parsons School of Design) at the Annual Meeting of the
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
2002 Partial Visions
Co-organized and moderated symposium with such speakers as Yolande Daniels,
Katherine Dean, Jerri Dodds, Catherine Ingraham, Silvia Kolbowski, Brian Brace
Taylor, and Bernard Tschumi.
1999 Last Things Before the Last?
Co-organized and moderated conference whose speakers included Ackbar Abbas,
Denise Scott Brown, Richard Ingersoll, Daniel Monk, Ben Nicholson, Joan Ockman,
Vincent Pecora, Alberto Pérez-mez and Anthony Vidler.
2016 Visionary Metropolis: Tony Garnier’s Une Cité Industrielle
Curated an exhibition of plates from Tony Garnier’s Une Cité Industrielle (1917) and
related materials, to be exhibited at The Wolfsonian-FIU, Miami Beach in August &
September 2016.
2016 After the Millennium: Contemporary Architecture in Ethiopia
Co-curated an exhibition of 26 buildings in Ethiopia with Professor Dawit Benti of the
Ethiopian Institute of Architecture and Building Construction, to be exhibited in Addis
Ababa and Miami in August & September 2016.
2012 Metropole/Colony: Africa and Italy
Curated an exhibition of material related to Italian colonization and domestic
development projects in the Wolfsonian Teaching Gallery at the Frost Art Museum,
2011 Salon de Bureau E.A.S.T.
Co-curated an exhibition of work in Morocco by Aziza Chaouni and Takako Tajima in
the BEA International Gallery, FIU.
2010 Trace(s) 12358
Co-curated an exhibition of graphic work by Charleston-based architect Gordon
Nicholson in the BEA International Gallery, FIU.
2009 Resource: Design in East Africa
Co-curated an exhibition of work in Kenya and Rwanda by Gainesville-based
architects Donna Cohen and Claude Armstrong in the BEA International Gallery, FIU.
2003-6 Society of Architectural Historians Newsletter
Co-edited the Society’s Newsletter, with Jeannie Kim.
1996 Catalogue of the History and Theory Studio
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Co-edited and published the catalogue of studio work for the graduate program in
History and Theory, School of Architecture, McGill University.
1992-94 «Theory|Praxis»
Co-founded and edited the Boston Architectural Center's journal of studio design
work, built projects, and scholarly writing by students, faculty and alumni.
1987-92 Noumenon
Edited and published the BAC's student publication, a combination newsletter,
student review and critical journal.
2019 AIA Miami Leadership in Education Award
SAH grant to fund student-led architectural tours for students from
disadvantaged schools
FIU Provost’s Interdisciplinary seed grant
FIU Provost’s Humanities Research grant
FIU African and African Diaspora Studies course development grant
FIU African and African Diaspora Studies travel research grant
Cejas Strategic Initiative Grant
Alpha Rho Chi Gold Medal
FIU Faculty Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Activities
What Would You Say? Annual Keynote Lecture, hosted by the FIU Student
Programming Council and selected through university-wide student voting
Journal of Architectural Education, Best Scholarship of Design Article Award
Society of Architectural Historians Founders’ Award for best article by an
emerging scholar in the previous two years
James Ackerman Prize for Architectural History, CISA Andrea Palladio
2011 Applicant, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Research Stipend
(I was one of two faculty members selected to represent FIU through a
university-wide competition process)
2011 Graham Foundation Educational Grant (to fund research in Ethiopia)
2011 American Academy in Rome Wolfsonian Affiliated Fellowship
Graham Foundation Institutional Grant (htc.Workshop)
Cejas Strategic Initiative Grant
Wolfsonian-FIU Research Fellowship
University of Virginia Faculty Summer Research Grant
AIA/AAF Fellowship for Advanced Research in Architecture
2003 Columbia University Kinne Graduate Award for Research-Related Travel
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Parsons Faculty Research Fellowship, Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart
2002 Library Research Grant, Getty Research Institute
2001 Graham Foundation Educational Grant
2001 Honorable Mention, Carter Manny Dissertation Grant, Graham Foundation
2001-2003 Art Humanities Teaching Fellowship, Columbia University
1997-2002 Departmental Fellowship, Columbia University
2001-present Four Square Production, Inc. South Orange, NJ, and South Miami, FL
Principal with design and construction coordination responsibilities for residential
renovation and addition projects in New York City, suburban New Jersey, Miami, and
the Bahamas. Completed projects include a steel-framed house in South Miami,
designed to surpass LEED Platinum certification, an apartment renovation in
Brooklyn, a loft renovation in Manhattan and three two-story addition/renovation
projects in New Jersey. All work designed in close collaboration with Holly Zickler.
1991-5 Buck, Smith & McAvoy Architects Boston, MA
Project Manager for accessibility upgrades to seven branch libraries for the City of
Boston. Project Designer and Job Captain for addition of 15 units of accessible
housing at two sites for the Brookline Housing Authority. Project Designer for a new
community building (meeting space and administrative facilities) at an existing
Cambridge Housing Authority project.
1990 Ian Hodgson, Architect London, England
Inspected aging buildings throughout England and Wales, diagnosed areas requiring
renovation and repair, and directed the production of necessary contract documents.
1986-90, 1991 Keith Moskow, Architect Boston, MA
Designed single-family residences, retail store locations and a golf-course
2016-2019 Society of Architectural Historians
Member of the Board of Directors. Other service to the Society includes chairing the
Founder’s Award jury (2019), being a member of the Alice Davis Hitchcock Award
jury (2018), and reviewing proposals for SAH Archipedia.
Wolfsonian-FIU Miami Beach, FL.
Member of the Wolfsonian Academic Advisory Council. Service to the Wolfsonian
includes reviewing fellowship applications (multiple years) and writing letters of
recommendation for grant applications.
Frost Museum of Art, FIU Miami, FL.
Member of the inaugural Frost Museum of Art Leadership Advisory Board. Other
service to the Frost includes chairing the university’s Public Art Task Force.
Miami Center for Architecture and Design Miami, FL.
Lead sketching tours of downtown Miami in a program I developed for the local
chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Historic Preservation Board South Miami, FL.
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2014-present Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee South Miami, FL.
2014 Colony1 Miami, FL.
Architectural advisor to an arts and agroecology program being developed in the
Wynwood Arts District by the Art of Cultural Evolution, a non-profit organization.
2014 Dawntown Miami, FL.
Juror for international design competition sponsored by Dawntown.
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Jason R. Chandler, A.I.A.
Chair and Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
School of Architecture
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Florida International University
DISCIPLINE: Architecture
AREAS: Architectural Design, Urbanism, Building Technologies
EDUCATION: Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA
Master in Architecture, March 1993
Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Ithaca, NY
Bachelor of Architecture, June 1991
LICENSURE: Registered Architect, State of Florida
AR 0016055 (Since 1997)
American Institute of Architects
Member, Miami Chapter, No. 30171614 (Since 1999)
EXPERIENCE: Department of Architecture, College of Communication, Architecture +
The Arts, Florida International University, Miami, FL
Chair, 2013 to present
Associate Chair, 2012-2013
Department of Landscape Architecture + Environmental and Urban
Design, College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts, Florida
International University, Miami, FL
Interim Chair, 2015 to 2017
EXPERIENCE: Department of Architecture, Florida International University, College of
Architecture + The Arts, Miami, FL
Associate Professor with Tenure, 2009 to present
Assistant Professor, 2003 to 2009
Visiting Assistant Professor, 2001 to 2003
Adjunct Lecturer, 1998 to 2001
Courses Taught
ARC 1131, Graphic Communication 1 S 1998
ARC 1301, Design 1 S 1998
ARC 2304 Design 4, Instructor and Coordinator S 2004
ARC 4324 Design 5, (Coordinator, 2004-5, 2009-20) F 1998, F 1999,
Su 2001, F
2001, F 2004,
F 2005, F 2009-
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ARC 4335 Design 6, (Coordinator, Spring 2005 -20) S 1999, S 2000,
S 2002, S 2003,
S 2005- S 2015
ARC 4342, Design 7 F 2000
ARC 4343, Design 8 S 2001
ARC 5340/5343, Graduate Design 7 & 8 Su 2010
ARC 5076 Graduate Formative Studio 2 S 2007-11
S2009- S 2012
ARC 5361Graduate Design One F 2002, F 2003,
F 2006, F 2007,
F 2008
ARC 5361Integrated Comprehensive Design Su 2011, 2012
Building Technology:
ARC 2580 Structures and Systems S 2004
ARC 3463 & 5467 Methods and Materials II S 2000-2012
ARC 3905 & 5905 Solar Decathlon F 2004, S 2005,
Su 2005, F2005
ARC 5483 Integrated Building Systems F 2009-10
ARC 5483 Innovations in Building Technology F 2002, F 2003,
F 2006, F 2007,
F 2008,
ARC 5483L Innovations in Building Technology Lab F 2002, F 2003
IND 2430, Lighting Su 2000
Professional Office Practice S 2018, S 2019,
ARC 6970 Masters Project(Faculty Committee member) 2006-2012
ARC 6971 Thesis Su 2003,F
2003,S 2004,
Su 2004, F
2004, F 2005,
S 2006
ARC 3990 & 5990 Venetian Facades F 2005
ARC 3905 & 5990 Investigations of Vertical Surface F 2004
ARC 5933 Diagramming Architectural Writing F 2011
ARC 5933 Practical Idealism,Texts & Plans for America F 2012
University of Miami, School of Architecture, Coral Gables, FL
Adjunct Lecturer, Spring 1998 to Spring 2000
Courses Taught
ARC 112, Graphics II S 1998
ARC 305, Design V F 1998
ARC 204, Design IV S 1999, S 2000
Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA
Architecture Instructor, Career Discovery, Su 1992
EXPERIENCE: Chandler and Associates Architecture, South Miami, FL
Principal, April 1999 to Present.
Mattaway Addition, 2,100 square residence
Miami, FL, 2018 to present
Wynwood Infill, 10,000 square office retail
Miami, FL, 2018 to present
Wynwood Corner, 10,000 square office retail
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Miami, FL, 2018 to present
761 Townhouses, (2) 4,500 square foot townhouse apartments
Miami, FL, 2017 to present
Warehouse Complex, 50,000 square foot warehouses
Miami, FL, 2013-2016 Built
769 Townhouses, (2) 4,500 square foot townhouse apartments
Miami, FL, 2013-2017 Built
Warehouse+Office, 24,000 square foot Warehouse Addition
Miami, Florida, 2009-2011 Built
Warehouse Studio, 1,000 square foot Warehouse Addition
Miami, Florida, 2009-2010 Built
Metropolis Spa and Gym, 10,000 square foot Interior
Coral Gables, Florida, 2008, Built
Aspen Residence, 5,750 square foot residence
Aspen, Colorado, permitted, 2006-2009 Unbuilt
Town Restaurant, 3,700 square foot interior
South Miami, Florida, Interior, 2005-2006, Built
Plaza 62, 87,000 square foot Office and Retail Building
South Miami, FL, 2005-2008 Unbuilt
The Richard-Brandon Company, 2,200 square foot Interior
South Miami, Florida, 2004-2005, Built
The Weinbach Group, Inc., 1,600 square foot Interior
South Miami, Florida, 2004-2005, Built
Gallagher Financial Systems, 2,400 square foot Interior
South Miami, Florida, 2003-2005 Built
Building 17, Fort Davis, Renovation
Colon, Panama, 2002-2003,Unbuilt
Two Courtyard Houses, 3,800 square foot residences
Coconut Grove, Florida 2001-2003, Built
Plaza 57, 170,000 square foot Office, Retail and Parking Building
South Miami, Florida, 1999-2005, Built
Chandler and Hernandez Architects, Miami Beach, FL
Partner, April 1997 to April 1999.
Wheeling Residence
Miami, FL. 1995-1996, Unbuilt
Ambrosino Gallery
Miami, FL, 1997-1998 Unbuilt
Flamingo Falls Professional Center
Pembroke Pines, FL, 1997-1999 Built
Hernandez-Cartaya, Addition
Miami, FL, 1998-2001 Built
Rodriguez and Quiroga Architects Chartered, Coral Gables, FL
Project Designer, February 1995 to March 1997.
Somerville Apartments, Camillus House, Miami, Built
Miami International Airport, Terminal Improvements and
Terminal H Extension, Built
Design Team Member, Dade County Performing Arts Center,
Cesar Pelli and Associates, Team Leader, Built
Duo Dickinson Architect, Madison, CT
Intern Architect, July 1993 to December 1994
Edward E. Cherry Architect, FAIA, Hamden CT
Project Designer, Summers 1990, 1991
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GRANTS: Coordinator, The Joselow Foundation, Sponsored Design 6 Savannah
Studios: $12,000.00, Spring 2020, $10,000.00, Spring 2019, $13,000.00,
Spring 2018, $12,000.00, Spring 2017, $15,000.00, Spring 2016
Co-Coordinator with Cynthia Ottchen, Global City Development, Design
5 Sweetwater Sponsored Studio, $20,000.00, Fall 2017
Principal Investigator, “Miami Urban Neighborhood Building Studio”
Knight Foundation, $60,000, 2013-2016
Team Leader with Rovira & Kolasinski, FIU by Design Sponsored
Charrette, Miami Beach Flyover Design Charrette, $7,000, Fall 2015
Team Leader with Rovira &Marine, FIU by Design Sponsored Charrette,
Little River Charrette, $6,500, 2014
Principal Investigator, “Infill Housing Sponsored Studio”
Town Center Inc. and Knight Foundation
$20,000, 2012-2013
Co-Principal Investigator, “Housing the Arts in Miami”, Hagen Family
Trust, $7,500, 2010
Principal Investigator, Paul L. Cejas Eminent Scholar Fund, $4,000
Award for “New Urban Miami” Exhibition and Publication, 2008-2011
Co-Principal Investigator, “Building Literacy: Integrating Building
Technology and Design in Architectural Education,” US Department of
Education- Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education-
Comprehensive Program, $553,045 (Florida International University:
Shahin Vassigh, Principal Investigator, Ebru Ozer, Co-PI, Jason
Chandler, Co-PI, University at Buffalo: Annette LeCuyer,Omar Khan,
Scott Dandford, Kenneth Mackay, Kenneth English, University of Utah:
Patrick Tripeny, Iowa State University: Eliot Winer) $389,000 of grant to
Florida International University, 2007-2011
Co-Principal Investigator, Sweetwater Transit Corridor and College town
Study Sponsored research. $40,000 grant from Metropolitan Center,
Florida International University. With C. Rosales and R. Rovira, 2006-
Architecture Faculty Advisor, 2005 Solar Decathlon, Grant application
writing contributor, $5,000.00 Grant, National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, 2004-2005 Solicited and secured the following gifts for the
FIU Solar Decathlon:
$1,000.00 from Gallagher Financial Systems
$500.00 from The Richard-Brandon Company
Principal Investigator, Single-family neighborhood Modifiers
$25,657.51 Research Grant, DCA Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program
International Hurricane Center, January 2004 to June 2004
Principal Investigator, Impact Modifiers
$15,076.00 Research Grant, DCA Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program
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International Hurricane Center October 2002 to June 2003
COMPETITIONS: New Contemporary Art Museum Competition
Buenos Aires, 2012
Close the Gap Competition
New York, New York, 2011
Selected for Exhibition
The Chain of Eco-Homes Competition
Greensburg, Kansas, 2009
Dawntown Waterworks Competition
Miami, Florida 2008
Honorable Mention
River Douglas Bridge Competition
Lancashire, England, 2008
Market Value Competition,
Charlottesville, Virginia, 2007
Stockholm Public Library Competition
Stockholm, Sweden, 2006
Parachute Pavilion Competition
Coney Island, New York, 2005
Miami Beach Life Design Competition
Miami Beach, Florida, 2004
First Prize
SECCA Home Competition
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 2003
Selected for Exhibition
Scattered Housing Competition, Little Haiti Housing Association
Miami, Florida, September 2001
Honorable Mention
An American Center for Architecture in Paris
Paris Prize Architectural Design Competition
1994 Lloyd Warren Fellowship, $3000.00
National Institute for Architectural Education, April 1994
Second Prize
AWARDS: Honor Award of Excellence, Architecture less than 50,000 sqft for
Warehouse Complex, The Miami Chapter of the American Institute of
Architects, 2019
Honor Award of Excellence for New Work, for Warehouse Complex, The
Florida Association of the America Institute of Architects, 2018
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The AIA Florida William G. McMinn, FAIA Award for Outstanding
Contributions to Architectural Education, Florida Association of the
American Institute of Architects, 2017
Award for Leadership in Education Award,
The Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, 2014
FIU Top Scholar for Creative Work, 2013
Honor Award of Excellence, for Warehouse Structures, The
Florida Association of the America Institute of Architects, 2012
Award for Outstanding Contribution while serving on the Environmental
Review and Preservation Board August 2006-December 2011, The City
of South Miami, January 17, 2012
Award of Merit, For Infill Warehouses, The Miami Chapter of the
American Institute of Architects, Architecture, 2011
Award for Public Service, The Miami Chapter of the American Institute of
Architects, 2011
Honorable Mention, Dawntown Waterworks Competition
Miami, 2008
Merit Award for Unbuilt Work, For The Parachute Pavilion, The
Florida Association of the America Institute of Architects, 2006
Award of Excellence, For The Parachute Pavilion, The Miami Chapter of
the America Institute of Architects, 2005
First Prize, Miami Beach Life Design Competition
Miami Beach, Florida, 2004
Honorable Mention, Bienal Miami + Beach, Scattered Housing
Competition, Little Haiti Housing Association, Miami, Florida, September
Silver Award, For Plaza 57, Mixed-Used Development, Builder’s
Association of South Florida, 2001
Second Prize, 81
Paris Prize Architectural Design Competition
Lloyd Warren Fellowship, National Institute for Architectural Education,
BOOKS “Building Systems Integration for Enhanced Environmental Performance”
by Shahin Vassigh and Jason Chandler, J.Ross Publishing, 2011,
ISBN-10: 1604270152
INTRODUCTION FIU Folio 2014-2015, Edited by Henry Rueda and Alastair Gordon, ORO
Editions (May 1, 2016) ISBN-10: 1939621348
CATALOGUES FIU Folio 2016 (NAAB Accreditation), Introduction and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2017
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Infill Housing 7, Introduction and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2019
Infill Housing 6, Introduction and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2018
Infill Housing 5, Introduction and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2017
Infill Housing 4, Introduction essay and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2016
Infill Housing 3, Introduction essay and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2015
Infill Housing 2, Introduction essay and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2014
Infill Housing, Introduction essay and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2013
“Engaging the Urban,” Introduction essay and edited by Jason
Chandler, 2011, ISBN: 987-1-257-93895-7
OF DESIGN WORK:Infill Urbanism, Pedagogy, Policy and Building, FIU Folio 2014-2015,
Edited by Henry Rueda and Alastair Gordon, ORO Editions (May 1,
2016) ISBN-10: 1939621348, Essay and images of townhouse project
Chandler, J Ed., Engaging the Urban, ISBN: 987-1-257-93895-7, 2011
pgs 44-49 & 94-97, Plaza 57 and Plaza 62 illustrated.
Ryan,Z and Cohen-Litant, J Eds. Coney Island The Parachute Pavilion
Competition (New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2007), pg 150,
Jason Chandler Competition Entry illustrated
Canaves, J., Casuscelli,C. & Nepomechie, M Eds. Benial Miami +
Beach 2001-2005: a Retrospective (Quito:Trama2007), 61,69-70,.
Chandler and Associates Competition Entry illustrated
Brown, D Ed, HOME House Project, MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 2004, pg 122, Jason Chandler listed as Selected
Scattered Houses, Architectural Design Competition Catalog, Little Haiti
Housing Association, Miami, Florida, 2002, pg. 26, Chandler and
Associates Competition Entry illustrated
PUBLICATIONS: FIU Architecture eFolio, Introduction and co-editor, Fall 2013, Spring
2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring
2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019
eFolio LAEUD, Introduction and co-editor, Spring 2016
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REPORTS: Hurricane Loss Reduction For Housing in Florida, Final Report,
Deliverable No. 6, International Hurricane Center, “Single-family
neighborhood Modifiers, July, 2004
Hurricane Loss Reduction For Housing in Florida, Final Report, Volume
3, Deliverable No. 5, International Hurricane Center, Section 3.1d
“Investigation of Influence of Architectural Features on Wind Loads”, July
30, 2003
PROCEEDINGS: “Pre-cast School, Bernard Tschumi’s Dialectic Diagrams”
ACSA Northeast Fall Conference Proceedings, 2008
“Neighborhood Hurricane Wind Dynamics,”
96th ACSA National Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2008
“Public Service: The Architect’s Role on Design Review Boards,”
Assuming Responsibly, the Architecture of Stewardship, ACSA
Southeast Conference Proceedings, 2007
“Transit Oriented College Town: Planning a New College town for both
for both City and University,” with C. Rosales and R. Rovira,
City/Campus ACSA Central Fall Conference Proceedings, 2007
Participant, Writing Team 9, “A Comparative Summary of Team
Presentations” by Joyce M. Noe, Proceedings from Cranbrook 2007,
Integrated Practice and the Twenty-first Century Curriculum, Cranbrook
Academy of Art, June 28-July 1, 2007
“Mechanisms of Vertical Surface- The Wall Section Model,” Building
Technology Educators’ Symposium Proceedings, 2006
“On finishing School: Understanding Building through Drawing” by Jason
Chandler Proceedings, 2003 ACSA Southeast Regional Conference,
2003 pgs 160-164
CITATIONS: Does Wynwood really need more office and retail space? This developer
thinks so. By Rebecca San Juan, Miami Herald, December 19, 2019
“Creating infill developments true to their urban context”, by Jeffrey
Steele,, November 26, 2019
“How Incremental Development Came to Miami” by Andrew Frey,, November 25, 2019
“Stay Alfred Little Havana by Tecela”, October
14, 2019
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Cornell AAP, Warehouse Complex, page 39, Spring 2019
“Warehouse Complex, Honor Award of Excellence in Architecture”
Florida / Caribbean Architect, Fall 2018, Official Journal of the Florida
Association of the American Institute of Architects, pg 43
AIA Florida Announces the Winners of Its 2018 Honor and Design
Awards By Maibelle Salzano,, September 11,
2018 feature of Warehouse Complex,
complex_o August, 2018
The AIA Florida William G. McMinn, FAIA Award for Outstanding
Contributions to Architectural Education, Fall 2017 Florida/Caribbean
Architect, Official Journal of the Florida Association of the American
Institute of Architects, pg 25
Townhouses to rise in Little Havana but were is the parking?” by Andres
Viglucci, Miami Herald, June 24, 2016
“Build and Let Live,” by Alastair Gordon, The Miami Herald, July 12,
“Coral Gables Museum exhibition Shows of Architecture Students’
concepts” by Rebeca Piccardo, The Miami Herald, August 26, 2014
“FIU Student Architects Explore Radically Short(er) Alternatives for
Downtown Miami,” by Emily Schmall, Curbed Miami, November 4, 2013
“Hybrid: Office + Warehouse, Honor Award of Excellence in Architecture”
Florida / Caribbean 2013 Firm and Membership Directory, Cover
“Hybrid: Office + Warehouse, Honor Award of Excellence in Architecture”
Florida / Caribbean Architect, Fall 2012, Official Journal of the Florida
Association of the American Institute of Architects, pg 14
“A Place To Call Home” FIU Magazine, Spring 2009 Jason Chandler
quoted as coordinator and teacher of Alumni Center Graduate Studio
“Town Center Profile, Jason Chandler Spearheading the Green Task
Force” by Donna Shelly South Miami Town Center Magazine Vol. IV,
No. 5, 2009 - Article on Jason Chandler and his contributions as both a
practitioner and member of ERPB and Green Task Force
“A place to call home, Architecture students present designs for future
Alumni Center” by Sissi Aguila, Florida International University
Magazine, Spring 2009, Chandler quoted, coordinator of Studio
“A blob of orange tentacles a favorite to hide sewage” by Andres
Viglucci, The Miami Herald, December 6, 2008, Jason Chandler
mentioned as a winner of Honorable Mention
“What has Florida Built?” by Ernest Beck, Florida Inside Out,
November/December 2006, Chandler listed as “notable Faculty”
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“FIU, Sweetwater Work to create “College town” District”, Metropolitan
News, The Metropolitan Center, Florida International University, Winter
“Public wary of city as college town” Neighbors Section, The Miami
Herald, November 12, 2006- Review of Sweetwater Public Presentation
“The Parachute Pavilion” Florida / Caribbean Architect, Design Awards
Issue 2006, Official Journal of the Florida Association of the American
Institute of Architects, pg 47
“Design Awards revealed,” The Miami Herald, Real Estate Section,
Sunday, November 13, 2005. A.I.A. Award of Excellence for The
Parachute Pavilion by Chandler and Associates announced
Jason Chandler’s First Prize for the Miami Beach Life Design
Competition in Miami Beach is announced. College of Architecture, Art
and Planning, Cornell University Newsletter, Winter/Spring 2005, pg20
Jason Chandler’s First Prize for the Miami Beach Life Design
Competition in Miami Beach is announced. GSD Notes, Harvard Design
Magazine Fall 2005/ Winter 2006, pg 132
“In Miami, a Contest for the Best Lifeguard Roost” by Linda Lee, in the
Currents Sections of The New York Times, December 2, 2004. Jason
Chandler is noted as winning the design competition and his entry is
“Plaza 57 marks construction milestone with “ topping off” by Susan
Cumins, in Community Newspapers, South Miami edition, November 30
December 6, 2004. Description of topping off celebration, architect
Jason Chandler mentioned as attending
“Hampton House in student’s sights” in the Neighbor's Section of The
Miami Herald, March 17, 2005. Description of Design six Hampton
House studio, coordinator Jason Chandler quoted throughout article
“Beauty and the Beach” by Beth Dunlop, The Miami Herald, November
28, 2004 First Place winning entry by Jason Chandler pictured and
Alumni News, Newsletter, College of Architecture, Art and Planning,
Cornell University, Winter / Spring 2005, pg 20. Jason Chandler’s First
Prize for the Miami Beach Life Design Competition in Miami Beach is
“Growing Pains in the Grove” by Georgia Tasker, Home & Design
Section of The Miami Herald Sunday, November 2,2003 Quoted in
article, professional building project described and photograph of Jason
“Scattered Housing Competition”, Competitions Magazine, pg.56,
Volume 12, Number 2, Listed as Honorable Mention, Summer 2002
Letters to the editor,
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Architecture Magazine, July Issue, 2001 & June Issue, 1998
An American Center for Architecture in Paris
Cornell Architecture Art & Planning News, fall 1994, pg 2. Jason
Chandler’s Second Place design is pictured
EXHIBITIONS: Chandler and Associates’ Warehouse Complex was exhibited at the
A.I.A. Florida, Tallahassee, Florida, 2018
Spring 2015 Miami Urban Neighborhood Studio” at Barrio Workshop,
Little Havana, September 17th to October 11, 2015
“All buildings Great and Small,” Coral Gables Museum, Coral Gables,
Florida, August 29-October 26, 2014
“Infill Variants,” BAS Fisher, Miami, Florida, Fall 2013
“FIU School of Architecture Faculty Show, Recent Work” Miami Beach
Urban Studio, Florida International University, January 2013
Chandler and Associates’ Warehouse Structures was exhibited at the
A.I.A. Florida, Tallahassee, Florida, 2012
Chandler and Associates’ Warehouse Structures was exhibited at the
Awards Exhibition, A.I.A. Florida Convention, Palm Beach, Florida, 2012
Building Systems Integration Exhibition, Miami Beach Urban Studio,
Florida International University, April 13 - August 1, 2012
Close the Gap Exhibition, College of Architecture Gallery, University of
Houston, February to March, 2012, Chandler entry exhibited
Dawntown Miami Exhibition, The Four Years of Ideas, Jorge M. Perez
Architecture Center, The University of Miami - School of Architecture,
November 9th to November 23rd, 2011, Chandler Waterworks entry
The Chain of Eco-Homes Competition Web Exhibit: 2009
“Engaging the Urban, Infill projects by young Miami architects” BEA
International Gallery, Paul L. Cejas School of Architecture Building at
Florida International University, Exhibit curated, organized by Jason
Chandler. Two projects by Chandler and Associates, Architecture, P.A.
were included in the exhibit. February 2009
Dawntown Waterworks Competition, Awards event and exhibit,
` Miami-Dade College, Chapman Center, Friday, December 5, 2008
Dawntown Waterworks Competition Web Exhibit at:, 2008-2009
Market Value Competition Entrants, Web exhibit:, 2008
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Reconciling Context, Buildings and Projects by Jason R. Chandler
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Art, Architecture &
Art History, April 2008
Reconciling Context, Buildings and Projects by Jason R. Chandler
Florida Atlantic University, School of Architecture, October 2007
Organizer, Curator (with R. Rovira) and Participant, Faculty Compete
Exhibition, BEA International Gallery, School of Architecture, Florida
International University, projects exhibited: The Parachute Pavilion,
Stockholm Public Library Competition Entry and Miami Beach Lifeguard
Station, Spring 2007
Chandler and Associates’ The Parachute Pavilion was exhibited at the
Awards Exhibition, A.I.A. Florida Convention, Boca Raton, Florida, July
29, 2006
“Integrated Vistas” entry by Chandler and Associates was exhibited for
Stockholm Public Library Competition web exhibit, 2006
“Integrated Vistas” entry by Chandler and Associates was exhibited at
the Stockholm Public Library Competition exhibit, Stockholm, Sweden,
Chandler and Associates’ The Parachute Pavilion, Miami Chapter A.I.A.
Finalist Exhibition, The Moore Building November 11, 2005
Chandler and Associates’ The Parachute Pavilion entry was exhibited in
“The Parachute Pavilion: An Open Design Competition for Coney Island
an exhibition of the 864 submissions” The Van Allen Institute, New York,
New York., July 7
to October 21, 2005
Chandler and Associates’ The Parachute Pavilion entry was exhibited on
the web at:,
Life Design Competition, Art Deco Welcome Center, Miami Beach,
Florida November 20, 2004 to January 5, 2005
Chandler and Associates’ SECCA Home Entry has been included in the
HOME House Project National Tour and will be at the following venues:
Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art in Winston-Salem,
North Carolina (October 2003); The University of North Texas Art
Gallery, Denton, Texas (April 8 May 25, 2004); The
Contemporary Art Center of Virginia, Virginia Beach, Virginia
(June 13 July 14, 2004); The Neighborhood Housing Services
of Asheville in collaboration with the Asheville Art Museum,
Asheville, North Carolina (Sept 1 - October 31, 2004); Center for
Visual Art and Culture, University of Maryland, Baltimore County,
Baltimore, Maryland (Sept 30 -- Nov 30, 2004);
El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, Texas (April 24 August 14,
2005) Museum of Design, Atlanta, Georgia (Jan 16 April 15,
2006); Fredrick R. Weisman Art Museum of Art, Univ. of
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Minnesota (Jan 28 Apr 30, 2006); Contemporary Arts Center,
Cincinnati (May 5 Jul 30, 2006)
The Teachings, Theory and Practice of University Professors
AIA Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, May 2, 2003
Florida International University, Green Library, Miami, Florida
Scattered Housing Exhibition, Spring 2002
Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, Florida
Scattered Housing Exhibition, October November 2001
University of Miami, School of Architecture, Miami, Florida
Harvard Graduate School of Design Alumni in Miami Show, Spring 2000
Florida International University, School of Architecture, Miami, Florida
Faculty Show, Spring 1999, Spring 2002, Spring 2004, Spring 2008,
Spring 2017
The Americas Collection, Coral Gables, FL
Group Show, May 1997, 1998
National Institute for Architectural Education, New York, New York
Paris Prize Architectural Design Competition Exhibition
Spring 1994
PRESENTATIONS Visiting faculty, 2017 Visiting Faculty Program, University of Minnesota
School of Architecture, November 8-9, 2017
“Working Together,” Christopher Kelley Leadership Program, University
of Miami School of Architecture, Panel Discussion, October 13, 2017
“Architecture Now, Building towards a Nomadic Future” BFI, Art Center
South Florida, Panel Discussion, September 21, 2017
Reconciling Terragni,Giuseppe Terragni in Rome Conference, Miami
Center for Architecture and Design (MCAD), April 16, 2016
“Modes of Delivery” Making Digital Curriculum and Today’s Student,
Chair’s Discussion, ACSA Administrator’s Conference, San Juan, Puerto
Rico, November 14, 2015
Panelist, “Marking the Millennium Discussion” Coral Gables Museum,
April 2, 2014
Presenter, LAB Book Talk “Infill Variants” The LAB Miami, Miami, Florida
October 10, 2013
“Building Systems Integration”, Paul L. Cejas School of Architecture
Building, Florida International University with Shahin Vassigh, April 12,
“Dawntown Miami Exhibition, The Four Years of Ideas”, Roundtable
Discussion. Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center, The University of Miami,
School of Architecture, November 9, 2011
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“Engaging the Urban, Infill projects by young Miami architects”
Roundtable Discussion. Introduction given by Jason Chandler. Paul L.
Cejas School of Architecture Building, Florida International University,
February 3, 2009
Presented Paper: “Pre-cast School, Bernard Tshumi’s Dialectic
Diagrams” at 2008 ACSA Northeast Fall Conference, Without a Hitch:
New Directions in Prefabricated Architecture, University of
Massachusetts Amherst, September 25-27, 2008
Lecture Presentation “Jason Chandler Works,” University of Miami
School of Architecture, October 15, 2008
“Reconciling Context, Buildings and Projects by Jason R. Chandler”
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Art, Architecture &
Art History, April 2008
“Neighborhood Hurricane Wind Dynamics,”
96th ACSA National Annual Meeting, Houston, March, 2008
“Reconciling Context, Buildings and Projects by Jason R. Chandler”
Florida Atlantic University, School of Architecture, October 2007
“Public Service: The Architect’s Role on Design Review Boards,”
Assuming Responsibly, the Architecture of Stewardship, ACSA
Southeast Conference, Catholic University, School of Architecture, 2007
Participant, Writing Team 9, Cranbrook 2007, Integrated Practice and the
Twenty-first Century Curriculum, Cranbrook Academy of Art, June 28-
July 1, 2007
Speaker, Faculty Compete Gallery Talk, BEA International Gallery,
School of Architecture, Florida International University, March 8, 2007
“Sweetwater Transit Corridor and College town Study” Jorge Mas
Canosa Youth Center, Sweetwater Florida November 8, 2006 With C.
Rosales, R. Rovira and D. Moreno
Jason Chandler presented “Mechanisms of Vertical Surface- The Wall
Section Model” at the Building technology educator’s symposium,
University of Maryland August 4, 2006
Jason Chandler presented The Parachute Pavilion at “The 2006 Leaders
in design Excellence: An In-depth Review of the A.I.A. Florida Design
Awards” July 30, 2006
“Teaching and Buildings, Jason Chandler” Search Candidate
Presentation, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation,
University of Maryland, March 3, 2006
“Lewerentz’s Glass” paper presented at Francis Lyn’s Asplund seminar
at Florida Atlantic University, School of Architecture, Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, November 14, 2005
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“The Hometown Plan of South Miami” paper presented to the Eleventh
Biennial SACRPH Conference, Coral Gables Oct. 20-23, 2005
“A new mixed use project in “The Hometown Plan” of South Miami”
paper presented to the 43
International Making Cities Livable
Conference “True urbanism & the European Town Square” Venice, Italy,
June 20-24, 2005
Presentation of “The FIU Solar House” at Conference on Sustainable
Architecture and New Technologies in Architecture at Universidad
UNIACC in Santiago de Chile November 10, 2004 (via videoconference)
“Museum As Public House”, Architect Gallery Talks, JAM at MAM, Miami
Art Museum, Miami, Florida December 18, 2003
Capstone Assessment, Paper Session, moderated by Jason Chandler,
2003 ACSA Southeast Regional Conference, Tampa, Florida, Saturday,
November 8, 2003
“On finishing School: Understanding Building through Drawing”, 2003
ACSA Southeast Regional Conference, Tampa, Florida, Friday,
November 7, 2003
Symposium on Contemporary Architectural Education & Practice
University of Miami, School of Architecture,
Coral Gables, Panelist, Spring 2001
Hometown Overlay Ordinance-Technical Committee
City of South Miami, FL, Committee Member, July 1999
INVITED JURIES: Boston Architectural Center, Broward Community College,
Florida Atlantic University, Harvard University,
Southern California Institute of Architecture, Syracuse University,
University of Maryland, University of Miami
SERVICE: Nominator, Young Architects Program (YAP), MOMA PS1 and the
Museum of Modern Art, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Exhibitions Committee Member, 2010 National A.I.A. Meeting in Miami
Alumni Interviewer, College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Cornell
University Spring, 2006 to 2010
SERVICE: Chair, South Miami Environmental Review and Presentation Board, City
of South Miami, Florida 2009 to 2011
Member, South Miami Environmental Review and Presentation Board,
City of South Miami, Florida, 2006 to 2011
Founding Chair, Green Task Force, City of South Miami, Florida, 2008 to
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SERVICE: Provost appointment, FIU Next Horizon Strategic Plan Member,
University Rankings Committee, Spring 2019
Provost appointment, Member, University Preeminent Programs
Selection Committee, Spring 2018
Provost appointment, Member, University Preeminent Programs
Selection Planning Committee, Fall 2015
Selection Committee Member, Recreation Complex Expansion, Spring
Selection Committee Member, BT 837 US Century Bank Arena
Expansion, 2010
Selection Committee Member, BT 877 Stempel Complex, FIU, 2010
University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Member, School of
Architecture Representative 2004-2005
SERVICE: Chair, CARTA faculty Assembly, Summer 2013
Vice Chair, CARTA faculty Assembly, 2010-2013
CARTA Representative, Architecture Department, 2009-2013
Chair, SOA Lecture and Exhibitions Committee, 2006-2007
SERVICE: National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, FIU Department of
Architecture, IDP Educator Coordinator, 2009-2013
Co-chair, Faculty Search Committee, School of Architecture, Spring
Chair, Technology Accreditation Response to visiting team report, Fall
Co-chair, Technology and History Faculty Search Committee, School of
Architecture, Spring 2007
School of Architecture Faculty Search Committee Chair, Landscape
Position Search, Spring 2005
School of Architecture Faculty Search Committee member, Digital
Position Search, Spring 2005
School of Architecture, Architecture Director Faculty Search Committee
member, Spring 2004
School of Architecture, Interior Design Director Faculty Search
Committee member, Spring 2004
School of Architecture, Lower division coordinator Faculty Search
Committee member Spring 2004
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SERVICE: AIA Florida, William G. McMinn, FAIA Award for Outstanding
Contributions to Architectural Education
Honor Award Jury Member, 2018, 2019
Alabama AIA State 2017 Awards
Design Award Jury Member
Palm Beach, FL AIA 2017 Awards
Design Award Jury Member
AIA Miami Board
Representative for Florida International University
2014 to present
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(p) 646-410-5168
Masters of Science in Advanced Architectural Design, Columbia University, 2003.
Bachelor of Architecture, Tulane University, Tulane School of Architecture, 2002.
Florida International University, Associate Professor, Architectural Design, August 2012 – present.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Lecturer, Architectural Design, August
2009 - January 2012.
The Ohio State University, Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture, Howard E. LeFevre ’29 Emerging Practitioner
Fellowship in Architecture, Visiting Assistant Professor, Architectural Design, September 2008 - June 2009.
Parsons The New School of Design School of Constructed Environments, Instructor, Summer Intensive Studies in
Architecture 2, Summer 2011 + Summer 2012.
GELPI Projects llc, Miami, FL, Founder and Design Principal, 2011 – present.
Steven Holl Architects, New York, NY, Lead Project Designer, Project Team Member, 2004 – 2008, 2009.
N Architects, New York, NY, Project Manager, 2004.
Assistant Professor, 2012 – 2019
Associate Professore, 2019-present
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Gelpi, Nick. FROM REPRESENTATION TO REALITY / The Architecture of Full Scale Mockups. New York: Routledge,
Expected publication date Winter 20.
(Book Contract signed October 2014, Manuscript submitted to publisher May 2018, Expected publication date:  20.)
“Pervasively Exotic: Alien Concrete in Miami.” CLOG, MIAMI. Masthead, Canada. (2013) 50-51.
BALLOONING (HOLLOW THIN 3D)Notes on Practice,” in Hirschman, Sarah, ed., TESTING TO FAILURE: Design and
Research in MIT’s Department of Architecture, SA+P Press, Cambridge, 2011, ISBN:978-0-9836654-0-3, pp194-195.
“UNFLAT PAVILION, FAST festival of Art Science and Technology, Project,” in Hirschman, Sarah, ed., TESTING TO
FAILURE: Design and Research in MIT’s Department of Architecture, SA+P Press, Cambridge, 2011, ISBN:978-0-
9836654-0-3, pp 239-244.
“Mockups,FORWARD: v 209: ORNAMENT, Fall 2012. Volume 8, No. 2. The Architecture and Design Journal of the
National Associates Committee, Published biannually by the American Institute of Architects (Fall 2009) 14-20.
“Material + Assembly,” Cox, Martin; Gelpi, Nick; in Carter, Brian; LeCuyer, Annette W.,eds.,EXPERIMENTS IN
POROSITY: Steven Holl,” University of Buffalo, Buffalo, 2005, ISBN 0-9771057-1-7, P 35.
“LOST AND FOUND IN TRANSLATION: Paradoxically Between the Near and Far, The Virtual and Actual, The Real and
Representational, and Between Drawings and Buildings.”
2017 Fall Conference Paper Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | CROSSINGS
BETWEEN THE PROXIMATE AND REMOTE. Marfa Texas, 2017 Fall Conference, 46-51.
PAINTING ARCHITECTURE: House Paint Pavilion in Detroit Michigan,” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture International Conference. Santiago, Chile. 2016 International Conference | CROSS AMERICAS:
Probing Disglobal Networks, 2016.
“NATIVE ALIEN: Exotic Concrete House in the Tropics,” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture International Conference. Santiago, Chile. 2016 International Conference | CROSS AMERICAS: Probing
Disglobal Networks, 2016.
EXOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS / Incorporating Invasive Species in the Design-Build Studio,” Proceedings of the Association
of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference | WORKING OUT:
thinking while building. 2014
“MOCK-PLAY / From Vorkurs to Digital Fabrication and Design-Build,” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference | WORKING OUT: thinking
while building. 2014
“TABLE DISTORTIONS,” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting.
Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference | WORKING OUT: thinking while building. 2014.
“ON THE EDGE OF FAILURE / UNFLAT PAVILION,” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference | WORKING OUT: thinking while building. 2014.
“ADAPTIVE FABRICATIONS: Rapid Directions in Design Build.”
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Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture National Meeting. ACSA 102nd NATIONAL
Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. 2013 ACSA
Fall Conference | Subtropical Cities. 2013.
“THE UNFLAT PAVILION: A New Responsive Materialism + Adaptive Fabrication.
Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. 2013 ACSA
Fall Conference | Subtropical Cities. 2013.
"KINETIC FORMS OF KNOWLEDGE FOR DESIGN." Gelpi, Nick, and Shahin Vassigh.
In Knowledge-based Design. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics,
510-514. SiGraDi. Valparaiso, Chile, 2013.
Gelpi, Nick. “MOCKUPS.” In The LeFevre Fellowship, edited by Benjamin Wilke, 84-93. Novato CA: Applied Research
and Design Publishing. An Imprint of ORO Editions. Gordon Goff: Publisher, Autumn 2018.
Gelpi, Nick.DETAILS.(Chapter introduction) In OUT OF SCALE / AIA Small Projects Awards 2005-2014, edited by
Mark Manack, 153. ORO Editions, Spring 2015.
Institute of Contemporary Art Miami, October 24
Miami Experimental: Expanding the Envelope,”
Miami Hilton Downtown, October 4
University of Milwaukee Wisconsin, School of Architecture and Urban Planning,
FALL LECTURE SERIES, Milwaukee WI, November 10
Presentation to ODL Corporation, Zeeland Michigan, November 9
University of North Carolina Charlotte, September 29
Invited conference (ON LOCATION: four emerging architecture practices): AGENCY, GELPI Projects, SILO AR+D, and
Studio: Indigenous. These practices deliberately use a specific geography, venue, or cultural context as a means of
advancing, positioning, and locating architectural projects.
“LOST AND FOUND IN TRANSLATION, October 2017, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Regional Meeting | Marfa Texas, 2017 Fall Conference | CROSSINGS BETWEEN THE PROXIMATE AND REMOTE.
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Featured Speaker for “INNOVATION” - AIAS SOUTH QUAD CONFERENCE 2017, April 1
, 2017.
Washington Gallery, Miami Beach Urban Studios, Miami Florida
Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation
Featured Speaker for FACADES PLUS CONFERENCE | MIAMI 2017, January 26, 2017.
Sponsored by the Architects Newspaper, Faena Forum, Miami Beach FL
A Scientific Spirit: Symposium on Emergent Design Strategies/ United Nations and Design Miami/ Building Legacy Talk
Other Presenters and Panelists: Andrew Kudless, Jorgen Platou Willumsen, Stian Korntved Ruud, Oana Stanescu,
Skylar Tibbits, Louisi Zahareas, Nick Gelpi.
, 2016.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference 2016 |” CROSS AMERICAS: Probing
Disglobal Networks.” Pontifica Universidad Catholica de Chile, Santiago Chile.
, 2016.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference 2016 |” CROSS AMERICAS: Probing
Disglobal Networks.” Pontifica Universidad Catholica de Chile, Santiago Chile.
, 2016
University of Miami, Rinker Classroom, Spring 2016 High Noon Lecture Series.
, 2015.
MAISON & OBJET AMERICAS at Miami Ironside.
PANELISTS: Terry Riley, Kobi Karp, Deborah Wecselman, Nick Gelpi.
“BUILDING 2050,” March 21
Paul L. Cejas Eminent Scholar Fund, Co-Chairs Nick Gelpi and Elysse Newman, March 2015,
Funded conference $14,000.00.
FALL SEMESTER Symposium / University of Wynwood, Miami, Florida,
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. 2014 Fall Conference |WORKING OUT: thinking
while building.” Dalhousie University. Halifax Nova Scotia.
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Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. 2014 Fall Conference | “WORKING OUT: thinking
while building.” Dalhousie University. Halifax Nova Scotia.
“MOCK PLAY / From VORKURS to Digital Fabrication and Design Build,” October 17
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. 2014 Fall Conference | “WORKING OUT: thinking
while building.” Dalhousie University. Halifax Nova Scotia.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. 2014 Fall Conference | “WORKING OUT: thinking
while building.” Dalhousie University. Halifax Nova Scotia
“SURFACE + CONSTRUCTS,” September 2014.
Invited Lecture with Vladimir Kulic, part of Flagler Village Artwalk at Glavovic Studio, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
“MINIMAL,” June 6
Invited Lecture, CREATIVE MORNINGS MIAMI, The LAB MIAMI. Miami, Florida.
“ADAPTIVE FABRICATIONS: Rapid Directions in Design Build,” April, 2014, Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture National Meeting. 2014 ACSA 102nd NATIONAL CONFERENCE: GLOBALIZING ACHITECTURE: Flows and
Disruptions, Session: Design/Build X-change, Miami Beach, FL.
CLOG: MIAMI,” February 28
Invited Panel Discussion participant, for CLOG MIAMI book launch,
The Wolfsonian, Miami Beach, FL.
“MOCKING THE MUSEUM: Compelling Evidence of Premeditation at the Perez Art Museum of Miami, October 2013,
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. ACSA FALL CONFERENCE: Subtropical Cities, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida.
“THE UNFLAT PAVILION: A New Responsive Materialism + Adaptive Fabrication,October 2013, Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. ACSA FALL CONFERENCE: Subtropical Cities, Fort Lauderdale,
“PRACTICING PRACTICE,” April 2013, SPRING LECTURE SERIES, Florida International University, College of Architecture
and the Arts. Miami FL.
“FALSEWORK,” January 2012, Invited Lecture,”WHITHER INSTALLATION: The Ends of Small-Scale Architectural Work
Today Symposium.University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Panel members:
Nick Gelpi, Monica Ponce de Leon, Benjamin Ball, Jimenez Lai, Elena Manferdini, Ann Arbor, MI.
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TECHNOLOGY, Lecture and Panel Discussion, Participants: Nick Gelpi + Filip Tejchman, Nida Rehman + Daniel Cardoso
Llach, Cambridge MA.
UNFLAT PAVILION, May 2011, Invited lecture and panel discussion, MIT’s 150
Anniversary Symposium, Festival of
Arts Science and Technology, Participants: Nick Gelpi, Sheila Kennedy, Nader Tehrani, Meejin Yoon, Liam O’Brien, Joel
Lamere, and Skylar Tibbits. Cambridge MA.
“New Directions in Computational Design,” October 2010, Invited lecture and panel discussion, moderated by Sanford
Kwinter, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, Participants: Paul Andersen, Nick Gelpi, Elena Manferdini, Rhett Russo, David Ruy,
Cambridge MA.
Time for Design, Designers Forum - Architecture Forward, North Miami Beach, FL.
“MOCKUPS,” May 2009,
THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Knowlton School of Architecture, Columbus, OH.
“RIDDLED Furniture,” November 2007,
Invited lecture, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA INSTITURE OF ARCHITECTURE, Architect Magazine, First Annual R+D Awards
Symposium, Los Angeles, CA.
Material Connexxion, AIA Center for Architecture, New York, NY.
Storrs Gallery, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, September 29 - November 17
, 2017.
Conceived and organized by School of Architecture professor Marc Manack, On Location brings together the work of
four emerging architecture practices: AGENCY, GELPI Projects, SILO AR+D, and studio: indigenous. These practices
deliberately use a specific geography, venue, or cultural context as a means of advancing, positioning, and locating
architectural projects.
FIU Faculty and Staff Art Exhibition, August 22
, 2017
Installation of “TEXTURED LIGHT.”
“TEXTURED LIGHT” installation at The Perez Art Museum Miami Contemporaries Penthouse
The Parisian Hotel, Miami Beach FL, December 2016.
“TEXTURED LIGHT” installation at The Moore Building, for DESIGN AND ITS DIMENSIONS.
Miami Design District, Miami Florida, October 28
TEXTURAL / recent work of GELPI Projects”
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016
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MCHAP 2014/2015 EXHIBITION at S.R. Crown Hall
Exhibition of Nominated Projects
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago Illinois, 2016
March 4th-5th
“INFINITY EDGE” in 5x5 Participatory Provocations
Group Exhibition curated by Kyle May, Kevin Erickson + Julia Van den Hoot.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, February 15
Cleveland at the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative, July 11th - August 24
Rhode Island School of Design, October 3
New York Center for Architecture, July 11
, 2017.
SUMMARY: A travelling exhibit of 25 architectural models by 25 young American architects of 5 contemporary issues,
each addressed by 5 firms.
Messner, Matthew,Twenty five architects tackle five current issues with 25 models in this Illinois
exhibition” Feb 18
2016, A/N Blog, The Architects Newspaper. Accessed 19 February 2016,
Curated by Clay Odom, January 25 March 4
The University of Texas at Austin, Mebane Gallery, Goldsmith Hall, Austin, Texas.
The exhibition, curated and designed by Assistant Professor Clay Odom, explores concepts related to the
generation of spatial, atmospheric and material effects through the exhibition of exciting, recent projects
from a range of contemporary, speculative practices including: Baumgartner+Uriu, Gelpi Projects, Michael
Hansmeyer, Andres Jaque/Office for Political Innovation, Jorge Ayala/[AY]architecture, LEONG-LEONG,
Atelier Manferdini, Mark Foster Gage Architects, murmur/Heather Roberge, Catie Newell + Wes McGee,
Numen/For Use, Oyler-Wu, Path, Rael San Fratello, Philippe Rahm Architectes, SelgasCano, ISSSStudio,
Softlab, and The Very Many.
Patricia Sweetow Gallery, December 1-5 2015, Indian Beach Park, Miami Beach, Florida.
Exhibition of 18 limited edition stools, a collaboration between Markus Linnenbrink and Nick Gelpi.
Wasserman Projects opens its new location in Eastern Market with inaugural exhibition,
LINNENBRINK/GELPI/BRUMIT, featuring large scale interactive installations that push the boundaries of art,
architecture and sound.
WASSERMAN PROJECTS GALLERY, Detroit, 3434 Russell Street, #502 (Sep 25th Dec 12th 2015)
PRINTED STOOLS / INTENTIONALLYLEFTBLANK, collaboration between Nick Gelpi + Markus Linnenbrink.
Markus Linnenbrink.
September 13
October 23
Installation of drawings at RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES,” Curated by Felice Grodin,
The Fountainhead Residency, Miami, Florida.
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Tschida, Anne, “Visual arts: Mired in place, in Miami “ 09 October 2015, The Miami Herald. Accessed 09
October 2015,
Group Exhibition curated by John Stuart: Nick Gelpi, Eric Goldemburg, Orlando Garcia, Jacek Kolasinski, Nick Gilmore
MIAMI IRONSIDE and FIU College of Architecture + The Arts and
Miami Ironside, 7610 NE 4th CT, Miami FL 33138, May 15 2015.
Exhibition of 4 specific buildings from Latin American Architects, Solano Benitez (Paraguay), Mauricio
Rocha(Mexico), Elisa Silva(Venezuela), Juan Ignacio Cerda (Chile), MBUS Main Gallery, Miami Beach, March
Co-Curator, Exhibition Designer, December 2013 February 2013, Fellow curators: Terry Riley, Alan
Schulman, Jean Francoise Lejeune + Jacob Brillhart. Miami Center for Architecture and Design, Miami,
Pucciarelli, Alexandra,MIAMI TURNS UP THE HEAT,” 06 February 2014, The Architects
Newspaper. Accessed 26 January 2015,
(The following selected works are projects, for which I was the lead designer responsible for all design decisions from
conception through execution as design principal of GELPI Projects.)
By THE EDITORS, April 27 2017.
In Print and online
By Adam Pitluk, Jan 31, 2017.
In Print and online:
Dec 17, 2014,
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By Rachel B. Doyle, Dec 1, 2014.
Annie Werbler, Nov 19, 2014.
500 Square foot design for the construction of a new public seating area to be constructed in the public street’s
parallel parking spaces, within Miami’s DESIGN DISTRICT, Miami FL.
Conceptual Design for the renovation and addition to the historic 1926 Coconut Grove Playhouse, including new
community park, public performance facilities, new theater, education spaces and parking garage. Estimated Budget
60 Million. Miami FL. (2017)
Storrs Gallery, September 29 - November 17
, 2017
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Design of custom furniture for new office buildout, consisting of workstations and conference table.
Budget $30,000.
Design and fabrication of a 3D-printed light module, which can be arranged in unique patterns. Module size = 6” x 6”,
overall installation 24’ x 4’.
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FIU Faculty and Staff Art Exhibition, August 22
, 2017,
Installation of “TEXTURED LIGHT.”
“TEXTURED LIGHT” installation in The Perez Art Museum Miami Contemporaries Penthouse
The Parisian Hotel, Miami Beach FL, December 2016.
“TEXTURED LIGHT” installation at The Moore Building, for DESIGN AND ITS DIMENSIONS.
Miami Design District, Miami Florida, October 28
“TEXTURAL / The recent work of GELPI Projects”
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016
2700 square foot addition and renovation of existing 1963 structure, Addition includes the cladding of exterior with
an innovative exterior tiling made of reconstituted invasive species trees from the Florida Everglades. Estimated
construction budget: $250,000, Miami Beach FL.
Category: Divine Detail
Exotic Concrete House, 2016.
“NATIVE ALIEN: Exotic Concrete House in the Tropics,” June 30
(The competition to be selected to present your project at the conference was competitive, with a 38%
acceptance rate. 4 out of the 34 accepted projects were given the Top Project recognition.)
5th Annual City National Bank Better Beach Awards,
From the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce: April, 2017.
For project Exotic Concrete House
Category of "Award winning publications/creative work." April 2017.
Storrs Gallery, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina. September 29 -
November 17
, 2017.
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Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference 2016 |” CROSS AMERICAS:
Probing Disglobal Networks.” Pontifica Universidad Catholica de Chile, Santiago Chile. June 29
, 2016.
“TEXTURAL / recent work of GELPI Projects”
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016.
invited exhibition curated by Helmut Schuster, The Vagabond Motel, pinup space / Gallery, Miami, FL.
August 2014.
Gelpi, Nick. “MOCKUPS.” In The LeFevre Fellowship, edited by Benjamin Wilke, 84-93. Novato CA: Applied
Research and Design Publishing. An Imprint of ORO Editions. Gordon Goff: Publisher, autumn 2018.
Gelpi, Nick. “NATIVE ALIEN: Exotic Concrete House in the Tropics,(2016). ACSA 2016 International
Conference: Cross-Americas: Probing Disglobal Networks [Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference
of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA)] Santiago de Chile, Chile, 29 June - 1 July,
Matthew Marani, “Sun-kissed Skins: Facades+ Miami will examine facades in tropical
Environments.” THE ARCHITECTS NEWSPAPER ONLINE, (October 1, 2018):
John T. O’Connor, “Little House Big Ideas.”TROPIC MAGAZINE, (October/November 2017): 76-81.
Heather Corcoran, PATTERN RECOGNITION / Using his Miami Beach home as a laboratory professor and
designer Nick Gelpi tests a material that recasts concrete’s tough image.”
DWELL MAGAZINE, (July / August 2017): 78-82.
Heather Corcoran, “A Professor and Designer Tests a New Hybrid Material on His Miami Beach Home,”
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“Nick Gelpi (A ’02) brings hybrid, wood-based concrete research to his own back yard,” July 26, 2017.
“This Week in Research: DARPA’s New Materials, Wood Concrete, and Color-Changing Walls,” January 09,
“Solar-Panel Trees, Wood-Based Concrete, and Perfectly Designed Gizmos: Here’s Where Innovation Is
Happening,” VOX MEDIA, accessed 4-29-18,
“Exotic Tile Emerges from the Everglades,” December 17, 2014. MATERIA.
A 4500 square foot outdoor park/plaza to commemorate and honor the founding figures of Florida International
Universtiy. The Design was directed by Nick Gelpi, with Roberto Rovira, and several graduate students. Materials are
to integrate wood-based concrete and other sustainable concrete solutions. The Design work and research was
funded by a grant to Wells Fargo, titled “Concrete for A Sustainable Future.”
“TEXTURAL / recent work of GELPI Projects”
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016.
A 500 square foot pavilion, constructed inside a gallery in Eastern Market, Detroit Michigan, Construction budget
$90,000. A design collaboration between Nick Gelpi and German born Brooklyn artist Markus Linnenbrink, which
combines the compositional strategies of the artist with the form making strategies of the architect, resulting in an
immersive spatial painting environment.
(Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize)
Project: House Paint Pavilion
Illinois Institute of Technology, College of Architecture.
Category: Divine Detail,
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Exhibition of Nominated Projects
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago Illinois, 2016
March 4th-5
, 2016.
“TEXTURAL / recent work of GELPI Projects”
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference 2016 |” CROSS AMERICAS:
Probing Disglobal Networks.” Pontifica Universidad Catholica de Chile, Santiago Chile. June 29
, 2016.
curated by Clay Odom, January 25 March 4
2016. The University of Texas at Austin, Mebane Gallery,
Goldsmith Hall, Austin, Texas.
Wasserman Projects opens its new location in Eastern Market with inaugural exhibition,
LINNENBRINK/GELPI/BRUMIT, featuring large scale interactive installations that push the boundaries of art,
architecture and sound.
WASSERMAN PROJECTS GALLERY, Detroit, 3434 Russell Street, #502 (Sep 25th Dec 12th 2015)
Gelpi, Nick. “MOCKUPS.” In The LeFevre Fellowship, edited by Benjamin Wilke, 84-93. Novato CA: Applied
Research and Design Publishing. An Imprint of ORO Editions. Gordon Goff: Publisher, Autumn 2018.
Gelpi, Nick.PAINTING ARCHITECTURE: House Paint Pavilion in Detroit Michigan,” in Proceedings of the
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference. Santiago, Chile. 2016
International Conference CROSS AMERICAS: Probing Disglobal Networks, 2016.
Home Design Trends, IN PRINT, (May 2017): 68.
Nina Azzarello, “Nick Gelpi constructs an ‘inhabitable painting’ for markus linnenbring’s striped mural.”
(January 09 2017) DESIGNBOOM,
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Claudia Steinberg, “Motown in Motion,Artcolletor Magazine, Germany, (January 2016): 42-48.
Audrey Wachs, “Detroity Toity: Wasserman Projects, a new gallery space in Detroit's Eastern Market, offers
art and a platform for urban regeneration.” (November 16 2015): The Architects Newspaper,
Wasserman Projects to open new independent, interdisciplinary arts space in Detroit,” (September 03
2015): ART-DAILY,
“Wasserman Projects Opens in Detroit's Eastern Market,” 30, October 2015, INTERIOR DESIGN. Accessed 13
November 2015.
“Detroit design: Wasserman Projects fuses art and architecture,” 02, October 2015, WALLPAPER, Accessed
online 13 November 2015.
“Wasserman Projects Up and Running at Eastern Market New Gallery’s First Show Include Grain Silo and
Indoor Pavilion,” 30, September 2015, CURBED, Accessed 13 November 2015.
“Wasserman Projects is a new creative hub in Detroit’s Eastern Market,” 25, September 2015. THE SPACES,
Accessed 13 November 2015.
“New Detroit urban arts venue Wasserman Projects set to open September 25,” 13, November 2015.
ARCHITECTS NEWSPAPER, A|N BLOG, Accessed 13, November 2015.
“New arts venue to celebrate Eastern Market grand opening,” 22, September 2015. MODEL D,
Accessed 13, November 2015.
“Wasserman Projects ready to add to Eastern Market mix: Art center, set to open Sept. 25, aims to
contribute to daytime, nighttime activities,” 15, September 2015. CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS, Accessed
13, November 2015.
“Wasserman Projects Opens New Space for Arts in Detroit,” 03, September 2015. ARTFIX Daily. Accessed
13, November 2015.
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“Wasserman Projects to open new independent, interdisciplinary arts space in Detroit,” September 2015,
ARTDAILY, Accessed 13, November 2015.
“Art Gallery, Performance Venue to Open in Detroit’s Eastern Market,” 10, July 2015, DETROIT B/DETROIT’S
PREMIER BUSINESS JOURNAL, Accessed 13, November 2015.
“Wasserman to Open New Art Gallery in Eastern Market,” 07, July 2015, CURBED, Accessed 13 November
“Detroit's Wasserman Projects Offers Chickens, Llamas, and Psychedelic Structures,” 14, July 2015, ARTNET,
Accessed 13 November 2015.
A 75 foot long new fence, to be constructed along the perimeter of an elementary school in Miami Beach. The design
incorporates playful details, with the goal of stimulating students and creating new active interactions within playful
“TEXTURAL / recent work of GELPI Projects
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016.
A 14,000 square foot park, estimated construction budget: $1,200,000, to be built and unveiled in 2015.
Collaborative Design Team, with artist Jim Drain and Landscape Architect Roberto Rovira. Miami, FL (2014)
Florida American Society of Landscape Architects Design Awards, June 2016.
in international design competition “The Wynwood Gateway”
one of 11 finalist teams out of 230 submissions from 24 countries; September 2014.
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Category of "Award winning publications/creative work." April 2015.
For Project: Wynwood Greenhouse
“TEXTURAL / Recent work of GELPI Projects”
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016.
A closer look at the winning Wynwood Greenhouse garden park to be built in Miami,” 06 October 2014,
BUSTLER. Accessed 07 October 2014.
Melcher, Henry. “A Greenhouse-Inspired Park To Bring New Public Space To Miami’s Wynwood Arts
District,” 29 September 2014, ARCHITECTS NEWSPAPER / A|N BLOG. Accessed 01 October 2014.
‘“Wynwood Greenhouse” gets 1
place in DawnTown’s Wynwood Gateway Park Competition in Miami,’
29 September 2014. BUSTLER. Accessed 01 October 2014.
Testado, Justine. “Wynwood Greenhouse” gets 1
place in DawnTown’s Wynwood Gateway Park
Competition in Miami, 30 September 2014. ARCHINECT NEWS, Accessed 01 October 2014. greenhouse-gets-1st-place-in-dawntown-s-
Viglucci, Andres. “Miami artist, architects win design competition for new Wynwood park,” 25 September
2014. The Miami Herald.
McCaughan , Sean. “Epic ‘Greenhouse’ Design Wins for Wynwood Gateway Park, “ 25 September 2014.
Miami.Curbed. Accessed 25 Sep 2014.
Bach, Trevor. “Wynwood Is Getting a New Park and It Looks Like a Greenhouse,” 26 September 2014.
Miami New Times. Accessed 26 Sep 2014.
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Brannigan, Martha. “Metro 1 Properties Focuses on Miami’s Hip, Urban Real Estate,” 22 September 2014.
Miami Herald. Accessed 25 Jan 2015.
McCaughan, Sean. “A Greenhouse Without the Glass: Tony Cho Brings a Great New Park to Wynwood.”
November 2014, Tropic Magazine, pp 104-105. Accessible online:
A set of seating elements constructed of off the shelf wooden dowels joined with customized 3D printed
sockets. (2014)
“TEXTURAL / the recent work of GELPI Projects
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016.
Patricia Sweetow Gallery, December 1-5 2015, Indian Beach Park, Miami Beach, Florida.
Exhibition of 18 limited edition stools, a collaboration between Markus Linnenbrink and Nick Gelpi.
Wasserman Projects opens its new location in Eastern Market with inaugural exhibition,
LINNENBRINK/GELPI/BRUMIT, featuring large scale interactive installations that push the
boundaries of art, architecture and sound.
WASSERMAN PROJECTS GALLERY, Detroit, 3434 Russell Street, #502 (Sep 25th Dec 12th 2015)
The World of Mr. Somebody and Mr. Nobody,”
December 2014, Curated by Sharon Lombard, Heidi Chisholm, Cathy Leff + Craig Robins,
The Miami Design District, 91 NE 40
Street, Miami Design District, Miami, FL.
“INSIDE / 5 design projects by Nick Gelpi,”
(Solo Exhibition) August 2014, invited exhibition curated by Helmut Schuster, The Vagabond
Motel, pinup space / Gallery, Miami, FL.
A 6 x 18 foot long digitally fabricated system of interchangeable tables, based on Michael Thonet’s No. 14
Chair, Construction Budget: $10,000. Miami Beach, FL.
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(One of three finalists selected as a result of online and in person voting by the public and judges.)
“TEXTURAL / Recent work of GELPI Projects
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016.
WORKING OUT: thinking while building, PROJECT EXHIBITION
ACSA 2014 Fall Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2014.
Exhibition of Competition winning table installation on display in the lobby of the Wolfsonian in
Miami Beach. The Wolfsonian FIU, Miami Beach, FL. February 2014.
“INSIDE / 5 design projects by Nick Gelpi,”
(Solo Exhibition) invited exhibition curated by Helmut Schuster, The Vagabond Motel, pinup space
/ Gallery, Miami, FL. August 2014.
Gelpi, Nick. “MOCKUPS.” In The LeFevre Fellowship, edited by Benjamin Wilke, 84-93. Novato CA:
Applied Research and Design Publishing. An Imprint of ORO Editions. Gordon Goff: Publisher,
Autumn 2018.
“TABLE DISTORTIONS,” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference | WORKING OUT: thinking while
building. 2014.
Gollin, Andrea. “We Have a Winner! Lobby Table Design Challenge,” September 26, 2013,
Wolfsonian Newsletter. Accessed 25 January 2015,
Gollin, Andrea. “Finalists in Lobby Table Competition,” August, 2013, The Wolfsonian Newsletter,
Accessed 25 January 2015,
200 square foot digitally fabricated structural prototype, Construction budget: $3500, BEA GALLERY, Miami
FL, (2013)
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Florida International University, October 2014-January 2014, BEA INTERNATIONAL GALLERY FIU,
Miami, FL.
“INSIDE / 5 design projects by Nick Gelpi”
(Solo Exhibition) August 2014, invited exhibition curated by Helmut Schuster, The Vagabond
Motel, pinup space / Gallery, Miami, FL.
Competition entry for a 1000 square foot public installation, Estimated Construction Budget $10,000, Miami
FL. Design Collaboration with GELPI Projects and L.E.FT. Architecture, NY + Beirut. Principals, Makram El
Kadi + Ziad Jamaleddine.
Finalist, DAWNTOWN DB2International Design/Build Competition (One of 16 finalists from 110
A 1000 square foot freestanding public pavilion. Construction Budget: $15,000, sited along the Charles
River on Memorial Drive, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts. (2011)
“TEXTURAL / Recent work of GELPI Projects”
Exhibition of models, drawings, details and installations from the recent work of GELPI Projects.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Design Gallery, October 2016.
WORKING OUT: thinking while building:
ACSA 2014 Fall Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2014.
“INSIDE / 5 design projects by Nick Gelpi,”
(Solo Exhibition) August 2014, invited exhibition curated by Helmut Schuster, The Vagabond
Motel, pinup space / Gallery, Miami, FL.
F.A.S.T. (Festival of Arts Science and Technology)
Invited Group Exhibition of installations for MIT’s 150
Anniversary, May-June 2011,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus, Cambridge Massachusetts.
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Gelpi, Nick. “MOCKUPS.” In The LeFevre Fellowship, edited by Benjamin Wilke, 84-93. Novato CA:
Applied Research and Design Publishing. An Imprint of ORO Editions. Gordon Goff: Publisher,
Autumn 2018.
UNFLAT PAVILION, FAST festival of Art Science and Technology, Project,” in Hirschman, Sarah,
ed., TESTING TO FAILURE: Design and Research in MIT’s Department of Architecture, SA+P Press,
Cambridge, 2011, ISBN:978-0-9836654-0-3, pp 239-244.
Gelpi, Nick.ON THE EDGE OF FAILURE / UNFLAT PAVILION,” Proceedings of the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference |
WORKING OUT: thinking while building. 2014.
Gelpi, Nick. “ADAPTIVE FABRICATIONS: Rapid Directions in Design Build.”
Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture National Meeting. ACSA
Gelpi, Nick. “THE UNFLAT PAVILION: A New Responsive Materialism + Adaptive Fabrication.”
Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Ft
Lauderdale, FL. 2013 ACSA Fall Conference | Subtropical Cities. 2013.
A 500 square foot exotic vernacular building. Variation on the typical Pole Barn, and Balloon Frame.
(Budget: $10,000) New Orleans, LA.
BALLOONING (HOLLOW THIN 3D)Notes on Practice,” in Hirschman, Sarah, ed., TESTING TO
FAILURE: Design and Research in MIT’s Department of Architecture, SA+P Press, Cambridge, 2011,
ISBN:978-0-9836654-0-3, pp194-195.
A collection of 15 bent plywood models and structural prototypes. Budget: $5,000, Columbus Ohio, (2009)
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“MOCKUPS: The Howard E. Lefevre Emerging Practitioner Exhibition,The Banvard Gallery, Austin
E. Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, April June 2009.
Gelpi, Nick. “MOCKUPS.” In The LeFevre Fellowship, edited by Benjamin Wilke, 84-93. Novato CA:
Applied Research and Design Publishing. An Imprint of ORO Editions. Gordon Goff: Publisher,
Autumn 2018.
Gelpi, Nick. “MOCK-PLAY / From Vorkurs to Digital Fabrication and Design-Build,” Proceedings of
the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
2014 Fall Conference | WORKING OUT: thinking while building. 2014
Gelpi,, Nick. “Mockups.” In FORWARD: v 209: ORNAMENT, Volume 8, No. 2. 14-20. The
Architecture and Design Journal of the National Associates Committee, Published biannually by
the American Institute of Architects (Fall 2009).
The following selected works are projects, for which I acted as a project team member or lead designer / “Project
Architect” while an employee of Steven Holl Architects in NYC.
2008, Akbuk Peninsula Resort, Akbuk, Turkey, [Project Architect] STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS,
Mixed use housing, commercial, landscape and public programs, 2,000,000 sf, low ecological footprint,
Schematic Design - Construction Documents. Status Pre Construction.
2007, The Hudson Yards, New York, NY, [Project Architect] STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS, Master plan mixed - use
project, 11.3 million sf of building with new public park, Schematic Design + Design Development, Managed design
development, completion and submission of Design Bid Package with Extell Development Company to NYC MTA
Hudson Yards request for proposals.
Lange, Alexandra, PARSING THE YARDS,” THE ARCHITECTS NEWSPAPER, January 23, 2008.
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Huxtable, Ada Louise, “THE HUDSON YARDS PROPOSALS,” The Wall Street Journal, January 2, 2008.
Millard, Bill, “WEST SIDE RAILYARD PROPOSALS UNVEILED,” Architect Magazine, January 2008.
November 19, 2007.
SETS A 21ST CENTURY URBAN EXAMPLE.” The New York Times, November 24, 2007.
2005-2008, RIDDLED Furniture Series, [Designer] HORM Furniture Manufacturing, Design Team: Steven Holl + Nick
Gelpi. An award winning line of commercially available furniture constructed of a custom wooden laminate. Riddled
Cabinet, Riddled Table, Riddled Glass Top Table, Riddled Hingeless Front, Quartodiluna Mirror, Riddled Chandelier.
“Riddled Furniture,” in Brownell, Blaine, ed., Transmaterial 2- A Catalog of Materials That Redefine Our
Physical Environment. New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2008.
“Riddled Furniture: First Annual R + D Award,” ARCHITECT Magazine, Hanley Woods, September 2007,
“Shadow Boxing,” Architectural Record, McGraw Hill, December 2006, p 247.
“Des Pleins et des Vides, Steven Holl,” Techniques and Architecture, Jean Michel Place, Paris, June-July
2006, pp128-129.
Capelli, Eleonora; “Symphony of Solids and Voids,” Ottagono, V 189 April 2006, pp 134-137.
“Il Mobile Declinato, Furniture Evolved,” BOX: Progetto e Percorsi, Milan, April 2006, pp 4-7.
2005 - 2007, DE Shaw Research Center, New York, NY, [Project Architect] STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS, 32
floor of
high-rise office building, Schematic Design - Design Development, Construction Documents, Construction
Administration, status BUILT.
De Giorgi, Manolo, “The Supercomputer and the Books,DOMUS 914, May 2008, 36-41.
2006, Vanke Center, Shenzen, China, [Project Team] A mixed-use building including hotel, offices, condominiums, and
public park, 1.3 million sf, schematic design - design development, status BUILT.
2006, Highline Hybrid, New York, NY, [Project Team] Mixed use hi-rise building on far westside of Manhattan,
Schematic Design, Status – Unbuilt.
2006, Porosity / Luminosity Exhibition, Gallery MA, Tokyo, Japan, [Project Architect] STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS,
Exhibition of Steven Holl Architects catalogue of work organized around the concept of “Luminosity,3 room gallery +
courtyard installation, Schematic Design - Construction Administration, Status – BUILT.
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Gyoon, Jung Byoung, “Review of Exhibition Luminosity / Porosity by Steven Holl,” BOB: International
Magazine of Space Design, Seoul, V25, 2006, pp 166-169.
Keuning, David, “The Light Stuff,” MARK #5, Dec 2006 -Jan 2007, P 29.
2005, NYU Department of Philosophy Building, New York, NY, [Project Team] STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS, renovation.
Status - BUILT.
2005, Sail Hybrid, Knokke Heist, Belgium, [Project Architect] STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS,
Invited Design Competition, 230,000 square feet, Result - FIRST PLACE.
NY AIA Citation, USA, 2006
“Redesign Competition for Casino Knokke-Heist,” CONCEPT: International Magazine of Competition; v 77,
Seoul, 2005, Pp 88-95.
2005, Busan Cinema Complex, Busan, South Korea, [Competition Project Team], STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS.
Invited Design Competition 38,000sqm, Pusan International Film Festival, PROGRAM: 6 cinemas (including on open air
cinema), conference rooms, event spaces, exhibition galleries, retail, restaurant, café, working loft, cinematheque,
grand theater, visual media center. Result-FINALIST.
2005, Louvre / Lens, Lens, France. [Project Team]Invited Design Competition, New branch of exhibition and archive
building for the Louvre Museum, Invited competition. Result - FINALIST.
2004-2005, Experiments in Porosity, Milan, Italy, [Project Architect] STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS, Installation, custom
fabrication, part of group show titled, “Entrez-Lentement”, Travelled to Sci-arc Gallery, Los Angles, Gallery MA, Tokyo
Japan, and Higgins Hall Gallery -Brooklyn. Responsible for Concept Design through construction and Installation.
status - BUILT.
IOVINE, JULIE V., In Milan, Reimagining Legends,” 14 April 2005, The New York Times, Accessed 25 Jan
“BL-Special,” in Brownell, Blaine, ed., Transmaterial - A Catalog of Materials That Redefine Our Physical
Environment. New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2005. ISBN 1-56898-563-0, P 84.
2004, Bibliothèque Communautaire, Clermont-Ferrand, France, [Project Architect] Invited Design Competition,
30,000sqm, Program New Public Library. Result - Runner Up.
2008, Porosity Bench, New York NY Johnson Trading Gallery, [Designer] Design Team: Steven Holl + Nick Gelpi.
Porosity Bench, featured in art Basel/Miami at Johnson Trading Gallery, 2008. A custom fabricated bench constructed
of solid bamboo planes with digitally cut interlocking edges. It is a seat to see through, which casts shadows and
patterns of light. The bench was commissioned by Johnson Trading Gallery from New York City to be produced in a
limited edition of 10.
2009, STEVEN HOLL ARCHITECTS, NYC [PAYED RESEARCHER] Advanced Fabrication Researcher.
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2004, CANOPY, [Project Team + Project Manager, Young Architects Program, PS1 Contemporary Art Center, Long
Island NY, 2004.
“nARCHITECTS CANOPY,LOTUS International, v125, Milano, 2005, Pp 112-117.
BARRENECHE , RAUL A. “DESIGN NOTEBOOK; In Fine Form, Bamboo Shows Off Its Curves,” THE NEW YORK
TIMES, June 24, 2004.
Gelpi, Nick. FROM REPRESENTATION TO REALITY / The Architecture of Full Scale Mockups. New York: Routledge
(Taylor and Francis Group), Book Contract signed Oct.2014, Book Manuscript Submitted to publisher, (expected
publication date) 20.
FIU Founders Park, 5,000 square foot park plaza, estimated construction budget of $1,500,000, Miami Florida, 2014-
500 Square foot design for the construction of a new public seating area to be constructed in parallel parking spaces,
within Miami’s DESIGN DISTRICT, Miami FL.
Agency: Wells Fargo Foundation
Investigators: Nick Gelpi, (PI), Roberto Rovira, (co-investigator) John Stuart, (co-investigator)
Project: “Woodcrete: The Concrete for a Sustainable Future
Dates: 2015-2018
Amount of Funding: $75,000
Investigator: Michael Namkung, (PI), Gwyn Davies, (co-investigator) Nick Gelpi, (co-investigator)
Project: Back to the Drawing Board: A Two-Day Symposium on Drawing Research and Practice
Dates: 2016-2017
Amount of Funding: $5,000
Investigator: Nick Gelpi
Project: “FABRICATIONS with Wood Based Concrete, Seed Funding,”
Dates: 2015
Amount of Funding: $20,000
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Investigator: Nick Gelpi
Project: “Woodcrete”
Dates: 2013-2014
Amount of Funding: $37,500
“New Hybrid Materials: Wood-Concrete and its Application in Architectural Design,” Faculty Research Support
Program (FRSP), May 2013-April 2014, $30,000. (Nick Gelpi, Project Director, Shahin Vassigh, Project Co-Director)
Museum of Modern Art, 2017
Nominator: Terry Riley
(Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize)
Project: House Paint Pavilion
Illinois Institute of Technology, College of Architecture.
Museum of Modern Art, 2016
Nominator: Jason Chandler
from the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce
5th Annual City National Bank Better Beach Awards, 2017.
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Category of "Award winning publications/creative work." April 2017
The Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architects,
Project: “EXOTIC CONCRETE HOUSE” Category:Divine Detail”
AIA Design Awards Program, October 2016
“NATIVE ALIEN: Exotic Concrete House in the Tropics,” June 30
(The competition to be selected to present your project at the conference was competitive, with a 38% acceptance
rate. 4 out of the 34 accepted projects were given the Top Project recognition.)
The Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architects,
Project: “House Paint Pavilion,” Category: “Divine Detail”
AIA Design Awards Program, October 2015
Category of "Award winning publications/creative work." April 2015
December 1
2014, One of ten national award winners from over 35 finalists and hundreds of nominations nationally.
Doyle, Rachel B. Meet Nick Gelpi: Materials Innovator and Curbed young Gun,” 01 December 2014,
CURBED NATIONAL. Accessed 01 December 2014.
Werbler, Annie. “Meet Your Curbed Young Guns Finalists: the Technopioneers,19 November 2014,
CURBED NATIONAL. Accessed 19 October 2014.
WYNWOOD GATEWAY PARK COMPETITION, September 2014, Proposal Titled “Greenhouse.”
Collaborative Design Team, with Jim Drain and Roberto Rovira.
(First place from one of 230 submissions from 24 countries.)
DAWNTOWN DESIGN BUILD DB2 COMPETITION, April 2014, International Design/Build Competition,
One of fifteen finalists selected from over one hundred teams who entered the first phase of the competition,
submitting a portfolio of creative work that also outlined their design philosophy. A Design Collaboration between
GELPI Projects, Miami + L.E.FT. Beirut + NY. PROPOSAL“PUBLIC STANDMiami FL.
(One of 16 finalists from 110 entries)
(One of three finalists selected as a result of online and in person voting by the public and judges.)
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DAWNTOWN DESIGN BUILD COMPETITION, November 2012, International Design/Build Competition.
(One of sixteen finalists from over 110 entries of international applicants. Miami, FL.)
PAMPHLET Architecture 32: RESILIENCE, PROPOSAL “System Failure.”
First Annual R + D Award, ARCHITECT Magazine, September 2007, PROJECT: “Riddled Furniture.”
(Nick Gelpi + Steven Holl)
Howard E. LeFevre ’29 Emerging Practitioner Fellowship in Architecture, 2008 - 2009, The Ohio State University,
Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture, PROPOSAL: MOCKUPS.
Licensed Architect State of Florida
Completed all sections of Architectural Registration Exams including, Schematic Design, Programming/Planning and
Practice, and Site Planning and Design, Construction Documents and Services, Building Systems, Structural Systems,
+ Building Design & Construction Systems. Professional License in State of Florida expected to be issued June 2018.
January 2017-Present.
American Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 2016-2018.
American Institute of Architects, Miami Center for Architecture and Design, Miami Chapter 2013-2014.
Forward 212: IDENTITY, Fall 2012, Volume 12, No. 2. The Architecture and Design Journal of the National Associates
Committee, Published biannually by the American Institute of Architects.
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Miami Beach Planning Board Member, 2018.
ACSA Faculty Councilor, 2018.
2018 ACSA Fall Conference | PLAY with the Rules
Host School: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Co-chairs: Jasmine Benyamin, Nikole Bouchard, Whitney Moon, Kyle Reynolds, & Mo Zell, UWM
FIU, School of Architecture, Lecture Committee Chair, 2018.
FIU, School of Architecture, Design 3 Studio Coordinator, fall 2018.
FIU, University, Lead Designer and Faculty Advisor for Design of FIU FOUNDERS PARK, 2018.
Miami Beach Planning Board Member, 2017.
ACSA Faculty Councilor, 2017.
FIU School of Architecture, Lecture Committee Chair, 2017.
FIU, School of Architecture, Design 3 Studio Coordinator, fall 2017.
FIU, University, Lead Designer and Faculty Advisor for Design of FIU FOUNDERS PARK, 2017.
ACSA Faculty Councilor, 2016.
ACSA Faculty Advisor, for International Student Design Competition: “CONCRETE THINKING: for a
sustainable world,” 2016.
FIU School of Architecture, Lecture Committee Chair, 2016.
FIU School of Architecture, Faculty Search Committee, BUILDING TECHNOLOGY POSITION, 2016.
FIU, School of Architecture, Design 3 Studio Coordinator, fall 2016.
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FIU, University, Lead Designer and Faculty Advisor for Design of FIU FOUNDERS PARK.
FIU, School of Architecture, Design 4 Studio Coordinator, spring 2015.
FIU, Scholarship Jury Member, BEA International Scholarship, Quintana Scholarship, SPRING 2015.
FIU, School of Architecture, Lecture and Exhibition Committee Member, 2015.
FIU, School of Architecture, Digital Technology Committee Member, 2015.
FIU, School of Architecture, Curator, Design Installation, William Obrien Jr., “SEVEN: A Numbers Game,”
BEA Gallery, FEB-APR 2015.
FIU, School of Architecture, Symposium Co-Chair, with Winifred Newman, Cejas Foundation Symposium:
BUILDING 2050, March 20 21, 2015.
FIU, University, Lead Designer and Faculty Advisor for Design of FIU FOUNDERS PARK.
YOUNG ARTS, Masters Class Instructor, 2014.
AIA MIAMI EXHIBITION COMMITTEE member, Co-Curator of the inaugural exhibition “DRAWN FROM
MIAMI,” 2014.
FIU, Little River Design Charrette Faculty Advisor with Jason Chandler, Roberto Rovira, Mark Marine, FIU
by Design, 2014.
FIU, College, Leadership Role in Securing Gift, Bernard Tschumi Drawing of PCA Building, spring 2014.
FIU, School of Architecture, BEA Scholarship Committee, BEA International Scholarships, Quintana
Scholarship, spring 2014.
FIU, School of Architecture, Lecture and Exhibitions Committee Member, 2014.
FIU, School of Architecture, Spring Design Charrette Coordinator, “COMPLAINT,” Spring 2014.
FIU, School of Architecture, Design 4 Studio Coordinator, Spring 2014.
FIU, School of Architecture, Digital Technology Committee Member, 2014.
YOUNG ARTS, Masters Class Instructor, 2013.
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FIU, School of Architecture, Spring Design Charrette Coordinator, “GRADIENTS, 2013.
FIU, College, Leadership Role in securing gift of 5 autographed copies of Steven Holl Monographs for
winning students, 2013.
FIU, School of Architecture, Lecture and Exhibition Committee Member, 2013.
FIU, School of Architecture, Digital Technology Committee Member, 2013.
ASSOCIATE EDITOR, Peer Reviewer for AIA FORWARD issue 212:IDENTITY, the Journal for the National
Associates Committee of the AIA, 2012.
FIU, School of Architecture, Lecture and Exhibition Committee Member, 2012.
FIU, School of Architecture, Digital Technology Committee Member, 2012.
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Marilys R. Nepomechie, FAIA, DPACSA | Professor of Architecture
Associate Dean for Faculty and Program Development
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts | Florida International University
11200 SW 8
Street | Miami, FL 33199 | Paul L. Cejas Architecture Building 283-B
Marilys.Nepomech[email protected]u | Office: 305 348 1887
Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Master of Architecture | Alpha Rho Chi Medal
University of Florida, Bachelor of Arts, English Literature | Highest Honors, Phi Beta Kappa
Harvard University | Radcliffe College, English Literature and Language | Deans’ Highest Honors
Academic Practice | Leadership Florida International University | Department of Architecture 1997- Present
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts | CARTA
Visiting, Assistant, Associate, then Full Professor of Architecture with Tenure
Associate Dean for Faculty and Program Development
Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives
Executive Director Designate, CARTA | MANA Wynwood
Bauhaus-Dessau Think Tank | CARTA Climate Change Studio|
Miami Urban Future Initiative | South Florida News Service - Wynwood
Founding Director, Graduate | Accredited Professional Program in Architecture
University Graduate Faculty | Latin American and Caribbean Center Faculty Associate
Honors College Research Associate | Cuban Research Institute Faculty Associate
Faculty Director, Architecture Study Abroad Programs [Netherlands | London | Berlin]
Chair, Faculty Assembly, College of Architecture + The Arts
Senator, University Faculty Senate
Educational Leadership Enhancement Program | 2015 ELEP Cohort
Academic Visiting Appointments
Visiting Global Scholar | Fellow, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 2012-2013
Visiting Scholar and Maxfield Lecturer, Miami University of Ohio 2012-2013
John R Groves/KHC Fellow, Housing, University of Kentucky College of Design Spring 2003 + 05
Sue Fan Gooding Visiting Professor, University of Kentucky College of Design Spring 2003 + 05
Graduate Options Visiting Faculty, University of Pennsylvania GSFA 2002
Visiting Professor, University of New Mexico School of Architecture and Planning Spring 2000
Visiting Studio Critic, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Arquitectura 1999
Visiting Studio Critic, Universidad Politécnica, Puerto Rico 1998
Adjunct Professor, later Instructor, University of Miami School of Architecture 1988-1996
External Academic Leadership Professional | Academic
National | International National Architectural Accrediting Board | NAAB |Washington DC. [Detail, pp. 9, 12] 2018-2022
Elected National President-elect | President 2019-2022
Chair, International Committee, Task Forces and Visiting Team Leadership 2003-Present
International Union of Architects | UIA | Paris, France. [Detail, p.12] 2017-2020
International Co-Director, UIA Education Commission + UNESCO-UIA Validation Council
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture |ACSA |Washington DC. [Detail, p.12] 2014-2017
Elected National President-elect | President and Executive Committee
American Institute of Architects | AIA | Washington DC and Miami [Detail, p.12] 2005-2010
Elected National Knowledge Community Chair, Strategic Advance Council, UIA
Professional | Design Practice Marilys R. Nepomechie Architect, Coconut Grove, Florida: Owner | Principal 1992- Present
Public Architecture: The 1% Program 2008-2013
Office of Urban Architecture | MK Roark, Inc., Director of Architecture 1990-1993
Sasaki Associates, Inc., Firm Associate and Designer 1987-1990
Selected Honors | Awards Design Practice | Research | Teaching | Servant Leadership
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Elected to National ACSA College of Distinguished Professors [DPACSA] 2018
Florida International University Top Scholar Award 2015, 2018
Office of the President | Office of the Provost
CINTAS Foundation | Fellow in Architecture 2012-2014
Miami 2100: Envisioning a Resilient Second Century. With Marta Canavés, LAEUD.
American Institute of Architects Miami Honor Award: Excellence in Writing | Architecture: 2012
AIA Guide to Miami: Building Paradise: An Architectural Guide to the Magic City
American Institute of Architects Florida/ Caribbean Region Centennial Award: 2012
AIA Guide to Miami: Building Paradise: An Architectural Guide to the Magic City
Florida International University Office of Research | Faculty Honors 2012
U.S. Department of Energy, Solar Decathlon 2011
AIA National Institute Honor Award in Regional and Urban Design 2011
Community City: Affordable Sustainable Infill for Smoketown, Louisville, KY. With Marta
Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Residential Architect Design Awards, Residential Architect Magazine, Award of Merit 2010
Community City: Affordable Sustainable Infill for Smoketown, Louisville, KY. With Marta
Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Selected Honors | Awards Design Practice | Research | Teaching | Servant Leadership [Continued]
Florida International University President’s Sustainability Award 2010
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Department of Energy 2011 Solar Decathlon
The American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture + Design 2009
Community City: Affordable Sustainable Infill for Smoketown, Louisville, KY. With Marta
Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Finalist: International Book Award, XIII Bienal Internacional Arquitectura, Dominican Republic 2009
Bienal Miami + Beach 2001-2005: A Retrospective
American Institute of Architects Miami Honor Award 2009
Sustainable Design Education Leadership
Cejas Family Foundation Research Award 2008
Miami Modern| La Habana Moderna. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
The William G. McMinn Outstanding Educator Medal, AIA Florida/ Caribbean 2008
Highest award bestowed for education by the American Institute of Architects Florida
Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA Miami 2008
Mapping Identity: Affordable Infill and Infrastructure. With Marta Canavés, ASLA
Excellence in Architecture: Merit Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA Florida/ Caribbean 2008
Mapping Identity: Affordable Infill and Infrastructure. With Marta Canavés, ASLA
Excellence in Writing about Architecture Honor Award, AIA Miami 2007
Bienal Miami + Beach 2001-2005: A Retrospective
Samuel Kruse AIA Silver Medal in Design, The American Institute of Architects Miami 2006
Highest award bestowed for design by the American Institute of Architects Miami
The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts Research Award 2005
Miami Modern | La Habana Moderna. With Steven Brooke, Marta Canavés
American Institute of Architects
Elected to the AIA College of Fellows 2005
Faculty Design/Faculty Research Award, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 2005
Big Woods: 4 Houses | 14 Acres. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Collaborative Practice Award, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 2005
Big Woods: 4 Houses 14 Acres. With Marta Canavés, M. Pride, D. Biagi, B. Swetnam, UK
The American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture + Design 2004
Housing Diaspora: Little Haiti Infill. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
The NCARB Prize/Award: The Comprehensive Studio w/U Kentucky, NCARB 2004
Big Woods: 4 Houses 14 Acres. With Marta Canavés, M. Pride, D. Biagi, B. Swetnam, UK
The NCARB Prize/Hon. Mention: Breaking Ground, w/U Kentucky, NCARB 2004
Big Woods: 4 Houses 14 Acres. With Marta Canavés, M. Pride, D. Biagi, B. Swetnam, UK
Excellence in Architecture Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA Florida/Caribbean 2004
Big Woods: 4 Houses | 14 Acres. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Education Leadership Honor Award 2004
American Institute of Architects Miami
Silver Medal, Landscape Architecture | Public Projects, International Bienal Miami + Beach 2003
Big Woods: 4 Houses | 14 Acres. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Faculty Design | Research Honorable Mention, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Housing Diaspora: Little Haiti Infill. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
University Faculty Research | Creative Work Award, FIU Office of the Provost 2003
Exhibition/Citation, Unbuilt Design, Boston Society of Architects 2003
Big Woods: 4 Houses | 14 Acres. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Excellence in Architecture, Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA/Miami 2003
Big Woods: 4 Houses | 14 Acres. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, Boston Society of Architects 2002
Housing Diaspora: Little Haiti Infill. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Education Honor Awards Citation: American Institute of Architects/ National 2002
Rethinking MiMO [Miami Modern]: Establishing a Mid-century Historic District
Excellence in Architecture Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA Florida/Caribbean 2002
Housing Diaspora: Little Haiti Infill. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Young Architectural Firm of the Year
American Institute of Architects/ Miami 2001
Excellence in Architecture Unbuilt Design Award, American Institute of Architects/Miami 2001
Housing Diaspora: Little Haiti Infill. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Prize Miami/Architecture, 2001 International Bienal Miami + Beach 2001
Housing Diaspora: Little Haiti Infill. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Honorable Mention, ‘Scattered Houses’ Little Haiti Affordable Housing Competition, MoCA 2001
Housing Diaspora: Little Haiti Infill. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award Unbuilt Design, AIA Miami 2000
Piazza Isolo Library, Parking, Plaza, Verona. With Suria Yaffar
Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA Florida/Caribbean 1999
Piazza Isolo Library, Parking, Plaza, Verona. With Suria Yaffar
Excellence in Architecture: Environmentally Conscious Design Award, AIA Miami 1999
Belvedere | Bridge: Miami Beach Townhomes
Selected Honors | Awards Design Practice | Research | Teaching | Servant Leadership [Continued]
Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA Florida/Caribbean 1998
Mount Olive Affordable Infill. With Molly Feltham-Adams, Landscape Architecture
Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA/ Miami 1998
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Belvedere | Bridge: Miami Beach Townhomes
International Traveling Exhibition, NJIT/USA Institute 1998
Piazza Isolo Library, Parking, Plaza, Verona. With Suria Yaffar
Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, AIA Miami 1995
Mount Olive Affordable Infill. With Molly Feltham-Adams, Landscape Architecture
Young Architects’ Award, Progressive Architecture Theme Issue: New Emerging Practices 1993
Selected Portfolio of Work: Architecture and Public Interest | Advocacy
First Award, Delray Beach National Affordable Infill House Competition 1992
Mount Olive Affordable Infill. With Molly Feltham-Adams, Landscape Architecture
Women in Architecture, National Building Museum Archives Collection 1992
Selected Portfolio of Work
Women in Architecture, Architecture Magazine Theme Issue | Selected Portfolio of Work 1992
Excellence in Architecture: Honor Award Unbuilt Design, AIA Florida/Caribbean/Sasaki 1990
Sawgrass Education Center. With Sasaki Associates
Design Merit/Exhibition Award, U.S. Department of the Interior 1990
Peace Garden Competition, Haynes Point. With David Miller, Landscape Architecture
Creative Work | Grants + Stipends Research + Teaching Grants | Stipends [Selected]
InWE + SERC | Resilient Field Operations Center [FOC], FIU MMC 2018
$ 15,000 Principal Investigator. FIU By Design.
Co-PIs: M. Marine, A. Read, C. Salazar, and S. Pezeshk
Miami Children’s Museum | Design of Sea Level Rise Exhibition for MCM 2016-2017
$ 55,000 P rincipal Investigator
with Tiffany Troxler, Eric Peterson Phase 2 2017
$ 15,000 P rincipal Investigator I
with Tiffany Troxler, Eric Peterson Phase 1 2016
National Endowment for the Arts + The American Architectural Foundation 2016
Mayors’ Institute on City Design: Miami Beach
$ 50,000 Principal Investigator. Mark Marine, Co-PI
Liberty Square Rising | Community Conversations | Public Housing 2016
$ 15,000 P rincipal Investigator. Mark Marine, Co-PI
National Science Foundation Research Community Network 2015-2018
$ 903,077 FIU Co-PI. Michael Sukop, FIU PI. SE Environmental Research Center
CARTA Seed Grant: Faculty Development. 2016-2017
$ 4,000 Co-PI with faculty in CARTA | SJMC: Environmental Communication
Miami Center for Architecture and Design 2016
The Radical HIVE: Urbanism and Social Housing in Latin America at Mid-Century
$ 1,500 Principal Investigator. With Eric Goldemberg.
CINTAS Foundation Fellowship in Architecture 2012-2014
$ 10,000 Principal Investigator. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | Wolfsonian-FIU Grant 2014-2015
The Radical HIVE: Urbanism and Social Housing in Latin America at Mid-Century
$ 5,000 Principal Investigator. With Eric Goldemberg.
Office of University Sustainability, College of Architecture + The Arts | FIU
PerFORM[D]ance: Agenda for a Solar House. Publication on SD 2011 2015
$ 3,750 Principal Investigator.
Cejas Family Foundation | Faculty Research Funding 2014
The Radical HIVE: Urbanism and Social Housing in Latin America at Mid-Century
$ 1,750 Principal Investigator. With Eric Goldemberg.
Cejas Family Foundation Research Awards [Architecture, Landscape Architecture] 2013-2014
MIAMI 2100: Envisioning our Next Century [Exhibition + Catalogue]
$ 12,000 Principal Investigator. With Marta Canavés
National Science Foundation Urban Long-Term Research Area -Exploratory Grant 2010-2014
Double Exposures: Socio-cultural Vulnerabilities in the Miami Dade Urban Region
$ 350,000 Senior Personnel. Gail Hollander, Department of Geography, PI.
U.S. Department of Energy | National Energy Administration, China 2011-2013
Solar Decathlon China 2013: THU-FIU O-House | Tsinghua University | FIU.
$ 100,000 Senior Personnel. Yimin Zhu, Dept. Construction Management, PI, FIU
U.S. Department of Energy | National Renewable Energy Laboratory 2009-2011
U.S. Solar Decathlon 2011: FIU PerFORM[D]ance House
$ 100,000 Principal Investigator
U.S. Department of Energy | Auxiliary Funding to Support Hispanic + Minority Students 2011
U.S. Solar Decathlon 2011: Student Housing, Washington DC.
$ 13,800 Principal Investigator
Creative Work | Grants Research + Teaching Grants | Stipends [Selected | Continued]
In-Kind Support + Pro bono Professional Services 2010-2011
U.S. Solar Decathlon 2011: FIU PerFORM[D]ance House
$ 300,000 Principal Investigator. With CARTA Advancement + Student Team
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | Wolfsonian-FIU Curatorial Grant 2010
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La Habana Moderna: The Cuban Republic, 1902 - 1959
$ 2,000* Principal Investigator. With Jon Mogul. *Plus Exhibition Costs
American Institute of Architects Research + Publication Grant 2010-2014
Small | Extraordinary: The AIA Small Project Awards
$ 8,000* Principal Investigator. *Plus Publication Costs
American Institute of Architects Research + Publication Grant 2009-2010
AIA Guide to MIAMI | Building Paradise: An Architectural Guide to the Magic City
$ 50,000* Principal Investigator. *Plus Publication Costs
The Graham Foundation for the Advancement of the Fine Arts
History Theory Criticism Workshops, Florida International University 2008
$ 5,000 Co-PI with Andia, Stuart, Read. David Rifkind PI
Cejas Family Foundation Research Award 2008
Miami Modern/La Habana Moderna
$ 7,500 Principal Investigator. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
American Institute of Architects Regional and Urban Design Committee 2006
Walking, Working, Water | AIA Livable Communities Conference
$ 2,000 Principal Investigator
The Graham Foundation for the Advancement of the Fine Arts 2005
Miami Modern/La Habana Moderna 1902-1959
$ 4,500 Principal Investigator. With Marta Canavés and Steven Brooke
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam | NAi: Research + Exhibition Grant 2005
Miami | La Habana || Magic City | Novia del Mar. The Flood | Mare Nostrum
Second International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam
$ 6,000 Principal Investigator. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture.
Community Trails Development Grant 2005
Big Woods Development: Demonstration Affordable Rural Housing
$ 50,000 Design Architect. Stacey Epperson, Principal Investigator, Director:
Frontier Housing Corporation, Morehead, Kentucky
Nickelodeon Development Grant 2005
Big Woods Playground: Demonstration Affordable Rural Housing
$ 10,000 Design Architect. Stacey Epperson, Principal Investigator, Director:
Frontier Housing Corporation, Morehead Kentucky
Home Depot Foundation Grant 2004
Big Woods Development: Demonstration Affordable Rural Housing
$ 30,000 Design Architect. Stacey Epperson, Principal Investigator, Director:
Frontier Housing Corporation, Morehead Kentucky
Department of Housing and Urban Development/RHED Grant 2003
Big Woods Development: Demonstration Affordable Rural Housing
$ 400,000 Design Architect. Stacey Epperson, Principal Investigator, Director:
Frontier Housing Corporation, Morehead Kentucky
American Institute of Architects | Committee on Design International Conference 2004
Modern Dutch Social Housing Conference, Holland. Graduate Studio Research Travel
$ 18,000 Principal Investigator
Academy for the Art of Teaching | The Wolfsonian-FIU 2001
Instruments of a Material Culture: Working with the Collections of the Wolfsonian-FIU
$ 2,500 Principal Investigator. With Marta Canavés, Landscape Architecture
AMR/ American Airlines Foundation Grant 2000
Graduate Studio Research Travel to Jamaica
$ 10,000 Principal Investigator. With John Stuart
Sponsored Research Grant, FIU, | Latin Builders’ Association 1999
Graduate Studio Travel: San Juan, Puerto Rico | Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico
$ 10,000 Principal Investigator. With Nicolas Quintana
Aga Khan Research Grant, MIT
Cordoba, Spain: Historic Documentation and Analysis
$ 10,000 Graduate Student Team. MIT Professor Fernando Domeyko-Perez, PI
Creative Work| Design Practice Exhibitions: Curatorial | Design
Shaping the Future of Miami: Designing for Sea Level Rise 2019
With Gensler Miami. Exhibition at the Miami Center for Architecture + Design.
Focused on the work produced by my 2018-19 Masters Project Studio + Seminar.
Programming in conjunction with AIA Sea Level Rise Task Force
The Radical HIVE: 20
Century Experiments in Social Housing + Urbanism in Latin America 2015-2019
With Eric Goldemberg. Miami Center for Architecture + Design. Focused on the work
produced by joint 2015-16 Social Housing Seminar.
Creative Work| Design Practice Exhibitions: Curatorial | Design [Continued]
Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago; Seika University, Kyoto. Funding: Cejas Family
Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
MIAMI 2100: Envisioning a Resilient Second Century 2014-2015
With Marta Canavés. Coral Gables Museum of Florida. Funding: National Science
Foundation, Cejas Family Foundation, Cintas Foundation; Coral Gables Museum, Coral
Gables, FL; Florida International University
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La Habana Moderna: The Cuban Republic: 1902-1959 2010
With Jon Mogul. The Wolfsonian-FIU Teaching Gallery at the Philip and Patricia Frost Art
Museum, Miami, FL. Funding: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Magic City | Novia del Mar: Costal Urban Development in Miami + La Habana 1900-2100 2005
With Marta Canavés. 2
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam: The Flood | Mare
Nostrum, Las Palmas and Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam
Creative Work| Design Practice Housing + Urban | Regional Design
Smoketown: Affordable infill/infrastructure, Louisville, KY 2008
Bates Memorial Church + CRA; Louisville Metro Housing Authority; Louisville Metro Planning;
Kentucky Housing Corporation; University of Kentucky
Galata Housing, Bulgaria. Invited Design + Planning Charrette 2006
Big Woods: Affordable rural housing, Morehead, KY: 2004
Frontier Housing Corporation, Kentucky Housing Corporation, University of Kentucky and
professional team| The Landplan Group
Little Haiti Scattered Site Housing: Affordable urban infill, Little Haiti, Miami, FL: 2002
Little Haiti Housing Association | FIU School of Architecture Practice | American Institute of
Architects-Miami | Bienal Miami + Beach 2001
Piazza Isolo, Verona, Italy: Library, retail, parking and public space 1998
Competition Entry and Exhibitions
Belvedere/Bridge and Tower: Miami Beach, FL: Townhomes, Miami Beach Historic District 1998
Miami Beach Townhomes Association Inc.
Mount Olive Housing: Affordable residential infill, Delray Beach, FL: 1995
Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency and neighborhood association
Williamson Residence, Miami, FL: 1994
Post Hurricane Andrew reconstruction: New single-family residence
Roark Residence Miami Beach, FL: 1993
Additions | full renovations to historic 1930’s waterfront home
Matas-Lupi; Baker; Gudridge; Lisman; and Siegel Residences, Miami, FL: 1992-1994
Additions + renovations of single-family residences, various scales
Cutler Ridge Shopping Plaza| We Will Re-build 1992
Leader, Post Hurricane Andrew Community Urban Planning Charrette
Florida City: A New City Hall 1992
Post-Hurricane Andrew Community Design Charrette
Institutional Projects
The Hebrew Academy | Temple Beth Israel, Miami Beach 2014-2015
Design Visioning Charrettes | FIU By Design
Miami International Airport GSE Facility/ South Terminal Expansion Project 2006
Miami-Dade County Aviation Department Additions | Renovations, Miami, FL
Sunset Park Elementary School, Miami, FL: 1996-2003
Miami-Dade Public Schools: Additions, renovations to elementary school campus
Miami-Dade County Fire Station #32: 2001
Miami Dade County Fire Department: Renovations
USDA Fumigation Facility/Miami International Airport 2000
Miami Dade Aviation Department | USDA: Renovations | Expansion
Urban Search and Rescue Team Training Facility 2000
Miami-Dade County Fire Department: Renovations | Expansion
Sawgrass Education Complex, Coral Springs, FL, w/Sasaki Associates, Inc., Designer 1993
Collier Medical Office Building, Naples, FL: With Sasaki Associates, Inc., Project Designer 1992
Hickory Point Recreation Facility, Tavares, FL: w/Sasaki Associates, Inc., Project Designer 1991
Sugar Sand Park Community Center, Boca, FL: w/Sasaki Associates, Inc., Project Designer 1990
Creative Work| Publications Authored | Edited Books + Manuscripts | Juried + Invited
The Radical HIVE: Urbanism and Social Housing in Latin America 2020
M. Nepomechie, E. Goldemberg, Editorial Guillermo Kliczkowski, Buenos Aires
Miami Modern/La Habana Moderna: 1900 - 1960 2020
M. Nepomechie; S. Brooke/Photography, M. Canavés/Design
Miami 2100: Envisioning a resilient second century 2019
M. Nepomechie, Marta Canaves, eds., AR+D Publishing
PFDH | PerFORM[D]ance: A Solar House 2017
M. Nepomechie, ed.
Creative Work| Publications Authored | Edited Books + Manuscripts | Juried + Invited [Continued]
AIA Guide to MIAMI | Building Paradise: An Architectural Guide to the Magic City 2010
M. Nepomechie; S. Brooke; M. Canavés; American Institute of Architects Miami, Wash. DC
Bienal Miami + Beach 20012005: A retrospective, J. Canaves, C. Casuscelli 2007
M. Nepomechie, editor, M. Canaves, design; Editorial TRAMA, Quito, Ecuador
Archipelagos: Outposts of the Americas [Proceedings, ACSA 94
Annual Meeting] 2004
R. Gonzalez, M. Nepomechie, executive editors; ACSA Press, Washington DC
Authored | Articles + Book Chapters | Juried + Invited
“Architecture Education |Global South” w/ M. Mostafa. in A. Salama and H. Harriss, Routledge 2020
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“Foreword,” in Design Thinking: A Guide to Creative Problem Solving, A. Pressman, Routledge 2018
“The Radical Hive,” in Arq. Urb.: Curando Arquitectura, Sao Paolo, Brazil w/ E. Goldemberg 2017
“Community City,” in International New Landscape Journal, Yutong Publishing 2014
“Smoketown,” in AIA, Design for the New Decade, Design Media Publishing 2012
“Mapping Identity,“ Narkiewicz-Laine, C., New American Architecture, Metropolitan Arts 2010
“Case Study: Biscayne Plaza” in Shulman, Allan T., ed., Miami Modern Metropolis, Rizzoli 2008
“Introduction”, in Abbatte, A., Sustainable |Accessible THOR, Florida Atlantic University Press 2008
“Big Woods/Access” in Pressman, A. ed, Mau Design, Architectural Graphic Standards, Wiley 2007
“Projects/ Letters”, in Cole, Doris, Letters: Women in Architecture, Midmarch Arts Press 2006
“Little Haiti” in Narkiewicz-Laine, C., ed., New American Architecture, Metropolitan Arts 2006
“Miami/ La Habana” in Geuze, Adriaan, ed., IABR: The Flood, NAi Publishers 2005
“Magic City/Novia del Mar” in de Baan, Christine, ed., The Mare Nostrum Papers, IABR, NAi, 2005
“Quilting Home” and “Big Woods”, in The Art/ Science of Architecture: ACSA 2005
“Construction Documents”, Emerging Professionals’ Companion, w/M Paynton, AIA/NCARB 2004
“Review” of Oliver, P., Dwellings: The vernacular house worldwide, in JAE, MIT Press 2004
“Public Space/Urban Beach”, in Childs, M., Square Design, University of New Mexico Press 2004
“Housing Diaspora”, in Journal of Architectural Education, MIT Press 2003
“Scattered Site Infill, Little Haiti”, in Recalibrating Centers and Margins, ACSA, 2003
“El Callejón Como Espacio Habitable”, Punto 70: Revista Universitaria, UCV, Caracas 2003
“Krier/ Tschumi: Two Schools…”, in AULA 3: Tropical Miami, Tulane University Press, 2002
“Nostalgia and Change” ACSA International Conference Proceedings: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2001
“Exploding the Urban Block”, ACSA Annual Conference Proceedings: 2001
“Rethinking MiMo”, Editor, Symposium Proceedings, FIU and Design + Architecture Day 2001
“Preservation/Activism” in A. Pressman, Architectural Design… Handbook, McGraw-Hill 2001
“Habitable Interstices”, in Proceedings, ACSA Annual Conference, LA, 2000
"Re-Membering the Adige", Modulus 25: Urban Intersections, University of Virginia Press, 2000
"William R. Mead," in American National Biography, Garraty, JA, ed., Oxford University Press 1999
"An Architecture of Memory and Inclusion", ACSA International Conference, Proceedings, 1999
"Unacceptable Echoes" in Places: A Quarterly Journal of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley 1997
Creative Work | Citations Reviews of Creative Work + Teaching [Multiple citations each source] 1990-2019
Abitare; Architect Magazine; Architecture Magazine; Architecture Boston; Architecture Canada;
Architecture Ireland; Competitions; Florida Architecture: Florida AIA, 1912-2000; Florida/Caribbean
Architect; FIU Magazine; Landscape Architecture Magazine; Modulus: University of Virginia Architecture
Journal; National Building Museum Archives; Ottagono; Perspecta: Yale Architectural Journal (invited);
Places: A Quarterly Journal of Environmental Design/UC Berkeley; Progressive Architecture; Residential
Architect; SNAP; Thresholds: MIT Critical Journal of Architecture, Art and Media Culture; Palimpsests In
Stone; Scattered Houses/MoCA; Miami Herald; Nuevo Herald; Florida Sun Times; The New York Times;
Archinect; ArchDaily; Inhabitat; ArchNewsNow; Bustler; WLRN, Architects Newspaper
Creative Work| Exhibitions Exhibitions of Creative Work | Juried + Invited
Work: American Institute of Architects, Miami, Miami Center for Architecture + Design 2016
Work: American Institute of Architects, Miami, Miami Center for Architecture + Design 2015
Miami 2100: Envisioning a Resilient Second Century, Coral Gables Museum, Miami FL 2014
Faculty Design: FIU School of Architecture, Miami Beach Urban Studios, Miami FL 2013
2011 National AIA Institute Honor Awards: Regional | Urban Design, NO, LA + Traveling 2011-2012
The 2009 American Architecture Awards/Chicago Athenaeum + EUAR, Athens, Greece 2010
Boston Society of Architects/ Build Boston, Unbuilt Design Awards, Boston, MA 2008
American Institute of Architects Miami/ Freedom Tower, AIA Awards, Miami, FL, 2008
American Institute of Architects Florida/ Caribbean Gallery, AIA Awards, Tallahassee, FL, 2008
A New American Campus: Visioning Studies/ Housing, University of New Mexico, Albq., NM 2007
New American Architecture: American Architecture Awards/Chicago Athenaeum: NYC/NY 2005
New American Architecture: American Architecture Awards/Chicago Athenaeum: LA/CA 2005
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Mare Nostrum/The Flood, Rotterdam, NL, 2005
Faculty Design and Collaborative Practice Awards, American Institute of Architects, LV/NV 2005
2004 American Architecture Awards, The Chicago Athenaeum Museum, Chicago, IL, 2005
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Faculty Design Award, Chicago, IL 2005
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Collaborative Practice Award, Chicago, IL 2005
Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery, AIA Awards FAMU, Tallahassee, FL, 2004
Creative Work| Exhibitions Exhibitions of Creative Work | Juried + Invited [Continued]
BEA International Architecture Gallery, FIU, Faculty Work: Recent Projects, Miami, FL 2004
American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery, AIA Awards, Tallahassee, FL, 2004
Boston Society of Architects Architecture Gallery/ Build Boston, Design Awards, Boston, M 2003
International Bienal Miami + Beach, Landscape Architecture/Public Projects, Miami, FL, 2003
BSA Architecture Gallery/ Build Boston, BSA Design Awards, Boston, MA, 2002
Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery, AIA Awards FAMU, Tallahassee, FL, 2002
American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery, AIA Awards, Tallahassee, FL, 2002
Museum of Contemporary Art, Little Haiti Affordable Infill Housing Competition, NM, FL, 2001
Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery, AIA Awards FAMU, Tallahassee, FL, 1999
American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery, AIA Awards, Tallahassee, FL, 1999
Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery, AIA Awards, FAMU, Tallahassee, FL, 1998
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Veronafiore Gallery, NJIT/USA Piazza Isolo Competition Exhibition, Verona, IT 1998
American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery, AIA Awards, Tallahassee, FL 1998
Bass Museum of Art: Architectural Detailing, Miami Beach, FL, Invited 1994
Yale University Architecture Gallery, Perspecta Affordable Housing Exhibition, New Haven 1993
Center for the Fine Arts/ Miami Art Museum: Miami: Architecture in the Tropics, Miami, FL, 1993
Center for the Fine Arts/Miami Art Museum: New South Dade Charrette, Miami, FL, 1992
Cornell Museum of Art: Delray Affordable Infill House, Competition Entry, Delray Beach, FL, 1992
Piano Nobile Art Gallery: Buildings and Projects: Oil Pastels, Coral Gables, FL 1992
Continuum Art Gallery: Buildings: Oil Pastels, Juried Exhibition, Miami Beach, FL, 1992
Architecture and Building Sciences Gallery, AIA Awards, FAMU, Tallahassee, FL, 1990
American Institute of Architects Florida/Caribbean Gallery, AIA Awards, Tallahassee, FL, 1990
University of Miami Architecture Gallery: Sawgrass Complex, Coral Gables, FL 1990
National Building Museum: National Peace Garden Competition Entry, Washington DC 1989
Washington University Architecture Gallery: Steedman Traveling Fellowship, STL, MO 1988
Columbia University Architecture Gallery: Aga Khan Grant Drawings: Cordoba, Spain, NYC 1984
MIT Architecture Gallery: Aga Khan Research Drawings: Cordoba, Spain, Cambridge, MA 1984
Creative Work| Presentations Lectures, Presentations | Juried + Invited
“Cuba: Architecture,” Architectural Adventures, American Institute of Architects [invited] 2020
“From Neoclassical to Modern: Cuban Architecture from the 1920s to the 1950s,” Panelist 2019
“Tel Aviv: The White City | Miami Beach Historic District,” Jewish Museum of South Florida 2019
Triennium Report: Canberra” | UIA Education Commission, Gen. Assemb., Baku, Azerbaijan 2019
“Resilience and the Built Environment,” Panel moderator, AIA Japan, Meiji University, FIU 2019
“Resilience Planning,” Panelist, Façades Forum Miami, University of Miami School of Architecture 2019
"Collective Action: Design-Based Leadership for Resilience + Climate Adaptation,” NCSE, DC 2019
“In the Academy,” Women Up: Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation Roundtable, Miami, FL 2018
“Around the World: Sibling Organizations in Architectural Education,” Panel Chair, Quebec City 2018
“Policies and Protocols,” Moderator + Co-Chair, ACSA International Conference, Madrid 2018
Naturing the City: Toward Sustainable Community, Resilient InfrastructureMOAD| Smithsonian 2018
“UIA Education Commission: Perspectives and Aspirations,” London, UK 2018
“Work,” ACSA Distinguished Professor Lecture, Denver CO 2018
“Visualization Tool for Decision-Making in Coastal Communities,” Moderator, NCSE, Wash, DC 2018
“Miami 2100: Responding to Climate Change,” Ordine Degli Architetti di Genova, Genoa, IT 2017
“Smart Cities,” National Science Foundation Workshop, Beijing, China [invited] 2017
“AIA Design Awards” University of North Carolina and AIA Charlotte, North Carolina 2017
“Consolidation of Cuban Art: 20
Century,” Moderator, Movable Nation, Frost Art Museum 2017
“Mid-century Modernism in La Habana,Havana Revealed, National AIA, La Habana Cuba 2017
“U.S. Cuba Architectural Linkages,” Havana Revealed, National AIA, La Habana Cuba 2017
Brooklyn Says ‘Move to DetroitVarious panels. ACSA Annual Meeting, Detroit MI, 2017
“Women in Architecture, “Panelist, AIAS South Quad, Miami Beach, FL 2017
Architectural Education Coordinating Council, Various presentations, Washington DC 2017
“Solar Decathlon Strategies,” Final Reviews, Washington University St. Louis, Missouri 2016
“CARTA work on Climate Change,” Opening, FIU SLSC, Miami Beach Urban Studios, FL 2016
Cross-Americas: Probing Dis-Global Networks, Various. ACSA International, Santiago, Chile 2016
“The Academy as Convener: Designing Urban Resilience” ELEP Conference, Naples, FL 2016
“Architecture Education | Practice,” Think-In, Tampa, FL [Invited] 2016
“Miami: Responses to Sea Level Rise,” USNC Panelist | Discussant, Delft, Netherlands 2016
“Miami: At Sea Level:” Louisiana Coastal Resilience Institute, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 2016
Shaping New Knowledges: Architectural Research. Various. ACSA, Seattle, WA 2016
“Sea Level Solution Center | CARTA: The Designed Environment,” AIA Miami, MCAD, FL 2016
“Radical HIVE: Social Housing in Latin America”, Panel Moderator, MCAD, Miami, FL 2016
“Academy | Profession: A Collateral Conversation”, Panelist, AIAS FORUM, San Francisco, CA 2015
“CLIMA: Paris Talks | Local Actions”, Panelist + Moderator, Miami, FL 2015
“Holoscenes: A Conversation”, Art Basel, Miami, invited 2015
Uncharted Territories, Various. ACSA Administrators’ Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico 2015
“University | City,” Mayors’ Institute for City Design, NEA + Fayetteville, Arkansas 2015
“WiA | The Academy: 8 x 8,” with Marta Canavés, Miami Center for Architecture + Design 2015
Creative Work| Presentations Lectures, Presentations | Juried + Invited [Continued]
“Designing for Resilience,” Co-Moderator, Facades| The Architects’ Newspaper, Miami 2015
“Dutch Dialogues: Resilient Redesign 2, Southeast Florida Climate Compact, Hollywood, FL 2015
“The Rising Sea: A Sea Level Rise Teach-In,” Panelist, Miami Beach, FL 2015
“Miami: Urbanism, Culture, Resilience”, Harvard GSD, New World Campus [Invited] 2015
“Designing for Resilience,” Miami Beach Centennial Celebration, City of Miami Beach, FL 2015
“Comprehensive | Integrated Design,” ACSA Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA 2015
“Designing the Resilient City,” Coral Gables Museum Panel Moderator, Miami FL 2015
“Miami 2100: Academic Research”, University of Miami School of Architecture, Miami, FL 2015
“Changing Building Codes for Climate Resilience,” AIA Miami | Coral Gables Museum, FL 2015
“Women in Architecture | Academy,” Pratt | Yale University, New York, NY [invited] 2015
“Frost Science Innovations Weekend,” Frost Museum of Science, Miami, FL [invited] 2015
“Miami 2100,” Cannonball Fellows Panelist, Miami 2015
“Miami 2100 Exhibition Tours, Presentations, Discussions, Multiple Audiences 2014-2015
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“Principled Design,” Harvard Design Week | Miami Center for Architecture + Design 2014
“International Study Programs,” Deans of the Americas Conference, Antigua Guatemala 2014
“Work,” Panelist, School of Architecture, Providence, RI 2014
“Trans-disciplinary Research Studios,“ ACSA International Conference, Seoul, South Korea 2014
“Work”, University of New Mexico School of Architecture + Planning, Albuquerque, NM 2014
“Climate Change and Education,” Co-Moderator, ACSA Annual Meeting, Miami, FL 2014
“El Vedado: History of a Havana Neighborhood,” Panelist, Cuban Research Institute, FIU 2013
“Miami 2100: Envisioning our Second Century,” ACSA | Subtropical Cities. FLL, FL 2013
"A Resilient Built Environment; Solutions for the Ultimate Design Challenge," Moderator, FLL, FL 2013
“Design: Shaping our Built Environment,” Sea Level Rise + Planning for Resilience, Miami, FL 2013
“Miami Beach 2100,” Spaces + Flows Conference, Amsterdam, NL, Invited 2013
“Re-imagining Sustainability: Civic Engagement and the Academy,” Amsterdam, NL, Invited 2013
“Resilient City: Envisioning the effects of Sea Level Rise,” Lisbon, Portugal, Invited 2013
“Designing Smoketown: A Case Study in Civic Engagement,” Lisbon, Portugal, Invited 2013
“SD China 2013 Design Development Workshop”, Tsinghua University Beijing + Datong, CH 2012
“Ecologies of Engagement,” Maxfield Lecture, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, OH 2012
“Site Planning,” AIA YAF Boot Camp: Preparation for the Architectural Registration Exam 2012
“SD China 2013 Design Workshop,” Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 2012
“Community Engagement in the Academy,” ACSA Intl Conference, Barcelona, SP, invited 2012
“Solar Decathlon Roundtable,” Panelist, ACSA 100, Boston, MA 2012
“Small Project Design Awards and Retrospective,” AIA National Convention Washington DC 2012
“8 x 8 x 2 Projects,” AIA Women in Architecture and Young Architects Forum, Miami 2011
“Small Practices + the AIA 2030 Initiative,” AIA National Convention, New Orleans, LA 2011
“2011 Small Project Design Awards,” AIA National Convention, New Orleans, LA 2011
“AIA Top Ten Issues Forum, SPP”, AIA National Convention, New Orleans, LA 2011
“Building Paradise: An Architectural Guide to the Magic City,” Wolfsonian-FIU, Miami, FL 2011
“Diverse Voices: Interconnections | Artist, Architect, Curator,” ArteAmericas, Miami, FL 2011
“Building Paradise: Miami Architecture”, University of Miami, Miami, FL 2011
“Urban Design Education,” Discussant, ACSA Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada 2011
“In a Man’s World: Mentoring Women in Architecture,” Perkins + Will, 2011
“La Habana Moderna”, Public Lecture, Frost Art Museum and the Wolfsonian-FIU 2010
“La Habana Moderna”, Docents Presentation, Frost Art Museum and the Wolfsonian-FIU 2010
“2010 Small Projects Design Awards: In the Public Interest,” AIA National Convention 2010
“Chameleon Architects: In the Public Interest” Boston Society of Architects, Boston MA 2010
“Small Footprint, Long Shadow,” Boston Society of Architects, Boston MA 2010
“Architecture on Television”, Buell Center, Columbia University and AIA, New York, New York 2009
“Best Practices: Small Projects/ Big Ideas”, AIA National Convention, San Francisco, CA 2009
“Strategies for Small Project Production,” AIA national Convention, San Francisco, CA 2009
“Mapping Identity”, Design Awards Seminar, AIA Florida/Caribbean Annual Conference, FL 2008
“National Small Project Design Awards”, Panel, AIA 2008 National Convention, Boston, MA 2008
‘Small Projects Design Awards’ Interview w/ Michael Crosbie, 2008 AIA National, Boston, MA 2008
“Best Practices: Advocacy, Collaboration”, panel, AIA National Grassroots 2008, Wash., DC 2008
Identidad Caribe”, XXX Congreso Colombiano /Arquitectura, Barranquilla, Colombia, inv 2007
“Building Our Schools”, Panelist, ACSA Administrators’ Conference, Minneapolis, MN 2007
“Cuba Explored”, Panelist, University of Pennsylvania Institute of Contemporary Art, Phil, PA 2007
“Collaborations”, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL 2007
“Small Projects Awards” Presentation Panelist, AIA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas 2007
“Education/Practice/Community”, AIA Florida/Caribbean Annual Meeting, Boca, FL, 2006
“Educating Architects for Global Practice” The Walter Wagner Forum, panelist, AIA/ LA, CA 2006
“Environments Real/Imagined”, Agendas of Design in the Modern World: Wolfsonian-FIU, FL 2005
“Between Cultures: Miami/Habana,” Center for Historic Architecture Preservation/ UK, FL, 2005
“Promise of the Unbuilt: Boston Society of Architects,” Panelist, Build Boston, Boston, MA, 2005
“Big Woods”, Faculty Design/Research Awards: ACSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL 2005
“Big Woods”, Collaborative Practice Awards: ACSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL 2005
“Miami/La Habana”, Mare Nostrum Symposium/Social Issues: Panelist/Curator, IABR, NAi, NL 2005
Creative Work| Presentations Lectures, Presentations | Juried + Invited [Continued]
“Miami/La Habana”, Mare Nostrum Research Forum, IABR: Rotterdam, NL 2005
Commencement Address/ Spring, Florida international University, Miami, FL, 2005
“Accreditation Team Room”, Presentation, NAAB Team Chair Workshop, Chicago, IL, 2005
“Modern Dutch Housing”, Panelist, AIA/COD International Conference, Amsterdam, NL, 2004
Big Woods: Partnership and Process as Design Strategy”, AIA Florida/Caribbean FL 2004
“Quilting Home,“ University of Wisconsin School of Architecture/Latin American Center, WI 2004
“Sixty Square Meters” Affordable Housing Symposium, University of Illinois/ Chicago, IL, 2003
“Big Woods: Housing, Community, Engagement”, Keynote, Governor’s Housing Conf., KY, 2003
“4 Houses/14 Acres: Affordable Housing for Rural Appalachia”, UK, Lexington, KY, 2003
“Architecture and Identity: A Working Method”, Spring Lecture Series, UK, Lexington, KY, 2003
“Big Woods” Kentucky Housing Corporation and University of Kentucky, Frankfort, KY 2003
“Scattered Houses: Little Haiti”, Faculty Design, ACSA Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY 2003
“Vivienda”, Conferencia Magistral/Keynote, XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Quito, Ecuador 2002
“Urban Infill/Preservation “, International Making Cities Livable Conference, St. Augustine, FL 2002
“NAAB Accreditation/ Program Preparation”, University of Colorado, Denver CO 2002
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“Team Room Preparation: Best Practices”, NAAB/ ACSA Workshop, New Orleans, 2002
“Nostalgia and Change”, ACSA International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey 2001
“Work”, University of South Florida School of Architecture Spring Lecture Series, Tampa, FL 2001
“Exploding the Urban Block”, ACSA 2001 Annual Conference, Baltimore MD, 2001
Recent Work”, The John Gaw Meem International Lecture Series, UNM, Albuquerque, NM 2000
“Habitable Interstices”, ACSA Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 2000
“Rethinking MiMo”, Co-Moderator, Panel Discussion, Design + Architecture Day, Miami, FL, 2000
“Recent Work”, U Miami School of Architecture Professional Lecture Series, Miami, FL, 1999
“An Alternative Urbanism…”, ACSA SE Regional Conference: San Juan, PR 1999
"Re-Membering the Adige", ACSA International Conference: Rome, Italy, 1999
"Toward Environmental Stewardship", ACSA West Regional Meeting, UC, Berkeley, CA, 1998
"Slave Roots and Preservation", ACSA International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1998
"Piazza Isolo, Verona," Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, Visiting Critic Lecture, SJ, PR 1997
"The Shotgun Reconsidered", AIA National Diversity Conference: w/Jack Travis, Seattle, WA 1997
Public | Profession Professional Awards | Juries, Panels, Symposia, Conferences [Selected]
Conference Co-Chair [w/S. Vassigh], ARCC-EAAE International Research Conference | UIA 2022
Jury Member, Chicago Athenaeum, 2019 American Architecture Award [invited] 2019
Jury Member, ACSA Distinguished Professor Award 2018
Jury Chair, AIA Charlotte, NC, Design Awards Program 2017
Jury Member, ACSA 2017 Collaborative Practice Awards 2017
Symposium co-chair: Radical HIVE: Social Housing in Latin America 2016
Conference co-chair, Miami Beach 2100: Sea Level Rise and Planning for Resilience 2013
Jury Member, ACSA 2013 National Collaborative Practice Award 2012
Jury Member, Jeff Harnar 2012 National Award for Contemporary Architecture 2012
Jury Observer, AIA National 2012 Small Projects Design Awards 2012
Jury Member, AIA National Housing Design Awards 2011
Jury Member, National US HUD Secretary (Housing and Urban Development) Design Awards 2011
Jury Chair, AIA South Carolina Design Biannual Awards 2011
Jury Advisor, AIA National Small Project Practitioners Design Awards 2010
Jury Member, AIA Florida Southwest Annual Design Awards 2010
Jury Member, AIA Orlando Annual Design Awards 2010
Jury Member, AIA Florida William G. McMinn Outstanding Educator Award 2010
Jury Chair, AIA Florida William G. McMinn Outstanding Educator Award 2009
Jury Member, Walter Wagner Forum, American Institute of Architects (National)/ EPN 2009
Jury Member, AIA Miami 2008 Silver Medal 2008
Jury Member AIA Western Virginia 208 Design Awards (invited) 2008
Jury Member, The Wolfsonian Research Fellowships 2008-2009 2008
Jury Member, Miami-Dade County Cultural Arts Grants 2002- Present
Jury Member, Bienal Miami + Beach 2007 2007
Jury Chair/Host, AIA Orlando Annual Design Awards 2006
Jury Member, Bienal Miami + Beach Possible Futures Digital Design Competition, Phase II 2005
Jury Member, 2006 ACSA/AIA Topaz Medallion 2005
Jury Member, Architecture Magazine ‘Home of the Year’ Design Awards 2005
Jury Member, Boston Society of Architects Unbuilt Design Awards 2005
Jury Chair, Bienal Miami + Beach, International Student Design Competition 2005
Jury Member, Miami Dade Cultural Arts Council Capital Development Grants Panel 2001-2005
Jury Member, AIA Ft. Lauderdale Design Awards 2004
Jury Member, Spanish Language Publications: History/Theory, XIII Bienal de Arquitectura, Quito 2003
Symposium Co-Director: The Wolfsonian-FIU: Instruments of a Material Culture 2000
Academic | NAAB National Architectural Accrediting Board
National Board of Directors| President-elect and Executive Committee 2018-2021
Academic | NAAB [Continued] NAAB Visiting Teams: Team Chair: Notre Dame Louaize, Beirut [Elig, Postponed] 2019
ACSA Representative Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas [Elig] 2018
Portland State University 2015
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | ETSAM [SE] 2013
Universidad Europea de Madrid [SE] 2013
Rochester Institute of Technology [Candidacy] 2011
University of Virginia 2009
New Jersey Institute of Technology 2008
University Southern California 2007
Virginia Polytechnic Institute + DC Consortium 2006
Team Member: Thomas Jefferson | Philadelphia University [Mentor] 2018
University of Maine at Augusta [Candidacy] 2013
Temple University 2011
University of New Mexico [observer] 2010
University Nevada Las Vegas 2005
University California Los Angeles 2004
Princeton University 2003
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Academic | UIA | RIBA International Union of Architects | Royal Institute of British Architects
International Validation Program Evaluation Team Member University of Cairo, Egypt [Invited] 2014
Academic | LAAB Landscape Architecture Accrediting Board
Landscape Architecture Visiting Team: Team Member University Nevada Las Vegas [invited] 2016
Administrator Representative Cal Poly Pomona [Invited] 2017
Academic | University
Selected Academic Committees [Florida International University]
Strategic Planning Committee | Pre-eminent Programs 2018-2019
Professional Internship Program Development [NCARB-IPAL] 2016-
Steering Committee, Sea Level Solution Center 2015-
FIU Cuba Council | CARTA | CUBA Strategies 2015-
CARTA | Bauhaus Initiatives 2015-
CARTA @ MANA Wynwood 2016-
FIU- City of Miami Beach Partnership Steering Committee| CARTA 2014-
CARTA | Climate Change Initiative 2016-
CARTA | SOA Curriculum + Post-Professional Program Development [ongoing]: 2016-
MAUD; MAA | Design + Health; DArch/ DDes [Research Tracks STEM CIP]
University Master Plan Committee: Urban Design 2012-2014
University Strategic Planning Committee: The Arts 2010-2011
Global Learning Curriculum Committee 2010-2012
Chair, Departmental Policies Committee 2012
Chair, Departmental Budget + Personnel Committee 2012
Chair, Faculty Assembly, College of Architecture + The Arts 2009-2011
Chair, Faculty Assembly Steering Committee, College of Architecture + The Arts 2009-2011
University Institutional Review Board [IRB] 2010-2016
Member, Search Committee, Cuban Research Institute Director 2011
Member, Search Committee, Dean, College of Architecture + The Arts 2010
Member, Ad-Hoc Budget Review Committee, College of Architecture + the Arts 2009
Steering Committee, SOA Representative, College of Architecture + the Arts 2009
SACS Accreditation Steering Committee: QEP |Internationalizing the Curriculum 2007-2010
Chair, School of Architecture Curriculum + Academic Standards Committee 2007
Architecture Program Curriculum Design [Graduate, Undergraduate: 4+2 and 5-year] 2003, 2008
Architecture Program Report | Co-Curator: NAAB Architecture Accreditation Exhibit 2002
The Wolfsonian-FIU Museum, Executive Committee, Academic Advisory Council 2000- Present
Academy for the Art of Teaching, Advisory Council, FIU 2003- Present
President’s Advisory Committee on Women, FIU 2001- Present
University Honors and Awards Committee, FIU 2005-2007
University Graduate Council, Evaluation of Graduate Degrees/Programs, FIU 2004-2006
College of Architecture + The Arts Promotion | Tenure + Curriculum Committees 2006- Present
School of Architecture Academic Standards Committee Chair 2006- Present
School of Architecture Representative, College Curriculum Committee 2006- Present
Graduate Admissions Committee, School of Architecture 1997- Present
Chair: Search, Tenure, Promotion Committees: Architecture, Landscape, Interiors Ongoing
University Faculty Senate/Senate Nominating Committee: Member, then Chair, FIU 2000-2002
University Library Committee: Collection Development/Acquisitions, FIU 2000-2003
Public| Community Selected Community Boards and Service
City of Miami Beach Architectural Design Review Board 2012-2013
City of Miami Beach Architectural Design Review Board 2002-2003
Public| Community Selected Community Boards and Service [Continued]
Evaluation Committee, City of Miami Beach City Center Development 2012
Miami-Dade County Cultural Arts Council Arts Organization Grants Panelist 2000-2016
City of Miami Beach Historic Preservation Board 1999-2001
The Arango Design Foundation/Design + Architecture Days: 2000-2001
Chair/Curator Intercollegiate Student Design Charrettes, Exhibitions, Symposia
Architecture in the Public Realm + Rethinking MiMo (Miami Modern)
City of Miami Urban Development Review Board 1999-2000
Areas | Activities | Mentorship Teaching Areas
Architectural Design; Resilient Urbanism; Sustainable Design; Building Systems Integration
History | Theory: Modernism + Tourism: La Habana | Miami; Research Methods in Architecture
Resilience| Sustainable Design: Co-Founder, Interdisciplinary Certificate Program for Sustainable
Construction w/ College of Engineering
(Departments of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Mechanical
Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Construction Management)
Collaborative Teaching + Interdisciplinary Research Studios
FIU MMC + BBC Open Space Design Charrettes 2010, 2011
Landscape Architecture | Architecture DM Courtyard Re-design
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Miami 2100: Envisioning a Second Century | Research Studios | Student Awards 2011-2016
Architecture | Landscape Architecture | CAS | SEAS | SERC | GIS Lab | SIPA
Uncharted Territories: Archinect Feature 2016
Student Fellowship, Singularity University 2015
Cut | Fill City: Emerging Professionals Exhibition, Washington DC 2014
Miami Beach 2100: Sea Level Rise | Planning for Resilience Conference Exhibition 2013
Association of Climate Change Officers Conference Exhibition 2013
American Institute of Architects Design Excellence Student Awards 2012, 2013
Florida Foundation for Architecture Student Award 2013
Provost’s Award for Outstanding Creative Product 2013
Invited Presentation: UNC Critical MASS 2013
Faculty Director, SOA Summer Study Abroad Programs
London | Amsterdam | Berlin 2015
London | Berlin 2014
The Netherlands: Amsterdam | Rotterdam | Delft | Utrecht 2013
Faculty Director, Architecture | FIU
US Department of Energy | China Energy Administration: 2013 Solar Decathlon China 2012-2013
Tsinghua University, Beijing + Florida International University: ‘O-House’
Place Energy Balance + Comfort Zone| 3
Place Engineering | 5
Place Overall
Principal investigator | Lead Faculty Advisor
US Department of Energy | National Renewable Energy Lab: 2011 Solar Decathlon 2009-2011
Florida International University:PerFORM[D]ance House’
Architecture | Landscape Architecture | Interior Architecture |Mechanical Engineering |
Electrical Engineering | Computer Science | Construction Management | Journalism
Place Energy Balance. | 8
Place Architecture | 11
Place Overall
FIU Solar Decathlon Student Team Exhibitions, Presentations, Awards [Selected]:
Presentation: Miami-Dade County Public Schools “Sustainable Design Education” 2011
Presentations: Miami-Dade County Public Schools Engineering Expo 2011
Exhibition: Coral Gables Museum, Frost Art Museum 2011
FIU Solar Decathlon Student Team Exhibitions, Presentations, Awards [continued]:
Paper Selected for Presentation: NHAB International Builders Show 2011
Exhibition: NHAB International Builders Show 2011
Exhibition: National Education Association, Chicago 2011
Exhibition: National Building Museum, Washington DC 2010
Exhibition | Presentation: Future of Florida High Tech Expo, Florida Chamber 2010
Exhibition: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 2010
Finalist, Sustainable South Florida Award, Miami Chamber of Commerce 2010
Award: Excellence in Student Design, AIA Miami 2010
Exhibition: 2010 AIA Miami Design Awards 2010
Doctoral Dissertation Committee, External Member
C. Moebius “Little Havana 2016-2019
Z. Garzon, “Housing Partnerships” 2008-2011
Registration | Licensures Registered Architect, State of Florida: AR #11173
Registered Interior Designer, State of Florida: ID #3942 [inactive]
National Council of Architectural Registration Boards Record Certificate (NCARB)
Professional Organizations Publications | Editorial | Positions Elected, Appointed, Held
Affiliations + Positions Architectural Record Magazine Editorial Advisory Board 2009-2011
Sustainable Design and Construction, Genoa Univ. Press | Scientific Committee 2017-
Inspicio: A Digital Journal of Art Criticism Editorial Board 2015-
Executive Editor 2015-2016
International Union of Architects | UIA Region III
Co-Director [with M. Mostafa, Cairo, Egypt], UIA Education Commission 2017- 2020
Co-Reporter [with M. Mostafa, Cairo, Egypt], UNESCO-UIA Validation Council
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture | ACSA
National President 2015-16 [See Leadership Positions] 2014-2017
AIA|ACSA Intersections: Building Systems Innovations, [Goldstein, Ng], Philadelphia, PA
International: Cross-Americas: [Andia, Bonomo, Cortes, Cupkova, Parlac], Santiago, CH
Fall Conference: Design and Health, [Carr, Faircloth, Frumkin], Honolulu, Hawaii
New Peer-Reviewed Journal: TAD: Technology | Architecture | Design
New Research Infrastructure | Index of Scholarship
New Strategic Plan | New Board Governance Structure
Development + Launch:
ACSA Representative: Accreditation Task Force + Education Coordinating Council
Chair, ACSA International Task Force
Board Leadership Committee 2017-2018
Co-Chair, ACSA 92
Annual Meeting: Archipelagos: Outposts of the Americas 2004
Representative to NAAB Accreditation Review Conference EAM Task Force 2008
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Chair: Social Responsibility Task Force: NAAB Accreditation Review Conference 2007
Faculty Councilor, School of Architecture 2003-2008
Chair, Nominating Committee, ACSA 2005 SE Regional Director 2005
Member, ACSA/ AIA Topaz Medallion Jury 2005
National Architectural Accrediting Board | NAAB
National President 2020-21 [See Leadership Positions] 2018-2022
Accreditation Team Chair and Member [16 Visits. See ‘Academic Service’] 2003-
NAAB Procedures Update Panel 2014
Co-Chair, 2008 ARC Task Force: Emerging Accreditation Models 2008
American Institute of Architects | AIA
National Chapter AIA | College of Fellows: Inducted 2005
Member, National Resilience Network 2015-2016
National Knowledge Leadership Assembly/Advisory Group, SPP 2007-2011
Director | Advisor, National Small Projects Awards Program 2010
Chair, Small Projects Practice Advisory Group 2010
Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect Small Projects Practice Advisory Group 2009
AIA National 2030 Steering Committee 2009-2010
AIA National Small Firms Task Force 2009-2010
AIA 2009 National Convention Education Advisory Committee 2009
AIA 2009 National Strategic Advance 2009
Florida Caribbean Chapter AIA
Strategic Council Board | Focus: Urban Resilience 2017- 2019
Miami Chapter AIA
AIA Sea Level Rise Task Force | Founding Member 2015-
AIA 150 Design Charrette Team Leader: Everglades Greenway 2007
AIA Board of Directors, Miami Chapter 1987, 2000
AIA Women in Architecture | Miami Chapter Ongoing
National Council of Architecture Registration Board | NCARB
Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure [IPAL] Program:
Led development of FIU Internship Program with Professional Office Partners 2016-
AXP: Architectural Experience Program
Licensing Advisor | Educator Coordinator, Florida International University 2015-
Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society for Architecture and Allied Arts | TSD
Board of Directors, Member 2019-
Gulf States Regional Representative, National Board of Directors 2013-2015
TSD Faculty Advisor, School of Architecture | FIU 2012-
MIT Architecture National Alumni Association [MITArchA] | Cambridge, MA 2014-
Board of Directors | Regional Representative
Board of Directors 20062008
Bienal Miami + Beach | International Interdisciplinary Design Exposition, Competitions + Symposia
Board of Directors 20072009
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5710 SW 84 Street
Miami, Fl. 33143
786 200 1615
Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Master of Architecture II in Building Design 1985
The University of Texas at Austin
Master of Architecture, 1976
Bachelor of Architecture with Honors 1975
Senior College Scholar 1974
Registered Architect in the State of New York 1988
Registered Architect in the State of Florida 1991
Florida International University (FIU) Architecture Miami, Fl.
Full Professor 2017-
Director, FIU/Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas project 2013-2016
Coordinator, SOA Low Cost Housing in South Miami 2011-2012
Appointed Global Learning Faculty 2011-
Faculty Advisor, FIU Solar Decathlon Team 2009-2011
Coordinator, Graduate Sustainability Studios 2009-2012
Coordinator, Graduate Comprehensive Design Studios 2008- 2012
Fellow, Honors College 2007-
Appointed to the Graduate Faculty 2004-
Coordinator, Graduate Program of Architecture 2002-2003
Director of Architecture 1998-2001
Associate Professor (Tenured) 1999-
Coordinator, DASH-FIU Dual Enrollment Program 1994-1996
Architecture Program Coordinator, FIU School of Design 1992-1994
Assistant Professor of Architecture 1992-1998
Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) Architecture Caracas, Venezuela
Visiting Scholar and Critic 09/1998
Program Reviewer 02/1999
Universidad del Diseño (UNIDIS) Architecture San Jose, C. Rica
Visiting Critic 07/2000
Universidad Francisco Marroquin Architecture Guatemala City
Guest Lecturer and Critic 11/2012
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Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) Architecture Valdivia, Chile
Research partnership with three faculty members 2013-2016
Guest Lecturer 12/2013 & 12/2014
Coordinator of educational programs on sustainability 2014-2016
for municipal employees and the general public
Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG) Architecture Goiania, Brazil
Research partnership with four faculty members 2013-2016
Guest Lecturer 03/2014
Coordinator of educational programs on sustainability 2014-2016
for municipal employees and the general public
University of the West Indies (UWI) Engineering Port of Spain, T.&T.
Research partnership with two faculty members 2013-2016
Guest Lecturer 02/2014
Coordinator of educational programs on sustainability 2014-2016
for municipal employees and the general public
Camilo Rosales Architecture Principal, Architecture Miami, Fl. 1991-
Recent projects: Batley House in Coconut Grove, Florida; Bahia Vista Ecolodge, and Baez
house in the Pacific coast of Central America. For a more complete list, please see Creative
Professional Work.
I.M. Pei and Partners Senior Designer N.Y., 1988-1991
Participated in the design of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C., built
1993; the Barcelona Trade Center and Marine Passenger Terminal, Port of Barcelona, Spain,
built 1995-2002, and IBM/First Bank’s 50-story tower, downtown Minneapolis, built, 1992.
Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM) Intermediate Designer N.Y., 1987-1988
Participated in the design of the winning entry for the Madison Square Garden Site
Redevelopment Competition, 1987. This project was developed as a joint venture between
SOM and Frank O. Gehry and Associates. Also participated in the expansion of Eero
Saarinen’s Dulles Airport in Washington DC, built 1994-1998, and the design development of
the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle New York, built, 2004.
Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum (HOK) Intermediate Designer N.Y., 1985-1987
Participated in the design of the New Philadelphia Courthouse, City Hall Square, Philadelphia,
a 72-courtroom institution with related facilities for judges and staff of 2,000.
Arquitectonica (ARQ) Designer Miami, Fl., 1983
Participated in the design development of: Banco de Credito del Peru, Lima, Peru, built, 1987,
and Milford and Taggart Townhouse Complexes, Houston, Texas, built 1987.
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Arquitectos Ingenieros S.A. (AISA) Design Consultant Miami 1976-1982
Major projects: Master Plan Design and Rezoning of a 90 acre track in West Dade, Florida,
completed 1980-1986. Design coordination for the Plaza España complex in Nicaragua with
the San Francisco office of Wurster, Bernardi, and Emmons (WBE), and the Fort Lauderdale
Office of Edward Durell Stone Jr. and Associates (EDSA). A 2,000,000 s.f. mixed-use
development consisting of hotel, office, retail, residential and religious elements, partially built,
Director and Principal Investigator, FIU/Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas
(ECPA) project
Program designed to provide and implement guidelines for lowering energy consumption in
over 400 municipal buildings in three South American countries
With, Angelique Lawrence (Program Manager), Jason Biondi (Senior LEED Consultant), and
Thomas Spiegelhalter (Senior Environmental Expert), 2013-2016
Cejas Fellowship Award
To support development of book entitled: Spatial Transparency Light, Layering, and Porosity
in Architecture
September 2016
FIU Top Scholar Award
Bestowed by Florida International University President Mark Rosemberg
March 2014
Education Leadership Award
The American Institute of Architects (AIA), Miami Chapter
November 2010
Session Chair
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture National Conference in Houston, Texas
Session topic: “City and Nature.” Conference theme: “Seeking the City, Visionaries on the
March 2008
Florida International University Honors College
September 2007 -
Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award
By the International Institute for Advanced Studies in System Research
For participation on the 14
and 16
Sustainable Development Symposia in Germany
Presentations were based on personal, built, architectural projects, August 2005
Built Project Award
The American Institute of Architects, Miami Chapter
“Hammock House,” was selected from a pool of 70 entries
This project won a higher recognition than the FIU School of Architecture building designed by
Bernard Tschumi, which was part of the same group of competitors. October 2000
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The International Institute for Advanced Studies in System Research
August 2002-
Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
Director of Architecture
Florida International University School of Architecture
Outside Program Reviewer
School of Architecture, Universidad Central de Venezuela
February 1999
Best Practice Award
Instructional Television, Florida International University
Spring and Fall 1997
Certificate of Special Recognition
Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH)
For efforts leading to winning the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award (U.S.
Department of Education), November 1996
Recognition, Miami Magnet Schools
For supporting and contributing to the enhancement of educational opportunities available to
Dade County Public Schools Students, 1995
Special Guest for the Ecological Central American Summit for Sustainable Development
Organized by Vice President Al Gore, Managua, Nicaragua
October 1994
Honor Student Design Award
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Austin Tx. Chapter
For final undergraduate design project
The University of Texas at Austin, 1975
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Refereed Publications
Rosales, Camilo
“Demountable Constructions,” in The International Journal of the Constructed Environment,
Volume 3, 2013, pp. 97-109.
Rosales, Camilo
“Managing Ecotourism in Central America,” in The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture
and Change Management, Issue 5, 2012, pp. 138-146.
Rosales, Camilo
“Movable Sustainability,” in The Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social
Sustainability, Issue 4, 2011, pp. 33-39.
Rosales, Camilo
“Planning and Architecture,” in Thomas Infeld (ed.), Guidelines for Ecotourism, a small edition
by the FAU/FIU Joint Center for Environmental and Urban Problems, 1997, pp. 65-75.
Book Chapters
Rosales, Camilo and Mohammed Shanti
“Unique Design and Construction Challenges for a Solar Decathlon Project,” in Nicholas
Patricios and Stavros Alifragkis (eds.): Construction: Essays in Architectural History, Theory
and Technology, ISBN 9789609549615. The Athens Institute for Education and Research
(ATINER), Athens, Greece, 2012, pp. 243-258. With Mohamed Shanti’s Trans-Tropic Solar
Rosales, Camilo
“Sustainable Light in Architecture” in George E. Lasker and Kensei Hiwaki (eds.), Sustainable
Development and Global Community, Volume VI, ISBN 1894613686, 2005, pp.51-55.
Rosales, Camilo
“Porous Architecture and Sustainability,” in George Lasker and Kensei Hiwaki (eds.),
Sustainable Development and Global Community, Volume V, ISBN 1894613635, 2004,
pp. 41-46.
General Proceedings
Rosales, Camilo, Marlison Noronha Rosa, Karla Emmanuela Ribeiro Hora, Katia Kopp
“Environmental Education and Energy Efficiency as Strategies for Reducing Energy
Consumption in Public Schools Buildings in Goiania, Brazil”
Second International Conference on Alive Engineering Education ICAEEdu,
Volume 6, 2019.
Spiegelhalter, Thomas and Camilo Rosales
"Cross-American Experiences in an Ambitious Energy Reduction and Policy Implementation
Project.” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International
Conference: Cross Americas, Probing Disglobal Networks. Santiago de Chile, June - July,
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Rosales, Camilo
“Contentious Modernism in Mexico.” Proceedings of the Xi’an Jiantong + UK Liverpool
Universities International Conference: MasterPlanning the Future.
Suzhou, China, October 2012.
Rosales, Camilo
“Primitive Art and the Dissolution of Purism. Proceedings of the Xi’an Jiantong + UK
Liverpool Universities International Conference: MasterPlanning the Future.
Suzhou, China, October 2012.
Rosales, Camilo and Mohammed Shanti
“Movable Sustainability.” Proceedings of the 7
International Conference on Environmental,
Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand,
January 2011.
Rosales, Camilo
“Doing Something About Climate Change Ecotourism and Green Architecture in Central
America.” Proceedings of the The Oxford Round Table on Climate Change. Harris Manchester
College, Oxford, England, March-April 2011.
Rosales, Camilo
“Managing Sustainability.” Proceedings of the Management Conference. Universidad San
Pablo Ceu, Madrid, Spain, June 2011.
Rosales, Camilo
“Primitive Art, Picasso and Le Corbusier.” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture Southeast Conference: Architecture is a Thing of Art. Savannah
College of Art and Design (SCAD), October 2009.
Rosales, Camilo
“Luis Barragan and Mathias Goeritz, Artist and Architect Collaborations, Reversals and
Competition.” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Southeast
Conference: Architecture is a Thing of Art. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD),
October 2009.
Chandler Jason, Camilo Rosales, and Roberto Rovira
“Transit Oriented College Town: Planning a New College Town for both City and University.”
Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Central Fall Conference:
City/Campus. University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, October 2007.
Rosales, Camilo
“Integration and Abstraction in the Modern Movement.” Proceedings of the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture Northeast Regional Conference: Why Modernism Refuses
to Die. McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 2002.
Rosales, Camilo
“Environmental Transparency.” Proceedings of 14
International Conference in Systems
Research. Baden -Baden, Germany, June 2002.
Rosales, Camilo
“Mathematical Skins: The Meyerson Symphony Hall.” Proceedings of the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture: Technology Conference. Austin, Texas, July 2001.
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Rosales, Camilo
“The American Yard as Space Mediator and Connector.” Proceedings of the IIAS/UNESCO
International Conference. Baden-Baden, Germany, August 2000.
Rosales, Camilo
“Environmental Memory in the Rain Forest.” Proceedings of the IIAS/UNESCO International
Conference. Baden-Baden, Germany, August 1999.
Rosales, Camilo
“Eco-Tourism Architecture and Peace.” Proceedings of the IIAS/UNESCO International
Conference. Baden Baden, Germany, August 1998.
Rosales, Camilo
“The Landscape and the Car.” Proceedings of the Council of Educators in Landscape
Architecture (CELA) National Conference. Asheville, North Carolina, September 1997.
Rosales, Camilo
“Re-Urbanization of Florida, a Balance of Powers.” Proceedings of the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference: Building as Political Act. Berlin,
Germany, June 1997.
Rosales, Camilo
“House/Studio in South Miami.” Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture National Conference: Architecture: Material and Imagined. Dallas, Texas, March
1997. Session Chair: Michael Rotondi.
Rosales, Camilo
“Non-Euclidean Geometry and the Future of Architecture.” Proceedings of the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture Western Regional Conference: Into the Millennium. Los
Angeles, California, January 1997.
Rosales, Camilo and Reinaldo Borges
“The Homestead Air Force Base Study.” Proceedings of the The New South Dade Planning
Charrette: From Adversity to Opportunity, 1993. Drawings by Camilo Rosales, Claudia Busch,
and René Gonzalez.
Proceedings Involving Personal Design or Built Works (Research Through Making)
“Playa Honda” and “Rain Tree” houses; published as part of “Sustainable Light in Architecture”
in Sustainable Development and Global Community, Volume VI, August 2005, p.45.
“Hammock House,” published as part of in Sustainable Development and Global Community,
Volume V, 2004, p.54.
“House/Studio in South Miami,” published in the proceedings of the American
Collegiate Schools of Architecture National Conference. Dallas, Texas, 1997, p.69.
Non-Refereed Publications
Articles and Coverage of Personal Design or Built Works (Research Through Making)
“La Arquitectura Tropical Desde Miami a Centroamerica,” in Summa+ No.115, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, June 2011, pp. 112-113. Publication of Rain Tree,” “Playa Hondaand Hammock
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“Natural Sympathies, a Dramatic Dwelling Adapts to its Coastal Setting,” by Jeff Turrentine, in
Architectural Digest, August 2009, pp.78-82.
Architecture by Camilo Rosales, AIA, and Albert Knoepffler. Interior Design by Mercedes
“Sede Nacional del Banco Uno,” in “Grandes Obras del 2006,” published in the bi-annual
journal of Camara Costarricense de la Construccion, June 2006, p.7.
“Sede HSBC,” Honkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Headquarters in Managua,
Nicaragua, published in La Prensa, Negocios y Economia, Nicaragua, December 2004.
“Hammock House,” published in The American Institute of Architects, Miami Chapter
Newsletter, October 2003.
“Hammock House,” published in The Miami Herald, Home and Design Section, October 2003.
“The Office-Home of the Architect,” published in Abitare International magazine No. 395, May
2000, p. 98.
“House/Studio in South Miami,” drawings published in ACSA NEWS volume 26,
March 1997.
Mauricio Bayona, “Los Espacios Iluminados de Camilo Rosales”
El Nuevo Herald, November 1997.
Papers / Presentations at Meetings / Conferences (other than proceedings)
“Transparenza Espaziale e Interazione Sociale”
Spazio e Societá forum
Fondazione Ordine Archtetti PPC de Genova, Genoa, Italy, Nov. 2019
“Environmental Education and Energy Efficiency as Strategies for Reducing Energy
Consumption in Public Schools Buildings in Goiania, Brazil”
Second International Conference on Alive Engineering Education ICAEEdu,
Puerto Iguazu, Argentina, Oct. 2018
“Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas/Trinidad”
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, January 2016
School of Engineering, The University of the West Indies (UWI)
“The Role of Society on Energy Savings in Public Buildings”
Goiania, Brazil, October 2015
Faculdade de Artes Visuais - Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade Federal de
Goiás (UFG)
“Baseline Assessment”
Goiania, Brazil, March 2014
Conselho de Arquitetura e Urbanismo de Goiás (CAU / GO)
“Eficiencia Energética
Valdivia, Chile, September 2015
Facultad de Arquitectura y Artes, Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh)
“Unique Design and Construction Challenges for a Solar Decathlon Project”
Athens, Greece, 2011
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The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER); presentation of Trans-
Tropic Solar House designed by Mohammed Shanti
“Managing Sustainability”
Madrid, Spain, June 2011
Universidad San Pablo Ceu
“Transparencia Espacial”
Guatemala City, Guatemala, November 2012
Universidad Francisco Marroquin (presentation of personal design works)
“FIU 2011 Solar Decathlon House”
Miami Beach, Florida, November 2010
The Wolfsonian-FIU, with Marilys Nepomechie (Principal Investigator)
and the 2011 FIU Solar Decathlon Team
“Spatial Layering A Particular Design Approach Through Five Built [personal] Works”
Miami, Florida, 2010
FIU School of Architecture Lecture Series
“City and Nature: Panel Discussion
Houston, Texas, March 2008
American Collegiate Schools of Architecture National Conference
“China and Japan”
Miami, Florida, February 2008
Florida International University Honors College Lecture Series
“American Cities, Contrasting Views: Smithsons, Koolhaas, and Allen”
Miami, Florida, March 2008
FIU Student Research and Artistic Initiatives (SRAI)
Sweetwater Transit Corridor and College Town Study”
Sweetwater, Florida, November 2006
Jorge Mas Canosa Youth Center, with Jason Chandler, Roberto Rovira and Dario
Moreno, Panelist
“Architecture as a Stage for Personal and Spiritual Development”
Baden-Baden, Germany, August 2006
Seventh International Conference on the Environment
“Visions of FIU Masterplan”
Miami, Florida, May 2006
FIU Metropolitan Center and FIU Facilities Management, with Rosa Davies and David
“Tropical Works”
San Jose, Costa Rica, 2005
Universidad del Diseño (presentation of personal design works)
“Campus Planning and FIU Masterplan”
Miami, Florida, January 2004
FIU Faculty Senate
“Recent Work”
Miami, Florida, April 2003
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FIU School of Architecture Lecture Series
“FIU Masterplan”
Miami, Florida, January 2003
FIU Faculty Senate
“Architecture as Advertisement”
Nashville, Tennessee, March 2002
Precast and Prestressed Concrete Institute(PCI), National Convention
“Faculty Address”
Miami, Florida, March 2001
Spring Commencement, Florida International Universi
“Current [personal] Work”,
Caracas, Venezuela, February 1999
XVI Bienal, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
“Expansion Suburbana de Managua. Panel Discussion”
Managua, Nicaragua, July 1998
Televicentro de Nicaragua, Canal 2
“Geometry and Architecture”
Miami, Florida, February 1996
Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH) Lecture Series
“Urban Design in South Florida, The Magic Place Symposium”
Miami, Florida, March 1995
Wertheim Conservatory, Florida International University, Panelist
“Guidelines for Ecotourism”
Managua, Nicaragua, October 1994
Ministry of Tourism
“Guidelines for Ecotourism”
Managua, Nicaragua, October 1994
Ministry of Natural Resources
“Architecture, Current Issues and Future Prospects”
Miami, Florida, March 1995
Student Convocation, Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH)
“The South Beach Charrette. Panel Discussion”
Miami, Florida, October 1994
Florida International University School of Design, Panelist
“Vision of South Pointe Symposium”
Miami Beach, March 1994
Bass Museum, Panelist
“Cutler Ridge Town Center and Homestead Revitalization: Status, Opportunity and
Countrywide Linkages”
Miami, Florida, March 1993
We Will Rebuild Consortium
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“Latin America Architecture Today”
Lehigh, Pennsylvania, October1989
Lehigh University Art Gallery Lecture Series
Creative Work
Creative Academic Works (Four Solar Houses)
PerFORM[D]ance FIU 2011 Solar Decathlon House
Most of the credit for this project belongs to Marilys Nepomechie (Principal
Investigator); the students of the FIU Solar Decathlon Team, and support from Florida
International University.
I participated as a Faculty Advisor in the Design Development stage of the project.
I helped in the selection of the structural, cladding, and mechanical systems as well as
with initial notions of assembly and disassembly. I also taught five courses designed
to coach students during this effort: Sustainability Studio, Spring 2010; Independent
Studies, Summer 2010; Solar Decathlon Seminar, Summer 2010 and Fall 2010, and
Design Ecology, in Spring 2011. Several publications emerged from this project; I
have listed only those where I had direct participation.
Trans-Tropic 2011 FIU Solar Decathlon House
An independent jury of community and industry experts selected the design that was
completed by the 2011 FIU Solar Decathlon Team. The Trans-Tropic Solar House by
graduate student Mohammed Shanti won second place. I felt this design had great
merit and invited Mohammed to co-write a paper with me. The paper was published in
a book edited by Nicholas Patricios and Stavros Alifragkis for Atiner Publications
(Greece), and presented at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.
Casa Valija Solar (Solar Suitcase House), 2015
Casa Valija Solar was designed in conjunction with faculty members (Carolina
Sepúlveda, Manuel Puicol and Alex Becker) and students from the Instituto de
Arquitectura y Urbanismo of the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) in Valdivia.
FIU’s focus on low cost solutions, energy baseline assessments and energy audit
methods greatly helped the final design of this project. Casa Valija Solar has been
part of ECPA training seminars and continued coursework at UACh.
With the Laboratorio de Estudios de Sustentabilidad y Tecnología (LES + T),
Universidad Austral de Chile and the FIU/ECPA team
Primera Casa Piloto Autosustentada (First Self-sustaining Pilot House), 2014-15
Casa Piloto Autosustentada was designed in conjunction with faculty members
(Carolina Sepúlveda, Manuel Puicol and Alex Becker) and students from the Instituto
de Arquitectura y Urbanismo of the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) in Valdivia.
Our focus on low cost solutions, energy baseline assessments, energy audit methods
greatly helped the final design of this project. Primera Casa Piloto Autosustentada has
been part of ECPA training seminars and continued coursework at UACh.
With the Laboratorio de Estudios de Sustentabilidad y Tecnología (LES + T),
Universidad Austral de Chile and the FIU/ECPA team
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Creative Professional Works
Batley Residence
Coconut Grove, Florida
Camilo Rosales, AIA
Design 2015-2016 Completed 2019
Bahia Vista Ecolodge
San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
Camilo Rosales, AIA
Design 2010-2013
Bluemarine Boutique (renamed Azzurro)
Village of Merrick Park, Coral Gables, Florida
Camilo Rosales, AIA (architecture), and Arch. Elena Busato Interior Design,
Milan, Italy
Design 2007-2008 Completed 2008
Water Garden and Fern Grotto at The Kampong
of the National Tropical Botanical Garden
Coconut Grove, Florida
Camilo Rosales, AIA
Design 2007-2008 Partially completed 2008
Playa Honda Beach House
Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Camilo Rosales, AIA and Albert Knoepffler. With Mercedes Stadthagen (interiors)
Design 2005-2006 Completed 2008
Rain Tree House
Managua, Nicaragua
Camilo Rosales, AIA (architecture) and Mercedes Stadthagen (interiors)
Design 2003-2004 Completed 2006
Banco Uno Headquarters
San Jose, Costa Rica
Camilo Rosales, AIA, with Consultécnica, San Jose, Costa Rica
Design 2002-2003 – Completed 2005
Honkong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), Managua Branch
Managua, Nicaragua
Camilo Rosales, AIA
Design 1997-2000Completed 2002
Hammock House
South Miami, Florida
Camilo Rosales, AIA and Mercedes Stadthagen
Design 1996-1997Completed 2000
Publication of Creative Professional Work with Others
Adrian Dannat, “United States Holocaust Memorial Museum”
In, Twentieth-Century Museums II, Phaidon Press Limited, London, 1999
Personal drawings of the National Holocaust Memorial Museum for I.M. Pei and Partners
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Adrian Dannat, Architecture in Detail United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Phaidon
Press Ltd., London, 1995
Personal drawings of the National Holocaust Memorial Museum for I.M. Pei and Partners
Stephen Kliment , FAIA (ed.) “Permanent Witness
Architectural Record, July 1993.
Personal drawings of the National Holocaust Memorial Museum for I. M. Pei and Partners.
Mildred Schmertz, “In Remembrance”
Architecture magazine, July 1993
Personal drawings of the National Holocaust Memorial Museum for I. M. Pei and Partners
Yukio Futagawa (ed.), Frank O. Gehry
GA Architect 10, 1993
Personal drawings of the “Penn Station/Madison Square Garden Redevelopment
Competition;” for Skidmore, Owens, & Merrill (SOM), New York office in joint venture with
Frank O. Gehry and Associates
Beth Dunlop, Arquitectonica
AIA Press, 1992
Personal drawings of “Banco de Credito,” in Lima, Peru, for Arquitectonica
“Worldwide Plaza Tower,” New York
Architecture magazine, April 1990
Personal drawings for Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM), New York office
“Worldwide Plaza Tower,” New York
A+U Japan, April 1990
Personal drawings for Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM), New York office
Wendy Evans, “The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum”
Assemblage 9, 1989
Personal drawings for James Ingo Freed of I.M. Pei and Partners
“Taggart Park” and “Millford Apartments”
L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui 244, April 1986
` Personal drawings for Arquitectonica
Jan Van der Mack, Arquitectonica, Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (Exhibition Catalog)
Miami, Florida: Center for the Fine Arts, 1984
Personal drawings of “Banco de Credito,” Lima, Peru for Arquitectonica
“Banco de Credito,” in Lima, Peru, “Capital Park West,” in Houston, Texas, and “G
Street Mole,” in San Diego, California
GA Document No. 7, August 1983
Personal drawings for Arquitectonica
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Research Grants
Amount/ Agency $791,531.16; U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
Project/Purpose “Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA).” Funding to generate
guidelines and implement energy reduction strategies for 400+ municipal buildings
Role/Dates Project Director and Principal Investigator. With Angelique Lawrence, Jason Biondi
and Thomas Spiegelhalter (co-Investigators), 2013-2016
Amount/ Agency $15,000.00; Sponsored Studio by Schnebly Winery
Project/Purpose “Schnebly Winery Masterplan.” Funding to study a sustainable expansion for the
existing Schnebly Winery located in The Redlands District of South Florida
Role/Dates Sole Investigator. Fall 2014
Amount/Agency $100,000.00; U.S. Department of Energy
Project/Purpose “FIU 2011 Solar Decathlon House.” Design and build a net-zero energy home in
Miami, exhibit it in Washington D.C. and permanently relocate it at FIU’s main campus
Role/Dates Faculty Advisor and co-Investigator. With Marilys Nepomechie (Principal Investigator),
and the FIU Solar Decathlon Team, 2010-2011
Amount/Agency $40,000.00; Sponsored Research Grant from Florida lnternational University’s
Metropolitan Center
Project/Purpose “Sweetwater Transit Corridor College Town District.” Funding to study FIU’s
expansion into the City of Sweetwater
Role/Dates Co-Principal Investigator. With Jason Chandler and Roberto Rovira (co-Principal
Investigators) 2006
Amount/Agency $4,000.00; Sponsored Research Grant from Florida International University’s
Metropolitan Center
Project/Purpose “Visions of FIU Masterplan.” Funding to study alternative locations for new buildings at
Florida International University’s main campus
Role/Dates Co-Investigator. With Nathaniel Belcher (Principal Investigator), 2006
Amount/Agency $50,000.00; The Rouse Corporation
Project/Purpose “Kendall Town Center.” Funding to study the possible impacts of a planned
commercial development on neighboring Kendall, Florida communities
Role/Dates Co-Investigator. With Nicolas Quintana (co-Principal Investigator), Juan A. Bueno (co-
Principal Investigator), Theodore Baker, and Mario Valbuena (co-Investigators), 1998-
Amount/Agency $120,000.00; Dade County Public Schools and Florida International University
Project/PurposeMiami Magnet Schools.” Funding to create and coordinate a dual enrollment program
between Design and Architecture Senior High School (DASH) and FIU/SOA
Role/Dates Project Coordinator and co-Principal Investigator. With Gustavo Roig and Iraj Majzub
(co-Principal Investigators), 1996
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Amount/Agency $66,000.00; Dade County Public Schools and Florida International University
Project/PurposeMiami Magnet Schools.” Funding to create and coordinate a dual enrollment program
between Design and Architecture Senior High School (DASH) and FIU/SOA
Role/Dates Project Coordinator and co- Principal Investigator. With Gustavo Roig and Iraj Majzub
(co-Principal Investigators), 1995
Amount/Agency $7,500.00; St. George’s University, Grenada, West Indies
Project/Purpose “New Library for the School of Medicine.” Funding to research and propose a state of
the art new library for the School of Medicine of St. George’s University
Role/Dates Co-Investigator. With René Gonzalez (Principal Investigator), 1995
Amount/Agency $29,000.00; Dade County Public Schools and Florida International University
Project/PurposeMiami Magnet Schools.” Funding to create and coordinate a dual enrollment program
between Design and Architecture Senior High School (DASH) and FIU/SOA
Role/Dates Project coordinator and co-Principal Investigator. With Gustavo Roig and Iraj Majzub (co-
Principal Investigators), 1994
Amount/Agency $24,000.00; FIU Foundation
Project/Purpose “Distance Learning Development.” Funding to prepare courses for televised delivery
to FIU’s Biscayne Bay Campus and Design and Architecture Senior High School
Role/Dates Sole Investigator, 1994, 1995, 1996
Amount/Agency $39,490.00; University of Florida
Project/Purpose “American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessibility Guidelines Compliance Survey for
Florida Atlantic University (FAU)”
Role/Dates Co-Investigator. With Jaime Canaves (Principal Investigator), 1993
Amount/Agency $12,050.00; U.S. Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, Bureau
of Historic Preservation
Project/Purpose “City of Dania Historical Survey”
Role/Dates Co-Investigator. With Juan A. Bueno (Principal Investigator) and Betty Hassett (co-
Proposals Submitted but not Funded
Amount/Agency $6,000,000.00; U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) / Caucasus
Project/Purpose “Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies.” Funding to find
alternatives for reducing energy consumption in the Republic of Georgia
Role/Dates Co-Principal Investigator. With David Roelant from FIU’s Applied Research Center
(ARC) and Ryan Stoa from FIU’s Global Water for Sustainability (co- Principal
Investigators), 2012
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Amount/Agency $70,000.00; Georgia Hospitality Group (GHG), Republic of Georgia
Project/Purpose “Green Hotels Georgia Development Guidelines.” Funding to provide sustainable
development guidelines for three rural properties in the Republic of Georgia
Role/Dates Sole investigator, 2012
Amount/Agency $11,000.00; Land Trust of Dade County
Project/Purpose “Renovation of Cole/Marjory Stoneman Douglas Property.” Renovation of renowned
Florida writer Marjory Stoneman Douglas property into a museum
Role/Dates Co-Principal Investigator. With René Gonzalez (co-Principal Investigator), 1995
Amount/Agency $15,000.00; Florida International University’s Division of Sponsored Research
Project/Purpose “FIU Ecotourism Council: Building Capacity and Cooperation to Promote External
Research Contracts
Role/Dates Co-Principal Investigator. With Thomas Wilson (co-Principal Investigator), 1994
Amount/Agency $300,000.00; U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Project/Purpose “Training for Ecotourism.” Funding to develop ecotourism training centers in Central
Role/Dates Co-Principal Investigator. With Thomas Wilson (co-Principal Investigator), 1994
Research Reports / Technical Reports
“Manual de Buenas Prácticas Técnico para Profesionales,” (Best Practices Technical Manual
for Professionals).
Research report produced for the Municipality of Valdivia, Chile, October 2016.
Made available to municipal employees building professionals, university students,
and the general public through training seminars, printed media, printed manuals, and
various websites including
With Carolina Sepúlveda, Alex Becker, and Manuel Puicol from the Facultad de Arquitectura
y Artes of the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh); and with the FIU/ECPA team.
“Resultados Proyecto ECPA Valdivia,” (Results of ECPA Valdivia Project).
Research report produced for the Municipality of Valdivia, Chile, October 2016.
Made available to municipal employees, building professionals, university students,
and the general public through training seminars, printed media, printed manuals, and
various websites including
With Carolina Sepúlveda, Alex Becker, and Manuel Puicol from the Facultad de Arquitectura
y Artes of the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh); and with the FIU/ECPA team.
“Manual de Buenas Practicas en Eficiencia Energetica,”(Best Practices Manual on Energy
Research report produced for the school system (40 schools) of the Municipality of
Valdivia, Chile, October 2016. Made available to school and university students, their
families, and the general public through printed media, printed manuals, television,
and various websites including
With Carolina Sepúlveda, Alex Becker, and Manuel Puicol from the Facultad de Arquitectura
y Artes of the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh); and and with the FIU/ECPA team.
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“Eficiencia Enertica de Edificios Públicos em Goiania,” (Energy Efficiency for Public Building
of Goiania).
Research report produced for the Municipality of Goiania, Brazil, September 2016.
Made available to municipal employees, building professionals, school and university
students, and the general public through instructional videos, printed media, and manuals.
With Karla Emmanuela Hora, Erico Naves Rosa, Camilla Pompeo and Paulo Paulse from the
department of Arquitetura e Urbanismo of the Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG); and with
the FIU/ECPA team.
“Manual de Boas Practicas,” (Best Practices Manual).
Research report produced for the Municipality of Goiania, Brazil, September 2016.
Made available to municipal employees, building professionals, school and university
students, and the general public through instructional videos, printed media and manuals.
With Karla Emmanuela Hora, Erico Naves Rosa, Camilla Pompeo and Paulo Paulse from the
department of Arquitetura e Urbanismo of the Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG); and with
the FIU/ECPA team.
“Cartilha Educativa Eficiência Energética,” (Educational Booklet Energy Efficiency.).
Research report produced for the school system of the Municipality of Goiania, Brazil,
September 2016. Made available to school and university students, their families, and the
general public through instructional videos, printed media and manuals.
With Karla Emmanuela Hora, Erico Naves Rosa, Camilla Pompeo and Paulo Paulse from the
department of Arquitetura e Urbanismo of the Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG); and with
the FIU/ECPA team.
“Port of Spain, Energy/Cost Benefit Analysis.”
Research report produced for the ministries of Energy and Public Utilities of Trinidad and
Tobago, September 2016.
Made available to municipal employees, building professionals, university students, and the
general public through training seminars, printed media and manuals.
With Andre Escalante, Kenrick, Burke and Kevin Roopan from Energy Dynamics LLC and
Mark Raymond from The University of the West Indies (UWI); with the FIU/ECPA team.
“Trinidad Baseline Report”
Research report produced for the Municipality of Goiania, Brazil, September 2016.
Made available to municipal employees, building professionals, university students, and the
general public through training seminars, printed media and manuals.
With Andre Escalante, Kenrick, Burke and Kevin Roopan from Energy Dynamics LLC and
Mark Raymond from The University of the West Indies (UWI); and with the FIU/ECPA team.
Rosales, Camilo
“Construction and Design,” in Philip H. Mann (ed.), Hurricane Preparedness Status Report for
the College of Engineering and Design of Florida International University, 1993.
Works in Progress
Rosales, Camilo
Spatial Transparency Light, Layering, and Porosity in Architecture. This book has been
written with support from a Cejas Fellowship Grant and a Professional Development Grant
from the U.S. Department of State.
Sepúlveda, Carolina and Camilo Rosales
Eficiencia Energetica en la Edification Municipal (Energy efficiency in Municipal
Buildings). To be published by the Universidad Austral de Chile in Valdivia.
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Creative Professional Work (ongoing)
Pacific Marlins Beach House
San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
Camilo Rosales, AIA
Design in progress
Other Research / Scholarship / Creative Works
PerfFORM[D]ance Solar Decathlon House, by the 2011 FIU Solar Decathlon Team
With Marilys Nepomechie (P.I.), Roberto Rovira, Shahin Vassigh and Thomas
Built and exhibited in Washington D.C., September 2011. Rebuilt at FIU’s main
campus, 2016-2017.
PerFORM[D]ance House, by the 2011 FIU Solar Decathlon Team
With Marilys Nepomechie (P.I.), Roberto Rovira, Shahin Vassigh and Thomas
Exhibited as a presentation of Solar Decathlon finalists at the National Building
Museum, Washington DC. May-July 2010
“Playa Honda House
Exhibited as a construction-in-progress project at the 2006 AIA Florida Convention
“Visions of FIU Masterplan
Exhibited at the FIU Green Library, May-June 2006
“Hammock House”
Exhibited at the AIA Honor Awards Gala, Miami, October 2003
“House/Studio in South Miami”
Exhibited at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture National
Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 1997
“The Landscape of the Car”
Exhibited at the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) National Conference.
Asheville, North Carolina, September 1997
“The Homestead Air Force Base Study,” with Claudia Busch and René Gonzalez
Exhibited as part of “Miami, Architecture of the Tropics” in the Miami Center for the
Fine Arts, December 1992 – March 1993
“Current [personal] Work” (invited exhibit)
Exhibited at the XVI Bienal de Arquitectura of the Universidad Central de Venezuela,
February 1997
“Angels and Franciscans”
Personal drawings of the Madison Square Garden Competition for SOM/ Frank O.
Gehry and Associates, exhibited at the Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, 1992
“The Architecture of Frank O. Gehry”
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Personal drawings of the Madison Square Garden Competition for SOM/ Frank O.
Gehry and Associates, exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York,
October 1992
“The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum”
Personal drawings for I. M. Pei and Partners exhibited at the Deutches Architektur-
Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1991
“Arquitectonica, yesterday, today, tomorrow: an exhibition of drawings, models, plans,
and photographs 1977-1984”
Personal drawings for Arquitectonica exhibited at the Miami Center for the Fine Arts,
December 1984 - January1985
Produced and maintained four websites for the Energy and Climate Partnership of the
Americas (ECPA) project, 2013-2016:
News and Coverage
“Latest News: Energy Performance in Public Buildings”
ECPA Newsletter article describing the successes of FIU/ECPA in Valdivia, Chile
With Carolina Sepúlveda, March 2017.
Desde la Ventana”
Radio talk-show that discussed the intended scope of work of the FIU/ECPA in Chile
Valdivia, Chile, 2015.
“World Environmental Week
Radio news coverage that included the FIU/ECPA project with the Universidade
Federal de Goias
Goiania, Brazil, 2015.
“Morning Brew”
Radio interview that discussed the FIU/ECPA project in Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago, 2015
“President Rosemberg recognizes FIU’s Top Scholars
FIU News, June 2014
Martin Haro, “Building for the FutureFIU students compete to build country’s best
solar-powered house,” with the 2011 FIU Solar Decathlon Team
“Top Designers 2009
V+M Home, international online magazine. For the publication of Playa Honda House.
FIU, Sweetwater Work to create “College TownDistrict,” with Jason Chandler and
Roberto Rovira
Metropolitan News, The Metropolitan Center, Florida International University,
Fall 2007
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City and Nature
Session Chair for the 96
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual
Meeting in Houston, Texas. ACSA NEWS, October, November, and December, 2007
“La Arquitectura es un Arte”
La Tribuna newspaper, Managua, Nicaragua, August 1998
“Sobre Ecoturismo(On Ecotourism)
Interview by Danilo Lacayo
Television program Buenos Dias, Managua, Nicaragua, July 1998
“Ecotouristic Inventotry for Nicaragua
La Prensa newspaper, Managua, Nicaragua, July 1998.
“On Latent Geometry and Transparency”
Interview by Abner Colmenares, Dean, School of Architecture, Universidad Central de
For the XVI Bienal de Arquitectura, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas,
Venezuela, February 1998
Joe Kollin, “Hunt for Florida History Hits Broward Oldest City,” with Betty Hassett and
Juan A. Bueno
Research on Dania historical neighborhoods
Sun Sentinel, Dania, Florida, June 1992
“Dania Historical Sites Slated for Preservation Plan,” with Betty Hassett and Juan A. Bueno
Research on Dania historical neighborhoods
Dania Press, Northeast Plus, Dania, Florida, June 1992
List of Courses Taught at FIU 1992-2019
Honors College
Honors 1 2007
Honors 2 2008
Honors Seminar V, Environment and Society I 2011-
Honors Seminar VI, Environment and Society II 2012-
Graduate Courses in Architecture
Formative Design 3, 2003, 2007, 2014
Graduate Design 1, 2, and 3 1998, 2002-2008
Graduate Design 7, 8, and 10 2010-
Solar Decathlon Seminar 2010
Integrated Comprehensive Studio 2009-2012
Graduate Design 9, Sustainability Studio 2010-2013 and 2016-2017
Graduate Thesis 2000-2001
Masters Project 2009, 2014, 2015, 2019
Integrated Building Systems 2011
Advanced Design Theories 1999-2005
Case Studies in Architecture 2001-
Design Ecology and Technology 2009-
Design Theories 2008
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Independent Study 2013-
Special Topics 2016
Undergraduate Courses in Architecture
Architectural Design 1 Dual enrollment DASH/FIU 1994-96
Architectural Design 2 1992
Architectural Design 3 1995
Architectural Design 4 1992, 1996
Architectural Design 5 1992-1996
Architectural Design 6 1993, 2000
Architectural Design 7 1993-1996, 1999-2002
Architectural Design 8 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999-2004
Introduction to Design Theories 1993 -1996
Design Theories (also as distance learning) 1994-1996
Architecture of the 19
and 20
Centuries 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996
History of Architecture 3 1999-2003
Design History 1 2004
Design History 2 2010
Architecture of the Americas 1996
American and Colonial Architecture 1997
Survey of Arch. Hist. (also as distance learning) 1992-1996
Design Concepts 1997
Case studies in Architecture 2001- 2012
Design Ecology and Technology 2007-2008
Architecture and Urban Design Seminar 2001
Independent Study (Upper Division elective) 1992-2012
Distance Learning Courses
Four televised courses to Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH) and Florida
International University's Biscayne Campus: 1994-1996. These courses were
designed to attract students from the Design and Architecture Senior High School, a
renowned Blue Ribbon Magnet Design School in South Florida.
Other Teaching-Related Activities
Student Recognition
Graduate Design 10 student Fabio Segre won an Honorary Mention in the Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture Steel Design Student Competition, 2012
Graduate Design 7 student Mohammed Shanti’s Solar House project was published by the
Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 2012.
Graduate Design 7 student Mohammed Shanti’s Solar House project was presented at the 7
International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability.
University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2011.
The visiting team of the National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB) recognized “with
distinction” the work of the Graduate Comprehensive Design Studios that I coordinated for our
(second) 2011 accreditation.
Graduate Design 8 student Julio Pulido’s “Extreme Shopping” project was published in CRIT
48, The Journal of the American Institute of Architecture Students, Fall 2000.
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Travel Research with FIU Graduate Design students
Japan, 2014 – 2019 With A. Andia, E. Goldemberg, T. Spiegelhalter, C. Busch
Boston / Cambridge, 2015
Dallas / Fort Worth, 2014
Genoa, 2010 With Matthew Rice
New York, 2008
Savannah, 2006, 2007 With Jason Chandler
New York, New Haven, 2005
Spain, 1997 With Juan A. Bueno
Grenada, West Indies, 1994 With René Gonzalez
Professional Service
Service to Professional Associations / Societies
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Member, 1990-
The Sert Council, Harvard GSD
Member, 2016-
Contributing alumnus for enabling opportunities for innovation in teaching and research
International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
Associate Editor, for Volume 11, Issue 4, 2011
Associate Editor, for Volume 7, Issue 3, 2012
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Paper Reviewer (six papers), for the “City and Nature,” session, 1998
National Conference, Houston, Texas
InterSymp 12 Organization Committee
Member, 2000-2001
Intersymp is an International German Conference on the Environment
InterSymp 12
Co-Chair, with Charles Middleton, from Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Canada
Paper Reviewer (five papers), for the “Environmental Systems Research” session, 2000
InterSymp 11
Co-Chair, with Vasco Mancini, from Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
“Environmental Systems Research and Sustainable Development” session, 1999
Precast and Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
Advisor, 1999-2002
Service to the Community or Public
Energy and Climate Partnership of The Americas (ECPA)
Director and Principal Investigator, 2013-2016
With Angelique Lawrence (Program Manager) and the FIU/ECPA Team
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Coordinated the analysis of energy consumption baselines for over 400 municipal buildings in
Valdivia, Chile; Goiania, Brazil; and Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago, 2013-2015
Coordinated the production of guidelines for reducing energy in over 400 municipal buildings
in Valdivia, Chile; Goiania, Brazil; and Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago, 2016
Coordinated approximately 500 hours of training in energy reduction to over 1000 municipal
employees in Valdivia, Chile; Goiania, Brazil; and Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago, 2014-
Coordinated promotional campaigns to reduce energy consumption in homes and buildings
reaching approximately 15% of the local population in Valdivia, Chile; Goiania, Brazil; and Port
of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago, 2014-2016
Schnebly Winery, The Redlands, South Florida
Consultant, on sustainable master plan development, 2014
Snapper Creek Neighborhood Association
Advisor, 1992-1996.
The “Hometown Plan” Area 1, for downtown South Miami
Advisor, 1993
University Service (FIU)
Service to the Department
Japan Study Abroad Program
Co-Organizer, with Alfredo Andia, 2014-2016
Responsible for planning the Kyoto, Naoshima, and Kamakura visits
Master’s Project Committee
Member, 2004-2007 and 2010-present
Taught and participated in the coordination of the Masters Project Studios
Portfolio Review Committee
Member, 2004-present
Reviewed portfolios for different tracks of the graduate program
FIU/SOA Low Cost Housing Initiative
Project Director, with Brett Moss, 2011
Worked with the City of South Miami and Habitat for Humanity planning officials
Department of Architecture’s Policies Committee
Member, 2009-2011
Graduate Sustainability Design Studios
Coordinator, 2009-2012
Coordinated site selection and syllabus criteria for five studios
Graduate Comprehensive Design Studios
Coordinator, 2008-2010
Coordinated site selection and syllabus criteria for five studios
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Search and Screen Committee
Chair, 2008-2009
Environmental Technology and Lower Division Coordinator positions
Search and Screen Committee
Member, 2008-2009, 2002-2005, 2000-2002, 1999-2001
Interior Design, Digital Director, Director of Landscape Architecture, and Dean positions
Tenure & Promotion Committee
Chair, 2007-2008 and 1999-2001
Third Year Review of Roberto Rovira
Full Tenure of René Gonzalez and Full Tenure of Nathaniel Belcher
School of Architecture Building Committee
Consultant, 1999-2000
Participated in the furnishing efforts for the new School of Architecture building
Travelled to Steelcase in Grand Rapids Michigan for systems demonstration and pricing
History/Theory Committee
Member, 2001-2003
Graduate Program of Architecture
Coordinator, 2002-2003
Graduate Thesis Advisor to 16 students, 2001-2003
Architecture Faculty Council
Chair, 2000-2001
Organized five school-wide student exhibits
Undergraduate to Graduate Program Transition
Director, Undergraduate Program 1998-2001
Advisor, to 100+ students 2000-2001
Actively participated in the successful first accreditation of FIU's Graduate Program in
Architecture (6 yrs). Prepared proposals for an integrated History/Theory curriculum for
Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Interiors. Participated on the accreditation visit as
member of the following committees: History/Theory, Upper Division Design, Graduate
Design, Technology, and Thesis, 2001-2002.
Coordinated an articulation agreement between Miami Dade Community College and Florida
International University School of Architecture. Coordinated technology courses with the
Department of Construction Management in preparation for accreditation. Initiated the
Lectures Series, and End-of-Term Exhibitions of the School of Architecture. Arranged the visit
of Ricardo Castillo from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2000-2001.
Prepared the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Accreditation Report for
FIU’s undergraduate program of architecture.
Initiated the faculty to faculty End-of-Term Design Reviews with outside evaluators.
Established exchange agreement with Universidad Central de Venezuela. René Gonzalez,
Alfredo Andia, Marilys Nepomechie and Camilo Rosales visited Caracas under this
agreement. From Venezuela, Abner Colmenares, Francisco Martin, and Leopoldo Provenzali
visited FIU, 1999-2000
Attended the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Administrator’s Conference in
Washington D.C., (November 1998).
Prepared “Five Themes of the Florida International University Architecture Program” for
presentation to the first accrediting team. Prepared advising sheets for the first generation of
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graduate students, 1998-1999
Theory Committee
Chair, 1999-2000
Graduate Admissions Committee
Chair, 1998-1999
Graduate Program Committee
Chair, 1998-1999 and 2002-2003
Curriculum Committee
Member, 2002-2003 and 1994-1999
History/Theory Committee
Chair, 1994-1999
Upper Division Studios
Coordinator, 1994-1997
Instrumental in preparing documentation for changing the program's name: “Bachelor of
Architectural Technology” to “Bachelor of Design in Architecture”, also responsible for
preparing the necessary curricular changes
Service to the School / College
Tenure and Promotion Committee, College of Architecture and The Arts (CARTA)
Chair, 2007-2008
Member, 2008-2013
Participated in the drafting of the Tenure and Promotion Guidelines for the College.
College Library Committee
Member, 2010-2012
Architecture Program at FIU’s School of Design
Coordinator, 1992-1994
Assisted in reducing the number of hours for the Architecture Department from 135 credits to
128 credits to comply with State regulations. Compiled graduate information from five different
universities to formulate a draft curriculum for the new master of architecture. Highly involved
in the separation of the School of Design from the Department of Construction Management.
Coordinated the dual enrollment program between Design and Architecture Senior High
(DASH) and FIU to attract DASH students,1994-1996
Service to the University
FIU Honors College
Fellow, 2007-
FIU Nature Preserve Committee
Member, 2010-2012
Campus Environment Committee
Member, 2009-2010
Selection Committee for Campus Construction
Member, 2009-2010
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University Graduate Council
Member, 2006-2007
Faculty Senate’s Nature Preserve Committee
Member, 2005-2008
University Faculty Senate
Member, 2002-2005
University Faculty Senate’s Stirring Committee
Member, 2002-2005
FIU Research Council
Member, 1997-2003
FIU Graduate Council
Member, 1997-2002
FIU Director’s Council
Member, 1997-2002
FIU Technology Committee
Member, 1997-2002
FIU Provost Office
Reviewer, for the Provost's Summer 2000 Research Award Competition 1997-2001
FIU Art Museum
Advisor, 1997-2001
Assisted Ms. Dahlia Morgan, Director of the Florida International University Art Museum, in
planning the future FIU museum building (todays Frost Art Museum)
Spring Commencement 1997
Faculty Address
FIU Technology Committee
Member, 1997-2001
FIU Ecotourism Research Council
Co-Founder and Member, 1994-1999
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1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Statement of Teaching, Research, and Service
3. Teaching
3a. Graduate Courses
3b. Graduate Master Thesis and P.h.D
3c. Course, Curriculum Development Activities
4. Research / Scholarship / Creative Work
4a. Publications in Discipline
4a-i Refereed Publications
Books, Monograph, Book Chapters, Journals, Conference Proceedings,
Research papers, Topic Chair
4a-ii Non-refereed Publications
Book Chapters, Articles, Magazines, TV-Documentations/Videos, Newspaper
about my design/built work
4b. Lecturers / Presentations / Conferences
4c. Creative Work
4c-i Creative Professional Design/Built Work
4c-ii Creative Professional Master Planning
Master Planning, Competitions, Consulting Projects
4d. Research Grants / Scholarship / Reports
4d-i Funded Research in Progress
4d-ii Completed Funded Research
4d-iii Pending Research Applications and RFP’s
5. Service
5a. Professional Service
5a-i Service to Professional Associations / Societies
5a-ii Service to the Community or Public
5b. University Service
6. Awards and Honors
7. Samples (Visual Documentation) of 3, 4, 4b, 4c, 4d, 5
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Curriculum Vitae
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Master of the Arts
University of the Arts,
Berlin, Germany
Design and Architecture
November 1989
Bachelor of the Arts
in Design
8 semester degree)
University of the Arts,
Berlin, Germany
Design and Architecture
July 1988
Bachelor of Science in
8 semester degree)
University of Applied
Sciences, Bremen,
Architecture and
May 1988
Associate Professor, Design & Sustainability, Environmental Systems
Florida International University, Miami, FL
2009 Present
Assistant Professor, Design & Sustainability, Environmental Systems
USC Center for Sustainable Cities
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
2003 2009
Visiting Professor, Design & Sustainability, Environmental Systems
Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
2000 2002
Tenured Professor (C3-Full Professor Position)
Design & Environmental Development, Landscape Architecture
University of Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
DAAD Visiting Professor, Design & Sustainability
Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture
University of Houston, Houston, TX
Tenured Professor (C3-Full Professor Position)
Design & Sustainability
Leipzig University of Applied Science, Leipzig, Germany
1992 2000
Assistant Professor, Design and Sustainability
University of Kaiserlautern, Kaiserlautern, Germany
1990 1991
Adjunct Professor, National Sustainable Building Advisor Program
U.S. Cascadia Green Building Council
Santa Monica College, CA
2007 2009
Cass Gilbert Visiting Professor for Innovations in Sustainable/Renewable Energy
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Guest Professor, Sustainability and Design
Sustainability and Environmental Systems
Universidad del Desino, San Jose, Costa Rica
2000 2002
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Carbon-Neutral Design Projects LLC, Miami, FL
Founder and Principle Executive Architect
Sustainable Architecture, Resilient Engineering, and City Planning
2018 Present
Studio Thomas Spiegelhalter & Associates, Freiburg, Germany
Founder and Principle Executive Architect, Engineer and Town Planner
Design Consulting Services for Private, Institutional, and Commercial Clients
Projects across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas
Environmental Design-Built work in excess of $438 million
Master Planning/Consultation Yield in excess of $258 million in Projects
1989 Present
Prof. Architect L. Thurmer
Firm for Environmental Exhibition Design, Berlin, Germany
Architect, Environmental Design Projects
1988 -1989
European Stipend Recipient for Historic Preservation and Renovations
Projects in Italy, France, Switzerland, and Germany
1978 1980
Accredited Professional Member
Leadership in Energy, Environment, and Design (LEED)
US Green Building Council
2003 Present
Licensed Architect, Engineer, and Town Planner
Germany, BW, AL No. 37201
Permitted in all EU Member States
10/06/85 No. 85/384 EWG0 (A.C.E., Architects’ Council of Europe)
1989 Present
Distinguished Lifetime Member (Friedrich Schinkel Prize)
Engineer, Architecture and Engineering Society of Berlin
1986 - Present
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Statement of Teaching
Research and Service
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2 – Statement of Teaching, Research, and Service
Thomas Spiegelhalter received both a Master and Bachelor of Arts in Design and Architecture from the
University of Arts in Berlin, Germany and a Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Engineering from the University of
Applied Science in Bremen, Germany. From 1990 to 1999, he began his academic career as an Assistant
Professor of Design and Sustainability at the University of Kaiserlautern, and ultimately tenure as a C3 Full
Professor at the University of Applied Science in Leipzig in 1993.
As a 1999 recipient of the DAAD Prize for German-American Academic Exchange, Thomas was
appointed a visiting professorship in Design and Sustainability at the Gerald D. Hines School of Architecture of
the University of Houston. Subsequently, he similarly he taught as a Visiting Professor Performative Design and
Sustainability at the Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of
Architecture in Pittsburgh, PA from 2000 to 2003. In 2003, Thomas was appointed Assistant Professor at the
University of Southern California’s Building Science Program and Center for Sustainable Cities, where he taught
until 2009 when he joined FIU’s School of Architecture in Miami.
When Thomas arrived at FIU, the department’s directional goals was to completely revise and update
the curriculum of the sustainability studio and environmental systems in architecture courses to meet
international, technological, and future accreditation requirements within a minimal amount of time. To meet the
department’s goals under pressing deadlines, Thomas undertook the planning and implementation of the entire
Blackboard and CANVAS systems from scratch; developed the Building Information Modelling (BIM) software
nodes and scripts to accompany online and cloud-based simulation exercises, test, and lectures; and, the
updating of automated course-quizzes with the newest ASHRAE/ISO, AIA-NCARB, and UAI professional
question sets, including several specific visual programming software workflow tutorials and exercises.
This ultimately led to the establishment of the Dynamo-Rhynamo-BIM-User Group
within Autodesk User
Group International (‘AUGI’). AUGI provides access to elite, worldwide expert technological support, while
allowing the user group to share, investigate, and develop new tools for use within the generative design industry.
Over the course of Thomas’ nine years at FIU, he also has and continues to train young instructors in managing
large-scale environmental systems and using Building Information Modelling tools in their respective architecture
classes. He also extensively fund-raised for, co-founded, and is the current Co-Director with Professor Shahin
Vassigh of FIU’s Structures and Environmental Technologies Lab (SET)—an academic and professional
teaching, research and outreach center.
Thomas has also participated in over $12,3 million in research grants and contracts from public and
private institutions, including NSF, NREL, DOE, AIA, EU Belmont, EU Horizon, Intelligent Europe, DAAD,
ERASMUS, and BMWI since 1990. This has allowed him to work with numerous funded graduate and PhD
students over the course of the last 29 years. He also served as a faculty adviser to FIU’s transdisciplinary,
award-winning Solar Decathlon teams in the US and China (CMU 2002, USC 2007, FIU 2011, FIU-Tsinghua
China 2016). Many of his former students have gone on to obtain success in their own right, either as interns,
employees or professors on major projects throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
In addition to his academic work, Thomas has worked as a professional architect, engineer, and town
planner licensed to practice in all EU Member States throughout his entire career. He is also LEED accredited,
and has provided private, institutional, and commercial consulting services worldwide. Thomas’ professional
portfolio includes over $438 million in built environmental designs and over $258 million of master planning
consultations on building and infrastructure projects.
Thomas’ creative design work, applied research, and teaching has been widely recognized for
excellence, and is the recipient of 72 honors at the academic, regional, national, and international levels,
including Architectural Record’s ‘Design Vanguard’ award. His work has also been featured in 111 design and
research publications and monographs, 63 exhibitions, 14 TV-Video documentaries, and 124 international
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conferences worldwide. Thomas has also authored/co-authored 11 books, 16 book chapters, 29 double-blind
peer-reviewed articles, and 124 refereed conference proceedings, and 62 non-refereed publications.
Thomas’ teaching and research chiefly revolves around:
(a) Carbon-Neutral Building Design with parametric-algorithmic AI-driven modeling tools, and
their impact on architectural education, research and practice;
(b) Post-Occupancy-Monitoring and Resource Benchmarking related to teaching, research and
creative work;
(c) Parametric Automation in Design and Construction, Best Practices in Sustainable Building
Design with Interactive Learning Environment, and tutorial development for courses and studios;
(d) Innovative Building Integrated Systems for climate-responsive engineering; and,
(e) Greenhouse Gas emission reduction strategies for carbon-neutral Net-Zero-Energy
Buildings, Infrastructures and Cities.
Thomas’ participation in funded research at FIU and other Universities worldwide is extensive. He
presently serves as principle investigator (PI) for the Miami partner of the CRUNCH Consortium (Climate
Resilient Urban Nexus Choices): a collaborative effort between Urban Living Labs in Miami, London, Glasgow,
Eindhoven, Gdansk, Uppsala, and Taipei. The project is budgeted for $1.9 Million over 3 years and is sponsored
by Urban Europe, the EU Commission, the Belmont Forum, Intelligent Europe, and the Sustainable Urbanization
Global Initiative (SUGI) with NSF, plus a grant to participate in La Biennale di Venezia—the 17
Architecture Exhibition in Venice from May 23 November 29, 2020.
From 2016, he served as a Senior Investigator (SI) on the ongoing CIF21/DIBBS/EI/VIFI: Virtual
Information-Fabric Infrastructure (VIFI) for Data-Driven Decisions from Distributed Dataproject of the University
of North Carolina at Charlotte under an NSF grant for $3,999,531.00. From 2013 to 2016, he was Co-PI with
Professor Camilo Rosales on the Energy Climate Partnership of the Americas’ Energy Efficiency Competition
for Brazil, Chile, and Trinidad & Tobago, under a grant from the US Department of State Bureau of Western
Hemisphere Affairs for $799,099 (CFDA# 19.750).
Prior to that, Thomas was PI on ‘An Open-Source Integrated Computing Infrastructure to Support the Life
Cycle Design and Engineering of High-Performance Building Grant’ under a $30,000 FIU-CEC Seed Grant
(Project ID: 800000879) and on the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) P3 program: ‘People,
Prosperity and Planet Student Design Competition for Sustainability’ under a $30,000 FIU-SIPA grant; and as
SI on the ‘Cyber Enabled, User Oriented, Interoperability Modeling for Engineering Sustainable Built
Environments, under grants from the National Science Foundation for $600,000 (NSF# 207807, 1242177).
He also served as Co-PI for the Solar Decathlon 2011 FIU PerFORM[D]ance House under $100,000 in
funding from the US Department of Energy and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; and, Co-PI on the
Solar Decathlon China 2013 FIU-Tsinghua University ‘O’ House’, under $100,000 in funding from the US
Department of Energy and National Energy Administration of China. He also served as senior personnel on the
‘Integration of Building Technology and Design in Architectural Education’ project with Professor Vassigh (PI),
which received $553,000 in joint funding from the U.S. Department of Education and the Fund for Improvement
of Postsecondary Education that led to a Course book publication and Online Tools. Thomas also collaborated
on research of the automation, fabrication, and robot-assembly of the Sekisui Heim product for the Sekisui
Chemical Company in Tokyo, Japan in 2015.
Thomas has also remained significantly engaged in professional and university service, including acting
as Series Editor for Building Technology for ARTECH House Publishers in London from 2013-2016; and as
associate editor and referee for the journals International Journal of the Constructed Environment and Design
Principles and Practices. He has also served as a peer-reviewer for the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, The Sustainable Building Conferences, and the Building Enclosure Sustainability Symposium, and
regularly serves as juror of regional, national, and international design competitions around the globe, including
the International Design Fundecor Headquarter Competition’ in San Jose, Costa Rica in 2011.
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Beginning in 2005, Thomas has proposed, developed, and co-organized educational sessions for various
initiatives, including the ‘AIA 2030 Challenge-Carbon-Neutral Design’ in Pasadena, Los Angeles from 2010 to
2012; the Mundaneum (Union Internacional de Arquitectura) in Managua, Nicaragua, Granada, Guatemala and
twice in San Jose, Costa Rica from 2011 to 2016; and the International Forum and Federal Summit in
Washington, DC and for the International Greenbuild in Chicago, IL in 2010. He has also served as a working
group member of the University of Pescara’s Department of Technologies for the Built Environment (DiTAC) on
the EU’s URBACT program for the re-development of cities and neighborhoods with energy efficient housing
since 2005; and, provided an Teaching and Professional Licensing Manual and Inventory with training workshops
in Trinidad and Tobago and St. Lucia on the EU-funded New Educational and Professional Learning and
Benchmarking Mechanisms for the Caribbean’ for the University of the West Indies.
Thomas also co-organized and moderated the 2009 Sustainable Energy Technology in Germany and
the US Symposium, which was sponsored by the German Ministry Technology Export Initiative, The State of
Baden-Württemberg, Daimler-Benz, Bosch, and Centre of Applied Research on Sustainable Energy
Technology. He has served on FIU’s Provosts Environmental Strategic Planning Committee, and is presently
working with CARTA on the strategic development of FIU’s SET-Lab, including grant-writing, acquisition and
testing of research equipment, seeking other outside funding.
Looking ahead, Thomas will continue to incorporate the interests that have profoundly influenced his
graduate, research, and service at FIU’s School of Architecture and FIU in large. He intends to continue
incorporating parametric design of carbon-neutral and generative design optimizations into his work, to
developing the environmental systems courses and graduate sustainability design studios, and to forging
worldwide relationships with large-scale funding sources and research partners who share the vision of
developing the FIU CARTA’s Teaching and Research Lab’s.
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Graduate Courses
Graduate Student Supervision
Course, Curriculum Development Activities
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Graduate Courses
Graduate Master Thesis and PhD
Course, Curriculum Development Activities
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3a – Graduate Courses
FIU School of Architecture, Fall 2009 – Spring 2019
Graduate Courses:
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
13 Students
ARC 5483 Integrated Building Systems
14 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
28 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
24 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
33 Students
ARC 5483 Integrated Building Systems
11 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
49 Students
ARC 5483 Integrated Building Systems
24 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
25 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
27 Students
ARC 5483 Integrated Building Systems (co-taught)
36 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
49 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
26 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
27 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
49 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
33 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
41 Students
ARC 5483 Integrated Building Systems (co-taught)
11 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
57 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
37 Students
ARC 5483 Integrated Building Systems (co-taught)
30 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
108 Students
ARC 5933 Environmental System Special Topics
18 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
50 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
103 Students
ARC 5933 Environmental Systems -Special Topics
18 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
50 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
56 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
106 Students
ARC 5933 Special Topics Environmental Systems
10 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
29 Students
ARC 6906 Independent Study, Dynamo Programming
2 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
56 Students
ARC 6906 Independent Study, Dynamo Programing
2 Students
ARC 5935 Carbon Neutral Cities, Buildings (Special)
16 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
50 Students
ARC 5935 Special Topics Environmental Systems
14 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
52 Students
ARC 6906 Independent Study, Dynamo Programing
2 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
95 Students
ARC 5935 Special Topics Carbon Neutral Buildings
16 Students
ARC 6906 Independent Study-Dynamo Programming
2 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
50 Students
ARC 5935 Special Topics Environmental Systems
12 Students
ARC 6906 Independent Study-Dynamo Programming
4 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 1
43 Students
ARC 5612 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
109 Students
ARC 5935 Carbon Neutral Buildings and Cities (special)
7 Students
ARC 5621 Environmental Systems in Architecture 2
50 Students
ARC 5340 Environmental Design Tokyo (Special Topic)
20 Students
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Graduate Design Studios:
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
16 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
12 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
13 Students
ARC 5362, Digital Design 9
15 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
15 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
13 Students
ARC 5340/62/6356, Study Abroad Design 7/9//10
15 Students
ARC 5340-43, Digital Design D7-8
16 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
14 Students
ARC 5340/62/6356, Study Abroad Design 7/9//10
13 Students
ARC 5340-43, Digital Design D7-8
13 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
12 Students
ARC 5340/62/6356, Study Abroad Design 7/9//10
9 Students
ARC 5340-43, Digital Design D7-8
14 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
16 Students
ARC 5340/62/6356, Study Abroad Design 7/9//10
14 Students
ARC 5340/5343, Digital Design 7-8
14 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
16 Students
ARC 6970 Masters Project (Directed Indiv. Study)
2 Students
ARC 5340/62/6356, Study Abroad Design 7/9//10
15 Students
ARC 5340-43, Digital Design 7-8-Formative
16 Students
ARC 5362, Sustainability Design Studio 9
15 Students
ARC 5343, Study Abroad Tokyo Design 9 + 10
20 Students
University of Southern California School of Architecture, Spring 2003 Spring 2009
Arch 519, Sustainability in the Environment
Arch 419, Architectural Sustainability Tools, and Methods
Arch Thesis 69x, Building Science Graduate Program
Arch 693abx, Directed Thesis Research in M-Arch Graduate Program
Arch 211, Materials, Methods of Construction, Coordination
Arch 611, Advanced Building Systems Integration (2)
Arch 511, Advanced Building Systems Integration (1)
Arch 490, 590, Directed Technology/Sustainability Research
Design Studios:
Arch 302, Revolving Sustainability Expert for 2010 and 2030 Initiative
Arch 402, 4th year Topic Design Studio (Climate Responsive Design)
Arch 302, 3rd year Integrative Design Studio
Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture, 2000 2003
48-572, DESIGN/BUILD-Solar-Zero-Fossil-Energy-House (Interdisciplinary)
48-XXX, Industrial Archeology: The Hybrid Studio
48-729, Powering the Campus of the Future (Interdisciplinary)
Design Studios:
48-720, Design/Build Solar Decathlon Realization Studio
48-500, Architecture Design Studio, 5th year Design Studio
48-505, 5th year Design Studio - Solar City Framework
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Universidad del Desino, Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo 2001 2002
Solar City Development in the Tropics
University of Houston, G. Hines College of Architecture, 1999
4501 Architecture Design Studio VIII
University of Applied Science Leipzig HTWK, 1992 – 1999
1st, 2nd year, Materials & Sculpture
3rd, 4th year, Experimental Spatial Design
3rd, 4th year, Experimental Solar Architecture
3rd, 4th year, Visual Communication/3d-Design and Multimedia
3rd, 4th year, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Design and Diploma (Bachelor/Master) Thesis Studios:
4th year, Architectural Design
4th year, Un centro de atencionpara” LA BOCA”, Buenos Aires
4th year, Competition Peninsula Gruna Buildings, Leipzig-Houston
1992-1999: Diploma Thesis, Individual Projects in Architectural and Urban Design
University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Architecture, 1990 1992
2nd year, Building Typologies and Design Methodologies
Graduate and Master Design Studios:
5th year, Design Studio - Intelligent Buildings
6th year, Design Studio (with Prof. Ermel, W. van Aaken)
Diploma and Master Thesis, Individual Projects in Environmental Design
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Graduate Courses
Graduate Master Thesis and PhD
Course, Curriculum Development Activities
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3b – Graduate Student Supervision
FIU School of Architecture
Graduate Master Thesis:
Master Thesis on Dynamo-BIM-High Rise-Optimizations
2 Students
Master Thesis Committee Member:
ARC 6356 Design 10 / ARC 6970 Masters Project Committees
Masters Projects instructor: Prof. John Stuart
13 Students
Masters Projects instructor: Prof. John Stuart
14 Students
Masters Projects instructor: Prof. Marilys R. Nepomechie
14 Students
Masters Projects instructor: Prof. Marilys R. Nepomechie
15 Students
Masters Projects Instructor: Prof. John Stuart
12 Students
Masters Projects instructor: Prof. Marilys R. Nepomechie
Masters Projects instructor: XXXX
Masters Projects instructor: XXXX
Masters Projects instructor: XXXX
Masters Projects instructor: XXXX
Masters Projects instructor: XXXX
Masters Projects instructor: XXXX
Masters Projects instructor: Prof. Neil Leach
11 Students
Supervised International Master Thesis and P.h.D students
through the European ERASMUS program while at FIU (DS-2019)
Universita degli Studi di Genoa and University "G. d' Annunzio" of Chieti -Pescara, Italy
Master Thesis Supervisor:
Umberto Grosso
, Dipartimento Archiettura e Design, Universita degli Studi di Genoa
Feng Xu
, Dipartimento Archiettura e Design, Universita degli Studi di Genoa
Foreign PhD Student Supervisor:
Clariss di Tonno, INGEO Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, University "G. d' Annunzio"
Guido Emilio Rossi, Dipartimento Archiettura e Design, Universita degli Studi di Genoa
Giulia Zappia, Dipartimento Archiettura e Design, Universita degli Studi di Genoa
Thesis awarded top honors: 30 con lode, and published by UNIGE
Thesis awarded top honors: 30 con lode, and published by UNIGE
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University of Southern California School of Architecture
Master’s Thesis Committee Chair in Building Science (Supervisor):
Aran Osborne, MBS, Studying Landscape Effects on Energy Consumption in Buildings
Anupam Jain, MBS, Urban Heat Island Software Development Research
Basbagill, John, MBS, Comparison of Structural and Anti-Corrosive Benefits of Fiber Reinforced
Plastic (FRP)
Cleveland, James, MBS, The potential application of Natural Fiber Reinforced Bio-polymer, NFRbP,
Composites in Architecture
Lin, Shih-Hsin, MBS, Watt Hall Energy Management System Implementation Initiative
Andrew Lee, MBS, A Comparative Study of Bioclimatic Indicators in Southern California Native
Plant Species and Architectural Site Alignment Strategies for Performance-Based Design
Loghmani, Ciavash, MBS, Optimal Zoning Configurations for Solar Access in High-Rise
Swanson, Gregory, MBS, Solar Farms: Off-Site Collective Photovoltaic Sites
Jason Ritter-Lapotowski, MBS, Integrating Wind Turbines in Tall Buildings
Claire Cottrell, Landscape Master, City Center’s Civic Space, L.A.
Yi-Chun Wang, M-Arch, Transformation: Sustainable Development of Land Adjacent to Metro Lines
and Freeways in Los Angeles
Philip Smith, M-Arch, Technology, Poetics, and Place in Sustainable Architecture
Master Thesis Committee Member:
Daniel Riggin, MBS, Analysis of Spatial Configurations for Underwater Buildings as it relates to
Andrew Gaudette. March, Sustainable Architecture
Jeerage, Anita, MBS, Window Solutions for a Low-Cost Housing Prototype for Tijuana, Mexico
Patterson, Michael, MBS, Structural Glass Facades: A Unique Building Technology
Kumar, Sumedha, MBS, Lunar architecture: Greenhouses as a sustainable module
Chris Buntline, MBS, Strategies for Shaping Peak Energy Load Curves
Tat Fu, MBS, Synergy of Structure and Control Systems
Zhe Zin, M-Arch., Urban Redevelopment Chongqing, China
Hugo Sheward Garcia, M-Arch., Kinetic Architecture
Liang Zhong, M-Arch, Community Making and Building Integration in Adaptive Re-Use Lofts
Veenuu Jayaram, M-Landscape Arch., Sustainable Car Parks
Sejal Sonani, M-Arch., Ethics and Aesthetics of Urban Sustainability
Goli Sabet, M-Arch., Planning and Design in Kuala Muda, Malaysia: A Response to the 2004
Brahmbhatt Sumit MBS, Freeman House Thermal Analysis
Alice Ormbsbee, MBS, Water in the Freeman House - A study of the causes and effects of leaks
and water migration on the envelope and structural elements of Frank Lloyd Wright's Freeman
Xiaojun Cheng, MBS, The Methodology of the Detail Design of Structural Glass System
Juan Pitones, M-Arch, Architecture and Entertainment: A new Stadium for Mexicali
University of Applied Science Leipzig HTWK, 1992 – 1999
Design and Diploma (Bachelor/Master) Thesis Studios:
1992-1999: Diploma Thesis, Individual Projects in Architectural and Urban Design
University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Architecture, 1990 1992 :
Graduate and Master Design Studios:
5th year, Design Studio - Intelligent Buildings
6th year, Design Studio (with Prof. Ermel, W. van Aaken)
Diploma and Master Thesis, Individual Projects in Environmental Design
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Courses Taught
Graduate Master Thesis and PhD
Course, Curriculum Development Activities
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3c – Course, Curriculum Development Activities
Course, Curriculum Development Activities:
-Developed or had direct input in the analysis, development and/or re-orientation of several graduate courses and studios
that have since been included in FIU’s Professional Masters 5-year Accreditation Sequence since 2009. In 2011, the
sequence was recognized ‘with distinction’ by the National Architectural Accreditation Board. Two courses have been
incorporated into required program curricula: (1) Environmental Systems in Architecture 1 and (2) Environmental Systems
in Architecture 2; and the ARC 5935 Carbon-Neutral Building, City and Infrastructure BIM Course is now offered as an
elective course.
-Restructured several Digital Design, Sustainable Practice and Sustainability Courses (D7, D8, D9, and D10) by introducing
Software Analysis and Generative BIM Design tool workflows with visual programming and automation capabilities into the
course materials since 2009.
-Re-organized courses to revolve around three areas: (1) The understanding of basic and advanced data-driven and
generative, iterative carbon-neutral, bioclimatic principles, thermal transfer in buildings, passive and active cooling and
heating, renewable energy, mechanical, electrical, lighting, acoustics, plumbing and water, building signals, and automation
and transportation systems; (2) Innovative and globally resourced use of benchmarked Architectural and Engineering design
case studies that explain those principles; and, (3) The use of parametric, generative 3D-4D-5D-6D-BIM analysis and design
tools for investigation of bioclimatic factors, energy, water and resource efficiency, thermal and acoustical performance.
-Co-developed and linked FIU’s Integrated Building Systems Course to the Comprehensive Studio, which incorporates real-
world data-driven and generative Building Information Modelling workflows and deliverables. All courses are accredited,
have included multiple class and studio sections, and surpass the National Architectural Accreditation Board’s student-
performance criteria for professional accreditation.
-Contributed to the restructuring of the entire Architecture program curriculum from multiple perspectives, e.g., as staff
member, Official Representative of the College of Communication, Architecture + Arts, and as the Chair of the Architecture
Program Curriculum. This experience has culminated into the publishing of coursebook and DVD that is used in FIU’s
Environmental Classes and Sustainability Studios, as well as architecture programs at other universities.
Courses developed, restructured, or contributed to the reorientation of the curriculum, and have incorporated into my
Arch 5612
(3 Units)
Environmental Systems in Architecture 1 for graduate students (required)
Arch 5621
(3 Units)
Environmental Systems in Architecture 2 for graduate students (required)
Arch 5384
(3 Units)
Integrated Building Systems for graduate students (required)
Arch D9
(6 Units)
Sustainable Practice Studio (required)
(6 Units)
Study Abroad Berlin-London and Tokyo Studio (required)
(3 Units)
Digital Practice in Design (required)
(3 Units)
Digital Practice in Design (required)
ARC 5935
(3 Units)
Carbon-Neutral Cities, Buildings and Infrastructures (elective)
ARC 6970
(6 Units)
Masters Carbon-Neutral Project Modeling (required)
Other Instructional/Transdisciplinary Efforts
-Consulted and/or reviewed Environmental Systems in Architecture projects by students from other FIU Departments as
well as students from other US and International Universities.
-Consulted on environmental energy systems in the funding and building phases of the FIU Solar Decathlon House under
the direction of PI Marilys Nepomechie, which was awarded First Place in the Energy Balance Competition and Eleventh
overall place in 2011.
-Co-organized the ERASMUS + KA-107 and EU URBATRACT funded FIU-Universita degli Studi di Genoa and FIU-
University "G. d' Annunzio" of Chieti -Pescara, Italy Faculty, Graduate, and Doctoral Exchange Programs (with Professors
Christiano Lepratti from Berlin-Genoa and Gianmichelle Panarelli from Pescara) from 2015, which has thus far included the
exchange of 6 Master/PhD students and 5 Visiting Professors (including Professor Adriana Del Borghi, who worked on a
collaboration between FIU-Architecture and the Intelligent Electrical Energy Systems (IEES) Research Group).
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-Developed, supported, and participated in the interdisciplinary International FIU-Tsinghua China Solar Decathlon
competition workshops and training sessions in Beijing, China in 2016.
-Co-organized the forthcoming interdisciplinary FIU-Kokushikan University Joint Design Charrette/Workshop, which will
bring 40 students together to create innovative design proposals; Co-organized the forthcoming FIU-Keio University EU
CRUNCH Resilience Research Project, which will bring 20 students together with Keio University Faculty to present works
in progress in Tokyo and Miami: and Co-organized the forthcoming FIU-Meiji University-AIA Japan Resilience Symposium,
which brings together FIU Faculty and Japanese Experts to present and discuss their work.
-Designed/Developed e-learning and educational websites as supplemental course materials for ARC D9 Sustainable
Practice, ARC 5612 and ARC 5621 Environmental Systems, including data model development and integration of simulation
tools across several platforms, including Autodesk Ecotect, Vasari, REVIT BIM, Green Building Studio, Insight 360, ArcGIS,
Infraworks 360, Navisworks, Fusion 360, DYNAMO (visual programming), and Rhino-Honeybee/Diva Plugins for Rhynamo.
-Planned and implemented the School of Architecture’s Blackboard/CANVAS systems and software nodes and scripts for
online lectures; and updated automated course-quizzes with the newest ASHRAW/ISO, AIA-NCARB, and UAI professional
question sets, including several specific software workflow tutorials and exercises that are then continously shared with
-Established, coordinated, and presently moderates the interdisciplinary Miami Dynamo-Rhynamo-BIM-User Group within
Autodesk User Group International’s community portal and the Miami Beach Urban Studios. It brings Designers, Architects,
Engineers, Contractors, Programmers, Students and Tech enthusiast, both novices & experts, that want to share investigate
and build tools for the changing landscape of the generative design industry.
-Co-organized and presently serves as Principle Investigator over 27 graduate students for the Miami Urban Living Lab
partner of the internationally funded CRUNCH project: a three-year multi-disciplinary research initiative and consortium,
with a focus on the development of a digital, cloud-based Integrated Decisions Support System for baseline analysis and
scenario modelling to aid climate-vulnerable cities.
-Currently teaches Sustainable Practice and Digital Design Studio Courses at FIU’s Miami Beach Urban Studios, which has
led to submission of 3 International peer-reviewed journals published by FrancoAngelli in Milano, Italy; and, will be featured
as a ‘Best-Practice’ example at the forthcoming International Venice Biennale in 2021.
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Research / Scholarship / Creative Work
Publications in Discipline
Refereed Publications
Non-refereed Publications
Lectures / Presentations / Conferences
Creative Work
Creative Professional Design/Built Work
Creative Professional Master Planning
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Research / Scholarship / Creative Work
Publications in Discipline
Refereed Publications
Non-refereed Publications
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4a-i Refereed Publications
NEXUS VOLUME 2, Nuova serie di archittetura Franco Angeli Edizioni, Italy (with D Ockert), forthcoming
archittetura Franco Angeli Edizioni, Italy (with D Ockert), forthcoming
Climate Responsive Architecture / Climate change adaption and resource efficiency. Adaptation to climate
change and resource efficiency. "Climate Responsive Architecture - Carbon Neutral Hybrids, FrancoAngeli
Edizioni, Italy (with G Panarelli and C Di Tonno), 2016.
Post-Parametric Automation in Design and Construction, London, UK: ARTECH HOUSE, (with A Andia), 2013.
Best Practices in Sustainable Building Design + Interactive Learning Environment, Fort Lauderdale: J. Ross
Publishers Inc (with S Vassigh and E Özer), 2012.
Architektur-Kiste (Architecture Box), Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, (M Wasa) 1999.
Intelligent Buildings - Klimawerkzeug Architektur, Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, 1992.
Mediatecturen und Deponiekörper, Projekt Beryl A, Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, 1992.
Solare Kieswerk-Architektur. Zum Wohnen und Arbeiten, Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, 1992.
Gravel Pit Architecture Projects 1980-1990, Darmstadt, Germany: Juergen Haeusser Verlag, 1990.
Monograph on Architecture of Thomas Spiegelhalter:
Panarelli, G. Adaptable Technologies—Le architetture di Thomas Spiegelhalter - The architecture of Thomas
Spiegelhalter, Le Architetture della Tecnologia - Architecture of Technology, Architetture della Tecnologia,
(Italian and English), Milan: Franco Angeli srl, 2008.
Book Chapters:
"First worldwide carbon-neutral design movements (Primeros movimientos mundiales de diseno con carbon
neutral)" In: Mundaneum 1999-2019 (mondo nostrum), Alvaro Rojas; Editors: Federico Soriano Pelaez, Dolores
Palacios Diaz, Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa, Madrid: Edicion Fisuras de la cultura contempora, 2018.
Diesseits der Form: Architektur auf dem Weg zur Energiewende - xia Intelligente Architektur, 100 Beiträge aus
100 Ausgaben, 1994 - 2017, Stuttgart: Alexander Koch, 2017.
“Emerging Workflows, Techniques, and Design Protocols for Carbon-Neutral Buildings” In: 102nd Annual Meeting
of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Miami Beach: ACSA, 2014.
“Chapter 19 Towards Net-Zero-Energy Buildings In 2018" In: Analytics for Building-Scale Sustainable Ecosystems
(BSSE) U.S. China Research Perspectives, Part IV: Green Buildings in China and US, Edited by Yong X. Tao,
University of North Texas, USA and Yi Jiang, Tsinghua University, China, New York & Connecticut: Begell House,
Showcases Spiegelhalter’s design/built research on solar, zero fossil energy buildings, large scale sustainable urban and
infrastructural master plans, and developments in Europe and US.
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“Mitigate, Adapt, Sustain: Emerging Workflows and Design Protocols for Subtropical Carbon Neutral H2 Cities" In:
The 2013 ACSA Fall Conference: SUBTROPICAL CITIES, Fort Lauderdale: ACSA, 2013.
“Capítulo II -Arquitectura Bioclimática (ojalá en el Trópico Húmedo) - Arq. Thomas Spiegelhalter (Chapter II
Bioclimatic Architecture in the Neotropics)” In: Environmentally Responsible Architecture in the Neotropics,
Edited by Katiana Murillo and Alvaro Rojas, EAE: Editorial Académica Española, LAP LAMBERT Academic
Publishing GmbH & Co, 2012.
“Passive and Active Micro-Generation Building Systems for Cooling, and Dehumidification in Hot and Tropical
Climates” In: Environmental Engineering and Sustainability, Athens: ATINER, 2012.
“Sostenibilita su base prestazionale: colmare il divario tra progettazione urbana e tecnologie adattabili
(Performance based sustainability: bridging the gap between community design and adaptable technology)” In:
Adaptable Technologies Le architettura di Thomas Spiegelhalter, Edited by Gianmichelle Panarelli, Milan:
FrancoAngeli, 2008.
“In Sessione III: La ricera e la sperimentazione progettuale Sostenibilita dei progetti e nuove tecnologia nei
paesaggi urbani e postindustriali” In: Involucri energetic, Edited by Filippo Angelucci and Gianmichelle Panarelli,
Pescara, Italy: SALA-editori s.a.s, 2003.
“New Park Visions Need Space” In: Visions and scenarios for development concepts for investors of new
sustainable industrial and business parks in the Emscher Lippe Region, (with P Drecker and D Fuerst),
Düsseldorf, Germany: Ruhr Kohle Publishing House, 2000.
“Feasibility study for the environmental site evaluation and reactivation of abandoned industrial areas” In: The
new urban development in the Ruhr Valley, (with P Drecker and A Wolf), Ruhrgebiet, Germany: EW Oestliches,
"Solare Stadtreihenhaeuser in Freiburg Rieselfeld (Architekt Prof. Thomas Spiegelhalter) Stadtreihenhaeuser
mit aktiver und passiver Solarnutzung (Solar City Row Houses)" In: Aktueller Praxisratgeber fuer
Umweltfreundliches Bauen (Actual Guidelines for Best Practice in Environmentally friendly Construction), Edited
by Bernhard Kolb, WEKA Baufachverlage GmbH fuer Architekten und ingenieure, 1998.
“Fassadenintegrierte Photovoltaik- u. Informationssysteme” In: TERRATEC ’94. Energie-Energieökonomisches
Bauen, Energy - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Umweltinnovationen, Edited by Volker and Rolf
Thiel, Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner Verlag, 1994.
“Innovative Holzbauweisen fuer den Wohnungsbau (Innovative Wood Constructions for Housing)” In:
Informationsdienst Holz - Wohnungsbau, Reihe 4, Ausgabe 1993. Entwicklungsgemeinschaft Holzbau in der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (with W Lewitzki), Düsseldorf, Germany: Deutsche
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz e.V., 1993.
“Gravel Pit Architecture, Karl-Hofer-Preis 1990” In: Karl-Hofer-Symposium 1990, University of the Arts Berlin,
Berlin: Colloquium Verlag, 1991.
“Sabliere, Drop-off II, Kieswerk IN SITU, Espace Vert, Pelouse des Ciments d’Origny” In: Les Ateliers Du
Sundgau Nr.1, De Tout Bois-Installations-Expositions, CRAC, Centre Regional D´Art Contemporain Alsace,
France: Mulhousse, 1990.
“Energy Modeling and Data Structure Framework for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (SHBE) - A
Review” (with S Talele, C Traylor, L Arpan, C Curley, C Chen, J Day, R Feiock, M Hadzikadic, S Ingman, OT
Karaguzel, KP Lam, C Menassa, S Pevnitskaya, WJ Tolone, W Yan, D Yeatts, Y Zhu, and Y Tao) Journal
Frontiers in Energy, 2018.
"Parametric-algorithmic, Sea-level-rise Building Design Solutions: Long-term Design Testing and Optimization
Scenarios for Miami Beach 4 Buildings in Florida” (with U Eco, X Feng, R Morbiducci, and C Lepratti) Journal of
the Twelfth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, Special Focus: No Boundaries Design /
Design No Fronteras, 2018.
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"Comparative International Carbon-neutral Campus Building Design Operation Strategies: University of Genoa,
Italy and Florida International University in Miami, United States” (with A Del Borghi) Journal of the Twelfth
International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, Special Focus: No Boundaries Design / Design No
Fronteras, 2018.
“Design Agent based Real Time Scenario Planning and Benchmarking for Salutogenic Environments” (with H Yi)
Building Science & Engineering, Union of International Architects, World Congress, UIA Seoul, 2017.
"Automating Carbon Neutral Design and Practice for Optimization, Manufacturing, and Post Occupancy
Evaluation" (with A Biermann) Journal of the 10th International Conference on Design Principles & Practices at
PUC, 2017.
“New Design Protocols for Industrial-scaled Modes of Production for Carbon Neutral Buildings” The International
Journal of the Constructed Environment, 2015.
“Exergy Analysis and Design Optimization for Carbon Neutral Architecture” International Journal for Design
Principles and Practices, 2013.
“New Design Protocols for Industrial-scaled Modes of Production for Carbon Neutral Buildings” The International
Journal of the Constructed Environment, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2013.
“Hacia La Evaluacion Comparative Global, Mas Alla De La Arquitectura Verde” Sostenibilidad el reto de la
arquitectura moderna. Sociedad Columbiana de arquitectos, 2012.
“Modeling Net-Zero-Fossil-Energy Buildings with 3D/4D Parametric BIM Performance Tools” Journal of Green
Building, Industry Research Section, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2012.
"Roadmap for Developing Low-Carbon Buildings and Cities in the United States by 2050" The International
Journal on the Constructed Environment, 2012.
"Climatic Tropism in Buildings: Designing with Natural Response Cycles for Better Performance” Design Principles
& Practices – An International Journal, Volume 5, Number 4, 2012.
“Designing Net-Energy-Zero Buildings with Natural SystemsThe International Journal of Sustainable
Development and Planning, 2012.
“Tropical Architecture with Micro-Generation for Cooling and Dehumidification" Journal of Civil Engineering and
Architecture, 2012.
“From Theory to Practice in Measuring and Benchmarking Design/Build Sustainable Architecture: Local Examples,
Global Perspective” Design Principles and Practices - An International Journal, Volume 5, Number 2, 2011.
“Ein selbstreferenzielles System Anspruch und Wirklichkeit energieeffizienter und klimagerechter Städte in den
USA" Edition Thema: Stadt & Energie, Stadt Bauwelt Magazine, Nr. 189, 2010.
“Global Benchmarking? Taking a Critical Look at Eco-Architectures” the International Journal on Ecology and the
Environment: ECO-Architecture III - Harmonisation Between Architecture and Nature, Volume 128, 2010.
"Designing Cities of the Future with the Principles of Biomimicry and Circular Metabolism” Design Principles and
Practices - An International Journal, Volume 4, Number 2, 2010.
“Biomimicry and Circular Metabolism for the Cities of the Future” The International Journal of Sustainable
Development and Planning: The Sustainable City VI - Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Vol. 129, 2010.
“Global, Benchmarking? Taking a Critical Look at Sustainable Design in the US” Beyond LEED. The Journal of the
AIA, California Council, 2010.
“Zero-Fossil-Energy Powered Infrastructure and Buildings on Catalina Island in Southern California” Ecosystems
and Sustainable Development VII, The International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol. 122,
Section 6, 2009.
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“Lazos de retroalimentacion y el metabolism circular par alas ciudades del future” MUNDANEUM 10 anos, VI
Reunion Internacional de Arquitectura 2009. IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Universidad
del Diseño, San Jose, 2009.
“Solar architectural site alignment strategies for performance-based design” EUROSOLAR Sun and Sense 2008,
“Involucri Energetici Energetic Envelopes” Sostenibla Dei Progetti E Nuevo Technologia Nei Paesaggi Urbani E
Postindustriali, Atti Del Convegno, ARAEN Agenzia Regione Abruzzo l’Energia, Programma Comumitario, 2003.
“Towards Zero-Energy-Urban-Infrastructures” The Future of Architecture, Report and Outlook, UIA White Book
2002, Union Internationale des Architects, UIA, BDA, Berlin-Paris-Basel-Boston-NYC: Birkhaeuser, 2002.
“Niedrigenergiehaeuser im Vergleichstest: Solare Doppelstadt-haueser (Low-Energy-Buildings in Comparison Test
Solar Town Houses)" Zuerich-Paris-Milan-New York: WEKA Baufachverlag, 1998.
“Solar Hybrids - Tecnologia e decostruzione” Strumenti, Ambiente Territorio, Edilizia Urbanistica, Aldo Capasso,
Accepted, forthcoming Peer Refereed Journals:
“Carbon Neutral Water-Energy-Food Nexus Research for Miami and the Greater Islands” (with D Ockert) Design
Principles and Practice Journal, 2020.
“Quantitative BIM Workflow for Climate Change Design Choices on an Urban Scale” (with D Ockert) Journal of
Building Performance Simulation, 2019.
Conference Proceedings:
“The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A new approach in support of Carbon-Neutral, Resilient and Blue-Green
Infrastructural Developments for the Cities of Miami Beach and South Miami,” Conference on Urban Sustainability:
Social Actors, Policy and Governance, (with D Ockert), Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. April 15 - 16,
“Biomimetic Energy-Water-Food Nexus Design and Hybrid Research - Towards the Carbon-Neutral Indian Creek
Infrastructure of Miami Beach,” Conference on Urban Sustainability: Social Actors, Policy and Governance, (with
D Ockert), Florida State University, Tallahassee, Fl. April 15 - 16, 2019.
“Design Agent based Realtime Scenario Planning and Benchmarking for Salutogenic Environments,” Union of
International Architects, World Architecture Congress, UIA Seoul. 2017.
The Future of Physical Infrastructure Miami & Resilient Smart City Panel,” One Community One Goal Physical
Infrastructure Access Conference, Miami, FL. April 13th, 2017.
Miami Beach Urban Studios, Sea Level rise and the Public Realm: An Advanced Urban Design Studio in Miami &
South Florida,” Consulate of the Netherlands and ARCADIS, Miami, FL. Feb. 9, 2017.
“Carbon Neutral Buildings and Blue Infrastructures for Miami,” SEA LEVEL RISE AND CIVIC TECHNOLOGY: AN
OPEN DISCUSSION, Code for Miami, Miami, FL. February 27, 2017.
“Cross-American Experiences in an Ambitious Energy Reduction and Policy Implementation Project,” ACSA 2016
International Conference, (with C Rosales), Santiago, Chile. June 29 - July 1, 2016.
“Carbon-Neutral Design Education and Practice in the Caribbean Region: A European Union funded Holistic
Integrated Project Delivery Approach," ACSA 2016 International Conference, Santiago, Chile. June 29 - July 1,
"Innovative approaches for new developments for Smart Cities,” The 3rd MEC International Conference, (with G
Pannarelli and C Di Tonno), Muscat, Oman. March 15-16, 2016.
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“Best Practices in Training in Sustainability, Climate Change Adaptation and Energy Efficiency of International
Universities and Professional Organizations relevant to the Caribbean Region.” 5th Caribbean Urban Forum
(CUF5), UN-Habitat, St. Lucia, 2015.
“New Technological Design Protocols for Carbon Neutral Architectural and Urban Projects,” MUNDANEUM
Conference, Managua, Nicaragua, 2015.
“Total Building Automation for The Nearly Net-Zero-Fossil-Energy Q1 Thyssenkrupp Headquarter,” 31st
International PLEA 15 Conference on Architecture in (R)evolution, Bologna, Italy. September 9-11, 2015.
“Mitigate, Adapt, Sustain: Design Protocols for Carbon-Neutral Adaptive Blue Infrastructures,2015 Rising Seas
Summit, Association of Climate Change Officers, Boston, MA. 2015.
“Large-Scale Climate Change Responsive Parametric Design Projects,” DOMUS Conference, Universidad
Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala. 2014.
“Automating Green Practice,” AIA-ACSA Intersections Conference, (with A Andia), Atlanta, GA, 2015.
“Towards Resilient best Practices: Net-Zero-Energy Building Designs,” Grand Renewable Energy Conference,
(with S Vassigh). Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
“Emerging Workflows, Techniques, and Design Protocols for Carbon-Neutral Buildings,” 102nd Annual Meeting,
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Miami, FL, 2014.
Architecture) Conference, Ahmedabad, India, December 16 18, 2014.
“Topological and Parametric-Algorithmic Carbon-Neutral Design in Architectural Academia,” Alfredo Emerging
Carbon-Neutral Design Protocols for Tropical Architecture in Sea Level Rise Areas, (with A Andia). ACSA-AIA
Conference, Washington, 2014
Eurosun 2014 - International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, International Solar Energy Society
(ISES), Aix-les-Bains, France. 2014.
“Carbon Neutral Architecture Best Case Studies,” Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura 2013: Sostenibildad
Patrimanio, San Jose, Costa Rica, 2013.
"New Industrial Design Protocols for Carbon Neutral Buildings." Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
ACSA 101: NEW CONSTELLATIONS / NEW ECOLOGIES, San Francisco, CA, March 21, 2013.
"Climatic Tropism in Buildings: Designing with Natural Response Cycles for Better Performance,” The 6th
International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. January 20, 2012.
"Designing and Manufacturing Zero-Fossil-Energy Buildings with 3D Parametric Performance Tools.” The 6th
International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. January 21, 2012.
"Roadmap for Developing Low-Carbon Buildings and Cities in the United States by 2050," Conference on the
Constructed Environment, University Center in Chicago, Chicago, IL. October 2011.
“Development and Moderation: Global benchmarking? Taking a Critical Look at the Resource Use and
Performance of Sustainable Buildings in the U.S.” Greenbuild International Conference, Chicago, IL. 2010.
“Measuring and Benchmarking: Local Examples, Global Perspective,” Greenbuild 2010, International Forum,
Federal Summit. Washington, DC. 2010.
“Legislating Green Buildings Best Practice Examples from Europe and Asia,” American Institute for Architects
(AIA) Pasadena-Los Angeles, CA. 2009.
“Sustainable Energy Technology in Germany and the U.S.” Centre of Applied Research on Sustainable Energy
Technology, Los Angeles, CA. 2009.
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Research Papers:
"New Industrial Design Protocols for Carbon Neutral Buildings." Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
ACSA 101: NEW CONSTELLATIONS / NEW ECOLOGIES, San Francisco, CA. March 21, 2013.
“Entropy Processes in Low-Exergy Architecture,” PLEA 2012, Opportunities, Limits & Needs, Towards an
Environmentally Responsible Architecture, 28th International Conference on Low Energy Architecture, Lima,
Peru. November 7-9, 2012.
“Transforming and Benchmarking a LEED certified University building into a Net-Zero-Energy Building in the
Subtropics,” 28th International, PLEA Conference 2012, Lima, Peru. November 7-9, 2012.
“AIA 2030 Carbon Neutral Building Challenge - Designing Net-Zero-Energy Buildings with Parametric 3D/4D-BIM
Design Tools,” 28th International PLEA Conference 2012, Lima, Peru. November 7-9, 2012.
“Designing with Parametric 3D-tools, Measuring and Benchmarking Carbon-Neutral-Architecture: Local
Examples, Global Perspective.” 2012 ACSA International Conference, Barcelona, Spain. June 20-22, 2012.
“Achieving the European and North American ‘2020-2030 Targets’ of Net-Zero-Energy-Buildings with Parametric
3D/4D-BIM Design Tools,” 2012 ACSA International Conference, Barcelona, Spain. June 20-22 2012.
“Topological and Parametric Temperatures in Architectural Academia,” 2012 ACSA International Conference,
(with A Andia), Barcelona, Spain. June 20-22, 2012.
"Climatic Tropism in Buildings: Designing with Natural Response Cycles for Better Performance.” The 6th
International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. January 20, 2012.
"Designing and Manufacturing Zero-Fossil-Energy Buildings with 3D Parametric Performance Tools,” The 6th
International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. January 21, 2012.
"Roadmap for Developing Low-Carbon Buildings and Cities in the United States by 2050." Conference on the
Constructed Environment, University Center in Chicago, Chicago, IL. October 2011.
"GHG Reduction and Self-Actualization of a New Green Designer Society,” Local-Identities-Global-Challenges,
ACSA Fall Conference Houston, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Houston, TX. October 2011.
"From Theory to Practice in Measuring and Benchmarking Design/Build Sustainable Architecture: Local
Examples, Global Perspective,” Fifth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Rome, Italy.
"Innovative Building Integrated Micro-Generation Systems for Cooling and Dehumidification in Hot and Humid
Climates," The 27th International Conference of Passive and Low Energy Architecture PLEA 2011, Louvain-la-
Neuve, Belgium. July 2011.
"Tropical Architecture with Micro-Generation for Cooling and Dehumidification," First International Annual
ATINER Conference on Construction, Architecture and Engineering, Athens, Greece. May 2011.
"From Theory to Practice in Measuring and Benchmarking Design/Build Sustainable Architecture: Local
Examples, Global Perspective,” Fifth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Sapienza
University of Rome, Italy. February 2011.
"Global Benchmarking? Taking a Critical Look at Eco-Architectures,” International Conference on Ecological
Architecture 2010, Wessex Institute of Technology. April 13, 2010.
"Biomimicry and Circular Metabolism for the Cities of the Future.” International Conference on The Sustainable
City 2010, Wessex Institute of Technology, La Coruna, Spain. 2010.
"Case Study: German Low-Energy, Passive-House, and Plus-Energy-Buildings with Innovative Energy-Efficient
Phase Changing Materials.” BESS 2010: High Performance Building Enclosures Practical Sustainability
Symposium, Pomona, CA. May, 2010.
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"Innovative Building Integrated, Solar-Assisted Air-Water Space Conditioning Systems with Dehumidification, and
Thermo-Active Cooling Systems for Hot and Humid Climates,” National Conference of the American Society for
Solar Energy (ASES) 2010, 39th Annual National Solar Conference, 35th National Passive Solar Conference, 5th
Renewable Energy Policy, Advocacy and Marketing Conference, 4th Energy Sustainability Conference of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Phoenix, AZ. May, 2010.
"Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities in the US,” The POLYCITY Project: Visions of Sustainable Urban Energy
Systems, European Commission and CONCERTO Research Initiative, Stuttgart, Germany, September 15-17,
“Designing Cities of the Future with the Principles of Biomimicry and Circular Metabolism,” Fourth International
Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Chicago, IL. February 13, 2010.
“E.U. Energy Performance Certificate Post-Occupancy-Evaluation-Case Studies,” International Conference: The
Passive and Low Energy Architecture PLEA 2009, Québec City, Canada. 2009.
"Creating a Sustainable Infrastructure and Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings for Santa Catalina Island.” Solar 2008
Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, San Diego, CA. 2008.
"EMSPost-Occupancy-Monitoring and Building Energy Passport Implementation for the USC School of
Architecture, L.A.” Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, San Diego, CA. 2008.
"Innovative Phase Changing Materials.” ACSA Material Matters: Making Architecture Fall Conference,
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, USC, Los Angeles, CA. 2008.
"Solar Powered Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings and Infrastructures for Catalina Island in Southern California,” 7th
International Conference on Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, European Commission, German
Federal Ministry, World Council for Renewable Energy, Berlin, Germany. March 2008.
"Solar Architectural Site Alignment Strategies for Performance-Based Design,” 7th International Conference on
Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, European Commission, German Federal Ministry, World
Council for Renewable Energy, Berlin, Germany. March 2008.
"Towards Passive, Adaptive Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings,” 10th International Passive House Congress,
Hanover, Germany. 2006.
“The Metropolitan Los Angeles as a Laboratory for the City as a Solar Power Station,” 1st International Solar
Cities Congress, International Solar Energy Society (ISES), UNITAR, ISCI, World Council for Renewable Energy,
(with G Honlez), Daegu, Korea, 2004.
"Towards Zero-Energy Urban Infrastructures.” UIA XXI World Congress of Architecture Berlin, Union
Internationale des Architectes (UIA), Bertelsmann, Germany. 2002.
“Energy-Efficiency Retrofitting and Transformation of the FIU-College of Architecture into a Net-Zero-Energy-
Building in 2018.” The Solar World Congress, Cancun, Mexico. November 3-7, 2013.
“Diagnosing, Re-Designing and Transforming the FIU-PCA Building into a Net-Zero-Energy-Building,” PLEA
International Conference, Munich, Germany. September 21, 2013.
“Integrated Design Pedagogy in Energy Efficiency Design Education Tools for Teaching Sustainable Design,”
BTES Building Technology Educators' Society Conference, (with S Vassigh, J Chandler, E Oezer), Bristol, Rl.
“Design Pedagogy for Carbon-Neutral-Design Education,” The Solar World Congress, (with S Vassigh and J
Chandler), Cancun, Mexico, November 3-7, 2013.
Mitigate, Adapt, Sustain: Emerging Workflows and Design Protocols for Subtropical Carbon Neutral H2 Cities,
The 2013 ACSA Fall Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL. October 17-19, 2013.
“Entropy Processes in Low-Exergy Architecture,” 28th International Conference on Low Energy Architecture,
Lima, Peru. November 7-9, 2012.
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“Transforming and Benchmarking a LEED certified University building into a Net-Zero-Energy Building in the
Subtropics,” 28th International PLEA Conference 2012, Lima, Peru. November. 7-9 2012.
“AIA 2030 Carbon Neutral Building Challenge - Designing Net-Zero-Energy Buildings with Parametric 3D/4D-BIM
Design Tools,” 28th International PLEA Conference 2012, Lima, Peru. November 7-9, 2012.
“Energy Use and CO2e Reduction Benchmarking Case Study: FIU’s LEED Certified School of International and
Public Affairs” 28th International Conference on Low Energy Architecture, (with N Pala and Y Kang), Lima, Peru.
November 7-9, 2012.
“Designing with Parametric 3D-tools, Measuring and Benchmarking Carbon-Neutral-Architecture: Local
Examples, Global Perspective,” ACSA International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2012
“Achieving the European and North American ‘2020-2030 Targets’ of Net-Zero-Energy-Buildings with Parametric
3D/4D-BIM Design Tools,” ACSA International Conference, Barcelona, Spain. 2012.
“Topological and Parametric Temperatures in Architectural Academia,” ACSA International Conference, (with A
Andia), Barcelona, Spain. 2012.
“Dia-Para-Heliotropism for Parametrically Designing Carbon Neutral Plus Energy Buildings,” International
Biomimicry Symposium: ‘Sustainability through Biomimicry: Discovering a world of solutions inspired by nature,'
Dammam, Saudi Arabia. 2012.
“Parametric Carbon-Neutral 3D-Design with Climatic Tropism for Better Building Energy Performance,”
International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2012.
“Designing Carbon-Neutral Plus-Energy-Buildings with Site Adaptive Heliotropism Cycles," World Renewable
Energy Forum and American Solar Energy Society, Denver, CO. 2012.
“Diagnosing, Benchmarking and Transforming the LEED certified FIU-SIPA Building into a Net-Zero-Energy-
Building (Net-ZEBs),World Renewable Energy Forum (WREF) 2012, ASES American Solar Energy Society,
(with N Pala and Y Kang), Denver, CO. 2012.
“A Dynamic and Context-Driven Benchmarking Framework for Zero-Net-Energy buildings,” 2012 ASCE IWCCE
International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, (with Y Kang, Y Zhu, and N Pala), Clearwater
Beach, FL. 2012.
“Towards Zero Net Energy Buildings Bridging the Gap Between Parametric 3D/4D-BIM Design and The AIA
2030 Challenge,” World Renewable Energy Forum and American Solar Energy Society. Denver, CO. 2012.
“A New Carbon-Neutrality Designer Society: Greenhouse Gases Reduction and Self-actualization” Green Age
2012 - International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. 2012.
“Achieving the Legal Net-Zero-Energy-Buildings ‘2020 Targets’ with Parametric 3D/4D BIM Design Tools,
International Conference Green Age 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. 2012.
“Two International Parametric 3D-Design Case Studies: Climatic Heliotropism for Better Building Energy and Life-
Cycle-Performance,” International Conference Green Age 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. 2012.
“GHG Reduction and Self-Actualization of a New Green Designer Society,ACSA Fall Conference, Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture-Proceedings, Houston, Texas. 2011.
“Tropical Architecture with Micro-Generation for Cooling and Dehumidification." ATINER, First Annual
International Conference on Construction, Athens, Greece. 2011.
“Innovative building integrated micro-generation systems for cooling, heating, and dehumidification in hot and
humid climate zones,” 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Louvan-la-Neuve,
Belgium. 2011.
“Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities in the U.S.” POLYCITY Final Conference 2010, European Commission
CONCERTO Research Initiative, Stuttgart, Germany. 2010.
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“Case Study: German Low-Energy, Passive-House, and Plus-Energy-Buildings with Innovative Energy-Efficient
Phase Changing Materials.” BESS 2010: High Performance Building Enclosures Practical Sustainability
Symposium, Pomona, CA. 2010.
“Innovative Building Integrated, Solar-Assisted Air-Water Space Conditioning Systems with Dehumidification, and
Thermo-Active Cooling Systems for Hot and Humid Climates,” 39th Annual National Solar Conference, 35th
National Passive Solar Conference, 5th Renewable Energy Policy, Advocacy and Marketing Conference. 4th
Energy Sustainability Conference of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Phoenix, AZ. May, 2010
“E.U. Energy Performance Certificate Post-Occupancy-Evaluation - Case Studies.” 26th International Conference
- The Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Québec City, Canada. 2009.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.” Seventh International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development,
Chianciano Terme, Italy. July 2009.
“Large-Scale Infrastructure and Architecture C02 Reduction Implementation Case Study, Santa Catalina Island,
2nd International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Bologna, Italy. 2009.
“Landscape and Energy Efficiency: Development of a Computer Based Tool to Aid in the Design of Landscape to
Reduce Energy Consumption in Low-Rise Residential Buildings,” The PLEA 2009 Conference, (with A Osborne
and M Schiler) Québec City, Canada. 2009.
Development and validation of a U-BIM Model to mitigate the Heat Island Effect.” The PLEA 2009 Conference,
Québec City, Canada. 2009.
“POE, EMS, and Building Energy Performance Certificate Implementation at USC, L.A.,” The PLEA 2009
Conference, Québec City, Canada. 2009.
“Case Study: Innovative Phase Changing Materials in Solar Architecture,” ACSA Fall Conference 2008,
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Los Angeles, CA. 2008.
“EMSPost-Occupancy-Monitoring and Building Energy Passport Implementation for the USC School of
Architecture, L.A.,” Solar 2008 Conference, American Solar Energy Society, San Diego, CA. 2008.
“Creating a Sustainable Infrastructure and Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings for Santa Catalina Island.” Solar 2008
Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, San Diego, CA. 2008.
“Solar Powered Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings and Infrastructures for Catalina Island in Southern California.” 7th
International Conference of Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, European Commission, Bruessel-
Berlin. 2008.
“A Comparative Study of Bioclimatic Indicators in Southern California Native Plant Species and Architectural Site
Alignment Strategies for Performance-Based Design” Solar 2008 Conference, ASES (with A Lee), San Diego,
CA. 2008.
“Solar Access is Possible within the Constraints of Existing High FAR (Floor-Area-Ratio) Zoning in Downtown Los
Angeles,” Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, (with C Loghmani, R Knowles and D Noble), San Diego, CA. 2008.
“The Structural testing and potential applications for renewable bio-based composite materials in architecture,
Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, (with J Cleveland, J Guh and J Dombrowa), San Diego, CA. 2008.
“Fiber reinforced Phenol foam’s Structural Response to Moisture and Thermal Stress.” 3rd European Conference
on Composite Materials, Stockholm, Sweden. 2008.
“Structural Properties and Sustainable Assessment of Fiber Reinforced Phenol Foam,5th International
Conference, ACMBS-V, (with J Basbagil, G Schierle and S Nutt) Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 2008.
“A building energy consumption simulation toward the application of sustainable design strategies. Case Study:
Watt Hall,Virtual Building and Generative Design Conference, Oxford, UK. 2008.
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Window Solutions for a Low-Cost Housing Prototype for Tijuana, Mexico.” Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, (with
A Jeerage, M Schiler, and P La Roche) San Diego, CA.
“Zero Peak Residential Electric Demand: An Evaluation of Strategies for Eliminating Peak Residential Demand in
California Climate Zone 10,” SOLAR 2007, ASES, (with C Buntine, M Schiler, and M Milne), Cleveland, OH.
“Wind Turbine Integration: A Study of Building Shape and Orientation for Peak Power Generation,SOLAR 2007
ASES, (with J Ritter-Lopatowski and F Browand) Cleveland, OH. 2007.
“Thermal Comfort Performance Study of the Frank Lloyd Wright Freeman House,” SOLAR 2006 ASES
Conference, (with B Srahmbhatt, M Schiler, D Noble), Denver, CO. 2006.
“Towards Passive, Adaptive Zero-Fossil-Energy-Buildings,” 10th International Congress on Passive Houses,
Hanover, Germany. 2006.
“The Metropolitan Los Angeles as Laboratory for the Solar City and Power Station of the Future.” Solar World
Congress 2005 International Solar Energy Society Conference, (with G Honlez), Orlando, FL. 2005.
“Los Angeles Solar City of the Future,1st International Solar Cities Congress ISCC, UNIP, ISES, ISCI (with G
Honlez), Daegu, Korea. 2004.
“The Multi-Hybrid Home for the Rich and Poor in the Information Age,” 3rd International Congress of the
Asociación Nacional para la Vivienda del Futuro (ANAVIF), (edited by Luís De Garrido), Barcelona, Spain. 2003.
“Towards Solar-Zero-Fossil-Energy-Urban-Infrastructures.” International GREEN MUNDANEUM 2003
Symposium of CR Architects Association, San Jose, CR. 2003.
“Building a Solar City Framework for Sustainable Communities,” Universidad Del Desino, San Jose, CR. 2001.
“Solar Cities of Tomorrow with or without the U.S.,” International da-Vin-Ci Architecture Symposium at the
Technical University Darmstadt, Germany. 2001.
“Solar City - Subtask C: Urban renewable energy technology and industry development.” 3rd International Solar
City Workshop at the International Energy Agency’s SHC Task 30 Solar City Program, The Hague, The
Netherlands. 2000.
“Visionen zur Abraumfoerderbruecke Boehlen II im Tagebau Zwenkau,Dachverein Mitteldeutsche Strasse der
Braunkohle, Leipzig, Germany. 1999.
“Solar Experimental Architecture,” V Encuentro Internacional de Arquitectura UDLA Puebla, EXPERIMENTA V,
Encuentro Internacional de Arquitectura e Interiores, Puebla, México. 1998.
“Thomas Spiegelhalter- Architectura, Ecocompa-libilita e sintesi tra architettura e arte, Edifici e serre per una
nuova politica urbana,(with Di F, and M De), Abiotarea, Italy. 2000.
Spiegelhalter, Thomas, P. Drecker and A. Wolf. “Feasibility study for the environmental site evaluation and
reactivation of abandoned industrial areas for the new urban development in the Ruhr Valley.” EW, (Ruhrgebiet,
Germany: Oestliches, 1998), 63 pgs., NPR.
Thomas Spiegelhalter, P. Drecker and A. Wolf. “Feasibility study for the environmental site evaluation and
reactivation of abandoned industrial areas for the new urban development in the Ruhr Valley.” (Germany: EW
Oestliches Ruhrgebiet, 1998), 48 pgs., NPR.
Spiegelhalter, Thomas and J. Dittus. “Examples of Landscape Architecture J. Dittus with Thomas Spiegelhalter.”
in Landschaftsarchitekten -Landscape Architecture in Germany.” (Wiesbaden: H.M. Nelte Verlag, 1997), 134-135.
“Klimawerkzeug Architektur, Solarenergieformen in der Umweltgestaltung.” Oekologische, ökonomische und
soziale Aspekte der Energieerzeugung aus regenerativen Energien, Umweltinstitut, Leipzig, Germany. 1995.
“Fassadenintegrierte Photovoltaik- u. Informationssysteme,” Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für
Umweltinnovationen, Stuttgart, Germany. 1994.
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Spiegelhalter, Thomas and Wilfried Lewitzki. “Innovative Holzbauweisen fuer den Wohnungsbau.“ (Düsseldorf,
Germany: Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz e.V., 1993), 18 pgs
“Gravel Pit Architecture, Karl-Hofer-Preis 1990,Karl-Hofer-Symposium 1990, University of the Arts Berlin, Berlin,
Germany. 1991.
“Sabliere, Drop-off II, Kieswerk IN SITU, Espace Vert, Pelouse des Ciments d’Origny,” Les Ateliers Du Sundgau
Nr.1, De Tout Bois-Installations-Expositions, CRAC, Centre Regional D´Art Contemporain Alsace, France. 1990.
Topic Chair:
FOR EXTREME TROPICAL CLIMATE IMPACTS,” Los Angeles Façade Tectonics Conference: Emerging
Strategies and Design Practices for Facade Systems, Buildings and Urban Habitat, Los Angeles, CA. March 22,
“Emerging Workflows, Techniques, and Design Protocols for Carbon-Neutral Buildings,” 102
Annual Meeting of
the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Miami Beach, FL. April 10 - 12, 2014.
“Measuring and Benchmarking: Local Examples, Global Perspective” Greenbuild 2010, International Forum and
Federal Summit, Washington, DC. May, 2010.
“Sustainable Energy Technology in Germany and the U.S.” International Conference and Symposium, Sponsored
by the German Ministry Technology Export Initiative, the State of Baden-Württemberg International, Daimler-Benz,
Bosch, and the Centre of Applied Research on Sustainable Energy Technology, West Hollywood, Los
Angeles, CA. November 8, 2009.
“Second International Energy Efficiency in Construction Symposium,” LADWP Davidson Conference Center,
Sponsored by LADWP Green Program, German Federal Ministry of Economics, BMI, Energy Efficiency Export
Initiative, The Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Republic of Germany, AHK San Francisco, GABA, USC
Energy Institute, AIA Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA. March 10, 2009.
“Greening Architecture, Ethics, and the Environment, Lecture by Architect Ian Ritchie, London, Royal Academy,
UK,(with M Chow), Sponsored by Award Visions and Voices, British Airlines, and AIA, Los Angeles, CA. January
21, 2009.
"Zero-Net-Energy Infrastructure and Sustainable Architecture Innovation Lecture by Architect Christoph
Ingenhoven, Germany,” Sponsored by: USC Energy Institute, GLUMAC, GENSLER, AIA Pasadena, USGBC
Chapter Los Angeles, USC Davidson Conference Center L.A., Los Angeles, CA. October 2, 2008.
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Research / Scholarship / Creative Work
Publications in Discipline
Refereed Publications
Non-refereed Publications
Lectures / Presentations / Conferences
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4a-ii Non-refereed Publications
Publications on Thomas Spiegalhalter’s Work:
“The Technological Design of Resilient Landscape Il Progretto tecnologico del paessaggio resilient” (F Angelucci,
R B Afonso, M D Sivio, D Ladiana) Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2015.
“A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture 1960-2010 - The Greening of Architecture” (P Tabb) London:
Ashgate Publishing, 2012.
“La costruzione del paesaggio energetico - Centro Culturale e Sociale Breisach, progettato da Thomas
Spiegelhalter” (F Angelucci and L Cavallari) Richerche di tecnologia dell’architettura Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2011.
“For a Frugal Approach in Architecture - Scientific Committee” (F Gallanti) ABITARE, International Architecture
Magazine, November 2010.
“Green Building Trends in Europe.” (Y Yudelson) Solar Townhouses Rieselfeld, Washington DC: Island Press,
“Ecopolis: Architecture and Cities for a Changing Climate” (P F Downton) New York: Springer, 2009.
“Thomas Spiegelhalter, Doppelhaeuser am Kaiserstuhl, Ein Platz an der Sonne(H Reiners, et al) In: Individuelle
Doppelhaeuser & Reihenhaeuser, Munich: Callwey, 1998.
“Thomas Spiegelhalter, Projekt Visionen Thomas Spiegelhalter” (M Guadra) In: Visionen Berlin Karl-Marx-Allee,
Architektenkammer Hessen und Berlin, German Museum of Architecture, Frankfurt, Hamburg: Junius, 1997.
“Architektur ist kein Zufall drei andere Projekte, T. Spiegelhalter” In: Bausubstanz neu genutzt - Architektur
individueller Arbeitsstaetten, (H Lerch), Stuttgart: Alexander Koch, 1993.
Drawing and Perceiving: Real-World Drawing for Students of Architecture and Design (D Cooper) 4th Edition,
Hoboken: Wiley, 2007.
Model Buildings, Thomas Spiegelhalter In: ECO-Design Handbook, A Complete Sourcebook (A Fuad-Luke),
London: Thames & Hudson, 2006.
Geschichte der Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts (The History of Architecture in the 20thCentury (J Tietz) Cologne:
Koenemann House, 1998.
“Living Spaces - Sustainable Building Design (L E Abraham and T Fischer) German Oeko Test, Cologne:
Koennemann House, 1998.
“Stacks Garten Osterfeld, Bundesgartenschau Oberhausen” In: Schwarzes Tor und Koksbatterie, (P Drecker),
Bottrop: Eigenverlag Drecker, 1998.
“Mensch-Farbe-Raum” In: Grundlagen der Farbgestaltung in Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Design und Planung, (B
Rodeck, et al), Stuttgart: Alexander Koch, 1998.
Stadterweiterung Rieselfeld: Modell für eine wachsende Stadt (K Humpert) Stuttgart: AVA, 1997.
Solar Architectural Sculpture by Thomas Spiegelhalter In: Contemporary European Architects, Volume 5 (K
Humpert and P Jodidio), Köln-London-New York-Paris-Tokyo: Benedikt Taschen, 1997.
“Visionen zur Karl-Marx-Allee Berlin” In: German Architect Chamber and German Architecture Museum Frankfurt,
(M Cuadra), Hamburg: Junius, 1997.
“Neue deutsche Landschaft” (K D Neuman), Ausstellungskatalog (Exhibition catalog), München: Kleiber-Wurm,
"Living Spaces - Sustainable Building Design” (L E Abraham and T Fischer) German Oeko Test, Cologne:
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Koennemann, 1998.
“Aus zwei mach Drei, Dialog zwischen Lehre und Praxis” (R Burgard, A Gaiser, et al) Magistrat Stadt Frankfurt,
Raumobjekte in der gebauten Schulumwelt” (M Cuadra and R Toyka) Wüstenrot Stiftung, HISS, Stuttgart:
Klettverlag, 1996.
Solar Cultural Center Breisach, Thomas SpiegelhalterIn: Handbuch zur Regenwassernutzung in der Architektur,
Oekologische Konzepte (K W König) Germany: Staufen Ökobuch-Verlag, 1996.
“Energiesparhäuser: Eine neue Generation von Gebäuden” In: Niedrigenergiehaus Niederrimisningen, Architektur-
Skulptur Breisach, (W Meyer-Bohe) Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1996.
“Metapher Beton - oder die Rettung der Architektur” (J M Fehlhaber) Cover Design Solar Cultural Center Breisach,
Duesseldorf: Betonverlag, 1995.
"Thomas Spiegelhalter, Special Buildings" Architectural Houses O1- Architecture and Interior Design of Houses,
Ediciones Atrium International, Volume 01, (F A Cerver), Barcelona: S.A. Ediciones Atrium International, 1994.
Endzeit Architektur - Architektur als Spiegel unserer Zeit (H Mund) München-New York: Prestel, 1994.
“Ansichten, Standpunkte der Architekturfotografie" (K Klemp) Mainz: Verlag Hermann Schmidt, 1994.
“Photovoltaic and Architecture - The Integration of Photovoltaic Cells in Building Envelopes” (O Humm and P
Toggweiler) In: Photovoltaics in Buildings, International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, France (English, Italian,
French, German), Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhaeuser, 1993.
“Neue Einfamilienhäuser" (H Reiners) Muenchen: Callwey Verlag, 1993.
"First Prize Mauerwettbewerb Thomas Spiegelhalter" Mythos Berlin: Konturen, Anmerkungen zu einem
Wettbewerb, (L Scarpa) Berlin: Ästhetik Kommunikation, 1987.
“ENVIRO-DESIGN: Adaptable Technology - Future Housing” ARCHI-TECH Residential Magazine, 2003.
“Architects Without Borders German Architects in Foreign Countries. Part 7: USA, Report and Analysis”
Deutsches Architektenblatt, Edition 4, 2003.
“Focus on USA: Towards Zero-Energy-Urban-Infrastructures, Sub-urban Growth and Environmental Injustice in
USA” reFOCUS, International Renewable Energy Magazine, 2001.
“Solare Stadthaeuser” Unternehmen Umwelt - Freiburger Solarenergie Fuehrer, 1999.
“Klimawerkzeug Architektur - Grundsatz Ueberlegungen zum Sola-ren Bauen” Intelligente Architektur, Zeitschrift
für Architektur, Gebäudetechnik, Facility Management, AIT, 1999.
“Gerettet, Umnutzung einer stillgelegten Förderbrücke in Klettwitz, Niederlausitz” AIT Architektur Forum,
Innenarchitektur, Technischer Ausbau, 1998.
“Variables Wohnen - In der Bewegung denken, radikales recycling, die Wiederverwertbarkeit von Material,
Konstruktion und verbrauchter Landschaft” Neue Medien, 1997.
“Modulares Konzept: Low-Cost Prototyp Entwicklung Solare Doppelwohnhäuser Ihringen" Intelligente Architektur,
Architekturzeitschrift, AIT Spezial 5, 1996.
“Lebensmittel Wohnung - Europäischer Architektentag Trier 1993, Aufsatz: Experimentalbauten der Zukunft”
Deutsches Architektenblatt, 1994.
“Form und Farbe in der ArchitekturDas Deutsche Malerblatt, 1994.
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“HOLZRAHMENBAU: Modifizierte Holzrahmenkons-truktionen, Experimentalprojekt Wohngewerbeanlage in
Rackwitz bei LeipzigBaufachzeitschrift Neue Bundesländer (with W Lewitzki), 1993.
TV-Documentaries/Videos about Thomas Spiegelhalter’s Work:
Finding Solutions to Sea Level Rise at FIU,” Interview and Movie by Linda Flores, FIU School of Communication
+ Journalism, FIU Broadcast Media, 2017.
AIA Pasadena-Foothill 2030 Agenda Launch (You Tube): 10 Educational Sessions with Thomas Spiegelhalter for
the "AIA 2030 Challenge" Executive Producers: M Chow, AIA, Los Angeles, CA, 2010.
Off the Grid” - Documentary Featuring Green Buildings and the Solar Decathlon 2007 in Washington, Executive
Producers: M Chow, AIA, USC School of Cinema Prof. N Hollyn, M Oviedo (Co-hosted by Thomas Spiegelhalter),
Los Angeles, CA, 2008-2009.
Betonhaus in der Kiesgrube, Solares Kulturzentrum Breisach, (Gravel Pit Concrete Building - Solar Cultural
Center Breisach),” Edited by Inka Bause for RTL, NORD-DEICH Television Produktionsgesellschaft, RTL-
German TV, April 28, 2010.
World’s Most Extreme Homes, Eco-friendly Building, Breisach, Architect Thomas Spiegelhalter, Germany,
HGTV,” 26-part series, UK Pioneer Productions London, and USA, Post-Occupancy Documentation of the Solar
Cultural Center in Breisach, first broadcasted on the HGTV-Channel in the US and later on EU Channels, April 2,
architettura- film-music, Vol. 1,” contribution architecture-sculpture, CAIPIRINHA video shows in New York City,
Ratgeber Bauen und Wohnen: Solare Kulturzentrum Breisach,ARD, German TV, October 24, 2000.
Architektur und Recycling,ZDF German TV Dr. Thomas Hocke, Deutsches Architekturmuseum, July-September
Vernissage-Architekturskulpturen, Liveveranstaltung,Swiss TV: DRS Television Zürich, Switzerland, March
Design-Symposium Architektur-Skulptur,German SWF-TV: W. Scherer Katholische Akademie, Architekturforum
Freiburg (Chamber of Architects Suedbaden), Galerie Blau, SWF 2, March 1993.
Schrottskulptur-Interview and Report,German SWF-TV: H. Brandenburg, M. Lämmle Landesumschau SWF 3,
BERYL A- Architecturale Installation Kunstverein Freiburg,German SWF-TV: P. Krieg, W. Scherer SWF 3,
Intl. Ideenwettbewerb zur Verstädterung der Berliner MauerEismauer von T. Spiegelhalter,” TV RIAS Berlin,
March 1987.
Schöner Wohnen im Beton Berlin —Thomas Spiegelhalter Kunst und Bauen,P. Voss, German ZDF TV, Heute
Journal, Report, Interview: First Prize Schinkelpreis - Satellite High-Rise District Maerkisches Viertel, Berlin, 1986.
Reviews of Thomas Spiegelhalther’s Work:
“FIU and Tsinghua University students team up for Solar Decathlon China 2013,” (J Hellegard), FIU Newsletter,
Miami, March 18, 2013.
“Resultado de Concurso Internacional - Fundecor ya tiene diseño para su nueva sede,(A Gonzales) La Nacion –
Aldea Global, San Jose, Costa Rica, October 23, 2012.
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“Building for the Future FIU students compete to built country’s best solar-powered house,” (M Haro) FIU
Newsletter, Miami, August 26, 2010
“USC Expands Green Courses and Programs,” (M Bernstein) Azo-CleanTech News, Warriewood, Australia,
December 11, 2008.
“USC heats up for the Solar Decathlon,(S Nelson) Los Angeles Times, August 31, 2003.
“Places: Finding beauty and meaning in a post-industrial landscape,” (P Lowry) Post-Gazette Architecture Critic,
Pittsburgh, PA, Feb 26, 2001.
“Point State Park renewal gets designers’ attention,(P Lowry) Post-Gazette Architecture Critic, Pittsburgh, PA,
November 2, 2001.
In: “Viva ecolóicamente: Alvaro Rojas y Thomas Spiegelhalter intercambian ideas sobre la bio-construcci ó en el
mundo,” (A Mart) La República, San Jose, Costa Rica, January 11, 2001.
“Sunny Outlook - CMU students envision solar-powered homes of the future,” (C Rosenblum) Pittsburgh City
Paper, 2001.
Ac. In: “Praezisionsarbeit nach Mitternacht: Laatzens Haupstrasse hat endlich ihre Bruecke Wie ein Ballett in
Zeitlupe,” Leine-Nachrichten, (Leine News), Germany, No. 161, July 2000.
“Watson Festival at CMU honors artists’ multidisciplinary daring,(M Thomas) Post-Gazette Art Critic, Pittsburgh,
PA, September 13, 1999.
“Brennpunkt Alltag: Fuer Solaranlagen gibt es billige Kredite,” (B Janzing) Badische Zeitung, Freiburg, Germany,
May 22, 1997.
“Mischwerk: Eine Kunstskulptur mit industrieller Vergangenheit-die aelteste Kiesabfuellanlage Badens,”
(Ehrenteich) Badische Zeitung, Freiburg, Germany, June 1999.
“Showtime im Betonwerk,” (W Goeckl) Dossier: Dreiland-Zeitung fuer Suedwestdeutschland, Frankreich /Haut-
Alsace-Nordwestschweiz, Redaktion Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg, No. 19, Jahrgang 9, May 5, 1999.
“Industrie-Denkmal, Kulturmaschine, Kunstlandschaft Kies: Ein heiszes politisches Eisen - Das Besondere an der
Gruen 99,” (T Passlick) Gruen 99-Neues aus dem Dreilaendergarten, No.1., 1999.
“Industrie-Denkmal, Kulturmaschine, Kunstlandschaft Kies: Ein heiszes politisches Eisen - Das Besondere an der
Gruen 99.” (T Passlick) Gruen 99-Neues aus dem Dreilaendergarten, No.1., 1999.
“Interview: Gruen 99, Kultur zum Beispiel, Kulturspielplatz Kieswerk,” (T Passlick) WILLA Kulturmagazin, Stadt
Weil am Rhein, October 1998.
“Gruen 99: Erholungsraum mit starker Architektur, Treffpunkt BW: Zaha Hadid, Treppenturm: Joerg Schlaich,
Transformierte Kiesabfuellanlage: Thomas Spiegelhalter,” (A Vonmont) Basler Zeitung. Switzerland, April 1998.
“Das kuenstlerische Konzept der Gruen 99 Kunst und Natur(T Passlick) Gruen 99-Neues aus dem
Dreilaendergarten, Weil am Rhein, No.4., November 1998.
“Haus als schoenes Abenteuer Eine Skulptur zum Wohnen und Arbeiten (A House as a beautiful adventure
Sculpture for Living and Working),” (W Karst) Dreiland-Zeitung der Basler Zeitung (Three Country Triangle
Newspaper of Swiss-France-Germany, newspaper in Basel, Switzerland). Forum 7, June 3, 1993.
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Research / Scholarship / Creative Work
Publications in Discipline
Refereed Publications
Non-refereed Publications
Lectures / Presentations / Conferences
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4b – Lectures / Presentations / Conferences
Public Presentations / Lectures:
"Carbon-neutral high-rise envelope design and engineering for extreme tropical climate impacts," Facade
Tectonics 2020 World Congress (FTI WC2020). Face Time 2020: Better Buildings through Better Skins, Los
Angeles, CA. forthcoming March 25-26, 2020.
“Carbon Neutral Scenarios for Food-Water-Energy Nexus Research Projects in Miami,” International CRUNCH
conference of participating Universities from UK, Poland, Netherlands, USA and Tapei, University of Eindhoven,
forthcoming May 21-22, 2019.
“EU-Belmont: FIU-KEIO Food-Water-Energy Nexus Research Projects in Tokyo-Miami,” Keio University Shonan
Fujisawa Campus, Tokyo, Japan, forthcoming May 14, 2019.
“Resilience and Sea Level Rise Mitigation Research in Miami,” American Institute of Architects, AIA Japan,
Architects Regional Council Asia, ARCASIA, Kokushikan University, (with M Nepomechie, S Vassigh, and G
Read), Tokyo, Japan, forthcoming May 11, 2019.
“The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A new approach in support of Carbon-Neutral, Resilient and Biomimetic Energy-
Water-Food Nexus Design,” National Science Foundation RCN-SEES Conference on: Predictive Modeling
Network for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (SHBE), Workshop on Urban Sustainability: Social Actors,
Policy and Governance, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. April 15 - 16, 2019.
“E.U. Belmont CRUNCH Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices Workshop Conference,” Olivia Business
Centre, Gdansk, Poland. June 20, 2018 and Kuznia Wodna & Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland,
Sept. 12-13, 2018.
“Carbon-Neutral Architecture and Infrastructural Projects (Generative Coding, Scripting and BIM Scenario
modelling),” Universidad Veritas, San Jose, Costa Rica. June 20, 2018.
"Parametricalgorithmic, Sealevelrise Building Design Solutions: Long-term Design Testing and Optimization
Scenarios for Miami Beach Buildings in Florida,” Twelfth International Conference on Design Principles &
Practices, Special Focus: No Boundaries Design / Design No Fronteras, (with F Xu, U Grosso, and R Morbiducci)
Barcelona, Spain, March 2018.
"Comparative International Carbon Neutral Campus Building Operation Strategies between University of Genoa
and Florida International University in Miami,” Twelfth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices,
Special Focus: No Boundaries Design / Design No Fronteras, (with A del Borgi) Barcelona, Spain, March 2018.
Design Agent based Realtime Scenario Planning and Benchmarking for Salutogenic Environments,” UIA General
Session Design Works, Sub Theme: Nature, Category or Topic: 9. Building Science & Engineering, Union of
International Architects, World Congress, UIA Seoul, 2017.
Sea Level Rise Adaptation and the Future of Coastal Cities,International GREEN SURF FESTIVAL (with R
Morbuducci, F Xu, and U Grosso), Italy. July 16, 2017.
“Carbon Neutral Buildings and Blue Infrastructures for Miami,” Sea Level Solution Center and the University of
Pennsylvania, the Consulate of the Netherlands and Arcadis, Miami, FL. Feb. 9, 2017.
Carbon Neutral Buildings and Blue Infrastructures for Miami,SEA LEVEL RISE AND CIVIC TECHNOLOGY: AN
OPEN DISCUSSION (with U Grosso and F XU), Miami, FL. February 27
NECESARIA, Granada, Nicaragua. June 13-15, 2013.
“Extreme tropical facades,International MUNDANEUM 2013: VIII REUNIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE
ARQUITECTURA NECESARIA, Granada, Nicaragua. June 13-15, 2013.
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“Micro-Climate Sensitive Carbon Neutral Architecture in the Neotropics Cases Studies and Experiments,
Granada, Nicaragua. June 13-15, 2013.
“Carbon Neutral Architecture - Best Case Studies.” XI Internacional Congreso Arquitectura 2013, Sostenibildad
Patrimanio Educacion, Sponsored by Universidad, Collegio de Arquitectura de Costa Rica and Costa Rican
Association of Engineers and Architects (Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos-CFIA), San Jose, Costa
Rica. May 1-4. 2013.
“AIA + 2030 Building Sector Energy Challenge: 10 Sessions,” Sponsored by American Institute for Architects
(AIA) Pasadena-L.A., Los Angeles, CA. 2010-2012.
“No Architect Left Behind Carbon Neutral Design: 4 Sessions,” Sponsored by American Institute for Architects
(AIA) Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA. 2012-13.
“Globally Benchmarked Buildings Versus Green Washed Buildings,” AIA sponsored public lecture series with AIA
credits, University of Maryland, College of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Washington D.C. January 26,
“Development and Moderation: Global benchmarking? Taking a Critical Look at the Resource Use and
Performance of Sustainable Buildings in the U.S.,” Greenbuild International Conference and Expo, Chicago, IL.
November 19, 2010.
“Energy Efficient Buildings and Cities in the U.S.” The POLYCITY Project - Visions of Sustainable Urban Energy
Systems, Stuttgart, Germany. September 2010.
“Measuring and Benchmarking: Local Examples, Global Perspective,” Greenbuild 2010, US Green Building
Council, International Forum and Federal Summit, Washington D.C. May 19, 2010.
"Research Case Studies and POE’s in Germany 1990-2003,” FIU Energy Conference, Department of Engineering
and Construction Management, Miami, FL. March 12, 2010.
“Ecology-Design-Synergy, Form Follows Performance.” 10th International Mundaneum 2009 Symposium. IUCN
International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Universidad del Diseño, San Jose, FUDEUFoundation for
Urban Developments. San Jose, Costa Rica. June 2009.
BIM (Building Information Modelling) and Sustainability,” AIA Los Angeles Computer Committee, Gin Wong
Conference Center, USC, (with O Kimmon, K Kensek, and M Gangi), Los Angeles, CA. May 13, 2009.
“USC Green Development Conference,” Panelist for International Green Building Benchmarking, Annenberg
School for Communication, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. April 18, 2009.
“International Energy Efficiency in Construction Symposium,” Moderator, German Federal Ministry of Economics,
BMI, AHK San Francisco, USC Energy Institute, AIA Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA. March 10, 2009.
“Legislating Green Buildings,” The American Institute of Architecture Pasadena & Foothill and Design Within
Reach, AIA, Pasadena, CA. March 6, 2009.
“Sustainability and Construction,” International Sustainability Conference, Centro Nacional de Producción más
Limpia, Alcaldía de Medellín, Medellin, Colombia. February 2009.
“FORUM: Is it possible to build sustainable cities in Central America?” International HABITAT-UN Conference,
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Holcim, Fudeu, IUCN/Mesoamérica, Colegio Federado de
Ingenieros y Arquitectos Auditorium, San José, Costa Rica. November 26-28, 2008.
“Phase Changing Materials in Solar Architecture,” ACSA: Material Ecology & Sustainability - Material Matters
Conference, 2008 ACSA Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, USC Los Angeles, CA. 2008.
“Sustainability and Zero-Fossil-Energy-Architecture,” Work Report, University of Minneapolis, MN. 2008.
“Performance based sustainability,” Work Report, Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. March 2008.
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“Performance Based Architecture and Systems Integration,Work Report, University of North Carolina. 2008.
“Energy Efficient Architecture,” Work Report, Lecture, Technical University of Applied Research Cologne
Germany. 2007.
“GREEN ON GREEN – Celebrating Urban Living. Presenting provocative ideas on Sustainable Urban living,
Solar Cities, and Experimental Architecture,” The American Institute of Architecture Pasadena & Foothill and
Design Within Reach, Pasadena, CA. 2007.
“Innovations in Solar and Renewable Energy in Architecture - Transitions to a Renewable Future,USC School of
Architecture Public Lecture Series, Los Angeles, CA. 2006.
“Keynote lecture: Look sustainable buildings different?” International Summer Academy for Architecture,
Reurbanization and Sustainability, ars-Berlin, TFH Berlin and New York City CUNY, Sto-Stiftung, DAAD, Bauhaus
Academy Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 2006.
“Opening Keynote Lecture for the Architecture Exhibition 2050 -Visions for Berlin.” Vernisage at the German
Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Berlin, ARS Berlin, Sustainable Designs of TFH Berlin, New York City CUNY, DAAD
German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany. July 2006.
“Innovations in Solar and Renewable Energy in Architecture Minnesota Architecture Transitions to a Renewable
Future,” 2nd Annual Earth Day Forum: College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of
Minnesota, CALA, USGBC Mississippi Headquarters Chapter Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Sustainable
Development Unit, AIA MN Committee on the Environment, Minneapolis, MN. April 25, 2006.
“Innovations in Green Architecture,” Meeting the Sustainability Challenge: USC Center for Sustainable Cities
Symposium, Los Angeles, CA. 2006.
“Zero-Fossil-Energy-Building-Design,Green Economy Forum Session 4, Earth Day Symposium, Audubon
Society, and Audubon Center, Los Angeles, CA. 2005.
“Sustainable Performative Architecture and Urban Design,Atelier 1: Residenza, Atelier 2: Aree Industriali, Atelier
3: Vuoti Urbani, Universita degli Studi D’Annuzio, Dipartimento di Technologie per l’Ambiente Costruito, Pescara,
Italy. 2005.
“Experimental Architecture,” International Symposia States of Mind Design Evolution, University Tasmania,
Launceston, Australia. 2004.
“Performative Urban Architecture,” Forum for Architecture and Urban Design, Design College of Environmental
Design, Department of Architecture, Cal Poly Pomona, Los Angeles, CA. 2004.
“Towards Solar-Zero-Fossil-Energy-Urban Building Infrastructures,” SCI-Arc-2GA, Los Angeles, CA. 2003.
Solar Architecture and Urban Reclamation, International Green Mundaneum Symposium.” III Reunion
Internacional de Arquitectura, City of San Jose and Universidad del Desino, San Jose, Costa Rica. 2003.
“The Solar Multi-Hybrid Home for the Rich and Poor in the Information Age,” La Vivienda Sostenible en la Era
Digital Contribution: Congreso Internacional Sobre La Vivienda del Futuro, Catalonian Architects Professional
Association, the Catalonian Government, Asociacion Nacional para la Vivienda del Futuro ANAVIF, Barcelona,
Spain. 2003.
“Industrial Design and Architecture,” University of the Arts, Hamburg, Germany. 2003.
“Solar Architecture and Urban Planning.” International Solar Architecture Symposium, A.I.A. Los Angeles, CA.
“Experimental Solar Architecture and Urban Planning,” Convegno Internazionale, Involucri energetici, Strategy
Innovative Per Le Sisterna Fotovoltaico, DiTAC Dipartimento di Technologie per l’ Ambiente Costruito, Pescara,
Italy. 2002.
“Solar Cities of Tomorrow - with or without the U.S.,” International Architecture Symposium da-vin-ci, Technical
University Darmstadt, Schueco International, Hebel Porenbeton, Fels Gmbh, Germany. 2001.
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“Solar City Pittsburgh,” IEA International Solar City Program Workshop, Melbourne, Australia. 2001.
“Under the Sun - With the Wind,Rice Design Green Spring Lecture Series, Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, TX.
“Climate Tools Architecture.” Symposium City of Leipzig with Sister City of Houston, UH Houston, TX. 2001.
“Building a Solar City Framework for Sustainable Communities.” Universidad del Desino, San Jose, Costa Rica.
“Solar City Pittsburgh, PA, San José, Costa Rica,” IEA International Energy Agency - Solar City Program
Workshop Lecture Series, The Hague, Netherlands. 2000.
“Experimental Solar Architecture,” International Jill Watson Festival, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
“Experimental Solar Architecture,” International Congress of Experimental Architecture, V Encuentro Internacional
de Arquitectura +UDLA, Puebla, Universidad de las Americas, Puebla V Congreso, Puebla, Mexico. 1999.
“Nachhaltige Architektur,University of Applied Science Stralsund, Germany. 1999.
“Sustainable Architecture.” Department of Interior Architecture, University of Wales Institute Cardiff, UK. 1998.
“Climate Tools - Solar Buildings,” National Scientific Expert Conference on Energy and Building Technology,
HTWK Leipzig, Germany. 1998.
“Main Street Reclamation,G. H. School of Architecture, University of Houston, TX. 1998.
“Architecturale Visie of Antwerpse, Droogdokken.” Gallery De Grote Wite Arend Antwerpen, Belgium. 1997.
“Critical consideration of former East German Architecture (DDR) by the example of the Karl-Marx-Allee,
International Workshop, Hessian and Berlin Chamber of Architect Organization, Federal German Architecture
Museum, Frankfurt, Germany. 1996.
“Tell me how you will build,” Suedbaden Architect Organization, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden, Germany. 1996.
“The creation of Solar Hybrids,” Universita degli di Napoly,” Federico II,” Dipartimento di Porgettazione Urbana
Sezione Technologia e Ambiente, Italy. 1995.
“Climate responsive architecture - Solar energy forms in environmental design,” Environmental Institute Leipzig,
Germany. 1995.
“Aus Zwei mach Drei - neue Konzepte des Holzbaus,“ Deutscher Werkbund, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 1994.
“Nachhaltige Architektur.” Work Report - Lecture. University Stuttgart and Cottbus University, Germany. 1994.
“Lifestyle and Design.” Lecture at Symposium Solar Cultural Center Breisach am Rhein, Gallery Blau, Freiburg.
“Experimental Housing Between Laboratory and Playground.” International Symposium Lebensmittel Wohnung,
Architects Day, European Academy of the Arts, Trier, Germany. 1993
“Houses of the Future - Buildings and Environment - Low Energy Houses,” University of the Arts, Hamburg,
Germany. 1993.
“Innovative Holzbauweisen im Wohnungsbau,” Holzbau 1993, Holzbautagung, Leipzig, Germany. 1993.
“Recycling in Civil Engineering and Architecture,Sustainability Symposium, Nachhaltigkeits-symposium,
Frankfurt Airport GmbH, German Federal Ministry of Building and Housing, Bonn, Germany. 1992.
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Research / Scholarship / Creative Work
Creative Work
Creative Professional Design/Built Work
Creative Professional Master Planning
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4c-i – Creative Professional Design/Built Work
Built work is professional and creative work. Design/built work typically occurs through peer-reviewed or non-peer reviewed
processes. For example, architectural design or engineering competitions or RFP’s (request for proposals) are organized
to solicit realization or conceptual proposals for specific projects. Blind, peer reviews are conducted by independent juries
of selected professionals, agencies, and/or government officials to judge competitions and RFP’s. Both can be held at
regional, national or international levels. They can be open to all or limited (i.e. registered professionals). Thomas was the
architect, engineer, and urban planner responsible or co-responsible for the design, the environmental systems,
construction documents, permitting, assembly, and for the yearly POE’s (Post Occupancy-Evaluations), including bio-
climatic ‘Clash Design Analysis’ and ‘Building-Energy-Performance Modeling and Benchmarking’ of the following work:
(Total approximate construction costs with Euro currency converter from April 2019: $438 Million)
301399 sf (28000 m2), 21 story, Nueva Edificio Asamblea Legislativa in San Jose, Costa Rica, Expert consultant
Thomas Spiegelhalter for the Bio-climatic Design, BIM-Dynamo
modeling, Computational Fluid Dynamics and
RESET sustainable building rating system. Client: Bank of Costa Rica and Government., Local Architect J. Salinas.
Project Honariaum: Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
Client: Government of Costa Rica, NOVATECNIA,
Construction Cost: approximately $100 million, 2016-ongoing.
Smart City Kigali Realization Project in Rwanda. Program size: 39 Hectare, Phase 2. Collaboration Team:
Datumzero Design Office, Guillermo Garita, Bruce Goodman. Carbon-Neutral Design, Smart City Systems and
Renewable Energy Infrastructure Consultant: Arch
itect, Engineer Thomas Spiegelhalter (LEED AP). Well
Community Standard Pilot Program A.P, Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
Client: Ministry of Public Works,
Rwanda Government, Africa. Construction Cost: $120 million, 2019-2021.
Sports City Miami Development, Miami, FL., Client: Diaz-Reus Attorneys, Adventura Inc., Master Planner
Spiegelhalter-Berenblum-Busch, Miami. Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Construction Cost approximately $78
million, Planning stage / RFP: 2018-ongoing.
Renzo Piano’s Pro Bono Paris Workshop for new El Rodeo de Mora School in Costa Rica, Climatic Design
Consultant: T. Spiegelhalter, under the supervision of Profesor de Arquitectura, Principal Fournier Rojas
Arquitectos, San Jose, Costa Rica. Client: Ministry of Education, with funding by the Renzo Piano Foundation of
Genoa in Italy, the Fundación Botín of Santander in Spain, and pro bono work by Rojas Architects, 2012-2013.
Energy-Efficiency-Retrofitting Design Project for a 2,100 sf² Mixed-Use Building in Los Angeles, Exposition Park,
90037, CA. Budget: $60,000, Partly Completed, 2011-2013.
Uxarrací Project (post professional training center for architects and engineers) in Costa Rica. (árq)²
FOurnier-ROjas ARQuitectos. Project Value: $700,000. Completed, 2010.
Request for proposal - Hot Spring Pools Project Near Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, with arg², Prof. A. Rojas,
San Jose. Co-PI: Thomas Spiegelhalter for bioclimatic environmental design. Project Value: $800,000.
Completed, 2010.
Yearly Post-Occupancy Building Energy Performance Evaluations of 7 new and energy efficiency renovated
buildings in the State of Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany. European Building Energy Performance Evaluation
in kWh/m²/a and CO²e/kg/m²/a, Freiburg, Germany. 1996-ongoing.
German 1000 Photovoltaic Roof Program and Solar Thermal Vacuum System Monitoring. Yearly
Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of Solar Thermal and PV Systems based on the German Feed-In-Tariff
(FIT). Object: Solares Kulturzentrum Jakobschanze (Solar Cultural Center), 160.000 DEM / 81806 EUR,
(Breisach, Germany. 1993-ongoing.
RFP High-Performance Office Prototype Development, Miami, FL. (Building Design w. U. Petzold + friends -
Lighting), 2009-2010.
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3D-LED Signage Information & Orientation Systems for Santa Monica College Campus Buildings.
Collaborative Design with T. J. Drake, Golden Cane Media. 3D-systems: T. Spiegelhalter, Project Value:
$217,430.02. Completed. 2008-2009.
High Rise Hotel San Jose, Low-Energy-Student housing at UniDis, RFP -acquisition project, adjacent to Parque
Morazán, PI: Prof. A. Rojas. Co-PI: T. Spiegelhalter, Sustainability consultation. Completed. 2008-2009.
Request for proposal (RFP) - 18 units student housing at UniDis according to the new C.A.S. (F.A.R.) Zoning
Plan with incentives for green building practices of the City of San José, Costa Rica. arg2. PI: Prof. A. Rojas. CO-
PI: T. Spiegelhalter, Sustainability consultation. Completed. 2008-2009.
Shopping Center Renovation and New Construction of a Low-Energy-Office-Building, Kirchzarten,
Germany. Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Competition Consultation and Building Evaluation: T.
Spiegelhalter. Client: DomiZiel GmbH. Project value: €3,600,000 ($4,604,400.50). Completed. 2007-2009.
Renovation IBA Health Pyramid (48’x48’x48’m), Gesundheitspark (Health Park). International Building
Exhibition (IBA), Bottrop, Germany. Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Landscape Architect: Peter Drecker.Project
Value: €32,000 ($42,066.52). Completed. 2004.
Renovation and Extension of an existing 97-year-old 3500 sf² Wood Frame Building, 3500 sf², Exposition Park,
Los Angeles, CA. Project Designer, Energy Concept: T. Spiegelhalter. Structural Engineer for Renovation (2003-
2004): W.R. Shepphird, Structural Engineer for Extension (2004-2006): Harald Rheinberger. Project value:
$220,000.00, Completed. 2003-2006.
International Suspension Steel-Wood Bridge Brug Over Het Maas-Schelde Kanaal, Belgium-Luxembourg.
First Prize Realization of the International "Concourse Construction Acier 2002” Competition (Santiago Calatrava
2nd Prize). 450 foot-span pedestrian and bicycle prototype suspension bridge "Brug Over Het Maas-Schelde
Kanaal.” PI: Project Architect: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Structural Engineers: Prof. Dr. Ingomar Belz, Stuttgart, and
Harald Rheinberger, Freiburg. Freiburg, Germany. Project Value: €1,300,000 ($1,708,952.28). Completed. 2002-
International Suspension Steel-Wood Bridge for the World Expo 2000 Park of the Senses connecting to
the Solar City Kronsberg, Laatzen-Hanover, Germany. Realization project 380 foot-span pedestrian and
bicycle prototype suspension bridge. Client: City Laatzen-Hannover, Germany, Construction completion phase
2000, commissioned 2001. PI: Project Architect: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Structural Engineers: Prof. Dr. Ingomar
Belz, Stuttgart, and Harald Rheinberger, Freiburg. Project Value €1,200,000 ($1, 577,494.41). Completed. 2000.
DGS (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Solare Energy) German Solar Recognition Award realization for two 3-
storey Solar Low-Energy Town Houses in Ihringen, Germany. Solar Houses are built to the Energiepass-
Standard: 30-60 kwh/m²/a based on the DGS-Competition, The German Society for Solar Energy and ISES,
International Solar Energy Society, and ECO-TEST Report Monitoring. Project Architect, Energy Concept: T.
Spiegelhalter, Structural Engineer: H, Rheinberger, Freiburg. Project Value: €900,000 ($1,183,120.81).
Completed. 1999.
Solar Powered Low-Energy Office (Energiepass-Standard: 30-60 kwh/m²/a) and Workshop Facility,
Auggen, Germany. Five work units in low energy platform construction with integrated passive and active solar
thermal systems, photovoltaic systems, and rainwater harvesting system. PI: Architect, Energy Concept: T.
Spiegelhalter, Assistants: U. Graffelder, Dorith Stark, Basel, Swiss. Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Project
Value: €2,600,000 ($3,417,904.56). Completed. 1998-99.
Three storey office building renovation with new restaurant extension, City of Neustadt, Germany. 7.000
sf² conversion and modernization. PI-Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Structural Engineer: H, Rheinberger. Project
Value: €600,000 ($788,747.21) Completed.1998.
Renovation and conversion of an 80.000 sf² Bank and Post Building in Neustadt, Germany. PI Structural
Engineer: H. Rheinberger; CO-PI Project Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Project value: €650,000.00 ($854,476.14).
Completed. 1997-98.
Conversion of a 60.000 sf² Cement Factory in Weil am Rhein, Germany. Brownfield redevelopment and
conversion design of a former factory to a mixed-use leisure and entertainment facility for cultural activities,
exhibitions and performances. Client: International German-France-Swiss (Dreilaendereck) Country Garden Show
Weil am Rhein. Completion and opening in 1999 as a new multimedia facility of the City of Weil am Rhein.
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Sponsored by TÜV Southwest, the Federal Organization of the German Gravel and Sand Industry, German
Organization of Transport Concrete, Southwest-Cement Stuttgart, Country District of Baden Württemberg and the
City of Weil am Rhein. PI Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Project Value:
€2,800,000 ($3,680,820.30). Completed. 1997-99.
Coal Promoting Mega-Steel-Bridge Transformation. International Expo-Application Project Leipzig-
Zwenkau. Master planning, redesign and part-renovation of 1,990 feet long and 262 feet high steel bridge of the
abandoned coal mining area Zwenkau, Freiburg, Germany. Project Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Structural
Engineer: H. Rheinberger, Freiburg. Project Value: €2,800,000. ($3,680,820.30). Completed. 1997-98.
Low-Energy-Studio-Building (65 kwh/m²/a) with Workshop Units, March-Hugstetten, Germany. Design
realization, three storey mixed-use live/work units. PI Architect: T. Spiegelhalter, Structural Engineer: H.
Rheinberger. Project value: ~€650,000 ($854,476.14). Completed. 1997-98.
Six Three-storey Solar Low-Energy-Town-Houses Stegen, Germany. Design, concept planning, realization of
six low-cost timber frame buildings, in low energy construction with integrated passive and active solar systems,
and rainwater collecting systems. PI-Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Project
Value: ~€1,800,000 ($2,366,241.62). Completed. 1997.
Six Landscape Pavilions for the International Building Exhibition (IBA), Bottrop, Germany. Pavilion Design
realization project with brownfield redevelopment for the Intl. Federal Garden Show Bottrop. PI Architect: T.
Spiegelhalter. Landscape Architect: Peter Drecker, Bottrop. Project value: ~€260,000 ($341,790.46). Completed.
First Prize, International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA) - Zeche Oberhausen-Osterfeld Master
Planning and Conversion, Germany. Master planning, brownfield redevelopment and realization of six bridges,
towers, buildings, multi-media exhibition spaces, transformation to a mixed-use public recreation park of the
German Federal Garden Show (540.000 sf²). Project location size: 3,5 km². Client: IBA, North Rhine Westfalis
State and City of Oberhausen. PI: Architect/Designer: Thomas Spiegelhalter. Landscape Design: P. Drecker, J.
Dittus, Structural Calculations: H. Rheinberger. Project Value: ~€48,000,000 ($61,713,633.31). Completed. 1996-
99. Post-Commissioned in 2000.
Four Storey, Low-Energy (30-60 kWh/m²/a) Solar Town Houses Freiburg-Rieselfeld, Germany. Design,
realization of four 14.000 sf² prefabricated, mixeduse, low-energy buildings with EU- Funding, Solar City
Freiburg Incentives. Town Houses are built in low energy construction, recycling materials, rain-water storage
systems, and with passive and active solar systems, partly under support of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Occupancy-Evaluation and Systems Commissioning by contract (B 50 / B 57) for the Solar Thermal Systems and
Photovoltaic Systems Revenue and Feed-In-Tariff, ECO-TEST Report with yearly real-time monitoring. PI-
Architect, Energy Concept: Thomas Spiegelhalter; Structural Engineer: Harry Rheinberger, Freiburg. Project
Value: €2,100,000 ($2,760,615.22) Construction Completed. 1996.
Three-Storey Low-Energy Residence Renovation, Glottertal, Germany. Energy Concept: Th. Spiegelhalter.
Structural Engineer: Harry Rheinberger, Freiburg. Project Value: €280,000 ($368,082.03). Completed. 1996-97.
Three Pedestrian and Bicycle Steel Bridges - Public Park Herten, Germany. Brownfield redevelopment with
new neighborhood connecting bridges of the transformed former coal mining area Herten. Developer:
Landesentwickungsgesellschaft North Rhine Westphalia. PI Architect/Designer: Th. Spiegelhalter, Landscape
Planning: Peter Drecker, Bottrop. Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger, Freiburg. Project value: ~€680,000
($893,913.50). Completed. 1995.
Sculptural Environment PRO Ruhr Eurotec Moers, City of Moers, Germany. Design realization project,
brownfield redevelopment, re-adaptive-use and re-use, re-cycling and transformation of blasted steel parts of a
disassembled coal mining tower to build thirty-eight 24-foot-high steel objects for a new developed landscape
pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. Landscape design with retention basins, and bioswales to re-connect
adjacent neighborhoods and the new Eurotec working environments. Client: City of Moers, PRO Ruhr district,
Eurotec Moers and the Ruhr Coal AG. PI-Landscape: P. Drecker. PI Architect/Designer: Th. Spiegelhalter.
Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Project value: €490,000 ($644,143.55). Completed. 1994-95.
Solar-Powered three storey Low-Energy-Buildings, Quasnitz-Lütschena, Germany. Planning, realization of
two experimental mixed-use Low-Energy-Buildings. PI Architect/Designer: T. Spiegelhalter. Structural Engineer:
H. Rheinberger. Completed. 1994.
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Public Health and Leisure Park Bottrop, International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA), Germany.
Project size: 1,3 km². First Prize realization competition project in the health park adjacent to the main hospital of
the City of Bottrop. PI: Landscape Arch. P Drecker, J Dittus; PI-Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Project value:
€9,000,000 ($11,831,208.10). Completed. 1993-98.
Former four side Farmer Facility Conversion to new mix-used Live-Work Units, Rackwitz, Germany.
Realization planning for renovation, transformation, extension to a 160,000 sf² mixed use off grid solar low-energy
living and working facility with recycled constructions and materials from the surrounding abandoned coal mining
area. Architects: Th. Spiegelhalter and W. Lewitzki, Leipzig-Freiburg.Project value: €700,000 ($920,205.07). NPR.
Partly completed. 1993-94.
Health Pyramid Bottrop - IBA International Building Exhibition Emscher Park, Germany. First Prize
competition realization. PI-Architect: Th. Spiegelhalter; Landscape Architect: Peter Drecker, Jochen Dittus.
Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Project Value: €185,000 ($243,197.06). Completed. 1993.
Squash and Tennis Center, Weil am Rhein, Germany. 280.000 sf² low cost renovation and modernization
project. Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Project value: €450,000 ($591,727.50). Completed. 1992-93.
Trade and Fair, Leisure and Entertainment Center Redevelopment with New Additions, Lörrach, Germany.
Renovating, programming and designing a ‘460.000 sf² extension tract’ with discotheque, hotel infrastructure, fair
tower, offices, conference facilities, pavilions. PI-Architect: Th. Spiegelhalter. Structural Engineer: H. Rheinber.
€730,000 ($959,913.50) Partly Completed. 1992-93.
Concrete Recycling Facility, Breisach, Germany. Landscape and facility machinery integration with PR (visual
communication) planning. PI: T. Spiegelhalter. Completed. 1992.
Solar Low-Energy Cultural Center with multimedia exhibition and performance hall, Breisach, Germany.
Planning, realization of a mixed-use working and living facility with an integrated multimedia exhibition and
performance hall, green roofs, passive and active solar systems, rainwater harvesting, and sewage treatment on
site. Solar systems performance monitoring by the German 1000 PV-Roof Program, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar
Systems, Leipzig (1994-1998), and yearly Badenova PV revenue performance feed-in-tariff evaluation. Architect
and Energy Concept: T. Spiegelhalter. Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Project value: €2,300,000
($3,024,388.00), Completed. 1992.
Large-scale Multimedia Installation Beryl A, Kunstverein (Art Society) and Architecturforum Freiburg,
Germany. Design realization for an exhibition of a future infrastructure and town landscape in the year 3000.
Project value: €30,000 ($39,448.50), Completed. 1992.
Low-Energy-Buildings (120 housing units), Rueckmarsdorf, Germany. Sustainable master plan prototype
realization. Master plan concept: T. Spiegelhalter and C. Bucher, Leipzig. Partly Completed. 1992.
Office and Warehouse, Breisach, Germany. 12,000 sf² low cost, energy-efficiency renovation, with solar PV
system implementation and solar powered electrical car charging station. PI-Architect: T. Spiegelhalter. Structural
Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Project value: €980,000 ($1,288,651.00). Completed. 1991-92.
Three family-houses with studio workshop, St. Peter, Germany. 3800 sf², energy-efficiency renovation, and
1260 sf² extension. Yearly utility performance monitoring. Project value: €320,000. ($420,784.00).
Solar three storey Low-Energy-Building (65 kwh/m²/a), Niederrimsingen, Germany. Active and passive solar
thermal collectors, thermal mass heating and cooling, green roof system and rainwater collection. PI-Architect: T.
Spiegelhalter. Structural Engineer: H. Rheinberger. Project Value: €435,000 ($572,003.25). Completed. 1990-91.
High-rise satellite district Märkisches Viertel (11.000 housing units), Berlin, Germany. First Prize Design
and Realization in International Schinkel Prize competition. Project “Beiratsverfahren Gisel” (Task Force Gisel) in
the area of the Charly-Chaplin-School. Client: GeSoBau Berlin in collaboration with the German Ministry for
Building and Town Planning, Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. Project Coordinator: GeSoBau
Berlin. Project value: €22,000,000 ($28,928,900.00), Completed. 1988-90.
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Research / Scholarship / Creative Work
Creative Work
Creative Professional Design/Built Work
Creative Professional Master Planning
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4c-ii Creative Professional Master Planning
Sustainability Master Planning, Competitions, and Consulting Projects:
(Total approximate master planning and consulting costs with Euro currency converter from April 2019: $258 Million)
Smart City Kigali Realization Project in Rwanda. Program size: 39 Hectare, Phase 2. Client: Ministry of Public
Works, Rwanda Government, Africa. Collaboration Team: Datumzero Design Office, Guillermo Garita, Bruce
Goodman. Carbon-Neutral Design, Smart City Systems and Renewable Energy Infrastructure Consultant:
Architect, Engineer Thomas Spiegelhalter (LEED AP). Well Community Standard Pilot Program A.P, Client:
Ministry of Public Works, Rwanda Government, Africa. NDA, Construction Cost: $120 million, 2019-2021.
3rd Rank: Invited (Sponsored) Competition for KRAFTWERK “Freiraumgestaltung im Umfeld des Künstlerdorfes”
in Schöppingen (Artist Colony Schoeppingen) in collaboration with Buero Drecker, Germany. Project value: $1.85
Million. Competition Completed. 2017.
Innovation City Ruhr Modell City Bottrop, Germany. 2020 Master Plan Development with Climate-Responsive
Innovation Guidelines and CO2e emission reduction of 50 % by 2020. Water and Energy Retrofitting strategies
and policies with new innovative renewable energy resource infrastructure development projects between 2014
and 2020.
Planning Group: Architecture and Town Planning: PI: Speer + Partner, Frankfurt, Germany; Landscape
Architecture and Open Space Design: PI: Peter Drecker, Bottrop-Berlin-Hanover, Germany with Consultant
Thomas Spiegelhalter, Miami Beach, USA; Gertec, Essen, and Conlab Engineering Office, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Overall Project Director (President): Burkhard Drescher, Innovation City Management GmbH. 2013-2015.
Teatro Regional de la Serena, Chile, International Design Competition, City: la Serena. Sponsor: Ministry of
Public Works, Chilean Government. Program size: 8,600 sq mt. Large theatre for 1,000 and small theatre for 300
ppl. 200 car parking. Team: Architecture: Alfredo Andia, Gregorio Vasquez, Fernando Palma. Bioclimatic
analysis, calculations and design advisor: Thomas Spiegelhalter. Acoustical engineer: Andres Barrera,. Project
value: $25 Million. Competition completed. 2012.
Simulation and 3D-Design for a 400m (1312 feet) three array 117 kWp Photovoltaic System and Sound
Protection Wall Realization Project along the ‘Autobahn 28’. City: Bottrop, Germany. Client: Innovation City
Management GmbH, Bottrop. Design: PV-Architecture: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Miami-Freiburg; Landscape
Architecture: Peter Drecker, Bottrop, Germany, Project Value: €4 Million. ($5,259,600) 2011-12.
Concurso Para Propuesta De Conceptualizacion Nuevo Edificio Del Museo Del Jade Del Instituto Nacional
De Seguros, National Design Competition (Costa Rica Jade Museum) with PI Alvaro Rojas Fo-RoARQuitectos
Fournier- Rojas ARQuitectos, Ciudad Colón, Costa Rica, CO-PI Thomas Spiegelhalter (Architecture, Bioclimatic
Design, Environmental Controls and HVAC Systems). Program size: 250,000 sf², Project value: $8 Million.
Competition completed. 2011-2012.
Passive House Design Analysis and Title 24 - Implementation Consultation, Gangi Residence, Los
Angeles - Pasadena. Client: Architect Mark Gangi Builders, AIA; Bioclimatic and Environmental Design
Consultant: Thomas Spiegelhalter. Project Value: Undisclosed. Completed. 2010-2011.
380 hectares Energy-Settlement Master Plan Development (Nullenergiesiedlung). Project Area: Oberhausen-
Dinslaken, Germany. Phase 1: Environmental impact assessment of the Thyssen-Krupp brown field area in
Oberhausen-Dinslaken, Phase 2: Climate responsive, and resource balanced master planning with sustainability
indicators for a low-carbon, zero-fossil-energy settlement proposal (Nullenergiesiedlung). PI: Peter Drecker, Office
for Landscape Architecture and Environmental Development, Bottrop, Germany, with Architect CO-PI: Thomas
Spiegelhalter, Freiburg - Los Angeles.Client: Thyssen-Krupp, Oberhausen. Project Value: Undisclosed. Status:
Completed. 2007-2008.
CRA Sustainability Planning and Design Consultation Services for the CRA/LA. (Community
Redevelopment Agency City of Los Angeles. RFP selected and awarded for three-year projects. PI’s: Michael
Lehrer, Mark Gangi and Thomas Spiegelhalter. Completed. 2008.
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Sustainability Building Guidelines, POE’s, Implementation for all new and renovated Catalina Island
Facilities, California. Client: Catalina Conservancy Company w. City of Avalon, CA. PI for Sustainability
Guidelines Development: Thomas Spiegelhalter. Project value: 146 total buildings with an estimated value of
$120,000,000 ($157,794,000.00). Analysis and scenario planning completed. 2008-2009.
Shanghai Expo 2010 Master Plan, Pruxi Park, China. Program size: 480 hectares. Client: Urban Land Institute
for Construction and Design, Shanghai. Phase 1: Theme Park Development and Massing with Climate
Responsive Urban Master Plan. Phase 2: Withdrawn due lack of retainer payment. Collaborators: Urban Land
Institute for Construction and Design, Shanghai; Peter Drecker, Office for Landscape Architecture and
Environmental Development, Bottrop, Germany with Architect Thomas Spiegelhalter, Freiburg-Los Angeles.
Planning Budget $20,000. 2007-2008.
Masterplan Development New Aqua Park, Krasnodar, Black Sea, Russia. Consultation and development for
a Climate Responsive Urban Master Plan. Client: Landscape Architect Peter Drecker, Bottrop, Germany.
Planning Budget: $20,000. Completed. 2006-2008.
Finalist - International Caltrans Design Realization Competition, Design proposal: Zero-Fossil-Energy-
Green-Rest-Stop Facilities, CA, USA. Competition Area: California, De-sign Prototype for all new Caltrans Rest
Stops. Proposal: Zero-Fossil-Energy-Green-Rest-Stop Facilities. Architects: Thomas Spiegelhalter with Aaron
Bentley, Los Angeles; Peter Drecker, Landscape Design, CA, 2006.
Finalists - International Design Realization Competition Spielbudenplatz Hamburg, Germany. Urban
Design Redevelopment Proposal for Reeperbahn Area. Architects: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Freiburg-Los Angeles,
Peter Drecker Landscape Architect, GreenBox, Duesseldorf, Artist Prof. Timme, Academy of the Arts Muenster,
Germany. Project value: $2Million. Completed. 2004.
Finalists - International Building Exhibition Competition IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land, Germany. Lausitzer
Seenland, Landmarke Lausitzer Seenland proposal with Off-the-Grid Restaurant and Outview Tower.
Architects: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Freiburg-Los Angeles, Peter Drecker Landscape Architect, Germany. Project
value: $8 Million. Completed. 2004.
International Competition - Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Malama Learning Center, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Building Type: 25.000 sf2 facility on a three-acre campus parcel with Ecosystem Learning and Demonstration
Building Modules. Architects: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Christoph Kapeller, Mitchell de Jarnett, Los Angeles, CA.
Project value: $6 Million. Completed. 2003-2004.
Finalist Two-Phase International Urban Design Realization Competition Redevelopment Alexanderplatz
Berlin. Design Concept: High-Rise Building and Inner-City Piazza Design. Architects: Thomas Spiegelhalter,
Freiburg - Los Angeles; Peter Drecker, Landscape Architect, and GreenBox, Duesseldorf, Germany. Project
value: $4 Million. Completed. 2003-2004.
Solar-Zero-Fossil-Energy-Building Exposition Park, L.A., CA. 1250 sf² prototype development. PI: Th.
Spiegelhalter. Project Fundraising Value: $650,000. Not Completed. 2003-2006.
BP Solar Photovoltaic Factory Design and Realization, Hameln, Germany. Collaboration with Steve Lee, CMU
Pittsburgh, PA. Contract: $15,000. Completed. 2002.
Three Storey Experimental Solar Town Houses, Duisburg, Germany. Design Project Study for City of
Duisburg. Completed. 2000-03.
Under the Sun: An Outdoor Exhibition, NYC. Traveling exhibition design for Copper-Hewitt-National
Design Museum, New York. Built/research contribution Solar Architecture Breisach with integrated 7 kW PV
System, 140 sf² solar thermal system, Germany. Sponsored by BP Solar, BP America and Science Across the
World, U.S. DOE, EPA, and others. Completed. 1998-2001.
Duftmuseum (Parfum & Smell Museum) in Cologne, Germany. Sustainability and design jury consultation.
Contract: €8,000 ($10,519.60). Completed. 1998.
Satellite High-Rise Redevelopment Project District Leipzig-Gruenau, Germany. Urban 21 Planspiel, Expert
planning workshops, redevelopment master plan. Completed. 1998.
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Coal Promoting Mega-Steel-Bridge, Zwenkau at Leipzig, Germany. Design feasibility study and master
planning for renovation, retrofit and transformation to a leisure and entertainment 1,990’ by 262’ Mega-Structure.
Project Value: €1,450.000 ($1,864,266.01). Completed. 1997.
Coal Promoting Mega-Steel-Bridge, Klettwitz, Germany. Design feasibility study and master planning for
renovation, retrofit and transformation to a leisure and entertainment 1,990’ by 262’ Mega-Structure. Project
Value: €1,200.000 ($1,542,840.83). Completed. 1997.
Conversion of Cement Factory, Weil am Rhein, Germany. Expert design and technology feasibility study for
re-adaptive-use of abandoned factory. Consultation: €25,000. ($32,873.75). Completed. 1997.
Critical Reclamation Karl-Marx-Allee Berlin (former Stalin Alee), Germany. International design feasibility
planning workshop, sponsored by the German Architecture Museum and Chamber of Architects, Completed.
German-French Military Brigade, Müllheim, Germany. Expert feasibility study to design/built a new public
entrance area. Client: Ministry Paris. Master plan design project. P. Gross, Architect, Weimar. Budget: $10,000.
Completed. 1997.
Transformation of the Dry Dock Infrastructure in Antwerp, Belgium. Master plan design project. Completed.
Urban Redevelopment Studies for Abandoned Industrial Areas in the Ruhr Valley, Germany. Two feasibility
studies with environmental site evaluation for the redevelopment of the East Ruhr Valley, size 380 km². In
collaboration with P Drecker, Landscape Architect. Project Study Value: €56,000. ($73,637.20). Completed. 1997.
Architettura e leggerezza - Architecture and Lightness, The Transfer Technology (MURST), Napoli, Italy.
Design study cooperation on light-weighted Architecture with the Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II,
Dipartimento Di Progettazione Urbana, Sezione Tecnologia e ambiente, Arch. Carlo Truppi. Published by
Maggioli Editore, Naples, Italy. Completed. 1994-96.
International Zoo Festival Hannover, Germany. Expert design feasibility study for the new entrance design of
the Zoo Hannover. In collaboration with P. Drecker (Landscape). Project value: €290,000 ($381,335.50).
Completed. 1994.
Solar Low-Energy-Town Houses with Energy-Infrastructures, Ostfildern, Germany. In collaboration with V.
Harbauer (Landscape Architect). Completed. 1994.
Concepts of Wood Buildings - New Approaches for Building in a Time of Low Public Budgets, Frankfurt,
Germany. In collaboration with W. Lewitzki, Architect, Leipzig. Project value: €25,000 ($32,873.75). Completed.
New Church Conference Center, German Protestant Church, Bad Herrenalb, Germany. In collaboration with
W. van Aaken. Project value: €29,000,000 ($38,133,550.00). Completed. 1992-96.
Ciments d’Origny d’Altkirch, France. Design feasibility study for the transformation of the cement silo
infrastructures in Altkirch. Completed. 1992-93.
Ecological settlement with 380 housing units, Bahlingen-Riedlen, Germany. Design feasibility study. In
collaboration with G. Duerr, Architect. Project feasibility study value: €10,000 ($13,149.50). Completed. 1992-93.
Logo motive - ecological settlement with 242 housing units, Weil a. Rhein, Germany. Design feasibility
study. In collaboration with G. Duerr, Architect. Project feasibility study value: €8,000. ($10,519.60). Completed.
Russian Military Infrastructure and Landfill Area Redevelopment, Magdeburg, Germany. Design feasibility
study. In collaboration with. P Drecker and J Dittus (Landscape architects). Project feasibility study value: €8,000
($10,519.60). Completed. 1992.
126 abandoned Gravel Pit Factories. Conceptual research studies for re-adaptive use, renovation, and
architectural transformation to self-sustained living and working facilities along the River Rhine between France
and Germany. Study cost: €60,000 ($78,897.00). Completed. 1988-92.
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Exhibited Work:
“Teatro regional de la Serena, Chile (Regional Theater of La Serena).” Competition Exhibition: Ministry of Public
Works, Coquimbo Region, Cirujano Videla 200, La Serena, Chile. Sponsor: ministry of public works, Chilean
government. February-April 2012.
“For a Frugal Approach in Architecture.” Exhibition. Promoted by the Bruno Zevi Foundation, International
Symposium, “Valle Giulia”, Faculty of Architecture, Rome, Italy. In collaboration with: NAI - Netherland
Architecture Institute, Centre de recherche Ville Société Territoire, Ecole Polytechnique de l’Université François
Rabelais de Tour, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Grenoble, Ecole nationale supérieure
d’architecture de Paris la villette, Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico
sostenibile, Facoltà di architettura “Valle Giulia” - Università di Roma La Sapienza, AACUPI - Association of
American College and University Programs in Italy Fondazione Volume! January 2011.
“Uxarrací Project for a post professional training center for architects and engineers in Costa Rica Selected
Contribution.” In: “Architecture of Necessity, exhibition within the larger Wood 2010.” Exhibition at the Virserum
Art Museum in Virserum, Smaland, Sweden. May 2010.
PER UN’ ARCHITETTURA E UN’ ARTE FRUGALE, Exhibition, Conference Bruno Zevi Foundation, Rome, Italy.
In collaboration with: Architectural Association School of Architecture. November 2009.
EMSPost-Occupancy-Monitoring and Building Energy Passport Implementation for The USC School of
Architecture. L.A, Poster Exhibition, Solar 2008 Conference, ASES, American Solar Energy Society, San Diego,
CA. 2008.
Solar architectural site alignment strategies for performance-based design. Poster Exhibition, EUROSOLAR, “Sun
and Sense” 7th Intl. Conference for Solar Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning, Berlin, Germany. 2008.
Triennale di Milano-Sustainable Architecture. International Exhibition, Milano, Italy. 2006.
Climate Adaptable Solar-Zero-Fossil-Energy-Building Prototype. 10. International Passive House Conference
2006, Hanover, Congress Centrum, Germany. 2006.
Green Stop-Zero-Fossil-Fuel Prototype. International CalTrans Green Stop Competition Exhibition, Sacramento,
California. 2006.
Design Alexanderplatz Berlin. Intl. Urban Design Competition, Berlin, Germany. 2004.
Re-development Spielbudenplatz Hamburg - Reeperbahn. International Design Competition Exhibition, Hamburg,
Germany. 2004.
Sustainable Malama Campus High-School Learning Center, 2003 Meritorious Award. Intl. Architectural Design
Competition Exhibition, City of Kapolei, Hawaii, USA. 2003-2004.
First Prize, Concours Construction Acier. Suspended Bridge, Exhibition Centre Information Acier, Brussels,
Luxembourg-Belgium. 2003.
Towards Zero-Fossil-Energy Urban Infrastructures. Urban Models in Dialogue -Poster Traveling Exhibition,” XXI
World Congress of Architecture Berlin 2002, UIA Union Internationale des Architectes. 2002.
Solar Decathlon CMU Demonstration Building. National Mall in Washington, NREL DOW, EPA, BP, USA. 2002.
TERRITORIES - Contemporary European Landscape Design. Exhibition contribution at Harvard University,
Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, USA. 2000-2001.
Singapore University Urban Design. Exhibition: Intl. Singapore University Urban Design Competition, Malaysia.
Bridge to the Park of the Senses in Laatzen. Exhibition. World Expo 2000 Hannover, City Laatzen-Hannover,
Germany. 1999-2000.
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Le Jardin des Deux Rives. 4th Price International Realization Competition exhibition, Strasbourg, France. 1999-
German Solar Recognition Award for the Solar Townhouses Ihringen. Exhibition the German Society for Solar
Energy. 1998.
Redesigning disposable eight by ten high-rise housing units. Exhibition. Satellite district of Leipzig-Gruenau,
Federal Ministry of Environmental Planning Bonn, and Urban Development Bonn, City of Leipzig, Germany. 1998.
Re-use and Transformation of the Mega-Coal-Mining-Promoting-Bridge Zwenkau. Expo-Application-Project,
Competition Exhibition City of Leipzig, South Leipzig Area, Germany. 1998.
GlobalWorkSpirit: Fast forward Architecture Leipzig. Exhibition G D. Hines College of Architecture, UH Houston.
Bundesgartenschau Karlsruhe Urban Design. Competition exhibition, BGS Karlsruhe, Germany. 1998.
BGS Berlin-Hellersdorf Urban and Landscape Design. Competition exhibition, Berlin, Germany. 1998.
2nd prize - Redevelopment master plan coal mining area of Espenhain-South Leipzig. National Expert Design
Competition exhibition, City of Leipzig, Germany. 1998.
Expo-Project: Re-use and Transformation of Coal Mining Promoting Bridge Klettwitz. Brandenburg. Competition
exhibition Federal Office Kleine Elster, Brandenburg, Germany. 1997.
Design transformation study for the abandoned cement factory infrastructure of the Country Federal Garden
Show Weil am Rhein. Exhibition, sponsor City of Weil of Rhine, Germany. 1997.
Transformation of the dry dock infrastructure of Antwerp, Belgium. Design exhibition gallery De Grote Wite Arend
Antwerp with Henry Van De Velde Instituut Antwerp, City of Antwerp, Havenbedrijf Antwerp and others,
Art Museum Linz, Austria. Intl Design Realization Competition exhibition, City of Linz, Austria. 1997.
German-French military brigade Müllheim, Germany. Competition exhibition. Sponsor: Ministry Paris, France.
Under the Sun - An Outdoor Exhibition. Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum New York German Contribution:
Solar Architecture Thomas Spiegelhalter, BP Solar, US DOE. 1996-2000.
Zeche Osterfeld Oberhausen. International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA) City of Oberhausen. 1996-
Critical Reiteration of architecture in the former East Germany (DDR) by the example of the Karl-Marx-Allee
Berlin. Exhibition Hessian and Berlin Architect Organization, Federal German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt,
Germany. 1996.
Fragment und Anamorphose Thomas Spiegelhalter. Exhibition. Gallery Blau, Prof. Dr. Langner, University of
Freiburg, Germany. 1996.
Solar Elementary and High school in Ihringen. Competition exhibition School District Breisgau, Germany. 1995.
Constantini Art Museum. International Design Competition Exhibition Constantini Art Museum, Buenos Aires,
Argentina. 1994.
Sculptural Environments in Eurotec Moers. Exhibition. City of Moers, PRO Ruhr District, Moers, Ruhr Coal AG,
Germany. 1994.
Ecological building exhibition in Quasnitz, Lütschena. Competition exhibition, Luetschena by Leipzig, Germany.
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German Architecture Awards for Buildings of Concrete 1993. Travelling exhibition Freiburg and Cologne,
Germany. 1993.
Haeuser der Zukunft, Bauen und Umwelt. Travelling exhibition BHW, Bundesumweltministerium (Ministry of the
Environment) Bonn, Germany.
Helmholtzplatz Prenzlauer Berg Berlin. Intl, Urban Landscape Design Competition exhibition, Germany. 1993.
Intelligent Buildings- Klimawerkzeug Architektur. Traveling Exhibition University of Kaiserslautern, Department of
Architecture, Town Planning, Gallery "Der Raum", AEDES Berlin, Publisher House J. Haeusser, Darmstadt,
Germany. 1993-1996.
Master Plan Vauban-Freiburg. Intl. Urban Landscape Design Competition exhibition, Freiburg, Germany. 1993.
Three Out of Two - New Concepts for Wood Buildings, New Approaches for Building in a Time of Low Public
Budgets. Exhibition AEDES Berlin, City Department of Frankfurt, Kerto Intl., German Forest Economy, Bonn,
Germany. 1993.
Special Recognition Award Kindergarten, Daycare, Offenburg. Competition exhibition, Offenburg, Germany.
Institute of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Design competition exhibition, University of Freiburg, Germany. 1992.
Public Library and Media Center Building Lörrach. Recognition Award Exhibition City of Loerrach, Germany.
High School Buildings Stuehlingen. Design award realization competition exhibition in Stühlingen, Germany.
New Church and Conference Center for the Southwest German Protestant Church Organization. Design
Realization Exhibition Bad Herrenalb, Germany. 1992.
Experimental Solar Low Energy Cultural Center Breisach. Exhibition Architekturforum Freiburg, Kunstverein
Freiburg, Regierungspraesidium Freiburg, Chamber of Architects Suedbaden, Germany. 1992.
Municipality Town Hall in Offenburg. Design Award realization competition exhibition, Offenburg, Germany. 1992.
New Headquarter and Sewage Treatment Facility for the Sewage Federation Breisgauer Bay in Freiburg. Design
Award realization competition exhibition, Freiburg, Germany. 1992.
Karl-Hofer-Award Berlin. Research project exhibition of the Karl-Hofer-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. 1992.
Transformation of the former Russian military infrastructure and landfill area of Magdeburg. Awarded competition
exhibition, Bundesarchitektenkammer, City of Magdeburg, Germany. 1992.
Beryl A - virtual infrastructure town landscape in the year 3000. Exhibition. Multimedia installation, Art museum
Kunstverein Freiburg, Architecture Forum Freiburg, Art Society Freiburg, Gallery Blau, Freiburg, Germany. 1992.
Monumental installation in situ/Espace Vert (Pelouse) des Ciments d 'Origny. Exhibition Ministere de la Culture,
Conseil Regional d' Alsace, Regio Basiliensis, Haut Rhin, France. 1991.
JAMITH, Avner Levav (Israel) - Thomas Spiegelhalter (Berlin/Freiburg) - Ari Nahor (Kibbutz Afikim, Israel). Group
installation, video and exhibition, Staedtische Galerie Schwarzes Kloster, Freiburg, Germany. 1990.
Gravel Pit Architecture, Kieswerk Architekturen Thomas Spiegelhalter. Exhibition Gallery AEDES and
Architekturforum Berlin, Germany. 1990.
Experimentum Hominis. Architekturinstallation and Video: 6. Exhibition. Deutscher Kunst- und Therapiekongress
in Kassel (6th German Congress of Art and Therapy), Kassel, Germany. 1989.
Westend-Komplexbrigade. Exhibition. Monumental multimedia installation European Year of Culture 1988, Berlin,
Germany. 1988.
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1st prize Satellite High-Rise Design District Märkisches Viertel Berlin. Exhibition, German minister for building and
town planning, GeSoBau, Berlin, Germany. 1988.
1st Prize Project Berlin Ice Wall Mitigation. Exhibition Intl Urban Design Competition, Mythos Berlin GmbH,
Museum at Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, German. 1987.
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Research Grants / Scholarship / Reports
Research Grants / Contracts
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4d – Research Grants / Contracts
Competitive Funded Research in Progress at FIU and other Universities:
CRUNCH, Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices, Research Urban Living Labs (ULL) in South End on
Sea/London, UK: Glasgow, UK; Eindhoven, NL; Gdansk, Poland; Uppsala, Sweden; MIAMI, USA; Taipei, Taiwan.
Urban Europe, EU Commission, Belmont Forum, Intelligent Europe, Sustainable Urbanization Global Initiative
(SUGI). Sub-Award: City of Miami, South Miami, Consultant: FIU GIS, STANTEC, 2018-2021. PI Miami ULL: T
Spiegelhalter, Consultants:I A. Elias, T. Troxler, J. Brasil, S. Lehmann, GIS Jennifer Fu. Research Graduate Student
Leader Darren Ockert.. Budget: $1.9 Million ($490,000 for FIU CARTA) February 1, 2018 April 1, 2021.
CRUNCH FIU at The International Architecture Exhibition at Italian Pavilion - Venice Biennale 2020. 2000
countries already sent a Letter of Interest to participate in the event, which are: Munich, Las Vegas, Dubai, Auckland,
Portsmouth, and FIU ARC Miami (CRUNCH). PI: A Melis, UK, Co-PI’s partner universities among them CRUNCH
PI T Spiegelhalter. Budget: Italian Ministry 600,000 EUR, 300.000 EUR by industry partners. May 23 November
29, 2020
CIF21/DIBBS/EI/VIFI: Virtual Information-Fabric Infrastructure (VIFI) for Data-Driven Decisions from
Distributed Data. Sponsor: University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Period: October 2016 September 2020. PI:
William Tolone. Co-PI’s: Stanislav Djorgovski, Yong Tao, Mirsad Hadzikadic Ehab Al-Shaer.; Senior Investigators:
Thomas Spiegelhalter, others. Award $3,999,531.00. 2016-2019.
Completed Funded Research
Grant Assistance (CFDA) Number: 19.750, Department of State Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. Energy
and Climate Partnership of The Americas (ECPA) Energy Efficiency Competition.
PI: Camilo Rosales,
Architecture; Co-PI: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Architecture; Brian Fonseca, FIU
Advanced Research Center
(ARC)Budget: $799,099.00. Period: 2013-2016.
Predictive Modeling Network for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (RCN-SEES: SHBE). National
Science Foundation. Tao, Yong X., PI; University of North Texas, Co-PI’s: Zhu, Y., LSU; Lam, K.P., Cartes, D.A.,
Tolone, W.J.. Senior Personnel: Spiegelhalter, T., Hadzika-dic, M., Feiock, R., Thompson, R., Yan, W., Menassa,
C., D’Souza, D.; Nepomechie, M. $652,846. 2013-2018.
Agent Based Design Technology and Automation in the Sustainable Built Environment, Cejas Family
Foundation. $1,500. 2014-2015.
Assessment of Programmes of the Built Environment in the Caribbean Higher Education and of Best
Practice Training in Sustainability in other International Universities, Intelligent Europe European Union,
University of the West Indies, Trinidad-Tobago. $20,000. July 2014-December 2014.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Assistance Award: “On Track to Carbon Neutral Buildings & 66.516
- P3 Award: National Student Design Competition for Sustainability.PI: Yimin Zhu. Co-
PI’s: Thomas
Spiegelhalter, ARC; Nezi Pala, Shu-
Ching Chen, Computer Engineering;, Senior Personell: Ismail Guvenc,
Electrical Engineering. Budget: Phase 1: $15,000, Period; August 2013 August 2014.
Paul Cejas Initiative Research Grant No Architectural School Left Behind NET-ZEB Masterplan. Analysis,
Scenario Modelling and Master Planning for the transformation of PCA to a Net-
Zero Energy Building
complex. SEED Budget: $3,000. 2012-2013.
Solar Decathlon China Competition. Joint Project of Tsinghua University (THU) in China and FIU. Funding:
$100,000 ($30,000 for FIU), Status: Ongoing. Source: US Department of Energy, National Energy Administration
China (Subcontract through Tsinghua University) Advisory Faculty: FIU-
Architecture: M. Nepochemie, T.
Spiegelhalter; FIU Department of Construction Management: Yimin Zhu; FIU Department of Electrical Engineering:
N. Pala; FIU Department of Mechanical Engineering: Chen-Xia Lin. Amount: $30,000, Period: 2012-2013.
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Technology and Science, P3: “People, Prosperity and Planet
Student Design Competition for Sustainability”. Research Object: FIU SIPA. Spiegelhalter, T., PI; Pala, N., PI;
Zhu, Y., PI. $30,000. 2013-2014.
District 11 Strategic Development Plan Project, Community Engagement Grant, Not peer-reviewed. The
project is a planning and development study for District 11, Miami-
Dade County Commissioner's Office. The
research project examines existing urban conditions including physical conditions, traffic analysis, and economic,
social and demographic data to develop strategic development guidelines for this unincorporated area of Miami-
Dade County. Architecture. Budget: $95,733. Period: May 2013 December 2013.
Solar Decathlon China 2013, FIU, Tsinghua University, ‘O’ House. U.S. Department of Energy and National
Energy Administration China. $100,000. 2012-2013.
An Open-Source Integrated Computing Infrastructure to Support the Life Cycle Design and Engineering of
High-Performance Building. FIU-CEC Seed Grant (Project ID: 800000879): Case Study FIU-SIPA. Zhu, Y., FIU
PI; Nepomechie, M., Co-PI and Faculty Advisor, Architecture; Spiegelhalter, T. Co-PI. $30,000. 2012-2013.
Cyber Enabled, User Oriented, Interoperability Modeling for Engineering Sustainable Built Environments,
US | China Workshops. National Science Foundation 1207807, 1242177. Tao, Y.X., University of North Texas, PI.,
Co-PI’s and SI’s: Jiang, Y., Tsinghua, China; Lam, K.P., CMU; Spiegelhalter, T., FIU; Zhu, Y., FIU; Tolone, W.,
UNC; Tan, H., Tongji, China; Nader, R., UNT; Yan, D. (Manager) Tsinghua, China; Hadzikadic, M., UNCCU,
Menassa, C., UWisc, Feiock, R., FSU, Deng, K., Barooah, P, Stan, I., Cao, Y., Cartes, D. $600,000. 2011-2013.
Solar Decathlon FIU PerFORM[D]ance House, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Nepomechie, M. PI; Spiegelhalter, T., Rovira, R., Rosales, R., Zhu, Y., Co-PIs. Peterson, E. SI. $13,800. 2011.
Solar Decathlon FIU PerFORM[D]ance House, Skanska, MC Harry, BNi, PMM, Project Caine, Professional
Services + Materials [In Kind]. Nepomechie, M., PI. $250,000. 2011.
SET Structural and Environmental Technology Lab. FIU Technology Fee, Spiegelhalter, T., PI; Vassigh, S., PI.
$67,000. 2008-2010.
Building Literacy: The Integration of Building Technology and Design in Architectural Education. U. S.
Department of Education. Vassigh, S., PI. Co-PIs, Senior Personnel: Spiegelhalter, T., Chandler, J., Danford, S.,
English, K., Khan, O., MacKay, K., LeCuyer, A., Özer, E., and Winer, E. $553,000. 2007-2011.
SET Structural and Environmental Technology Lab. SET Structural and Environmental Technology Lab -
an applied research, design and educational facility for advancing knowledge in the area of environmental and
structural technologies and design. Project Team PI’s: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Shahin Vassigh. Department Chair:
John Stuart; deans: Adam Drisin, Brian Schriner. Construction value: $350,000. 2011-2013.
An Open-Source Integrated Computing Infrastructure to Support the Life Cycle Design and Engineering of
High-Performance Building. FIU-CEC Seed Grant Award (Project ID: 800000879): Case Study - FIU-SIPA
campus building. Interdisciplinary Research: FIU-PI: Shu-Ching Chen, SCIS; Co-PI’s: T, ARC; Y Zhu, CM; Scott
Graham, SCIS Steve Luis, SCIS; N Pala, ECE; S Vassigh, ARC. Funding: $30,000. 2011-2012.
US-China Workshop for Cyber Enabled, User Oriented, Interoperability Modeling for Engineering
Sustainable Built Environments, Beijing. NSF Award #: 1207807 and 1242177. (12/11-11/13).
PI: Yong X.
University of North Texas; Tao, CO-PI’s: Yi Jiang, Tsinghua University, China; K P Lam, Architecture, CMU; T
Spiegelhalter, Architecture, FIU; Y Zhu, FIU; W Tolone, UNC; H Tan, Tongji University, China; R Nader, UNT; D
Yan (Workshop manager) Tsinghua University, China; Mirsad Hadzikadic, UNCCU, C Menassa, WISC, R Feiock,
FSU, K Deng, P Barooah, I Stan, Y Cao, D Cartes. Grant: $59,552. 2011-2012.
DOE/ NREL Solar Decathlon 2011 Competition. Application Phase Sustainability Graduate Spring Studio 2010
Submission (Phase 2) November 2009 December 2011. Principal Investigator: M Nepomechie, Co-Principal
Investigators: C Rosales, T Spiegelhalter, S Vassigh, R Rovira, S Sherman, Y Tao, G Bitsuamlak, Y Zhu. Grant:
$100,000. Total Solar Decathlon House Cost incl. travelling, accommodation: approximate $750,000. 2010-2011.
Technology Fee Grant. Florida International University, Environmental and Structural, Technology
Laboratory (ESTL), Equipment grant for establishing ESTL. T Spiegelhalter, Co-Pi, with CO-Founder and Co-PI
S Vassigh. Grant: $67,000. 2009-2012.
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Building Literacy: The Integration of Building Technology and Design in Architectural Education. U.S.
Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, Project developed an
educational simulation environment to teach sustainability and systems integration in building design. PI: Shahin
Vassigh. CO-PI’s, Senior Personel: T Spiegelhalter, J Chandler, S Danford, K English, O Khan, K MacKay, A
LeCuyer, E Özer, and E Winer. Grant: $553,000. 2009-2011.
The E.U. URBACT Program for the re-development of cities and neighborhoods with energy efficient
housing models. In collaboration with Prof. G Panarelli, DiTAC (Department of Technologies x`for the Built
Environment) at the University of Pescara, Italy. 2006-2010.
Environmental Management System Implementation (EMS) and Post-Occupancy-Monitoring at the USC
School of Architecture, Energy-Efficiency-Retrofits, USC-FFEII Applied Research. (USC-Provost's Research
No. 22-1102-9130). Grant: $25,000. Project values approximate $125,000. 2007-2009.
Sustainable Infrastructure Assessment, and Near-Term Action Plan for the Island of Catalina. Project size:
194.19 km². PI Infrastructure: Dr. M. Bernstein, PI Buildings with infrastructures: T. Spiegelhalter. Grant: $60,000.
Towards sustainable urban housing bridging the gap between community design and adaptable
technology. USC Urban Initiative, Los Angeles. Research Contract: $10,000. 2005-2009.
Solar Zero-Fossil-Energy-Building-Development (22-1101-1051). USC-SURG SEED Fund $10,000. 2003-
Solar Decathlon Design and Engineering Proposal. (53-4100-3820). NREL Research SEED Fund $5,000.
CMU Solar Decathlon Building Realization with POE’s, 950 sf² two story Solar Building, Pittsburgh, and
Washington D.C. (Completed Solar Building Post-Occupancy Monitoring Report, “Solar Decathlon 2002”, DOE/GO-
102004-1845, June 2004). Project Partner: CMU School of Architecture Completed. Sponsors: NREL National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. DOE, EPA, Solar BP, Heinz Endowment. PI’s and Faculty Advisors S Lee
(Phase 2, 3), T Spiegelhalter (All Phases 1, 2, 3), and CMU graduate students.
Project value: approximate
$350,000. 2000-2002.
Solar City Research Program Development for Pittsburgh, PA, and San Jose, Costa Rica. Subtask-A: Solar
City Community Strategies and Sustainable Urban infrastructure development; Sub-task-B: Sustainable targets,
baseline studies, and scenario building; Sub-task-C: Urban renewable energy technology systems and industry
development (Partly-funded by the Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics at CMU). PI: T. Spiegelhalter,
with IEA-
Task 30 Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT), Coordinator P. Droege (WCRE),
Australia. 2001-2002.
Built school environments and interiors. Wüstenrot-Foundation, Klett publishing house Stuttgart. Academy
Hessian, with Prof. Dr. P. Grosz. Research contract: 55,000 DM ($35,966.83). 1997-1998.
Solar Energy Gaining System Implementations for Prefabricated Buildings. Research with onsite thermal
insulation systems (3, 299 sf²
transparent insulation), test implementations, and energy saving monitoring.
Research locations: Wohnblock-Hochhaeuser Rathenau (Residential High-
Rise Rathenau, 182,000sf²), and P.
Robenson School in Leipzig (FA 31,215sf²), Germany. Collaboration HTWK Leipzig and FhG-ISE Leipzig. Research
Sponsor: Saxon Ministry of State, and BMWI Germany. Research Chair and PI: T Spiegelhalter with CO-PI Dr. C
Russ, FhG-ISE, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems Leipzig.
Research contract: €375,000.00
($479,625.05). 1994-1996.
Intelligent Buildings. Research project of the University of Kaiserslautern, Department of Architecture,
Schueco International, Publisher J. Haeusser, Darmstadt, Germany. PI: Thomas Spiegelhalter, Co-PI’s: W. v. Aaen,
H. Ermel. Funding: €36,000.00 ($46,044.00). 1990-1994.
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Pending Research Applications and FIU Client Agreement Projects:
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDR) Energy/Water/CO2 Retrofit Projects RFQ with BioStar Renewables, (D Johnson;
J D Burt; C Brewer). Leadership Consultant T Spiegelhalter for Revit-BIM-GBS-Insight-Infraworks360-GIS Training
Workshops and Performance Modeling - Consultant for Sustainability FIU team consisting of T Gustafson, J.D. FIU
Director, Research Programs, Office of Finance & Administration; T A. Crowl, FIU Director, Institute of Water &
Environment, an FIU Preeminent Program PI and Director, NSF CREST Cen
ter for Aquatic Chemistry and
Environment, President, Association of Ecosystem Research Centers, Building Technology Director S Vassigh, M
Marine, J Chandler, Z Tang, T Troxler and others. Budget: $21,537,782 in "Client Agreement Projects," Fall 2016-
BUILT ENVIRONMENT ECOSYSTEMS, Nottingham UK, PI: Y Tao, Ph.D. FASME, Nova Southeastern University,
Co-PI’s Y Zhu, W Tolone (UNCC), R Feirock (FSU), S Bhansali (FIU), T Spiegelhalter (FIU), S Lehmann (UNLV), W
Yan (TAMU), O Karaguezel (CMU), H Furukawa (Japan), and others. Budget: $680,000
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Professional Service
Service to Professional Associations / Societies
Service to the Community or Public
University Service
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Professional Service
Service to Professional Associations / Societies
Service to the Community or Public
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5a-i – Service to Professional Associations / Societies
Dynamo-Rhynamo-BIM-User Group of the Autodesk User Group International Inc. ), 2015-present.
Steering Committee Member of the National Science Foundation RCN-SEES Predictive Modeling Network for
Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (SHBE) Network, 2014-present.
“AIA 2030 Challenge” further Education “Carbon Neutral Buildings Imitative” course module development and
coordination for the AIA Pasadena and Los Angeles; Four AIA No Architect Left Behind Sessions, Three AIA CES
Learning Units, April 2010-present.
ACE Architects’ Council of Europe. 2006-present.
Exhibition Committee Bruno Zevi Foundation, Scientific Committee Member, Rome, Italy. 2006-present.
Scientific DiTAC Working Group Member of URBACT, European Program for Sustainable Development. 2005-
GABA German-American Business Association, Los Angeles and Miami. 2004-present.
U.S. Green Building Council, and Emerging Green Builders, Chapter Los Angeles and Miami. 2003-present.
AIA NCARB, Frequent internship program supervisor for enrollment and support for students seeking licensing,
1999- present
Numerous Guest Lectures, Design Studio Critics, Directed Research Consultancies at Universities of Taranto,
Genoa, Florence, Milano, Pesara-Chieti in Italy, HTWK Leipzig, TU Berlin, UdK Berlin, TU Darmstadt, TU
Karlsruhe, University of San Jose, Costa Rica, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, Tingsua University
in Bejing, China, University of NOVA University, University of Miami, SCI-Arc, Woodbury University, Cal Poly
Pomona, UCLA Architecture department, Art Center Pasadena, Audubon Center and Green Technology Institute
UCLA, LADWP Solar & Green Program, USBC Green Building Alliance of Los Angeles, and many more. 1990-
Association / Society Memberships:
ICLEI Global – Local Governments for Sustainability, 2018-present
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). 2009-present.
DESERTEC Foundation, Solar Energy for Europe and Africa, Munich, Germany. 2007-present.
IBPSA - International Building Performance Simulation Association. 2006-present.
Green Building Connect, USA. 2006-present.
Sustainable Construction and Planning. 2006-present.
Member, GABA German-American Business Association. 2005-present.
Biomimicry & Innovation. 2005-present.
Member, US Green Building Council, USGBC Regional Chapter Los Angeles. 2003-present.
Member, Society of Building Science Educators SBSE, USA. 2003-2004.
Member, Architects’ Council of Europe, A.C.E. 2001-present.
Member, Sustainable Pittsburgh, PA, USA (inactive). 2000-present.
Member, IEA-International Solar City Program, Task 30. 2000-2002.
Member, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). 2000-2002.
Member, International Solar Energy Society, ISES, American Solar Energy Society. 1999-present.
Member, Deutscher Werkbund. 1993-1994.
Member, Deutsche Bundesarchitektenkammer (German Architecture Chamber). 1988-present.
Professional Organization of the German Association of Artists Berlin and Freiburg. 1983-97.
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Invited Referee, Editor, and Associated Editor:
Frequent Invited Peer Reviewer of the Journal “Future Cities and Environment”, University of Nottingham, UK,
Frequent Invited Peer Reviewer of the Journal of “Green Building”, Mindspring, 2014-present.
Invited Reviewer of the Journal of “Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy”, LifeScienceGlobal, 2013-
Invited Conference Paper Reviewer for the 75th Anniversary of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Heat Transfer Division (HT2013). Minneapolis, July 2013 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ASME Journal of
Heat Transfer, and IMECE in November in San Diego, CA. 2013.
Frequent Invited Peer Reviewer for SUSTAINABLE BUILDING CONFERENCES in 2013 and 2014 (SB13/SB14):
Construction Products and Technologies SB13 in Graz, Austria; BESS-SB13 (Building Enclosure Sustainability
Symposium), California; and SB13 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2013-2014.
Invited Scientific Committee Member at the 2nd World Construction Symposium 2013 on “SocioEconomic
Sustainability in Construction: Practice, Policy and Research.” Organizers: The Ceylon Institute of Builders
(CIOB), International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) and Building
Economics and Management Research Unit (BEMRU). Colombo, Sri Lanka, June12-15, 2013.
Invited Associate Editor and Referee for the volume 5, The International Journal of the Constructed Environment.
Invited Reviewer (Referee) by the Chief Editor for the Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, USA, Editorial
Office (Chicago: David Publishing Company). 2011-present.
Invited Associate Editor and Referee for the Volume 5, The International Journal of the Constructed Environment
2011- present.
Invited Associate Editor and Referee for the volume 4, Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal
Invited Associate Editor and Referee for the volume 3, Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal
Frequent Invited Peer Reviewer of the ELSEVIER and ScienceDirect Journal “Building and Environment,” 2003-
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Professional Service
Service to Professional Associations / Societies
Service to the Community or Public
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5a-ii – Service to Community or Public
Numerous Earth Day Network Lectures on volunteering Green Practices in Europe and the U.S. The lecture
focuses on four themes: conserving, recycling, generating and living. These themes are each elaborated around
recurring questions of energy, materials, water, food, air, soil, habitats and neighborhood. 1990-present.
Numerous Sea Level Rise Community Event Volunteering in Miami and the beaches, 2009-present
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University Service
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5b University Service
FIU Department of Architecture
Curriculum Committee Member, School of Architecture, FIU. Fall 2017-ongoing.
Master’s Project Task Force’s Member, SP 2013-SP2014.
SET Lab Coordination, Selection and Installation of all the appliances, sensors, equipment, software and computer
systems in the new SET lab including development of a new ESTL web page directory, F2012 SP2013.
Faculty Digital Design Committee Member, F2012 ongoing
Faculty Search Committee Member, Materials Research Position, School of Architecture. F2011-SP2012.
Developing a relationship between the Miami Beach Sustainability. F2010-present.
Faculty Search Committee Member, Materials Research Position, School of Architecture. F2011-SP2012.
Developing a relationship between the Miami Beach Sustainability Office/City Department of Planning and the
Sustainability Studio on Lincoln, future collaborations. F 2010-present.
CARTA Faculty Assembly Meeting Participant, CARTA Strategic Planning Meeting. 2009-present.
Leadership role in securing gifts (Johnson Controls Inc., Schueco Intl., Schott Intl.) for construction of Environmental
and Structural Technology Laboratory at Paul Cejas Architecture Building, College of Architecture and the Arts
(CARTA). Fall 2009-2012.
Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Environmental and Structural Technology Laboratory (ESTL) Equipment grant
for establishing ESTL. Fall 2009-present.
Structures and Environmental Technologies Lab (SET) - Fundraising Strategies and Realization of the Facility in
collaboration with School of Architecture Administration and the FIU Facilities Mana
gement for Construction.
Budget: $354,617.00. Fall 2009-present.
Website Development and Equipment Purchasing for Structures and Environmental Technologies Lab. Fall 2009-
Member, Portfolio Review Committee, Department of Architecture Florida International University. Fall 2009-
Member, Master’s Project and Thesis Committee, Department of Architecture, FIU. Fall 2009-present.
Curriculum Committee Member, School of Architecture, FIU. Fall 2009-10.
Co-Developing Educational Websites: 1. Eco Learning, 2. Environmental and
Structural Technology Lab (ESTL) Fall 2009.
CARTA Curriculum Task Force Member, SP2018-ongoing
Search Committee Member for two Building Technology Assistant Professorship and Building technology Instructor
position at CARTA School of Architecture, SP2018-F2019
Search Committee Chair for the Building Technology Assistant Professorship, SP2017-F2017
US-China Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2014 Competition, Consultant, environmental systems design for
Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2014.
Joint Interdisciplinary Sustainability Graduate Studio, MEDIA Complex and Master Plan Biscayne Campus
Development with the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. SP 2013.
FIU Technology Committee Member, 2013.
Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011 Competition, Consultant, environmental systems design for
PerFORM[D]ance House: A solar powered constructed by students on the National Mall and future FIU-Sustainability
Office on Campus. 2009-2011.
Other FIU Service:
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDR) Energy/Water/CO2 Retrofit Projects RFQ with BioStar Renewables (Dagney
Johnson; J David Burt; Charlie Brewer). Leadership Consultant Thomas Spiegelhalter for Revit-BIM-GBS-Insight-
Infraworks360-GIS Training Workshops, Performance and Optimization Modeling - Consultant for Sustainability FIU
team consisting of Tom Gustafson, J.D. FIU Director, Research Programs, Office of Finance & Administration; Todd
A. Crowl, FIU Director, Institute of Water & Environment, an FIU Preeminent Program PI and Director, NSF CREST
Center for Aquatic Chemistry and Environment, President, Association of Ecosystem Research Centers, Building
Technology Director Shahin Vassigh, Marc Marine, Jason Chandler, Zhonghong Tang, Tiffany Troxler and others.
Budget: $21,537,782 in "Client Agreement Projects", Fall 2016-ongoing
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Green Hotels Georgia Federal Relation Research and Design Development Committee with Prof. Camilo Rosales
at FIU, with Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, School
of Architecture, Engineering and
Computing. Fall 2011.
Leadership role in securing gifts and funds for the construction of the Structures and Environmental Technologies
Lab (SET) at the PCA Building. 2009-present.
The Strategic Planning Committee: Committee Member of the FIU Presidents strategic planning process in the
Provost’s Strategic Planning Committee. January 2010-July 2010.
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Awards and Honors
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6 – Awards and Honors
Professional Awards, Prizes, and Honors
3rd Prize: Invited (Sponsored) Competition for KRAFTWERK Freiraumgestaltung im Umfeld des Künstlerdorfes”
in Schöppingen (Artist Colony Schoeppingen) in Germany in collaboration with Landscape Architect Office Peter
Drecker, Bottrop-Halle-Hannover, 2017
Winner of the International Award for Excellence for Volume 3 of The International Journal of the Constructed
Environment for “New Design Protocols for Industrial-scaled Modes of Production for Carbon Neutral Buildings.”
AIA PASADENA Further Education Initiative Fund. No Architect Left Behind Initiative. Developing a creative,
Southern California climate-specific AIA Carbon Neutral Building 2030 Challenge course for architects, engineers,
and other field related professionals from 2012 to 2013. Contract Award: $20,000. 2011.
DESIGN VANGUARD AWARD 2003, 10 firms shape the globe. ARCHITECTURAL RECORD Magazine, New
York City. International Competition, Open. 2003.
Meritorious Award, Sustainable Malama Campus High-School Kapolei, Hawaii. International Architecture Design
Competition (open), 683 entries, (with C. Kapeller and M De Jarnett), Los Angeles, CA. 2003.
1st Prize, International CONCOURS CONSTRUCTION ACIERS 2002 for design and built Steel Suspension
Bridge, Belgium-Luxembourg, Europe. 2002.
State Award for Distinguished Cultural Work at Solar Cultural Center Breisach. State Baden-Wuerttemberg
Competition, Germany. 2001.
5th Prize, New Park Visions. International Expert Design Competition (with P Drecker), Germany. 2001.
German Solar Recognition Award for Design, Build, Benchmarked Solar Town Houses in Ihringen, DGS
(Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Solare Energie), National Design Realization Competition, Germany. 1999.
4th Prize, LE JARDIN DES DEUX RIVES Strasbourg, France. International Open Urban and Landscape Design
Realization Competition, 497 entries (with J Dittus), France. 1999.
2nd Prize, Redevelopment Master Plan Coal Mining Area of Espenhain-South Leipzig. Invited National Expert
Design Competition (with P Drecker and Montana Property Development Society) Berlin, Germany. 1998.
2nd Prize, Solar Powered Middle and Highschool Ihringen by Freiburg. National Design Realization Competition,
Germany. 1995.
2nd Prize, Coal Mining Area Redevelopment Wattenschei, Germany. Invited National Expert Design Competition,
(with P Drecker), Germany. 1995.
German Architecture Recognition Award for Buildings in Concrete. Cultural Center Breisach, Cologne, Germany.
Special Recognition Award for Media Center (Mediatek) Design, City of Lörrach. National Design Realization
Competition, Germany. 1994.
Recognition Award for the Regional Commission Building Design (Regierungspraesidium) in Freiburg. National
Design Realization Competition, Germany. 1994.
Special Recognition Award for the Library and Municipal Headquarter Design, City of Loerrach. National
Realization Competition, Germany. 1993.
1st Prize, Redevelopment Master Plan and Design for the ‘Zeche Osterfeld Oberhausen’ (former Coal Mining
Area and Steel Factory Infrastructure) of the International Building Exhibition Emscher Park (IBA). International
Design Realization Competition (open), 631 entries, (with P Drecker and J Dittus), Germany. 1993.
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1st Prize, Redevelopment Master Plan and Design for the Health Park Bottrop of the International Building
Exhibition Emscher Park, IBA. International Design Realization Competition (open), (with P. Drecker), Germany.
Special Recognition Award for Institute of the Pharmacy and Pharmacology Building Design, Inner City Campus
University of Freiburg. National Design Realization Competition, Germany. 1993.
3rd Prize, Helmholtzplatz Prenzlauer Berg Berlin. International Urban and Landscape Design Realization
Competition w. Jochen Dittus (Landscape Architect), Germany. 1993.
Special Recognition Award for Kindergarten and Daycare Design, City of Offenburg. National Design Realization
Competition, Germany. 1993.
Special Recognition Award for High-School Building Design, City of Stühlingen. National Design Realization
Competition, Germany. 1993.
1st Prize for New Protestant Church and Conference Center Design, City of Bad Herrenalb. National Design
Realization Competition of the German National Protestant Organization and the City of Bad Herrenalb, Germany.
1st Prize, Karl-Hofer-Award Berlin for the Research Realization Projects of GRAVEL PIT ARCHITECTURE,
Berlin. National Design Research Competition, Germany. 1992.
Special Recognition Award, Logo-Motiv, Urban design competition for Ecological Neighborhood Design Proposal,
City of Weil. National Design Realization Competition (with G Duerr), Freiburg, Germany. 1992.
Special Recognition Award, Headquarter Sewage Treatment Demonstration Facility Design, City of Freiburg.
National Design Realization Competition of the Sewage Federation Breisgauer Bay in Freiburg, Germany. 1992.
Recognition Award, Ecological Building Design and Low-Energy Building Master Plan Proposal, City of
Bahlingen-Riedlen. National Urban Design Competition, (with G Duerr), Germany. 1992.
2nd Prize, Municipality Town Hall Design, City of Offenburg. National Design Realization Competition, Germany.
2nd Price for Russian Military Infrastructure Area Redevelopment Master Plan, City of Magdeburg. International
Urban & Landscape Design and Realization Competition for the ‘Bundesgartenschau Magdeburg’ (Federal
Garden Show sponsored with E.U. funds), 873 entries, (with P Drecker, J Dittus), Germany. 1992.
Special Recognition Award for Community Center (Buergerhaus) Design, City of Schutterwald. State Design
Realization Competition, Germany. 1991.
2nd Prize, Public Art Design for the District Office Building, City of Freiburg. State Design and Realization
Competition, Freiburg, Germany. 1989.
1st Prize, Urbanization Proposal of the Berlin Wall between East and West, City of Berlin. International Urban
Design Competition for Urban Planners, Architects, and Designers of Mythos Berlin and the Museum Checkpoint
Charlie, 917 entries, Germany. 1987.
1st Prize (Schinkel Prize), Satellite High-Rise District Maerkisches Viertel Master Plan Proposal, City of Berlin.
National Design Realization Competition Berlin, Germany. 1986.
Recognition Award - Seeing-Recognition-Drawing Competition of the Rudolf-Lodders-Endowment Society.
National Design Competition, Architects Chamber Hamburg, Germany. 1985.
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Academic Awards:
FIU CARTA Faculty Research Award: $2,000. 2018.
EU ERASMUS + (KA107) AWARD: SS 2017 at University Degli Studi di Genova, Italy, Stipend $5,984. 2017.
Solar Decathlon China US-DOE National Energy Administration China, FIU-Tsinghua University Beijing
Partnership, 5th Place overall, 1st. Prize Energy Balance + Thermal Comfort, 3rd Place Engineering. 2016.
Miami Business Award, Solar Decathlon US-DOE-FIU Dance House. 2016.
AIA Miami Design Award, Solar Decathlon US-DOE-FIU Dance House, 2015; Florida foundation Award, Solar
Decathlon US-DOE-FIU Dance House, 2013.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Assistance Award: “On Track to Carbon Neutral Buildings & 66.516 -
P3 Award: National Student Design Competition for Sustainability.” Award for Phase 1: $15,000. 2013-2014.
Research Award State of Florida, Solar Decathlon US-DOE-FIU House, 2013.
EPA People’s Choice First Prize, Technology and Science, P3: “People, Prosperity and the Planet Student
Design Competition for Sustainability in Washington, D.C., 2012.
Solar Decathlon US-DOE, 11th Place overall, 1st. Prize Energy Balance + Thermal Comfort, 2011.
US Green Building Council Student Project Award for New Orleans Residential Designs, 2011.
Paul Cejas Strategic Initiative Research Award “No Architectural School Left Behind NET-ZEB Masterplan.”
Analysis, Scenario Modelling and Master Planning for the transformation of the PCA-building Complex (designed
by Bernard Tschumi) to a Net-ZEB facility. Strategic Initiative Award: $3,000, 2012-2013.
FIU-CEC Seed Grant Award: An Open-Source Integrated Computing Infrastructure to Support the Life Cycle
Design and Engineering of High-Performance Building Case Study FIU LEED SILVER certified SIPA campus
building.” Funding: $30,000, 2011-2012.
FIU Technology Fee Award for equipment grant to establish the Environmental and Structural Technology
Laboratory (ESTL), Funding: $67,000. 2009-2012.
Greening Architecture Ian Ritchie, Ethics and the Environment, Sustainability Event Proposal, USC Arts and
Humanities Initiative Award with additional funding from the British Consulate, Virgin Atlantic, the USC
Architectural Guild, COE Architecture International, and AIA Los Angeles (with M Chow) Funding: $26,800. 2.5
LU/HSW/SD hours for all AIA members, 2008.
Environmental Management System (EMS) - USC School of Architecture, USC Future Fuels and Energy Initiative
(FFEII) Applied Research Award. Funding: $25,000. 2007.
Towards Sustainable Urban Housing Bridging the Gap between Community Design and Adaptable Technology,
USC-Urban Initiative Policy Briefing Award. Funding: $10,000. 2005.
Solar Zero-Fossil-Energy-Building-Development, USC-Undergraduate Research Fund Award (SURG). Funding:
$10,000. 2003.
DAAD Stipend AWARD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Stipendium), German Academic Exchange
Program for research faculty, International Academic Co-operation Bonn – New York. Funding: €18,000
($24,120). 1999.
Awarded Postgraduate Scholarship, University of the Arts Berlin, Germany, Master’s Program
(Meisterschuelerstudium). 1988.
Pro Venetia Viva, Centro Europeo di Venezia: IL CENTRO: PUNTO D’INCONTRO PER LA CULTURA DELLA
CONSERVAZIONE, Awarded Scholarship by the UNESCO office, Venice, Italy. 1977.
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Supervised Student Awards
Solar Decathlon China 2013, Qualification Competition. Application Phase 1 and Submission Phase 2 -
Sustainability Graduate Spring Studio 2010. Grant amount: $100,000. Status: Current, Source: US Department of
Energy, National Energy Administration China [Subcontract through Tsinghua University]. Amount: $30,000,
Period: 2012 2013.
Industry-Government-Communities Sponsored Solar Decathlon Research Realization Projects in the US and
China: (1) Sponsored $550,000 FIU Solar Decathlon Project ($100,000 Awarded Solar Decathlon 2011
Competition by U.S. Department of Energy), and (2) Sponsored THU (China)-FIU Collaboration of the
International Chinese Solar Decathlon Net-Zero-Energy Project led by Tsinghua University (THU) in China
($100,000 by the China National Energy Administration and the U.S. Department of Energy). 2010-2013.
101 Years ACSA Archive Exhibition Graduate Student Project Selection: Post-Fabrication, Haiti. Studio/Course:
ARC 5362 Graduate Design 9, Spring 2011.
1st and 2nd prizes at Regional USGBC Sustainable Housing National Competition 2010, Sustainability Design
Graduate Studio Students, Award: each student with $1,000. 2010.
Solar Decathlon U.S. Department of Energy 2011, Qualification Competition. Application Phase 1 and Submission
Phase 2 - Sustainability Graduate Spring Studio. Grant amount: $100,000. 2011.
First Prize, USC GPSAW Graduate and Professional Students Award for the Development and Validation of a U-
BIM Model for mitigating the Urban Heat Island. 2009.
3rd Prize, Sustainable High-Rise Building Design for the Exposition Park in Los Angeles. AIA 2x8 Swell, 2006.
Selection Award for Solar Decathlon Design Proposal 2005, USC School of Architecture. NREL, DOE, Solar BP.
EPA. Grant Amount: $5,000. 2003.
Special Solar Decathlon Good Neighbor Award 2002 for the Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture
Donation of Solar House to Pittsburgh Community Organization. 2002.
2nd Prize, Solar Decathlon Competition, Category Contest 2, Design Presentation and Simulation, NREL, DOE,
for the Carnegie Mellon University School of Architecture team. 2002.
Selection Award for Solar Decathlon Design Proposal, CMU School of Architecture Pittsburgh, NREL, DOE.
(Phase 2). 2001.
1st Prize, Int’l Competition HTWK Leipzig-UH Houston, Marina Gruna Peninsula-Memory and Renewal, Leipzig,
Germany. 1998.
Recognition Award, International Student Competition Leipzig-Houston, Gruna Peninsula - Columna Vertebralis,
HTWK Leipzig, Germany. 1998.
Recognition Award, International Student Competition Leipzig-Houston, Gruna Peninsula Design Project 8,
HWTK Leipzig, Germany. 1998.
Recognition Award, Student International Competition Leipzig-Houston, Gruna Peninsula Design Project 8.
HWTK Leipzig, Germany. 1998.
Recognition Award, Student International Competition Leipzig-Houston, Gruna Peninsula Design Project 8.
HWTK Leipzig, Germany. 1998.
International Student Competition Award - Solar Passive House Idea Competition for Urban Row Houses. Isorast-
Bausysteme and Passiv Haus Institute Darmstadt, HWTK Leipzig, Germany. 1994.
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900 Bay Drive
Apartment #825
Miami Beach, Florida 33141
Tel. 305 534 6642
Master of Architecture Architecture 1991
Columbia University
Master of Arts Classical Archaeology 1987
Princeton University
Bachelor of Arts Classics with Honors 1984
Brown University Applied Mathematics 1984
Distinguished University Professor Architecture 2019
Florida International University
Director CARTA Innovation Lab for 3D Printing 2015
Florida International University
Associate Dean College of Communication, Architecture 2013
Florida International University +The Arts
Executive Director The Miami Beach Urban Studios 2013
Florida International University
Department Chair Architecture 20112013
Florida International University
Faculty Fellow Office of the Provost 201011
Florida International University
Full Professor Architecture 2008
Florida International University
Visiting Associate Professor The Graduate School of Architecture Fall 2003
Columbia University Planning and Preservation
Founding Program Director Graduate Program in Architecture 19992002
Florida International University
Associate Professor with Tenure Architecture 19992008
Florida International University
Assistant Professor Architecture 19941999
Florida International University
Adjunct Design Instructor Architecture 1994
Florida International University
Adjunct Design Instructor Architecture 1994
University of Miami
C - 221
Page 265 of 320
White Cane Day Speaker Award: Miami Lighthouse for the Blind 2018
FIU’s 3D Printed Innovations for the Visually Impaired”
Keynote Speaker at the 2017 Faculty Convocation 2017
“Provocations from the Edge: The Future of Faculty Research”
Winner of the MakerBot Innovation Award MakerBot Annual Summit 2016
With MBUS Office Manager, Jacqueline Thompson.
Winner, 2016 Philanthropy Shark Tank Miami Philanthropy Miami 2016
Competition to fund a Summer Camp for 3D printing and government.
Awarded Knight Foundation Grant 2015
Funds to found the CARTA Innovation Lab at the Miami Beach Urban Studios
Selected as Co-Chair 102
Annual Meeting 201314
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Selected for Musician’s Forum New World Symphony 2013
Competition for video work sponsored by AIGA and NWS
Finalist, Worlds Ahead Faculty Award Florida International University 2013
FIU President’s Council
FIU Book Author Florida International University 2012
Honored by the Office of the Provost
Award for Leadership in Education Miami Chapter of the AIA 2011
Selected from among the leaders in the SE region of Florida
Chair, Review Panel United States Artists Awards 201011
Ford and Rockefeller Foundations initiative for individual grants to artists, Los Angeles
Top Scholar Award Florida International University 2009
Selected as one of the 25 top researchers at the university
Invited Review Panelist United States Artists Awards 2010
Ford and Rockefeller Foundations initiative for individual grants to artists, Los Angeles
Silver Medal for Non-Fiction Florida Book Awards 2009
The New Deal in South Florida: Design, Policy, and Community Building 19331940
New York Prize Fellowship Van Alen Institute 20072008
TimeZone (interactive design with collaborators at MoMA and in Lima, Peru)
New York Book Award New York Society Library 2006
Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect: From Beaux-Arts to Modernism in New York
Screening Award Miami Short Film Festival 2004
The Cruise (video)
Award of Excellence in Design The Miami AIA 2004
The design of TimeZone
Honorary Mention for Design The Miami AIA 2004
The architectural design of Hinge House
Drawings in Permanent Collection Columbia University 2003
Drawings accessioned to the collection of the Avery Architecture and Fine Arts Library
Review Panelist National Endowment for the Arts 2000
For areas of Design and Design Heritage
Summer Stipend Grant National Endowment for the Humanities 1995
Research on Paul Scheerbart
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Stuart, John A., and John F. Stack, Jr., eds.
The New Deal in South Florida: Design, Policy, and Community Building, 19331940.
Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008.
Stern, Jewel, and John A. Stuart.
Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect: Beaux-Arts to Modernism in New York.
New York: W. W. Norton, 2006.
Scheerbart, Paul.
The Gray Cloth: Paul Scheerbart’s Novel on Glass Architecture. Introduced, translated
from the German, and illustrated by John A. Stuart. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2001.
Reprinted in paperback, 2003.
Ghirardo, Diane, and John A. Stuart, eds.
Gender and Architecture. Special Issues of the Journal of Architectural Education.
Part 1. 55 (November 2001) and Part 2. 55 (February 2002).
Stuart, John A.
Preservation Policy for a Changing World. In MB magazine (Spring 2019): 15-17.
Stuart, John A. and David Rifkind
Overview of Florida.” In SAH Archipedia eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley,
Charlottesville: UVaP, 2017
Stuart, John A.
“Lincoln Road.” CLOG Miami (2013): 7677
Stuart, John A.
“Liberty Square Housing.” Die Alte Stadt 36 no. 2 (Aug. 2009): 199215
Ghirardo, Diane, and John A. Stuart.
“Editors’ Introduction: Gender and Architecture.” Journal of Architectural Education 55
(Nov. 2001): 63.
Stuart, John A.
“Tidal Shade.” Journal of Architectural Education 54 (Sept. 2000): 5557.
Stuart, John A.
“Unweaving Narrative Fabric: Walter Benjamin, Bruno Taut, and Paul Scheerbart’s
The Gray Cloth. Journal of Architectural Education 53 (Nov. 1999): 6173.
Stuart, John A.
“More Than a Campus Icon: A New Facility for FIUs Architecture Program
Competitions 9 (Summer 1999): 1628.
Stuart, John A.
“Exoticism Meets Pragmatism: An Interview with Paul Silverthorne on His Mural Painting
and Interior Design in South Florida in the 1940’s.The Journal of Decorative
and Propaganda Arts 23 (1998): 361381.
Stuart, John A.
“Gender Reconfigured: Emily Roebling and the Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge.”
Architectural Theory Review. Journal of the Department of Architecture, Planning and Allied
Arts. The University of Sydney. 3 (April 1998): 2334. (First published as “Silent Partner.”)
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Page 267 of 320
Stuart, John A.
“Formulating Femininity: Paul Scheerbart and the German Werkbund Debates of 1914.”
Intersights. Journal of the School of Architecture and Planning at the State University of New
York at Buffalo. 4 (1997): 100109.
Stuart, John A.
“Integrating Diverse Community and Professional Challenges. School of Design, Florida
International University.” Florida Architect 43 (Winter 1996): 18.
Stuart, John A.
“Silent Partner.” Public Spaces: Architecture / Research / Criticism 5 (19941995): 613.
Stuart, John A.
“A New Deal for the American Motorist.” Seeking the City: Visionaries on the Margin.
Proceedings of the 96th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting:
forthcoming 2010.
Stuart, John A.
“Paul Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth and the Politics of German Architectural
Internationalism.” Building as a Political Act. Proceedings of the 1997 Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Meeting: 344350.
Stuart, John A.
“Paul Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth: Gender, Architecture and the German Werkbund
Debate.” Architecture: Material and Imagined. Proceedings of the 85th Association of
Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, 1996: 428434.
Stuart, John A.
“The Body as Battlefield: Gender, Mass-Media and Colored Glass Construction in Paul
Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth and Ten Percent White. Triangulating the Bodies of
Architecture. Proceedings of the 1996 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Northeast Regional Meeting: 159169.
Tsihrintzis, Vassilios A., Marc L. Resnick, John A. Stuart, and Elizabeth Pittenger.
“The Gateway MYMUP Project: Experience from a Pilot Implementation at Florida
International University.” Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education
1996 Frontiers in Education Conference: 111115.
Resnick, Marc L., John A. Stuart, Vassilios A. Tsihrintzis, and Elizabeth Pittenger.
“Multi-Year, Multi-University Projects Provide Real Human Factors Experience for
Undergraduates.” Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society: 463467.
Stuart, John A.
“The Confluence of Allegory and Technology in Gendered Public Space.”
Proceedings of the 84
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting.
1995: 240247.
Stuart, John A.
“Constructing Identity: Building and Place in New Deal South Florida in The New Deal in
South Florida, edited by John A. Stuart and John F. Stack, Jr. Gainesville: University Press of
Florida, 2008.
Stuart, John A.
“Liberty Square: Florida’s First Public Housing Project in The New Deal in South Florida,
edited by John A. Stuart and John F. Stack, Jr. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008.
Stack, John F. Jr., and John A. Stuart
“The New Deal in South Florida in The New Deal in South Florida, edited by John A. Stuart
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and John F. Stack, Jr. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008.
Stuart, John A.
Review of Miami Modern Metropolis by Alan Shulman, ed. and Marion Manley by
Catherine Lynn and Carie Penabad Journal of Architectural Education 65 (October 2011): 92
Stuart, John A.
Review of Modernizing Main Street: Architecture and Consumer Culture in the New Deal
by Gabrielle Esperdy. Urban History 36 (2009): 184185.
Stuart, John A.
Review of Re-Reading Perspecta: The First Fifty Years of the Yale Architectural Journal
by Robert A. M. Stern, Alan Plattus, and Peggy Deamer. Journal of the Society of Architectural
Historians 65 (Sept. 2006): 457458.
Stuart, John A.
Review of The Glass State by Annette Fierro. Journal of Architectural Education 56
(May 2003): 7273.
Stuart, John A.
Review of The Werkbund: Design Theory and Mass Culture before the First World War
by Frederic J. Schwartz. Design Book Review: Humanism and Post-humanism 4142
(Winter/Spring 2000): 8891.
Stuart, John A.
Review of Nineteenth-Century Mormon Architecture and City Planning by C. Mark
Hamilton. Planning Perspectives 11 (Oct. 1996): 448450.
“Great Streets of the Art Deco District: Lincoln Road”
Moderator for a panel discussion with Michel Hausmann, Mel Schlesser, Michael Comras and
Arthur Marcus about the architectural, social and economic history and future of Lincoln Road.
May 15, 2019
FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios, Miami Beach, FL
“Learning from the Fire at Notre Dame”
Moderator for a panel discussion about architectural history, preservation and technology.
May 2, 2019
FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios, Miami Beach, FL
“Resilience through Science and Design”
Speaker with Tiffany Troxler and students at the 3
Annual Resiliency Workshop hosted by the
Miami Design Preservation League.
April 27, 2019
Miami Beach, FL
“3D Printing Innovations for the Blind”
Speaker at the invitation of the Miami Beach Council for the Blind.
April 10, 2019
Miami Beach, FL
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“How Technology Can Help Us Be Better at Doing Good”
Presented to the faculty and students on the occasion of the inauguration of Marymount
President, Irma Becerra.
March 29, 2019
Marymount University, Arlington, VA
“Innovation, Creativity and 3D Printing”
Panelist in the 2019 FIU Innovation Master Class hosted by Grizelle De Los Reyes.
February 23, 2019
FIU College of Law, Miami, FL
Vibrant City Subject Matter Specialist
Specialist participant and speaker in the 2019 Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Goals
February 22, 2019
W Hotel, Miami Beach, FL
“Making and Joining: A Conversation about Opportunities of Technology, Craft and
Community in Higher Education Today”
Speaker with Montclair University artist and professor, Neil Baldwin.
January 24, 2019
FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios, Miami Beach, FL
“Mixed Reality Technology Innovation Case Studies in Higher Education”
Speaker on the FIU CARTA Innovation Lab as a case study.
November 1, 2018
EDUCAUSE 2018 Annual Conference, Denver, CO
“What it Means to be Human in an Increasingly Digital World”
Presented to Miami French Art Associates.
June 19, 2018
FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios, Miami Beach, FL
“A Digital Humanities Conversation
I participated in a five-person conversation on topics related to digital humanities with
colleagues from Yale, Syracuse and Bucks County Community College as part of the HP
“Unstandardized Conversations” Youtube series.
June 14, 2018
Yale University, New Haven, CT
“Blended Reality at FIU’s Miami Beach Urban Studios
Presented projects and co-organized HP-sponsored Blended Reality Summit
June 12-13, 2018
Yale Center for Collaborative Arts and Media, New Haven, CT
“What’s Next: Recent Experience and Expectations for the Upcoming Year”
Panel moderator at the Annual Sea Level Rise Conference sponsored by Hinshaw
April 11, 2018
Four Seasons Hotel, Miami, FL
“Strategies and Successes: Community Dialogues on Historic Preservation and Sea
Level Rise”
With Tiffany Troxler at the 2
Annual Resiliency Workshop
April 7, 2018
Miami Beach Golf Club, Miami Beach, FL
“Conversation with Dean Rodolphe el-Khoury and Nasrine Seraji”
University of Miami School of Architecture’s Technoglass Lecture Series
April 4, 2018
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
“Negotiations: Contemporary Art in Historic Settings”
Moderated Panel Discussion on Historic Buildings and Contemporary Art
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February 27, 2018
Vizcaya Museum and Garden, Miami, FL
“Innovation on Miami Beach”
Thursday Breakfast Group
February 22, 2018
North Beach Golf Club, Miami Beach, FL
Provocations from the Edge: The Future of Faculty Research
Keynote speaker at the 2017 Faculty Convocation
October 12, 2017
Florida International University, Miami, FL
Creative Mind Talks: Daniel Libeskind + John Stuart
A Conversation with Daniel Libeskind about his life and work
May 23, 2017
The Moore Building, Miami, FL
“Emerging Art Leaders of Miami”
A Panel Discussion organized by Derek Wallace
April 7, 2017
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
Exploring Liberty City: Liberty City Rising
A Film by Moses Shumow and Panel Discussion
March 21, 2017
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
3D Printing and the Future of Higher Education
A Panel Discussion organized by Public Knowledge
March 5, 2017
US Congress, Washington, DC
“Paulo Werneck: Brazilian Muralist”
A Panel Discussion about architecture and art in Brazil
September 22, 2016
MBUS, Miami Beach, Florida
“Faculty Governance at FIU”
A Panel Discussion for FIU Department Chairs
August 21, 2016
Fairchild Tropical Garden, Miami, Florida
“The CARTA Innovation Lab”
A presentation to the MakerBot Innovation Lab Summit
June 23, 2016
MakerBot Headquarters, Brooklyn, New York
“A Brief History of the Liberty Square Community Building”
Liberty Square Reunion Panel Discussion
June 11, 2016
Liberty Square Community Center
“City as Material Artifact: A Conversation with Martha Schoolman”
Bavarian-American Summer Academy in Miami Beach
June 8, 2016
The Betsy Hotel, Miami Beach
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“Innovation at FIU
Kellogg Innovation Network Panel on “Urban Innovation for Social Impact”
June 2, 2016
FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios
“Research in 3D printing at FIU”
Panel Discussion on the Future of On-Demand 3D Manufacturing
April 28, 2016
MIT Enterprise Forum, FIU Tech Station
“Panel Moderation: “WaterVisible and Invisible”
Ran and participated in a panel discussion with Tiffany Troxler, Shamina de Gonzaga, Doug
Wartzok, and Orlando Garcia in collaboration with Mary Luft and Tigertail
April 12, 2016
FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios
“3D Printing and Innovation at FIU”
Speed of Innovation Panel Discussion for FIU Alumni Association
April 11, 2016
Moonlighter, Miami
“Interview with Glenn Pushelberg about the Creative City”
Art Basel Creative City
December 3, 2015
FIU Miami Beach Urban Studios
“The Miami Beach Urban Studios and Innovation”
IxDA World Usability Panel
November 11, 2015
Rokk3r Labs
“Historic Miami Beach: A Walking Tour
A lecture for residents onboard The World Residences At Sea
September 16, 2015
Miami Beach
“Almost There: An Ideosyncratic History of the Architecture of Miami Beach”
A lecture for residents onboard The World Residences At Sea
September 16, 2015
Aboard the World
“Translations/Collaborations: Toward and Architecture of Human Experience”
FIU Center for The Humanities in an Urban Environment
April 18, 2012
Florida International University
“The Archives of William Lyman Phillips”
History Miami
March 10, 2012
Montgomery Botanical Center
“Bachelors Brides and Open Source Machines Panel”
Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
March 2, 2012
Boston, Massachusetts
“The Pruitt-Igoe Myth: Response and Debate”
University of Miami
February 6, 2012
Glasgow Hall
“Bringing Beauty into Our Lives: The New Deal in Coral Gables
November 4, 2011
The Coral Gables Museum, Miami
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Cell Sites
October 17, 2011
School of Architecture, University of Texas, Austin
“Doubtful Utopia: A Gathering of Scheerbart Scholars”
October 4, 2010
Columbia University in New York City
“Poetry and Architecture”
February 10, 2010
The Boas Poetry Reading Group, Miami
“In Sync: Networked Public Spaces for Social and Political Empowerment”
October 17, 2009
National Conference of the Society for American City and Regional Planning History
“The New Deal in Coral Gables
November 7, 2008
The Coral Gables Museum, Coral Gables
“Miami and the Pan American Dream”
September 18, 2008
The Historical Museum of Southern Florida, Miami, with Maurice Ferrer and Hilario Candela
“TimeZone: New York Prize Fellow Public Presentation
August 12, 2008
Van Alen Institute, New York City
“The New Deal in South Florida”
June 9, 2008
Books and Books, Coral Gables, with John Stack
“The New Deal in South Florida”
April 22, 2008
Broward County Main Public Library, Fort Lauderdale, with John Stack
“Recontextualizing Jennifer Baichwal’s film Manufactured Landscapes
April 11, 2008
The WolfsonianFIU
“14 Views of Miami”
April 8, 2008
A video exhibition and presentation with Campbell McGrath at The WolfsonianFIU
“Dynamic Modernism: Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, and Santiago Calatrava”
March 26, 2008
The Miami Art Museum, Miami
“Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect: Beaux-Arts to Modernism in New York”
May 31, 2007
Books and Books, Coral Gables, with Jewel Stern
“Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect: The Modernist Years, 19251950”
February 20, 2007
Miami Design Preservation League, Miami Beach, with Jewel Stern
“The Buildings of Ely Jacques Kahn: A Walking Tour in New York City
October 14, 2006
The Wallach Gallery, Columbia University, New York City, with Jewel Stern
“Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect: Gallery Talk”
October 11, 2006
The Wallach Gallery, Columbia University, New York City, with Jewel Stern
“Ely Jacques Kahn”
October 5, 2006
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School of Architecture, FIU, with Jewel Stern
“The Skyscraper Reconsidered: Panel Discussion”
September 25, 2006
Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, Preservation, New York City,
Moderator with Panelists: Michael Sorkin, Carol Willis, Andrew Dolkart, and Jewel Stern
“Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect: Beaux-Arts to Modernism in New York”
September 21, 2006
The Skyscraper Museum, New York City, with Jewel Stern
“The New Deal in South Florida”
July 10, 2006
NEH Landmarks Workshop sponsored by The WolfsonianFIU
“The German Airship and the Design of the Modern State”
December 10, 2005
“Agendas of Design in the Modern World” workshop sponsored by The WolfsonianFIU
“Planning and the New Deal”
October 20, 2005
“South Florida’s Planning Past, Present, and Future: Pre-conference Symposium”
11th National Conference on Planning History, SACRPH, Coral Gables
“Promotion, Politics, and Tourism in the Emergence of New Deal Miami”
September 18, 2004
Cornell University Conference “Havana and Miami: Modernism and the City,” Ithaca
“Project Utopia: Expectations and Conflicts Surrounding Liberty Square, Miami’s First
Public Housing Project”
March 19, 2004
92nd Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Miami
“Digital Media Analog Methods”
March 19, 2004
Panelist at the 92nd Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Miami,
with Cory Clarke
“New Deal Miami Archipelagos of Modernism”
March 21, 2004
92nd Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Miami, with Jeff
“Paul Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth and the Myth of Transparency”
February 11, 2004
University of Miami School of Architecture, Coral Gables
“Race, Space, and the New Deal: Liberty Square Housing in Miami, Florida”
November 7, 2003
10th National Conference on Planning History Society for American City and Regional Planning
History, St. Louis
“Ebbs, Flows, and Other Conditions”
July 16, 2003
GSAPP, Columbia University, New York City
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“3 + 3: Three Books Three Projects”
October 24, 2002
The School of Architecture, FIU
“Democracity and Its Denizens”
April 12, 2002
90th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, New Orleans
“Reading into Paul Scheerbart: Glass Adventures from the Prehistory of Transparency”
March 15, 2001
Annual Meeting of the Association of Art Historians, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford,
“Looking into the Crystal Wall: Paul Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth and Ten Percent
March 19, 2001
The Twentieth-Century Society of London Lecture Series, Swedenborg Hall, London, England
“Abstraction and the Urban Landscapes of Isamu Noguchi
February 9, 2000
FIU Art Museum / Smithsonian Museum of American Art
“Excavate/Coagulate: My Architectural Education”
January 2000
School of Architecture, FIU
“Orange Architecture”
Various dates during April and May 1999
The WolfsonianFIU, Orange County Historical Museum, Tampa Museum of Art
“Envisioning Technological Internationalism: Paul Scheerbart and German Design
Innovations 19001914”
June 1998
The WolfsonianFIU
“The Lost Legacy of Colored Glass in German Modernism”
April 1998
51st Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Los Angeles
“Marking Margins: Three Waterfront Strategies for New York City”
March 1998
86th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Cleveland
“Community Building: A University-wide Workshop Sponsored by the Florida
International University and School of Architecture and the Academy for the Art of
March 1998
Symposium Organizer and Presenter, The School of Architecture, FIU
“Power by Consent: Thoughts on Desire, Consumption and Market
January 1998
Presenter and Panelist at ArtCenter-South Florida, Miami Beach
“Three 20th-Century Plans for Lincoln Road Mall in Miami Beach, Florida”
October 1997
15th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians, Atlanta
“Paul Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth and the Politics of German Architectural
June 1997
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture International Conference, Berlin, Germany
“Urban Space and Identity on Lincoln Road Mall, Miami Beach”
March 1997
Organized and presented at The Exploding City: Urban Form, Development, and Urban Design
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in South Florida Symposium on Miami Beach
“Paul Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth: Gender, Architecture and the German Werkbund
March 1997
85th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Dallas
“Technology in the Service of Urban Publicity: Designing the ‘Smart Street Kiosk’ in
Downtown Miami”
October 1996
Presented paper co-authored with Vassilios A. Tsihrintzis, Marc L. Resnick and Elizabeth
Pittenger Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Southeast Regional Meeting,
Hampton, Virginia
“Paul Scheerbart and the Utopian Vision of German Expressionist Architecture”
October 1996
Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Architectural Theory Seminar,
“The Body as Battlefield: Gender, Mass-Media and Colored Glass Construction in Paul
Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth and Ten Percent White
October 1996
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Northeast Regional Meeting, Buffalo
“Global Transformations and Urban Mutations: A Case Study of Lincoln Road as ‘Main
Street’ Miami Beach, Florida”
July 1996
19th Congress of the International Union of Architects, Barcelona, Spain
“Gender, Mass-Media and the Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge
July 1996
Columbia University, GSAPP, Summer Lecture Series, New York City
“The Confluence of Allegory and Technology in Gendered Public Space”
March 1996
84th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Boston
“A Woman on the Wings of Technological Progress
November 1995
FIU Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship Studies Symposium
“Emily Roebling and the Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge”
March 1995
13th Annual FIU Women’s History Month Conference
Miami Foundation 2019
Project: “Resilient Economy Mayoral Outreach.”
Team led by Tiffany Troxler to create printed small business risk dashboards for mayors.
FIU Tech Fee Grant 2018
Project: “University-wide workshops in 3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping.”
PI on grant consisting of 3D printers and laptops.
Project: “Building the Campus of the Future.” PI on grant consisting of
equipment donation.
Knight Foundation 2017
Project: “Museums & Technology: New Avenues for Wonder.” Participant with the
Univ. of Florida on 3D printing. PI on this part of the project through FIU by Design.
Miami Beach Cultural Anchor Grant 2016
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Project: The Miami Beach Cultural Anchor grant funded through the Miami Beach
Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Economic Development to support exhibitions,
Lectures and performances at the Urban Studios. PI.
Philanthropy Miami, Shark Tank 2016
Project: Growlight/Breakthrough Summer Program at the Urban Studios.
In partnership with Breakthrough Miami.
Knight Arts Challenge 2015
Project: Creation of a new multidisciplinary work una marea crescente
with Orlando Garcia, as PI and Faena as the matching organization. Co-PI.
Miami Beach Cultural Anchor Grant 2015
Project: The Miami Beach Cultural Anchor grant funded through the Miami Beach
Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Economic Development to support exhibitions,
Lectures and performances at the Urban Studios. PI.
Knight Foundation 201516
Project: Creation of the CARTA Innovation Lab. PI.
Miami Beach Cultural Anchor Grant 2014
Project: The Miami Beach Cultural Anchor grant funded through the Miami Beach
Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Economic Development to support exhibitions,
Lectures and performances at the Urban Studios. PI.
MDX/FIU University City Project 201011
Project: Development of Advanced Transit Oriented Designs for Miami Dade County
Senior Research Scientist
The Van Alen Institute, New York Prize Fellowship 2008
Project: Research development of prototype for TimeZone
The Graham Foundation for Advanced Research in the Fine Arts 2003
Project: Research for book on New York architect Ely Jacques Kahn
Jewel Stern co-PI
The National Endowment for the Arts 2000
Project: Research for book on the New Deal in South Florida
John F. Stack, Jr. co-PI
FIU Division of Sponsored Research / School of Architecture 2000
Project: Publication subvention for printing full color images in The Gray Cloth
American Airlines Foundation 2000
Project: Travel for graduate students to Kingston, Jamaica
Marilys Nepomechie, co-PI
The WolfsonianFIU Research Center Fellowship Program 1998
Project: “Envisioning Technological Internationalism:
Paul Scheerbart and German Design Innovations 19001914”
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture 1998
Project: “Joint Florida International University / University of Florida Studio Project”
Kim Tanzer, co-PI
The FIU Academy for the Art of Teaching 1997
Project: “Community Building: A University-Wide Workshop”
Ted Baker, co-PI
The Graham Foundation for Advanced Research in the Fine Arts 1997
Project: Research on “Exposing the Roots of Modern Architecture:
A Contextualizing Introduction to Paul Scheerbart’s The Gray Cloth and
Ten Percent White. A Ladies Novel”
National Science Foundation / Drexel University 1996
Project: “Gateway Engineering Education Coalition, Multi-Year,
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Multi-University Projects (MYMUP)”
Marc Resnick, PI; with John A. Stuart;
Vassilios A. Tsihrintzis; and Elizabeth Pittenger
FIU Student Government Association 1996
Project: “Gracie’s Grill Student Lighting Design Grant”
National Endowment for the Humanities 1995
Project: NEH Summer Stipend for research on “An Introduction to
The Gray Cloth and Ten Percent White by Paul Scheerbart”
Metro-Dade County Cultural Affairs Council Community Grant 1995
Project: Presented lecture and organized series “The Line That Divides:
Four Lectures on the History of Architecture, Commerce and People on
Lincoln Road in Miami Beach”
International Tile and Stone Expo for Research and Experimentation1995
Project: Funding for a “Student Design Award”
University of South Florida / Metro-Dade Planning Organization 1995
Project: “North Dade Greenways Study”
Ted Baker, PI; John A. Stuart; Christopher Fannin
FIU Student Government Association 1995
Project: “Gracie’s Grill Student Lighting Design Grant”
The Portofino Group 1994
Project: “Exhibition and Symposium of South Beach Charrette Proposals
Rene Gonzalez, co-PI
Video Art for the Opera una marea creciente
May 7, 2018 Faena Forum, Miami Beach (world premier performance)
Opera formed in collaboration with Orlando Jacinto Garcia (composer), Campbell McGrath
(poet), Jacek Kolasinski (video artist), Augusto Soledade (choreographer) and Elizabeth Marsh
(video editor)
Dutilleux: Sarabande and Cortège
January 27, 2014 New World Symphony
Video in collaboration with Orlando Garcia (composer) and Jacek Kolasinski (video) as part of
an AIGA Centennial project with the New World Symphony.
April 4, 2012 Frost Museum
Various video projects performed with compositions by Orlando Jacinto Garcia (composer).
Universo Paralelo #4
February 17, 2011 Wertheim Performing Arts Center
Various video projects performed with compositions by Orlando Jacinto Garcia (composer).
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The Video Art for the Opera Transcending Time
April 17, 2009 Zagreb (world premier performance)
Opera formed in collaboration with Orlando Jacinto Garcia (composer), Campbell McGrath
(poet), Jacek Kolasinski (video artist), and Elizabeth Marsh (video editor)
Museum of Immigration on Miami Beach
February 2009
International architectural design competition with Roberto Rovira and Federico Zapata
Bubble Wrap / Waterworks Information Center in Downtown Miami
September 2008November 2008. Online exhibition.
International architectural design competition with Roberto Rovira, Adrian Van Derosten, Mercy
Rodriguez, Alex Salazar, George Valdes, Francisco Waltersdorfer
TimeZone: Fabrication and Installation in Lima, Peru and New York City
May 19August 15, 2008
New York Prize Fellowship project
The Bittersweet Decade: The New Deal in America 19331943
July 3, 2008January 19, 2009
Exhibition at The WolfsonianFIU co-curated with Marianne Lamonaca and Jon Mogul
14 Views of Miami
April 1June 1, 2008
A video piece presented at The WolfsonianFIU with Campbell McGrath
Port 11: A Diptych
March 2008
A video piece with music by Orlando Garcia and exhibited at Art Basel Miami Beach
The Video Art for Puentes Sonoros: Sonic Bridges / Enlaces Sonoros: Sonic Laces
September 2007, January 24, 2009.
A piece for orchestra and video by Orlando Garcia (composer) and with
Jacek Kolasinski (video artist), and Elizabeth Marsh (editor)
Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect: Beaux-Arts to Modernism in New York
September 26December 9, 2006
Exhibition at Columbia University and co-curated with Jewel Stern and Janet Parks
Brazil Triptych and The Cruise
September 26, 2005
Group exhibition of these video pieces at the Honors College, FIU
July 2004
Design competition exhibited online by Fused Space in Amsterdam
The Cruise
October 18, 2004
Video piece screened at the Miami Short Film Festival with Linda Feinberg and Elizabeth Marsh
Also screened on December 5, 2002 at Transitory Gallery, Art Basel Miami Beach
Hinge House
October 313, 2002
Architectural design for a house on Miami Beach exhibited at Espacios Digitales during the XIII
Biennale of Architecture in Santiago de Chile with Claudia Busch
Pentagon Memorial
September 11, 2002
Entry for international architectural design competition
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Queens Museum of Art
March 10, 2002July 7, 2002
Architectural design competition exhibited in “Designing the Future: The Queens Museum of Art
and the New York City Building” Queens Museum of Art with Joel Hoffman
Drawing Utopia: Exhibition of Drawings for The Gray Cloth
November 13, 2001
Henry Urbach Architecture Gallery, New York City
Democracity and Its Denizens
April 1114, 2002
Architectural design project selected for exhibition at the Faculty Design Projects session of the
90th Annual Meeting of the ACSA, New Orleans
Monument for the Third Millennium
August 25, 2000
Architectural design competition sponsored by the government of Puerto Rico
Proto-urban Landscapes
January 9January 12, 1998
Drawings exhibited at Henry Urbach Architecture Gallery, Gramercy Art Fair, Miami Beach
Tidal Shade
September 9October 30, 1997
Architectural design competition (exhibition prize winner) sponsored by the Van Alen Institute,
AIA New York and the Hudson River Park Conservancy
Governor’s Island and the Chronometry of Erosion
August 17October 31, 1996
Architectural design competition (second prize winner) sponsored by the Urban Studies and
Architecture Institute and exhibited at the Galleria Frau, New York Citys
Member, Editorial Board 201215
Journal of Architectural Education
Book Review Editor, Editorial Board 201213
Journal of Architectural Education
Member, National White Paper Group on “Architecture as Discipline” 2007
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Member, Editorial Board 200608
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture /
Routledge Architectural Education Series
Co-chair, Local Arrangements Committee 2005
Society of American City and Regional Planning Historians
Co-chair, Design Topic Sessions 19992000
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting
Member, Editorial Board 19982001
Journal of Architectural Education
Founding Member, Board 19971999
Urban Environment League of Greater Miami
Member, Society of Architectural Historians 1994
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UCF, Tenure and Promotion External Reviewer 2019
UCF School of Visual Arts and Design, Orlando, FL.
ACSA, External Peer Reviewer, Fall 2019 Conference at Stanford U. 2019
Washington, DC.
Resiliency Task Force Member, Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce 2019
City of Miami Beach
Climate Change Hackathon, Judge, Spring 2018 at EcoTech Visions 2018
City of Miami Beach
ACSA, External Peer Reviewer, Fall 2017 Conference in Marfa 2017
Washington, DC.
Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, Board of Governors 2014
City of Miami Beach
Historic Preservation Board, Member 2014
City of Miami Beach
Arts Advisory Panel, Member 201417
City of Coral Gables
Planning Committee, Member 201213
City of Miami Beach: Sustainable and Authentic South Florida
Team leader
Calle Ocho planning charrette for the City of Miami Planning Department 2013
Co-chair, 102
Annual Conference 201214
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Art Deco Architecture Tour Leader 2008
Miami Design Preservation League, Miami Beach, with Jeffery Donnelly
Interview on The Making of 14 Views of Miami 2008
Plum TV, Miami Beach, with Campbell McGrath
Panelist on The Making of Sonic Bridges 2008
Wertheim Conservatory as part of the New Music Festival with Jacek Kolasinski
External Faculty Evaluator 20072010
The Yale School of Architecture Fall Semester graduate reviews, New Haven
Panelist on “Faculty Compete” 2007
Symposium at the FIU, School of Architecture BEA International Gallery
Session Moderator 2007
Society of American City and Regional Planning History, Coral Gables
Member, Working Group on Visual Culture 2006
The WolfsonianFIU
Panelist 2004
Architecture Career Forum, FIU Career Services Center
Fellowship Application Reviewer 2004
The WolfsonianFIU
Review Panelist, Design Heritage 2002
National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC
Book Manuscript Reviewer 2000
The MIT Press, Cambridge
Member, Design Committee 19982001
Journal of Architectural Education
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Member, Programs and Collections Committee 19992000
Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach
Session Moderator, History/Criticism 1998
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Annual Meeting, Cleveland
Symposium Organizer 1998
School of Architecture, FIU
“Community Building: A University-Wide Workshop Sponsored by the
FIU School of Architecture and the Academy for the Art of Teaching
Paper Reviewer, Design Sessions 1998
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Paper Reviewer, Theory/Criticism Sessions 1998
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Paper Reviewer, Open Sessions 1998
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Session Moderator 1997
Society of American City and Regional Planning Historians, Seattle
Juror, Photography Competition 1997
Jewish Museum of Florida, Miami Beach
Member, Focus Group 1997
ArtCenter-South Florida, Miami Beach
Member, Design Advisory Committee 19961997
Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach
Judge 19951998
South Florida Science and Engineering Fair, Miami
Competition Director 1994
University of Miami School of Architecture, Coral Gables
Chair, Search Committee, Executive Director, Miami Urban Future Initiative 2019
FIU College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Member, Executive Committee, Wolfsonian Public Humanities Lab 2019
FIU Emerging-preeminent Program
Member, Highest Research Committee, FIU 2025 Strategic Plan 201819
FIU Office of the President
Member, Leadership Advisory Board 2016
FIU Sea Level Solution Center
Administrative Coordinator, Arts@FIU Day 2014
FIU College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Member, Centers and Institutes Evaluation Committee 2014
FIU Office of Research and Economic Development
Member, Administration Team UFF Bargaining 2013
FIU Office of the President
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Member, Ashoka Task Force 201314
FIU Office of the University Engagement
Commissioner, FIU-iREAL Task Force 2013
FIU Office of the President
Member, Selection Committee Architect/Engineering Consultants 2013
Facilities Management
Member, University Master Plan Task Force 201213
Facilities Management
Member, Selection Committee Landscape Architect Consultants 2012
Facilities Management
Member, Selection Committee for Academic Program Manager 2012
The Wolfsonian-FIU
Member, FIU Centers and Institutes Review Committee 2012
Academic Planning and Accountability
Member, Writing Initiative Task Force 201112
Office of the Provost
Co-Organizer, Sweetwater Connection Charrette 2011
College of Architecture + The Arts / President’s Office
Chair, Environment and Planning Committee 2011
Faculty Senate
Chair, Reorganization Committee 2011
Faculty Club
Member, University Master Plan Steering Committee 2010
FIU Facilities Management
Member, University Sustainability Committee 2009
Office of the President
Member, Climate Commitment Task Force 200910
Office of the President
Member, Art History Faculty Search and Screen Committee 2008
Department of Art and Art History, CARTA
Co-chair, Architectural History Search and Screen Committee 2007
School of Architecture, CARTA, with Jason Chandler
Co-chair, Architectural Technology Search and Screen Committee 2007
School of Architecture, CARTA, with Jason Chandler
Member, Consulting Services Selection Committee 2007
BT-805 Campus Master Planning, FIU
Member, College of Nursing Building Committee 20072009
BT-833, FIU
Member, Parkview Housing Building Committee 200708
BT-889, FIU
Member, Parking Garage 5 Building Committee 200708
BT-865, FIU
Member, Retail Public Safety Building Committee 200708
BT-875, FIU
Member, Social Sciences International Studies Building Committee 200708
BT-875, FIU
Chair, Faculty Senate ad hoc Building and Environment Committee 200611
FIU Faculty Senate
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Page 283 of 320
Member, Reorganization Committee for College of Architecture + The Arts 20052006
Faculty Advisor, APX Architectural Fraternity, 2005
Department of Architecture
Member, University Faculty Senate Steering Committee 20042005
FIU Faculty Senate
Chair, Architectural Design Search and Screen Committee 2003
School of Architecture
Member, University Graduate Council 20022004
FIU Faculty Senate
Member, University Faculty Senate 19971999
FIU Faculty Senate 20022004
Member, Dean Search and Screen Committee 20002001
School of Architecture
Chair, Architectural History Search and Screen Committee 2000
School of Architecture
Member, Graduate Strategic Planning Committee 19982001
Member, Roundtable on Teaching, Learning and Technology 19981999
Provost Committee FIU
Chair, Architectural Design Search and Screen Committees 19971999
Department of Architecture and School of Architecture
Member, Faculty Senate Nominating Committee 19971998
FIU Faculty Senate
Member, Faculty Senate Technology Committee 19971998
FIU Faculty Senate
Member, University Faculty Club Committee 1996
Editor, School of Architecture Journal 19971999
School of Architecture
Member, Curriculum Committee 19972001
School of Architecture
Coordinator, Upper Division Architectural Design 19972001
School of Architecture
Member, The WolfsonianFIU New Deal Symposium Committee 19971998
The WolfsonianFIU
Chair, Committee for NAAB Accreditation Team Exhibition 1997
School of Architecture
Member, Comprehensive Planning Committee 1997
College of Engineering and Design
Chair, Committee on Architecture Program Report 19961997
School of Design, College of Engineering and Design
C - 240
Page 284 of 320
Member, University Library Committee 19952001
FIU Faculty Senate
Organizer, Faculty Retreats 19951997
School of Design, College of Engineering and Design
Member, Graham Center Sound and Light Committee 19951996
Project Director, Creation of the School Website 19951997
School of Design, College of Engineering and Design
Member, Committee on Student Evaluations 1995
College of Engineering and Design
Faculty Advisor, American Institute of Architects Students (AIAS) 19951996
School of Design, College of Engineering and Design
Project Director, School of Design “Fact Sheet” 1995
School of Design, College of Engineering and Design
Chair, Lecture Committee 19941997
School of Design, College of Engineering and Design
Chair, Film Committee 19941997
School of Design, College of Engineering and Design
Member, Student Orientation Committee 1994
School of Design, College of Engineering and Design
C - 241
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Shahin Vassigh | | (716) 698-3000
College of Communication, Architecture + the Arts |Florida International University
Master of Architecture, Department of Architecture
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Spring 1994
Master of Urban Planning, Department of Planning
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Spring 1994
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Spring 1983
Director of Technology Research Development
College of Architecture+ the Arts, Florida International University, 2018-present
Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Affairs
College of Architecture+ the Arts, Florida International University, 2015-2018
Professor, Department of Architecture
Florida International University, 2012-present
Associate Professor
Department of Architecture, Florida International University 2008-2012
Associate Professor
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York 2002-2007
Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, 1997-2001
Assistant Professor
Department Architecture and Design
Philadelphia College of Textile and Science, 1996-1997
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture University at Buffalo, The State University of New York 1994 -1996
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, 1984-1985
Preparing the Future Workforce of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction for Automation and Robotic Processes
C-Accel Pilot - Track B1 (AI and Future Jobs)
National Science Foundation
Principal Investigator
Grant funding: $973,000, 2019-2020
Robotics and Digital Manufacturing Lab
Florida International University, Technology Fee Grant Funding
Principal Investigator
, Equipment grant for establishing a new lab facility
Grant funding: $371,000, 2016-2019
C - 242
Page 286 of 320
Strategies for Learning: Augmented Reality and Collaborative Problem-Solving for Building Sciences
Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources (IUSE: EHR)
National Science Foundation
Principal Investigator
Co PIs: Winfred Newman, Debra Davis, Cheng-Xian Lin and Ali Mostafavidarani
Grant funding: $219,000, 2015-2018
Data Analytics for Effects Assessment and Decision-Making & Ecotoxicology (CEACE)
CREST Center for Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
National Science Foundation
Senior Personnel
, Project PI: Todd Crowl
Grant funding $5,000,000 2016-2021
An Open-Source Integrated Computing Infrastructure to Support the Life Cycle Design and Engineering of
High-Performance Buildings
Florida International University, Technology Fee Grant
Co-Principal Investigator
, Project PI: Shu-Chin Chen
Grant funding: $30,000, 2011-2012
Building Literacy: The Integration of Building Technology and Design in Architectural Education
U.S. Department of Education
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, Comprehensive Program
Principal Investigator
Co-PIs and Faculty Team: Danford, English, Khan, MacKay, Winer
LeCuyer, Özer,
Spiegelhalter and Chandler
Grant funding: $553,000, 2007-2011
Structural and Environmental Technologies Laboratory (SET Lab
Technology Fee Grant, Florida International University
Principal Investigator
Grant funding: $67,000, 2008-2010
Integration of Architecture and Landscape Architecture for Sustainable design
Paul L. Cejas Discretionary Strategic Initiative, Florida International University
Principal Investigator
Co-Investigator: Ebru Özer, Department of Landscape Architecture
Grant funding: $10,000, 2008-2009
Building Performance in Seismic Design
Educational Technology Grant
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Principal Investigator
, Co-Investigator: Miguel Gilberto
Grant funding $10,000, 2006-2007
Integrating Technology and Design in Architecture Curriculum
Educational Technology Grant, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Principal Investigator
, Co-Investigators: Vanket Krovi, Kenneth Mackay
Grant funding $8,500, 2005-2006
Visualizing the Architectural Function of the Temporomandibular Joint
Educational Technology Grant, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Principal Investigator
, Co-Investigators: Omar Khan, Lida Radfa
Grant funding $10,000, 2004-2005
A Comprehensive Approach to Teaching Structures Using Advanced Media
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
U.S. Department of Education
Principal Investigator
, Co-PIs and Faculty Team: S. Danford, C. Theodoropoulos, P. Tripeny, R. Shaeffer, E. Allen
Grant funding $300,000, 2001-2004
Learning Building Technology and Structures with Multimedia
U.S. Department of Education
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Page 287 of 320
Title III, Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, in Association with the Buffalo Public Schools
Principal Investigator
Grant funding $28,500, 2002-2003
The Public Casting of Cities
University at Buffalo Research Foundation, Multidisciplinary Pilot Project Program
University at Buffalo, the State University of New York
Co-Principal Investigator
, Principle Investigator: Frank Fantauzzi
Grant funding $20,000, 2000
Teaching Structures Through Advanced Media
Educational Technology Grant, University at Buffalo,
The State University of New York
Principal Investigation
Grant funding: $18,500 (total in three phases)
Faculty Development Research Award
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Principal Investigator
Grant funding $5,000, 1999
Director of Technology Research Development
College of Architecture+ the Arts, Florida International University, 2018-present
Coordination of philanthropic and academic partnerships in support of technology, research, and education
Providing vision and leadership to establish a College-based Center for Technology Research Development
Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development
College of Architecture+ the Arts, Florida International University, 2015-2018
Administration of all faculty affairs including hiring, development, promotion, research, assessment, and
assignments; serving as the College’s primary liaison to office of the Provost’s and office of Faculty and Global Affairs;
Coordination of the assessment of all College academic programs in support of the strategic goals of the University
Founder and Director, Robotics and Digital Fabrication Lab (RDF)
Florida International University,
University- wide research and teaching facility
Overseeing all lab activities and fundraising for its operations
Co- Director, Integrated Computer Augmented Virtual Environment (I-CAVE)
Florida International University, 2013- present
University-wide visualization, research, and teaching facility
Overseeing lab activities operations
Institute of Water and Environment (InWE) Leadership Team
Florida International University, 2016- present
Center of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (FIU|NSF: CREST) Leadership Team
Florida International University, 2015- present
Director and Co-Founder
, Sustainable Built Environment and Informatics
, 2013- present
An interdisciplinary research group for advancing sustainable design and development for healthy, livable, and resilient
built environments through data analytics
Co-Director: Shu-Ching Chen
Founder and Co-Director, Structural and Environmental Technology Laboratory
, 2013- present
Department of Architecture Florida International University
Dedicated to teaching and research of architectural technology with recognition of
ecological importance of sustainable,
energy-conscious design and construction
Thomas Spiegelhalter
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Co-Director and Co-Founder Center for Virtual Architecture
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Department of Architecture, 1999-2007
Research center engaged in the investigation and application of digital technology in architectural design and education
(New name: Center for Architecture and Situated Technologies)
Best practices in sustainable building design
Vassigh, S., Özer, E., & Spiegelhalter, T. (2013)
J. Ross
Building Systems Integration for Enhanced Environmental
Vassigh, S., & Chandler, J. R. (2011)
J. Ross Publishing
Best practices in sustainable building design
Vassigh, S., Özer, E., & Spiegelhalter, T. (2013)
J. Ross
The software is an interactive learning environment developed to advance the education of climate responsive and
ecologically sustainable building design utilizing the digital technology.
Interactive Structures: Visualizing Structural Behavior (V1&V2)
Vassigh, S.
John Wiley & Sons,
The software utilizes a wide range of visualization techniques such as computer-generated models, animation, virtual
reality models and audio narration to convey the principles and applications of structural analysis and design to
architecture students.
Received American
Institute of Architects Research Award
Vassigh, S
. (2018),
Complexity of Sustainable and Resilient Building Design and Urban Development
Sustainability and Social Responsibility of Accountability Reporting Systems: A Global Approach(pp.65-79)
Springer Publishing
Vassigh, S.
(2000), Teaching Structures through Multimedia: An Interactive Exploration of Structural
Concepts Using
Digital Media, In L. Lloyd (Ed.), Teaching with Technology (pp. 335-347)
Medford: Information Today, Inc.
Vassigh S.,
Davis D., Behzadan A.H., Mostafavi A., Rashid K. (2018)
Teaching Building Sciences Using Virtual and Augmented Reality: Design, Implementation, and Assessment
International Journal of Construction Education and Research
Taylor and Francis, 1-17
Vassigh, S
. (2017
The Changing Higher Education Research Environment: New Opportunities for Ar
Behzadan, A. H.,
Vassigh, S
., & Mostafavi, A. (2016)
Teaching millennials with augmented reality: cases from the US education system
PARC Research in Architecture and Building Construction, 265-272
Vassigh, S
., Newman, W. E., Mostafavi, A., & Behzadan, A. (2015)
Hybrid Technologies for
Interdisciplinary Education
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Page 289 of 320
Journal of Civil Environmental Engineering, 5(201), 2
Vassigh, S.,
& Spiegelhalter, T. (2014)
Integrated Design Pedagogy for Energy Efficient Design: Tools for Teaching Carbon Neutral Building Design
Energy Procedia, 57, 2062-2069
Vassigh, S.,
Newman, W. E., Behzadan, A., Zhu, Y., Chen, S. C., & Graham, S. (2014)
Collaborative learning in building sciences enabled by augmented reality
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2(2), 83-88
Newman, W. E.,
Vassigh, S.
Matter as Energy What Architects Need to Know
GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET), 2(2)
Vassigh, S
., Zhu, Y., & Newman, W. (2012).
Leveraging Cyber-infrastructure to Transform Building Science Education
Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology, 1(2), pp. 100-105
Vassigh, S.
Sustainable carbon neutral building design: new simulation tools for teaching green buildings
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 144, pp. 277-284.
Vassigh, S.
Building Literacy: A Simulated Environment to Learn Building Technology
The American Institute of Architects Report on University Research, 5th Edition,
Invited to Write
Vassigh, S
. (2008)
Digital gaming and sustainable design
Enquiry: A Journal for Architectural Research, 5(2)
Vassigh, S.
A comprehensive approach to teaching structures using Multimedia
Translated by Soheila Ahmad, Memar-Iranian Bimonthly on Architecture and Urban Design Volume 41, pp. 138- 139
Vassigh, S.
A meeting of the Minds: Collaboration of Frank Lloyd Wright and Jaroslav Polivka, Platform, Architect and Engineers
University of Texas at Austin, pp.8-9
Vassigh, S.
A digital Pedagogy for Teaching Structures
The American Institute of Architects Report 0n University Research, pp. 132 -140 Invited to write
Vassigh. S.
(2004). Teaching Statics and Strength of Materials Using Digital Technology, Architectural Design, Wiley
Academy, V.74, n.1, pp.112-116
Vassigh, S., Tubella, J., Alhaffar, H., Ramirez, J., & Pezeshk, S. (2019). Situated Learning Through Robotics Processes.
Building Technology Educator's Society, 2019(1), 27.
Lin, Ch.,
Vassigh, S
. (2019) Learning in a multidisciplinary Environment: Design of Thermal/Fluids Systems in
Buildings. Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Heat Transfer Conference, Bellevue, WA, USA
Vassigh, S
., Davis. D, Alhaffar, H., Gallardo,G., Elias,A., (2018), Learning Building Sciences in Virtual Environments,
American Society of Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, Utah
Vassigh, S
. (2018), Exploring Structures, 5th International Conference on Architecture & Built Environment
Venice, Italy
Vassigh, S.,
Ortega, F., Barreto, A., Tarre, K., and Maldonado, J., (2018), Use of 3D Human-Computer Interaction
for Teaching in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction Fields
C - 246
Page 290 of 320
12th International Conference on Universal Access, Las Vegas, NV
Newman, W.E., Tahar, M., Braham, A. Nutter,D.,
Vassigh, S
. (2018)
Cyber-innovation in the STEM classroom
ARCC-EAAE International Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Davis, D.,
Vassigh. S,
Gallardo, G. (2016)
AR-SKOPE: Towards Building Information Modeling for Learning
The 15th International Conference on e- Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government
(EEE'16)-Position Paper
Vassigh, S.,
Mirshahidi, S. (2015)
Collaborative Learning: An alternative pedagogy for teaching structure
Building Technology Educators’ symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah
Vassigh. S
, Spiegelhalter, T. (2014)
Towards Resilient Best Practices: Net-Zero-Energy Building Designs
The Grand Renewable Energy Conference Tokyo, Japan
Spiegelhalter, T.,
Vassigh, S.,
Sustainable Development and Interdisciplinary Education
Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) Conference, Ahmedabad, India,
Newman, W.,
Vassigh, S.,
Sustainable Development and Interdisciplinary Education
One Voice International Conference, Orlando, FL
Newman, W.,
Vassigh, S.,
What would Vitruvius do? Re-thinking architecture education for the 21st century university
Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Hawaii, PP. 67:75
Newman, W.,
., Chen, Sh., Graham, S. (2014),
Using Immersive Computing Environments in Research
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Gelpi, S.,
Vassigh, S
. (2013)
Kinetic Forms of Knowledge
17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics SiGraDi.
Valparaiso, Chili, pp.510-514
Yu Ha1, S., Ching, Sh., Zhu,Y., Luis, S., Graham, S.
Vassigh, S
., (2012)
Constraint Driven Model Using Correlation and Collaborative Filtering for Sustainable Buildings
13th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, Las Vegas, NV
Vassigh, S.
[eco]Learning Interface: An interactive index of sustainable concepts and strategies for design
Building Technology Educators’ Symposium, Toronto, Canada, pp. 133-140
Vassigh, S.
(2011), Sustainable Carbon Neutral Building Design: new Simulation Tools for Teaching Green Buildings,
the 8th International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development
Alicante, Spain, pp. 277-284
Özer, E.
Vassigh, S.
Sustainability in Building Design: An Integrated Approach to Teaching in Landscape Architecture and Architecture
The Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference, Los Angeles, California
Vassigh S.,
Herrera, S. (2010)
Interactive Teaching Through Simulation Environments
Association for Computer Aided Design Architecture Annual Conference, NY., New York, pp. 327-332
Vassigh, S.,
C - 247
Page 291 of 320
Virtual Case Studies: A Teaching Tool for Sustainable Design
Building Technology Educators’ symposium Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 287-295
Vassigh, S.,
Digital Gaming and Sustainable Design
Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of Architectural Educators
Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 116-123, Nominated for Best Paper
Vassigh, S.,
MacKay, K., (2006)
The Integration of Building Technology and Design in Architecture Curriculum
Building Technology Educators’ Symposium, College Park, Maryland, pp.375-380
Vassigh, S.,
Form and Structural Expression in an Interactive Environment
Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of Architectural Educators
Dublin, Ireland, pp. 224-230
Vassigh, S.,
Interactive Learning Environments
Association for the Advancement of computing in Education
World Conference on Educational Multimedia, and Hypermedia, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 245-348
Vassigh, S.,
Learning in Digital Space: Dynamic Visualization of Structural Behavior as a Teaching Strategy
Association for Computer Aided (ACADIA), Design in Architecture, Los Angeles, California
Vassigh, S.,
The Structural Origins of Form: A Digital Approach to Investigate Form
Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of Architectural Educators
Quebec, Canada, pp. 111-117
Vassigh, S.,
Structure-Skin Interface:
An Interactive Approach Using Advanced Media
Technology Conference
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Austin, Texas
Vassigh, S.
Teaching Statics and Strength of Materials Using Digital Technology
The Architectural Research Centers Consortium,
Conference on Architectural Research, Blacksburg, Virginia
Best Paper Award
Vassigh, S.
Visualizing Global Structural Behavior as a Guide for Learning Structures
10th Anniversary Conference on Instructional Technologies, Geneseo, New York, pp. 115-119
Vassigh, S.
Rethinking Traditions: The Role of Instructional Technology in Teaching Engineering and Science Courses
the Eighth Annual Conference on Instructional Technology, Supporting Instructional, Utica, New York, pp. 105-108
Hadighi, M.,
Vassigh S.
(Eds.), (2005)
Project 25
, A compendium of student work published on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the School of
Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo
Vassigh, S.
Digital Media Exhibit,
A web - based presentation of selected work from architects and artists, The Association for Computer
Aided Design in Architecture, Reinventing the Discourse Buffalo, New York
C - 248
Page 292 of 320
Vassigh, S
. (2001)
Teaching Structures with Computer Based-Media
Connector, Vol. IX. No. 2, p. 8
Vassigh, S
. (2001)
A Natural Collaboration in Engineering the Organic: the Partnership of J.J. Polivka & Frank Lloyd Wright
Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society
Exhibition Catalog, University Archives, University at Buffalo, New York, p. 19-23, Invited
to Write
Vassigh, S.
Engineering Architecture: The Vision of Fazlur R. Khan,
Yassamin S. Khan,
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Volume 64, Number 3, (2005): 389-390
New York: W. Norton, 2004, Book Review
S. Vassigh
(2007), reviewed papers for International Journal of Architectural Computing Conference
S. Vassigh
(2007), Manuscript Review,
Structural Forms in Architecture
, Gupta, K, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc
S. Vassigh
(2006), Proposal Review for University Grants, Educational Technology Grant, University at
Buffalo, The state
University of New York
S. Vassigh
(2005), Conference Paper Review, The Association for Computer Aided, Design in
Architecture Conference
ACDIA, Buffalo, New York
The Science Channel, Against the Elements Episode 102
Documentary movie analyzing the damage of 1997 earthquake to the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy.
Interviewed as the subject expert and produced animation movies to show the failure of the church. Basilica of St.
Francis of Assisi in Italy, (First aired March 2009)
Mission for new Century, Digital Building Tools
An article describing Integrated Structures Instructional Package
Biannual Report of the University at Buffalo
Office of News Services and Creative Services, P.8 (2001-2003)
Architectural Illuminations
Scott Adams, UB Today
University at Buffalo, the State University of New York
A full-length article in the University at Buffalo’s Alumni Magazine describing the Integrated Structures Pedagogy
(2002): 28-31
Architects Work to Revamp Instruction
Patricia Donavan, UB Reporter
Articled describing “A Comprehensive Approach to Teaching Structures Using Advanced Media” project
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Vol. 33, No.16 (2002): 7 and cover
UB Wants to Change the Way Architects Learn
Patricia Donavan, An article describing the Integrated Structures Instructional Package
Business First, Western New York’s Business Newspaper, Vol15 No.18: B-5, (Jan. 28, 2002)
Integrated Structures Instruction
UB Annual Research Report
An article in the University at Buffalo’s annual research publication describing the Integrated Structures Pedagogy
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York,
The Office of Creative Services, (2001)7, 19 and 20
Art Park Gift Shop and Gallery
C - 249
Page 293 of 320
An article written about the Art Park Gift Shop and Gallery designed by Ian Taberner
engineered by Shahin Vassigh
Kim Kyoung Soo (Ed.), Korean Architects
Architecture and Environment, Publications Korea, No. 144, (1996): 72-75
Sustainable Infrastructure & Resilience
National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE)
Washington, DC, 2018
Learning Building Sciences in Virtual Environments
American Society of Engineering Education
Salt Lake City, Utah (2018)
Exploring Structures
S. Arch, 5th International Conference on Architecture & Built Environment
Venice, Italy (2018)
Climate Resiliency Decision Support Tool
National Council for Science & Environment (NCSE),
organized a workshop and presented at NCSE Washington
DC, (2018)
Collaborative Learning: An alternative pedagogy for
teaching structures
Building Technology Educators’ symposium,
Bristol, Salt Lake City, Utah (2015)
Integrated Design Pedagogy in Building Design Education
Grand Renewable Energy Conference
Tokyo, Japan (2014)
Sustainable Carbon Neutral Building Design: new Simulation Tools for Teaching Green Buildings
International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development
Alicante, Spain (2011)
Interactive Teaching Through Simulation Environments,
Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) Annual Conference
New York (2010)
Gaming and Sustainable Building Design
The Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of Architectural Educators
Copenhagen, Denmark (2008)
The Structural Origins of Form: A Digital Approach to Investigate Form
Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of Architectural Educators,
McGill University, Canada (2002)
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Austin
Structure-Skin Interface: An Interactive Approach Using Advanced Media
Austin, Texas (2001)
Statics and Strength of Materials: Analysis and Visualization
Instructional Technologies, State University of New York
Geneseo, New York (2001)
Visualizing Global Structural Behavior as a Guide for Learning Structures
State University of New York
Geneseo, New York (2001)
C - 250
Page 294 of 320
Infographics in Civil and Structural Applications
Buffalo, New York State Engineering Technology Association Conference
New York (2001)
, L
& O
Women in Construction NSF Workshop
University of Central Florida
Keynote Speaker (2015)
Sustainability Data Community Forum, the Green Scale
Integrated Practice in Architecture, Notre dame University, Chicago Illinois
Keynote Speaker(2013)
Game Simulation for Teaching Integrated Design
American Institute of Architects Research Summit, Emerging Research Agendas in Architecture,
Research Result Presentation, Seattle Washington (2007)
Invited to Speak
New Models in Visual Communication
Teaching and Technology
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York (2002)
Invited to Lecture
Engineering the Organic, Wright, Nature and Structure
Erie County Historical Society, Buffalo, New York (2000)
Invited to Lecture
Best 20 Minutes of Teaching
Teaching Technology Workshop
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Boston, Massachusetts, (2000)
The Art of Structural Design
Architecture Lecture Series
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, (1997)
Achievement Award
To recognize a specific creative achievement in teaching, design, scholarship, research, or service that advances
architectural education.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), 2018
Top Scholar Award
For Research and Creative Activities,
Florida International University, 2018
Certificate of Appreciation
Awarded for recognition of creativity to develop conceptual designs for the City of North Miami Beach’s Snake Creek
Canal Bridge, City of North Miami Beach, 2018
Nominated for best Paper Award
Digital Gaming and Sustainable Design
The Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of Architectural Educators
Copenhagen, Denmark (2008)
American Institute of Architects Research Summit
A venue to assess new research Methodologies, new standards and criteria for research, and new research priorities
appropriate for twenty-first century
C - 251
Page 295 of 320
Emerging Research Agendas in Architecture Seattle Washington (2007)
Invited to Participate
American Institute of Architects Integrated Practice Issues Forum
A venue to explore the impact of emerging integrated project delivery methods on the professional curricula
Unity Temple, Oak Park, Illinois (2006)
Invited to Participate
American Institute of Architects
A Comprehensive Approach to Teaching Structures Using Advanced Media
Invited to Report Research Results (2005)
Teaching Statics and Strength of Materials Using Digital Technology
Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of Architectural Educators (2001)
The Best Paper Award
United University Professionals, SUNY-Wide Competitive Award
For presenting a paper at the Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of
Architectural Educators Conference on Architectural Research,
Professional Development & Quality of Work Life Individual Development Award Program Awarded (2002)
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Technology (ACSA) Fellowship National Competitive Award
To participate and presenting at the technology conference,
Skins: Where Design and Technology Meet
Awarded (2001)
United University Professionals, SUNY-wide competitive award for presenting
A paper at the Architectural Research Centers Consortium and the European Association of Architectural Educators
Conference on Architectural Research,
Professional Development & Quality of Work Life Individual Development Award Program Awarded (2002)
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Technology Fellowship, National competitive award
To participle and present at the technology conference, Skins: Where Design and Technology Meet
Awarded (2001)
Instructional Technologies Scholarship
Scholarship for presenting at the Instructional Technologies (2002)
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Technology Fellowship
National competitive grant to participate in construction materials workshops
Instructional methods seminars and professional development workshops), (2001)
United University Professionals, Professional Development & Quality of Work-life Individual Development Award
SUNY-wide competitive award for presenting a paper at the International Symposium of Structures and Construction
Materials in Santa Clara, Cuba (1998)
Art Park. Lewiston, New York American Institute of Architecture Students President’s Award
For a New Building, Art Park Gift Shop and Gallery. The award was given for the project’s integration of materials
and highly successful involvement of students and the community in the design process, Architect: Ian Taberner,
Structural Engineer: Shahin Vassigh (1988)
American Institute of Architects, Faculty Research Fellowship
For Teaching, Seismic Design, nationally competitive award to select faculty from around the U.S. to participate in a
seismic training workshop held in San Francisco, California, 1996
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Fellowship
For Presenting Teaching Structural Creativity
Selected to present a paper entitled, A Synthesis of Technology and Art (1996)
The Mohawk Certificate of Merit for Excellence in Design
C - 252
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Project 25, co-editors Mehrdad Hadighi and Shahin Vassigh (1995)
Hadighi Studio for Architecture,
Consultant Engineer
Project: Salahuddin Residence, Buffalo, New York (2000)
Performed structural analysis and design for major renovation and expansion of Salahuddin residence
Bettigole Andrews & Clark Inc. Consulting Engineers
Buffalo, New York (1990-1993)
1. Project: New York State Thruway, Chautauqua County, New York
Developed preliminary design drawings and complete engineer's estimates for various contract items including
excavation, footings, piers, and concrete decking.
2. Project: New Oregon Bridge Over 18 Mile Creek, Erie County, New York
Performed hydraulic analysis for 28 square miles of drainage basin using FHWA- WSPRO software`
3. Project: Stahley Road Bridge Over Ransom Creek, Erie County, New York
Inspected mainline bridges and large box culverts performed structural load rating, and provided repair
4. Project: West Project Falls Road Bridge, West Falls, New York
Developed preliminary design and roadway geometry for the new Delaware Avenue profile and side street
5. Project: Delaware Avenue Reconstruction, Buffalo, New York
Developed preliminary design and roadway geometry for the new Delaware Avenue profile and side street
Iffland, Kavanaugh, Waterbury, P.C., Assistant Engineer, New York, New York (1989–1990)
1. Project: Kosciousco Bridge Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, Brooklyn, New York
Performed stress analysis of the superstructure and substructure of Kosciousco bridge
2. Project: NYC Police Auto Pound and Auction Buildings, Queens, New York
Designed structural framing including roof joists columns, grade and floor beams using AISC, ACI building codes
Edwards & Kelcey Consulting Engineers Inc., New York, New York, (1987–1989)
1. Project:
Belt Parkway Coney Island Bridge, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, Brooklyn, NY
Office Engineer, Coordinated the final stage of the construction services for the Coney Island bridge
2. Project: Manhattan Bridge Rehabilitation, Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York (1986-1987)
Assistant Engineer, Primary responsibilities included inspection rehabilitation design, contract drawings, and cost
Department of Architecture
Florida International University, 2008-Present
Department of Architecture
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Department of Architecture
Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science,
Philadelphia, PA, 1995-
C - 253
Page 297 of 320
Structural design 1
: Statics and Strength of Materials
Structural Design 2
: Wood and Steel Analysis and Design
Structural Design 3
: Concrete Analysis Design:
Structure and Form
Kinetic Structures
Integrated Building Systems
: building systems and their integration in building design
Design Studio
: all levels
Experimental Structures
Tall Building Design Studio
Ecology of tall Buildings Seminar
Interdisciplinary Design
Tenure and Promotion Committee
College of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Florida International University (2018-present)
Chair of Search Committee for Architectural Technology position
Department of Architecture
Florida International University (2018-2019)
Associate Deans Council
Office of Research and Economic Development (2016-2018)
Incentivizing Excellent Teaching Workgroup
Florida International University (2017-2018)
Curriculum Committee
Department of Architecture, Florida International University (2013-2015)
Master’s Project Committee
Department of Architecture, Florida International University (2008- 2015)
Representative to Graduate Council
College of Communication, Architecture and the Arts
Florida International University (2010-2012)
Co-Chair, Faculty Search Committee
Department of Architecture, Florida International University, (2010-2011)
Portfolio Review Committee
Department of Architecture, Florida International University, (2008- 2015)
Curriculum Committee, Physics and Mathematics Undergraduate Core Subcommittee
College of Communication, Architecture and the Arts, Florida International University (2008)
Situated Technologies Research Group
University at Buffalo, Department of Architecture, The State University of New York (2006)
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (2005)
C - 254
Page 298 of 320
Combined Degree Program Task Force
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (2002)
Accreditation Committee
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (2001)
Awards Committee
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (1995-2000)
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (2000)
Chair Search Committee
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (1999)
Combined Degree Program Task Force for Architecture and Engineering
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (1999)
Faculty Search Committee
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (1998)
Curriculum Committee
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (1998)
Accreditation Committee
School of Architecture and Design, Philadelphia College of Textile & Science (1996-1997)
Admission Committee
Department of Architecture, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (1994-1995)
Secretary and Treasurer
Building Technology Educators’ Society, (2009-2011)
Consultant for Structural Design for PerFORM[D]ance House
A solar powered home to be constructed by students on the National Mall
Project PI, Marilys Nepomechie
Department of Energy Solar Decathlon (2009-2011)
American Institute of Architects Research Summit
Emerging Research Agendas in Architecture,
Seattle Washington, Invited to Participate (2007)
AIA Integrated Practice Issues Forum (invited)
Unity Temple, Oak Park, Illinois (2006)
Digital Media Exhibit, Coordinator
The Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture conference
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York (2001)
Engineering the Organic, Co-Coordinator
Exhibition of Architectural Exhibition on the Partnership of Jaroslav J. Polivka and Frank Lloyd Wright
Erie County Historical Society (1999-2000
C - 255
Page 299 of 320
Page 300 of 320
April 10, 2019
Jason R. Chandler, A.I.A.
Chair & Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199
Dear Professor Chandler:
I am writing to provide a review of the proposed Doctorate of Design (DDes) in Architecture and Building
Technology degree at Florida International University. On my recent visit I was able to meet with the faculty
and administrators involved in developing the program and am strongly in support of the proposal. As I
mentioned in our meetings, we have looked at similar programs around the world and considered
developing one at Penn, but have concluded that it would be too close to our longstanding PhD in
Much of the discussion during the visit concerned the purpose, role, or need for such a program, so I will
summarize my views on that topic. We also discussed quite a few aspects of the curriculum, scheduling,
and student experience for the program, and I will outline the critical points of that discussion. Among the
primary values of advanced research degrees are to attract, support, and develop faculty, who can in turn
attract, support, and develop students capable of pursuing independent research. I believe that this degree
will serve both purposes directly, and advance the capabilities and reputation of the Department and
Program Need
As the proposal explains, there are only a few DDes format degrees in the US, though they are more
common in the UK and Commonwealth countries. The one that has paved the way in US is at Harvard’s
Graduate School of Design, which has mostly focused on technology related topics. In my own field we
have interviewed a number of graduates from that program over the years and one is now partner at a
successful environmental consulting firm and the other has just become Dean at a well regarded
architecture school. I see those as the two needs or markets for graduates with such a degree: research
based professional practice and academic positions.
Page 301 of 320
Professional Research. In response to the demands of new technologies, new environmental challenges,
and new regulatory mandates, the professional practice of architecture has developed teams and
specialized consultants pursuing research or analysis that are not directly supported by project fees. These
units have typically grown up within larger, multi-office firms and provide both internal consulting for design
teams and produce original product development or research publications. They have emerged to offer
specific services and also to help firms reposition themselves in a changing professional landscape where
traditional services are being taken over by other providers and new services must be developed. The
focus of these groups depends on the specific practice and range from sustainability and environmental
consulting to digital construction and fabrication.
Academic positions. The DDes is considered a doctoral level degree suitable for academic appointments
in the architecture programs in the US. The determination of the terminal degree in Architecture depends
on the field or area of specialty. For faculty teaching history and theory of architecture, the doctoral level
has been standard for a couple of decades. For faculty teaching in technology related fields it is rapidly
becoming required, especially at more competitive programs, while for faculty focused on design, the BArch
or MArch are still the norm along with demonstrated excellence in practice.
The requirement for a doctoral level degree for teaching in other countries is much more the norm. It is now
generally expected for appointments in schools in China and the Middle East, and increasingly in Latin
America. There are limited positions in PhD programs at US Universities, so this is can be a substantial
pool of potential students. A considerable part of that international pool, and of the domestic pool as well,
will already be in productive positions as junior faculty or professionals, so the non-residential format will be
particularly attractive for them.
Curriculum, Scheduling, Student Experience
The new program is being developed to serve both residential and non-residential groups of students and
that fact shapes both the curriculum, organization, and scheduling of the program. The two year program is
based on distinct cohorts, with the overlap and interaction between the cohorts enhancing the research
activities of the students. The critical feature will be the residential periods or camps that will be hosted at
the Miami Beach Urban Studios each semester and that will provide the key points of interaction between
faculty and students from different cohorts (and from the MArch program), and between residential and
non-residential students.
There has been considerable discussion about the correct timing, duration, and intensity of these periods.
They have to balance between the different requirements of two cohorts, with the first level mostly taking
courses and the second cohort mostly developing and presenting independent projects. The idea of
bringing high-level speakers to give lectures or workshops at regular intervals through the residential period
seems an excellent way to build the community and cross-fertilize the research initiatives, allowing the
Page 302 of 320
cohorts to come together regularly during the period. Using the Miami Beach Urban Studios also adds an
extra attraction to these periods and to the program.
The intensity of the residential periods also answered the question of how the non-residential portion will be
managed. Rather than attempting to offer course material in an on-line format, the residential periods will
be used to deliver course materials, develop relationships with faculty and within the cohort and to establish
expectations for the work pursued independently. In this format, the non-residential work is more focused
on follow up and execution, which can be managed with any number of currently popular digital tools, in
both synchronous and asynchronous modes. The challenge for this kind of non-residential program will be
keeping students engaged and productive while they are back in their regular positions.
The final issue that was considered at length was the matter of primary program faculty and the scale of the
program. The current five year plan is based on an annual cohort of 5 students, partly based on the scale of
the current Master of Arts in Architecture program (which will effectively be converted into the DDes) and
partly based on the number of faculty with PhDs. This seems a sensible size and premise with which to
begin the program, and also makes it cost neutral. However there are also a number of other faculty in the
Department without PhDs who conduct advanced level research and could supervise DDes students and
benefit from working with them. It would seem sensible to develop a mechanism for bringing them into the
program, which would add to the appeal of the program and its ability to adapt and grow.
In summary, the DDes is a format of degree recognized in the field and the new program will serve both the
faculty of the school and the students attracted to its offerings. I think the format they have developed will
be compelling and addresses the challenge of integrating the multiple residential and non-residential
groups that they are targeting.
Dr. William W. Braham FAIA
Professor and Director, Master of Environmental Building Design
Page 303 of 320
Appendix E
Letters of Support
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University ......................................................................1
Florida Atlantic University ..........................................................................................................2
University of South Florida .........................................................................................................3
Zaha Hadid Architects .................................................................................................................4
Patrik Schumacher Biography ....................................................................................................5
Local Architectural Firms ...........................................................................................................6
Atkins ..........................................................................................................................................7
Bermello Ajamil & Partners .......................................................................................................8
Gensler Miami ............................................................................................................................9
HKS Architects .........................................................................................................................10
MCHarry Associates .................................................................................................................11
Perkins & Will ..........................................................................................................................12
Page 304 of 320
Schriner, Dean
Florida International
Design Degree
Dear Dean
International University
also train
FlU’s proposed
offerings within
System (SUS).
has the
same time
provide graduates
appropriate terminal
this new
E - 1
Page 305 of 320
AnEqualOpp ortunity/EqualAccessInstitution
111EastLasOlasBoulev ard
fax:954.762.5367 arch
CollegeofCommunication,Architectu re,+theArts
TheSchoolofArchitectureatFloridaAtlanticUnive rsity(FAU)supportstheproposaltoreplacethecurrent
credentialsandissupportedbythetechnologicalassetscurrentlyhou sedatFIU.Whileresearchbased
Ph.D.degreeprogramspreparegraduates foracademicteachingandresearch,aDDespreparesgraduates
environment.TheDDeswouldbethefirstintheState UniversitySystemofFloridaandwouldfillagapin
theportfolioofdegreeofferingsavailableinourstateasdemandforprofess ionalleadershipandexpertise
providingacourseofstudyandcredentialsforadvancedresearchandleadership inacriticalareaofSTEM
thatwouldservethestateofFlorida.Webelieveitwouldservethestatebothinterm sofpreparing
E - 2
Page 306 of 320
E - 3
Page 307 of 320
Patrik Schumacher <>
Sat 10/19/2019 3:25 PMBrian Schriner; Jason Chandler
Dean Brian Schriner
Department of Architecture
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199
Dear Professor Schriner
I have been asked by Professor Leach to comment on the viability of your proposed new minimal
residency DDes programme.
I myself have taught on two other minimal residency doctoral programmes, the Digital Design PhD
programme at the European Graduate School in Switzerland and the DigitalFUTURES PhD programme
in Tongii University, Shanghai. I therefore consider myself to be in a good position to comment on the
new DDes proposed by FIU.
One of the remarkable aspects of these two other minimal residency PhD programmes is that they attract
an extremely high calibre of student. Many of the students either work in some of the top architectural
offices, or are already academics with full time appointments. Their reason for taking a doctoral
programme is to advance their careers and give them qualifications that are likely to increase the
potential of gaining research funding. The advantage of a minimal residency programme is that it enables
them to keep working and maintain their salaries. At the same time those with academic appointments
are already research active. This is why these programmes are so attractive to top students. I would fully
anticipate that the FIU DDes degree would attract a similar high level of applicants.
The time advantages that bring busy, high level students into the programme are also attractive to part
time teachers. Also, the concentrated teaching period generates an intense and thrilling intellectual
atmosphere. One of the pleasures of teaching a condensed programme and studying on the EGS PhD
program was that tuition took place in the beautiful village of Saas Fee, high up in the Swiss Alps. I would
also imagine that studying on Miami Beach would also prove attractive. As you probably know, Zaha
Hadid was very fond of Miami Beach and kept an apartment there.
I would like to offer my complete endorsement of this proposed DDes programme. I am sure that it will
prove very popular, and attract a great crop of students.
Yours Sincerely
Patrik Schumacher
10 Bowling Green Lane
London EC1R 0BQ
T +44 20 7253 5147
F +44 20 7251 8322
M +44 7795 823 033
This email is intended only for the use of the recipient(s) named above, is confidential and may also be privileged.
Any use of the contents of this email (including, but without limitation, any copying, distribution, disclosure, reliance or any other use)
by persons or entities other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited. If you are not an intended recipient, please delete the material
from any computer upon which the message has been received and notify us immediately by telephoning or e-mailing the sender.
Zaha Hadid Limited is registered in England and Wales with registered number 3749443 and
has its registered office at 10 Bowling Green Lane, London, EC1R 0BQ.
E - 4
Page 308 of 320
Patrik Schumacher is a partner at Zaha Hadid Architects and founding director at the AA Design
Research Lab. He joined Zaha Hadid in 1988 and has since been the co-author of many key projects:
MAXXI – the National Italian Museum for Art and Architecture of the 21
century in Rome, Seoul's Dong
Daemon Design Centre, and the bid-winning design for Tokyo's Olympic stadium for 2020. In 2010, he
won the Royal Institute of British Architects' Stirling Prize for excellence in architecture.
Patrik Schumacher studied philosophy, mathematics, and architecture in Bonn, London, and Stuttgart,
where he received his Diploma in Architecture in 1990. In 1999, he completed his PhD at the Institute for
Cultural Science, Klagenfurt University. In 1996, he founded the "Design Research Laboratory" with Brett
Steele at the Architectural Association in London and continues to teach in the program. Since 2000,
Patrik Schumacher is also guest professor at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. In 2013, he was
appointed as the first John Portman Chair in Architecture at Harvard University's Graduate School of
Design. In 2010 and 2012, he published the two volumes of his theoretical opus magnum The Autopoiesis
of Architecture. In 2002, Patrik Schumacher curated Latent Utopias - Experiments within Contemporary
Architecture, and he is currently planning the exhibition Parametricism – The New International Style.
E - 5
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E - 6
Page 310 of 320
Atkins North America, Inc.
Registered office: 4030 West Boy Scout Boulevard, Suite 700, Tampa FL 33607, United States
Page 1 of 1
800 Waterford Way, Suite 700
Miami, Florida, 33126
Tel: +1.305.592.7275
Fax: +1.305.597.9446
Direct: +1.305.514.2000
Dean Brian Schriner
Florida International University
College of Architecture + The Arts
11200 SW 8 Street
Miami, Florida 33199
08 May 2020
Re: Support for New Doctor of Design Degree
Dear Dean Brian Schriner,
I am writing to offer my support for the new Doctor of Design degree proposed by the Department of
Architecture in the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts at FIU. As you know we had
some discussion about my interest in a Doctor of Design program several years ago. Post professional
degrees such as this doctorate are increasingly desirable in our profession especially due to the
increasing interdisciplinary nature of our profession.
The Doctor of Design is a desirable credential for our firm’s leadership positions and research
initiatives. Our firm has a history of hiring PhD level staff to provide the thought leadership we seek on a
wide variety of environmental and engineering areas of practice. We would welcome the greater
availability of Architects with similar educational credentials and would expect them to receive
compensation commensurate with their educational and experience background.
I will add that when this degree is offered, our firm would be very interested in working with you to
enhance the program.
With very best wishes,
David M. Harper, AIA, LEED AP
Sr. Practice Director / Chief Design Officer
Architecture and Architecture Engineering
E - 7
Page 311 of 320
May 11, 2020
Dean Brian Schriner
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Florida International University
RE: Support for new Doctor of Design degree
Dear Dean Brian Schriner,
I am writing to offer my support for the new Doctor of Design degree proposed by the Department of
Architecture in the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts at FIU. Post professional degrees
such as this doctorate are increasingly desirable in our profession. I find it challenging to hire
accomplished talent in South Florida and those with this degree are what we are looking for.
The Doctor of Design is a desirable credential for our firm’s leadership positions and research initiatives.
Those who possess it would be hired with compensation commensurate with their educational and
experience background.
I will add that when this degree is offered, our firm would be very interested in working with you to enhance
your educational offerings.
Best regards,
Willy A. Bermello
Principal, Chairman of the Board
E - 8
Page 312 of 320
801 Brickell Avenue Tel 305.350.7070
Suite 2300 Fax 305.350.7071
Miami FL 33131
Lic#: AA0002837
May 11, 2020
Dean Brian Schriner
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Florida International University
Dear Brian,
I am writing to offer my support and encouragement for the new Doctor of Design degree proposed
by the Department of Architecture in the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts at FIU.
Post professional degrees such as this doctorate are increasingly desirable in our profession. Our
profession continues to be challenged to grow and hire accomplished talent world-wide. By FIU
CARTA offering a Doctorate Design degree, the University you would be deepening the presence and
talent in South Florida, and in turn raising the bar of design excellence, research and innovation in our
For Gensler, research and innovation is the hallmark of our firm. The ability to have top talent with a
Doctor of Design is a desirable credential for our firm’s leadership positions and research initiatives.
Those who possess this degree, I believe would be strong candidates for hire for leadership roles and
growth opportunities that come with the compensation commensurate with their education and
I will add that when this degree is offered, our firm would continue to be supportive in any way
possible, as well as to work with you and your professors to enhance your educational offerings for
this program.
Warm regards,
Diana Farmer-Gonzalez, IIDA, AAIA
Principal / Managing Director / Gensler Miami
E - 9
Page 313 of 320
Principal, Director of Health Miami
FLOOR, CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | +1 305 476 1102 (main) +1 305 476 0073 (fax) |
HKS Architects
2020 Salzedo Street, 4
33134 Coral Gables, FL
Florida License # F000119
May 8
, 2020
Dean Brian Schriner
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Florida International University
Re: Support for new Doctor of Design degree
Dear Dean Brian Schriner,
I am writing to present my strong support for the Doctor of Design degree envisioned by your
Department of Architecture, part of the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts at the
Florida International University. Such highly commended degree is increasingly valued amongst our
professional community and aligns with HKSs vision for the future of the architecture and design
HKS has long integrated research and practice, either through our 501c3 entity CADRE, the Center
for Advanced Research and Evaluation, or in our HKS Research studio practice, where Doctor of
Design credential is a requirement for many leadership and practicing positions, with subsequent
compensation premium proportional to the esteemed title.
Finally, as the degree becomes a reality, HKS would be interested in collaborating with its faculty and
leadership to further improve its integration with the professional practice.
Arthur Brito, Arq., Intl. Assoc. AIA, CAU, EDAC, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP, DGNB Auditor
Director of Health Miami, Principal
2020 Salzedo St, 4th Floor, Coral Gables, FL 33134
+1 305 967 6028 | m +1 786 747 5711 |
E - 10
Page 314 of 320
Dean Brian Schriner
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts
Florida International University
Re: Support For New Doctor Of Design Degree
Dean Schriner,
I am encouraged to hear about the new Doctor of Design Degree proposed by the Department of
Architecture in the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts at FIU. This letter is to lend
my support for post-professional degrees such as this doctorate. Our profession will benefit from
this level of academic rigor and thinking.
The Doctor of Design is a desirable credential for our firm’s leadership positions and research
initiatives. MCHarry Associates would consider hiring graduates of this program and offer
compensation commensurate with their level of education and experience.
Most of our staff are talented graduates from FIU and we will continue to work with you to contribute
to the advancement of this new program.
Yours Sincerely
MCHarry Associates, Inc
Craig Aquart, AIA, NOMA, RID, CSI
2780 S.W. DOUGLAS ROAD, SUITE 302, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133. VOICE 305.445.3765. FAX. 305.446.9805. AAC000986 ARCHITECTURE . PLANNING . INTERIORS
E - 11
Page 315 of 320
May 11, 2020
Re: Support for new Doctor of Design degree
Dear Dean Brian Schriner,
I am writing to offer my support for the new Doctor of Design degree proposed by the Department of
Architecture in the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts at FIU. Post professional degrees
such as this doctorate are increasingly desirable in our profession. I find it challenging to hire
accomplished talent in South Florida and those with this degree are what we are looking for and will add
to the significant roster of FIU grads currently in the Perkins and Will, Miami Studio.
The Doctor of Design is a desirable credential for our firm’s leadership positions and research initiatives.
Those who possess it would be hired with compensation commensurate with their educational and
experience background.
I will add that when this degree is offered, our firm would be very interested in working with you to enhance
your educational offerings.
With very best wishes,
Lawrence S. Kline
Principal, Managing Director
cc: Pat Bosch, Perkins and Will
E - 12
Page 316 of 320
Kenneth G. Furton
Provost and Executive Vice President
Modesto A. Maidique Campus, PC 526, 11200 SW 8 Street, Miami, FL 33199
Tel 305-348-2151
Fax 305-348-2994
February 25, 2020
Christy England
Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
Academic and Student Affairs
State University System of Florida International University
Board of Governors
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Dear Dr. England:
At its September 18, 2019 meeting, the FIU Board of Trustees approved the
proposal for a new Doctor of Design (CIP 4.0902). The electronic version of the
proposal is attached, along with the required signatures.
We look forward to working with you and your staff in presenting this degree
proposal to the Board of Governors at their June 2020 meeting.
Please do not hesitate to contact me as you ready the degree for approval.
Kenneth G. Furton
Provost and Executive Vice President
c: Dr. Traki Taylor
Dr. Elizabeth Bejar
Dr. Susan Himburg
Page 317 of 320
Kenneth G. Furton
Provost and Executive Vice President
Modesto A. Maidique Campus, PC 526, 11200 SW 8 Street, Miami, FL 33199
Tel 305-348-2151
Fax 305-348-2994
May 12, 2020
Christy England
Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
Academic and Student Affairs
State University System of Florida
Board of Governors
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Dear Dr. England:
Attached please find the requested responses, the new degree proposal in Word
with track changed revisions, a final PDF version of the revised proposal, and a
revised Appendix E - Support Letters regarding the Doctor of Design.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide further clarification to this proposed
degree. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
Kenneth G. Furton
Provost and Executive Vice President
c: Dr. Traki Taylor
Page 318 of 320
FIU Response to the Initial Review of the Doctor of Design
Substantive Issues:
Pursuant to Section II.A. of the proposal, please provide information regarding
community support and local workforce demand for the program. Additionally,
please provide evidence that this program would result in a salary increase for
graduates currently employed in the field of architecture.
FIU revised Section II.A. using track changes reflecting added information. While
a doctoral degree does not generally focus on local demand, given the degree is
a professional doctorate, local architectural firms responded to our request for
letters of support (Appendix E). In addition, data from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics was updated to 2018-28 and a reference regarding the salary
enhancement of a doctoral degree is now included in this section. Our local
architectural support letters also reflect that salaries in higher-level positions
utilizing the skills of a professional doctorate would reflect this higher
Please provide a detailed breakdown of the tuition per credit hour, all required
fees, and the total cost of the program to the student pursuant to Section III. B. of
the proposal.
Please see revised Section III.B. for tuition and fee information.
Please explain the source of the Philanthropy and Endowment funds reflected in
years 1 and 5 in Table 2-Appendix A, as well as the source of the Contracts and
Grants funding listed in year 5 in Table 2-Appendix A. The funds were not
explained in Section III. A. of the proposal as required.
Please see revised Section III.A. for Dea Ba Sche commitment for the
College of Communication, Architecture + the Arts Foundation funds which will
be earmarked for this program. In addition, a cross reference to Section III.E.
was added to refer the reader to the types of current NSF funding currently
awarded to FIU in which CARTA/Architecture faculty participate. Upon approval
of the new degree, future grant applications will include assistantships for these
doctoral students (Appendix A Table 2 Budget -Year 5).
Pursuant to Section VIII.C. of the proposal, please provide all of the curriculum
information required, or provide a reference to where this information is provided
in the proposal.
Please see revised Section VIII.C. for complete curriculum details.
Technical Issues:
Page 319 of 320
Please include the total required number of credit hours, and examples of
possible employment or educational opportunities available to program
graduates in Section I.A. of the proposal.
Please see revised Section I.A. for further examples of possible employment for
Please include the course numbers for courses listed in the program of study in
Section VIII.D. of the proposal.
Please see revised Section VIII.D. for the addition of course numbers from the
course description section.
Page 320 of 320